note description: "Eiffel standard test cases" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2002-2021, Eric Bezault and others" license: "MIT License" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EIFFEL_TEST_CASE inherit TS_TEST_CASE redefine make_default, set_up end KL_SHARED_FILE_SYSTEM export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT export {NONE} all end create make, make_default feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_program_dirname, a_test_dirname: STRING) -- Create a new test case with program `a_program_dirname' -- to be compiled and run in `a_test_dirname'. require a_program_dirname_not_void: a_program_dirname /= Void a_program_dirname_not_empty: not a_program_dirname.is_empty a_test_dirname_not_void: a_test_dirname /= Void a_test_dirname_not_empty: not a_test_dirname.is_empty do make_default program_dirname := a_program_dirname testrun_dirname := a_test_dirname ensure program_dirname_set: program_dirname = a_program_dirname testrun_dirname_set: testrun_dirname = a_test_dirname end make_default -- do program_dirname := default_testrun_dirname testrun_dirname := default_testrun_dirname precursor end feature -- Test compile_and_test (a_tested_eiffel_tool: STRING) -- Compile and test with `a_tested_eiffel_tool'. require a_tested_eiffel_tool_not_void: a_tested_eiffel_tool /= Void do if a_tested_eiffel_tool.same_string ("ise") then compile_and_test_ise elseif a_tested_eiffel_tool.same_string ("ise_debug") then variables.set_value ("debug", "true") compile_and_test_ise elseif a_tested_eiffel_tool.same_string ("ise_dotnet") then variables.set_value ("GOBO_DOTNET", "true") compile_and_test_ise elseif a_tested_eiffel_tool.same_string ("ise_dotnet_debug") then variables.set_value ("GOBO_DOTNET", "true") variables.set_value ("debug", "true") compile_and_test_ise elseif a_tested_eiffel_tool.same_string ("ge") then compile_and_test_gec elseif a_tested_eiffel_tool.same_string ("ge_debug") then variables.set_value ("debug", "true") compile_and_test_gec elseif a_tested_eiffel_tool.same_string ("ge_lint") then compile_and_test_gelint elseif a_tested_eiffel_tool.same_string ("gec") then compile_and_test_gec elseif a_tested_eiffel_tool.same_string ("gelint") then compile_and_test_gelint else assert ("unknown eiffel tool: " + a_tested_eiffel_tool, False) end end feature -- Test Gobo Eiffel Compiler compile_and_test_gec -- Compile and test with gec. local a_debug: STRING a_geant_filename: STRING l_directory: KL_DIRECTORY l_executable: STRING do if variables.has ("debug") then a_debug := "debug_" else a_debug := "" end if variables.has ("executable") then l_executable := " -D%"GEC_EXECUTABLE=" + variables.value ("executable") + "%"" else l_executable := "" end a_geant_filename := geant_filename -- Compile program. execute_shell ("geant -b %"" + a_geant_filename + "%"" + l_executable + " -Dgelint_option=true compile_" + a_debug + "ge" + output1_log) concat_output1 (agent filter_output_gec) -- Execute program. if file_system.file_exists (file_system.pathname (testrun_dirname, program_exe)) then execute_shell (program_exe + output2_log) concat_output2 end -- Clean. execute_shell ("geant -b %"" + a_geant_filename + "%" clobber" + output3_log) concat_output3 -- Test. create l_directory.make (program_dirname) if l_directory.there_exists (agent output_recognized (?, l_directory, passed_filename_regexp ("gec?"), output_log_filename)) then assert ("test_passed", True) elseif l_directory.there_exists (agent output_recognized (?, l_directory, failed_filename_regexp ("gec?"), output_log_filename)) then assert ("test_failed", False) else assert_known_test_result ("unknown_test_result", False, output_log_filename) end end feature {NONE} -- Test Gobo Eiffel Compiler filter_output_gec (an_input_filename, an_output_filename: STRING) -- Filter text from file `an_input_filename' and append it to the end of file `an_output_filename'. require an_input_filename_not_void: an_input_filename /= Void an_output_filename_not_void: an_output_filename /= Void local out_file: KL_TEXT_OUTPUT_FILE in_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE a_line: STRING a_pattern1, a_pattern2, a_pattern3, a_pattern4: STRING a_regexp1, a_regexp2, a_regexp3, a_regexp4: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION l_empty_line: BOOLEAN l_first_line: BOOLEAN do -- Compile regexps. a_pattern1 := "BUILD FAILED!" create a_regexp1.make a_regexp1.compile (a_pattern1) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern1 + "'", a_regexp1.is_compiled) a_regexp1.optimize a_pattern2 := "aa[0-9]+\.c" create a_regexp2.make a_regexp2.compile (a_pattern2) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern2 + "'", a_regexp2.is_compiled) a_regexp2.optimize a_pattern3 := "(Degree -?[0-9]+|Total Time): [ 0-9:./]*" create a_regexp3.make a_regexp3.compile (a_pattern3) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern3 + "'", a_regexp3.is_compiled) a_regexp3.optimize a_pattern4 := "(line [0-9]+ column [0-9]+ in )([^\\/]*[\\/])*([a-z][a-z0-9_]*\.e)" create a_regexp4.make a_regexp4.compile (a_pattern4) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern4 + "'", a_regexp4.is_compiled) a_regexp4.optimize -- Copy files. create out_file.make (an_output_filename) out_file.open_append if out_file.is_open_write then create in_file.make (an_input_filename) in_file.open_read if in_file.is_open_read then from in_file.read_line l_first_line := True until in_file.end_of_file loop a_line := in_file.last_string if l_first_line and then a_line.starts_with ({UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom) then a_line := a_line.tail (a_line.count - {UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom.count) end if a_line.is_empty then l_empty_line := True elseif a_regexp1.recognizes (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False elseif a_regexp2.recognizes (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False elseif a_regexp3.recognizes (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False else if l_empty_line then out_file.put_new_line l_empty_line := False end if a_regexp4.recognizes (a_line) then out_file.put_line (a_regexp4.captured_substring (1) + a_regexp4.captured_substring (3)) else out_file.put_line (a_line) end end a_regexp1.wipe_out a_regexp2.wipe_out a_regexp3.wipe_out a_regexp4.wipe_out in_file.read_line l_first_line := False end in_file.close if l_empty_line then out_file.put_new_line l_empty_line := False end else assert ("cannot open file '" + an_input_filename + "'", False) end out_file.close else assert ("cannot open file '" + an_output_filename + "'", False) end end feature -- Test gelint compile_and_test_gelint -- Compile and test with gelint. local a_debug: STRING l_directory: KL_DIRECTORY l_executable: STRING do if variables.has ("debug") then a_debug := "debug_" else a_debug := "" end if variables.has ("executable") then l_executable := variables.value ("executable") else l_executable := "gelint" end execute_shell (l_executable + " --variable=GOBO_EIFFEL=ge --flat %"" + ecf_filename + "%"" + output1_log) concat_output1 (agent filter_output_gelint) -- Test. create l_directory.make (program_dirname) if l_directory.there_exists (agent output_recognized (?, l_directory, passed_filename_regexp ("(gelint|gec?)"), output_log_filename)) then assert ("test_passed", True) elseif l_directory.there_exists (agent output_recognized (?, l_directory, failed_filename_regexp ("(gelint|gec?)"), output_log_filename)) then assert ("test_failed", False) else assert_known_test_result ("unknown_test_result", False, output_log_filename) end end feature {NONE} -- Test gelint filter_output_gelint (an_input_filename, an_output_filename: STRING) -- Filter text from file `an_input_filename' and append it to the end of file `an_output_filename'. require an_input_filename_not_void: an_input_filename /= Void an_output_filename_not_void: an_output_filename /= Void local out_file: KL_TEXT_OUTPUT_FILE in_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE a_line: STRING a_pattern1, a_pattern2, a_pattern3: STRING a_regexp1, a_regexp2, a_regexp3: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION l_empty_line: BOOLEAN l_first_line: BOOLEAN do -- Compile regexps. a_pattern1 := "BUILD FAILED!" create a_regexp1.make a_regexp1.compile (a_pattern1) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern1 + "'", a_regexp1.is_compiled) a_regexp1.optimize a_pattern2 := "(Degree -?[0-9]+|Total Time): [ 0-9:./]*" create a_regexp2.make a_regexp2.compile (a_pattern2) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern2 + "'", a_regexp2.is_compiled) a_regexp2.optimize a_pattern3 := "(line [0-9]+ column [0-9]+ in )([^\\/]*[\\/])*([a-z][a-z0-9_]*\.e)" create a_regexp3.make a_regexp3.compile (a_pattern3) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern3 + "'", a_regexp3.is_compiled) a_regexp3.optimize -- Copy files. create out_file.make (an_output_filename) out_file.open_append if out_file.is_open_write then create in_file.make (an_input_filename) in_file.open_read if in_file.is_open_read then from in_file.read_line l_first_line := True until in_file.end_of_file loop a_line := in_file.last_string if l_first_line and then a_line.starts_with ({UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom) then a_line := a_line.tail (a_line.count - {UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom.count) end if a_line.is_empty then l_empty_line := True elseif a_regexp1.recognizes (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False elseif a_regexp2.recognizes (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False else if l_empty_line then out_file.put_new_line l_empty_line := False end if a_regexp3.recognizes (a_line) then out_file.put_line (a_regexp3.captured_substring (1) + a_regexp3.captured_substring (3)) else out_file.put_line (a_line) end end a_regexp1.wipe_out a_regexp2.wipe_out a_regexp3.wipe_out in_file.read_line l_first_line := False end in_file.close if l_empty_line then out_file.put_new_line l_empty_line := False end else assert ("cannot open file '" + an_input_filename + "'", False) end out_file.close else assert ("cannot open file '" + an_output_filename + "'", False) end end feature -- Test ISE Eiffel compile_and_test_ise -- Compile and test with ISE Eiffel. local a_debug: STRING l_dotnet: STRING a_geant_filename: STRING l_directory: KL_DIRECTORY l_executable: STRING do if variables.has ("debug") then a_debug := "debug_" else a_debug := "" end if variables.has ("executable") then l_executable := " -D%"EC_EXECUTABLE=" + variables.value ("executable") + "%"" else -- Use 'ecb' by default to run the validation suite. -- It runs faster. The generated EIFGEN is not compatible with 'ec', -- but this is not a problem here since we remove the EIFGEN at the -- end of this test. l_executable := " -DEC_EXECUTABLE=ecb" end if variables.has ("GOBO_DOTNET") or attached Execution_environment.variable_value ("GOBO_DOTNET") as l_variable and then not l_variable.is_empty then l_dotnet := " -DGOBO_DOTNET=true" else l_dotnet := "" end a_geant_filename := geant_filename -- Compile program. execute_shell ("geant -b %"" + a_geant_filename + "%"" + l_executable + l_dotnet + " compile_" + a_debug + "ise" + output1_log) concat_output1 (agent filter_output_ise) -- Execute program. if file_system.file_exists (file_system.pathname (testrun_dirname, program_exe)) then execute_shell (program_exe + output2_log) concat_output2 end -- Clean. execute_shell ("geant -b %"" + a_geant_filename + "%" clobber" + output3_log) concat_output3 -- Test. create l_directory.make (program_dirname) if l_directory.there_exists (agent output_recognized (?, l_directory, passed_filename_regexp ("ise"), output_log_filename)) then assert ("test_passed", True) elseif l_directory.there_exists (agent output_recognized (?, l_directory, failed_filename_regexp ("ise"), output_log_filename)) then assert ("test_failed", False) else assert_known_test_result ("unknown_test_result", False, output_log_filename) end end feature {NONE} -- Test ISE Eiffel filter_output_ise (an_input_filename, an_output_filename: STRING) -- Filter text from file `an_input_filename' and append it to the end of file `an_output_filename'. require an_input_filename_not_void: an_input_filename /= Void an_output_filename_not_void: an_output_filename /= Void local out_file: KL_TEXT_OUTPUT_FILE in_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE a_line: STRING a_pattern1, a_pattern2, a_pattern3, a_pattern4, a_pattern5, a_pattern6, a_pattern7, a_pattern8, a_pattern9, a_pattern10: STRING a_regexp1, a_regexp2, a_regexp3, a_regexp4, a_regexp5, a_regexp6, a_regexp7, a_regexp8, a_regexp9, a_regexp10: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION l_empty_line: BOOLEAN l_first_line: BOOLEAN do -- Compile regexps. a_pattern1 := "BUILD FAILED!" create a_regexp1.make a_regexp1.compile (a_pattern1) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern1 + "'", a_regexp1.is_compiled) a_regexp1.optimize a_pattern2 := "(\[ *[0-9]+%% - *[0-9]+\] (Degree -?[0-9]+|Generating Auxiliary Files))|(Features done: [0-9]+\sFeatures to go: [0-9]+)|(Degree 6: Examining System)|(Degree 5: Parsing Classes)|(Degree 4: Analyzing Inheritance)|(Degree 3: Checking Types)|(Degree 2: Generating Byte Code)|(Degree -1: Generating Code)|(Degree -2: Constructing Polymorphic Table)|(Degree -3: Generating Optimized Code)" create a_regexp2.make a_regexp2.compile (a_pattern2) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern2 + "'", a_regexp2.is_compiled) a_regexp2.optimize a_pattern3 := "(Eiffel Compilation Manager)|(Freezing System Changes)|(System Recompiled\.)|(C compilation completed)|(Preparing C compilation.*\.\.\.)|(Removing Dead Code)|(Removing Unused Code)|(\s*\(version .*\))|(Version .*)|(\s*1 file\(s\) copied\.)" create a_regexp3.make a_regexp3.compile (a_pattern3) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern3 + "'", a_regexp3.is_compiled) a_regexp3.optimize a_pattern4 := "[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\.c" create a_regexp4.make a_regexp4.compile (a_pattern4) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern4 + "'", a_regexp4.is_compiled) a_regexp4.optimize a_pattern5 := "Batch/Stop mode: saving new configuration format as" create a_regexp5.make a_regexp5.compile (a_pattern5) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern5 + "'", a_regexp5.is_compiled) a_regexp5.optimize a_pattern6 := "(Eiffel C/C\+\+ Compilation Tool - Version:)|(Copyright Eiffel Software)|(Microsoft \(R\) Incremental Linker Version)|(Microsoft \(R\) Windows \(R\) Resource Compiler Version)|(Copyright \(C\) Microsoft Corporation)|(You must now run \%"finish_freezing(\.exe)?\%" in:)|(EIFGENs[\\/]aa[\\/][WF]_code)" create a_regexp6.make a_regexp6.compile (a_pattern6) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern6 + "'", a_regexp6.is_compiled) a_regexp6.optimize a_pattern7 := "(-STACK:5000000)|(-NODEFAULTLIB:libc)|(-SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)|(-OUT:aa\.exe)|(e1\\emain\.obj)|(E1\\estructure\.h)|(wkbench\.lib)|(finalized\.lib)|(USER32\.lib)|(WSOCK32\.lib)|(WSOCK32\.dll)|(ADVAPI32\.lib)|(GDI32\.lib)|(SHELL32\.lib)|(MSIMG32\.lib)|(COMDLG32\.lib)|(UUID\.lib)|(OLE32\.lib)|(OLEAUT32\.lib)|(COMCTL32\.lib)|(MPR\.LIB)|(aa\.res)|(E[0-9]+\\[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.obj)|(E[0-9]+\\[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.lib)|(C[0-9]+\\Cobj[0-9]+\.lib)" create a_regexp7.make a_regexp7.compile (a_pattern7) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern7 + "'", a_regexp7.is_compiled) a_regexp7.optimize a_pattern8 := "WARNING: Option '[^']+' was found in neither CONFIG\.EIF nor registry\." create a_regexp8.make a_regexp8.compile (a_pattern8) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern8 + "'", a_regexp8.is_compiled) a_regexp8.optimize a_pattern9 := "<[0-9A-F]{16}>(.*)" create a_regexp9.make a_regexp9.compile (a_pattern9) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern9 + "'", a_regexp9.is_compiled) a_regexp9.optimize a_pattern10 := "(.*([^-]|[^-]-)) @[0-9]+ *" create a_regexp10.make a_regexp10.compile (a_pattern10) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern10 + "'", a_regexp10.is_compiled) a_regexp10.optimize -- Copy files. create out_file.make (an_output_filename) out_file.open_append if out_file.is_open_write then create in_file.make (an_input_filename) in_file.open_read if in_file.is_open_read then from in_file.read_line l_first_line := True until in_file.end_of_file loop a_line := in_file.last_string if l_first_line and then a_line.starts_with ({UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom) then a_line := a_line.tail (a_line.count - {UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom.count) end if a_line.is_empty then l_empty_line := True elseif a_regexp1.recognizes (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False elseif a_regexp2.matches (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False elseif a_regexp3.recognizes (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False elseif a_regexp4.recognizes (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False elseif a_regexp5.matches (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False elseif a_regexp6.matches (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False elseif a_regexp7.matches (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False elseif a_regexp8.matches (a_line) then -- Skip this line and the previous empty line. l_empty_line := False else if l_empty_line then out_file.put_new_line l_empty_line := False end if a_regexp9.recognizes (a_line) then -- These are object addresses in exception traces. out_file.put_string ("") out_file.put_line (a_regexp9.captured_substring (1)) elseif a_regexp10.recognizes (a_line) then -- These are breakpoint positions in exception traces. out_file.put_string (a_regexp10.captured_substring (1)) out_file.put_line (" @N") else out_file.put_line (a_line) end end a_regexp1.wipe_out a_regexp2.wipe_out a_regexp3.wipe_out a_regexp4.wipe_out a_regexp5.wipe_out a_regexp6.wipe_out a_regexp7.wipe_out a_regexp8.wipe_out a_regexp9.wipe_out a_regexp10.wipe_out in_file.read_line l_first_line := False end in_file.close if l_empty_line then out_file.put_new_line l_empty_line := False end else assert ("cannot open file '" + an_input_filename + "'", False) end out_file.close else assert ("cannot open file '" + an_output_filename + "'", False) end end concat_output1_ise -- Concat the logs of the compilation to 'output.log'. local out_file: KL_TEXT_OUTPUT_FILE in_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE in_filename: STRING a_line: STRING a_pattern1, a_pattern2, a_pattern3: STRING a_regexp1, a_regexp2, a_regexp3: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION done: BOOLEAN has_empty_line: BOOLEAN l_first_line: BOOLEAN do -- Compile regexps. a_pattern1 := "BUILD FAILED!" create a_regexp1.make a_regexp1.compile (a_pattern1) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern1 + "'", a_regexp1.is_compiled) a_regexp1.optimize a_pattern2 := "\(version .*\)" create a_regexp2.make a_regexp2.compile (a_pattern2) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern2 + "'", a_regexp2.is_compiled) a_regexp2.optimize a_pattern3 := "\[ *[0-9]+%% - *[0-9]+\] Degree [0-9]+" create a_regexp3.make a_regexp3.compile (a_pattern3) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern3 + "'", a_regexp3.is_compiled) a_regexp3.optimize -- Copy files. create out_file.make (output_log_filename) out_file.open_write if out_file.is_open_write then from in_filename := output1_log_filename until in_filename = Void loop create in_file.make (in_filename) in_file.open_read if in_file.is_open_read then from done := False in_file.read_line l_first_line := True until done or in_file.end_of_file loop a_line := in_file.last_string if l_first_line and then a_line.starts_with ({UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom) then a_line := a_line.tail (a_line.count - {UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom.count) end if a_regexp1.recognizes (a_line) then done := True elseif a_regexp2.matches (a_line) then -- Skip it. in_file.read_line elseif a_regexp3.matches (a_line) then -- Skip it. in_file.read_line elseif a_line.count = 0 then has_empty_line := True in_file.read_line else if has_empty_line then out_file.put_new_line has_empty_line := False end out_file.put_line (a_line) in_file.read_line end l_first_line := False end if has_empty_line then if not done then out_file.put_new_line end has_empty_line := False end in_file.close else out_file.close assert ("cannot open file '" + in_filename + "'", False) end if in_filename = output1_log_filename then in_filename := error1_log_filename else in_filename := Void end end out_file.close else assert ("cannot open file '" + output_log_filename + "'", False) end end feature -- Execution set_up -- Setup for a test. local a_testdir: STRING do if attached set_up_mutex as l_mutex then l_mutex.lock end a_testdir := testrun_dirname file_system.recursive_create_directory (a_testdir) assert (a_testdir + "_exists", file_system.directory_exists (a_testdir)) if attached set_up_mutex as l_mutex then l_mutex.unlock end end feature -- Multi-threading set_up_mutex: detachable MUTEX -- Mutex to create directories in `set_up' set_set_up_mutex (a_mutex: like set_up_mutex) -- Set `set_up_mutex' to `a_mutex'. do set_up_mutex := a_mutex ensure set_up_mutex_set: set_up_mutex = a_mutex end feature {NONE} -- Directory and file names program_name: STRING -- Program name once Result := "aa" ensure program_name_not_void: Result /= Void program_name_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end program_dirname: STRING -- Name of program source directory program_exe: STRING -- Name of program executable file do Result := file_system.pathname (file_system.relative_current_directory, program_name + file_system.exe_extension) ensure program_exe_not_void: Result /= Void program_exe_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end geant_filename: STRING -- Name of geant build file used for compilation do Result := file_system.pathname (program_dirname, "build.eant") ensure geant_filename_not_void: Result /= Void geant_filename_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end ecf_filename: STRING -- Name of ECF file used for compilation do Result := file_system.pathname (program_dirname, "system.ecf") ensure ecf_filename_not_void: Result /= Void ecf_filename_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end testrun_dirname: STRING -- Name of temporary directory where to run the test feature {NONE} -- Assertions assert_known_test_result (a_tag: STRING; a_is_known: BOOLEAN; a_output_filename: STRING) -- Assert that the test result is known. -- `a_is_known' is True when the test result is known. -- `a_output_filename' is the name of the file containing the output of the test. require a_tag_not_void: a_tag /= Void a_output_filename_not_void: a_output_filename /= Void local l_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE l_output: STRING do assertions.add_assertion if not a_is_known then create l_output.make (512) l_output.append_string (a_tag) l_output.append_string ("%Ntest output:%N----%N") create l_file.make (a_output_filename) l_file.open_read if l_file.is_open_read then from l_file.read_line until l_file.end_of_file loop l_output.append_string (l_file.last_string) l_output.append_character ('%N') l_file.read_line end l_file.close else l_output.append_string ("Cannot read test output file '") l_output.append_string (a_output_filename) l_output.append_string ("%'%N") end l_output.append_string ("----") logger.report_failure (a_tag, l_output) assertions.report_error (l_output) else logger.report_success (a_tag) end end feature {NONE} -- Output logs output_log_filename: STRING -- Test output log filename do Result := file_system.pathname (testrun_dirname, "output.log") ensure output_log_filename_not_void: Result /= Void output_log_filename_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end output1_log_basename: STRING = "output1.log" -- Compilation output log basename output1_log_filename: STRING -- Compilation output log filename do Result := file_system.pathname (testrun_dirname, output1_log_basename) ensure output1_log_filename_not_void: Result /= Void output1_log_filename_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end error1_log_basename: STRING = "error1.log" -- Compilation error log basename error1_log_filename: STRING -- Compilation error log filename do Result := file_system.pathname (testrun_dirname, error1_log_basename) ensure error1_log_filename_not_void: Result /= Void error1_log_filename_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end output1_log: STRING -- Where and how to redirect compilation output logs once Result := " > " + output1_log_basename + " 2> " + error1_log_basename ensure output1_log_not_void: Result /= Void output1_log_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end output2_log_basename: STRING = "output2.log" -- Execution output log basename output2_log_filename: STRING -- Execution output log filename do Result := file_system.pathname (testrun_dirname, output2_log_basename) ensure output2_log_filename_not_void: Result /= Void output2_log_filename_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end error2_log_basename: STRING = "error2.log" -- Execution error log basename error2_log_filename: STRING -- Execution error log filename do Result := file_system.pathname (testrun_dirname, error2_log_basename) ensure error2_log_filename_not_void: Result /= Void error2_log_filename_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end output2_log: STRING -- Where and how to redirect execution output logs once Result := " > " + output2_log_basename + " 2> " + error2_log_basename ensure output2_log_not_void: Result /= Void output2_log_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end output3_log_basename: STRING = "output3.log" -- Cleaning output log basename output3_log_filename: STRING -- Cleaning output log filename do Result := file_system.pathname (testrun_dirname, output3_log_basename) ensure output3_log_filename_not_void: Result /= Void output3_log_filename_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end error3_log_basename: STRING = "error3.log" -- Cleaning error log basename error3_log_filename: STRING -- Cleaning error log filename do Result := file_system.pathname (testrun_dirname, error3_log_basename) ensure error3_log_filename_not_void: Result /= Void error3_log_filename_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end output3_log: STRING -- Where and how to redirect cleaning output logs once Result := " > " + output3_log_basename + " 2> " + error3_log_basename ensure output3_log_not_void: Result /= Void output3_log_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end concat_output1 (a_filter: PROCEDURE [TUPLE [STRING, STRING]]) -- Concat the logs of the compilation to 'output.log'. require a_filter_not_void: a_filter /= Void do file_system.delete_file (output_log_filename) ([output1_log_filename, output_log_filename]) ([error1_log_filename, output_log_filename]) end concat_output2 -- Concat the logs of the execution to 'output.log'. local out_file: KL_TEXT_OUTPUT_FILE in_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE a_line: STRING a_pattern1, a_pattern2: STRING a_regexp1, a_regexp2: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION l_input_filename: STRING l_output2_log_filename: STRING l_first_line: BOOLEAN do -- Compile regexps. a_pattern1 := "<[0-9A-F]{16}>(.*)" create a_regexp1.make a_regexp1.compile (a_pattern1) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern1 + "'", a_regexp1.is_compiled) a_regexp1.optimize a_pattern2 := "(.*([^-]|[^-]-)) @[0-9]+ *" create a_regexp2.make a_regexp2.compile (a_pattern2) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + a_pattern2 + "'", a_regexp2.is_compiled) a_regexp2.optimize -- Copy files. create out_file.make (output_log_filename) out_file.open_append if out_file.is_open_write then from l_output2_log_filename := output2_log_filename l_input_filename := l_output2_log_filename until l_input_filename = Void loop create in_file.make (l_input_filename) in_file.open_read if in_file.is_open_read then from in_file.read_line l_first_line := True until in_file.end_of_file loop a_line := in_file.last_string if l_first_line and then a_line.starts_with ({UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom) then a_line := a_line.tail (a_line.count - {UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom.count) end if a_regexp1.recognizes (a_line) then -- These are object addresses in exception traces. out_file.put_string ("") out_file.put_line (a_regexp1.captured_substring (1)) elseif a_regexp2.recognizes (a_line) then -- These are breakpoint positions in exception traces. out_file.put_string (a_regexp2.captured_substring (1)) out_file.put_line (" @N") else out_file.put_line (a_line) end a_regexp1.wipe_out a_regexp2.wipe_out in_file.read_line l_first_line := False end in_file.close else assert ("cannot open file '" + l_input_filename + "'", False) end if l_input_filename = l_output2_log_filename then l_input_filename := error2_log_filename else l_input_filename := Void end end out_file.close else assert ("cannot open file '" + output_log_filename + "'", False) end end concat_output3 -- Concat the logs of the cleaning to 'output.log'. local out_file: KL_TEXT_OUTPUT_FILE in_file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE a_line: STRING l_input_filename: STRING l_output3_log_filename: STRING l_first_line: BOOLEAN do -- Copy files. create out_file.make (output_log_filename) out_file.open_append if out_file.is_open_write then from l_output3_log_filename := output3_log_filename l_input_filename := l_output3_log_filename until l_input_filename = Void loop create in_file.make (l_input_filename) in_file.open_read if in_file.is_open_read then from in_file.read_line l_first_line := True until in_file.end_of_file loop a_line := in_file.last_string if l_first_line and then a_line.starts_with ({UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom) then a_line := a_line.tail (a_line.count - {UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom.count) end out_file.put_line (a_line) in_file.read_line l_first_line := False end in_file.close else assert ("cannot open file '" + l_input_filename + "'", False) end if l_input_filename = l_output3_log_filename then l_input_filename := error3_log_filename else l_input_filename := Void end end out_file.close else assert ("cannot open file '" + output_log_filename + "'", False) end end output_recognized (a_filename1: STRING; a_directory1: KL_DIRECTORY; a_regexp1: RX_REGULAR_EXPRESSION; a_filename2: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_filename1' of the form expected by `a_regexp1' in `a_directory1', -- and then is there no difference between the contents of files named -- `a_filename1' and `a_filename2' (after the environment variables in -- file `a_filename1' have been expanded)? require a_filename1_not_void: a_filename1 /= Void a_filename1_not_empty: a_filename1.count > 0 a_directory1_not_void: a_directory1 /= Void a_regexp1_not_void: a_regexp1 /= Void a_regexp1_compied: a_regexp1.is_compiled a_filename2_not_void: a_filename2 /= Void a_filename2_not_empty: a_filename2.count > 0 local l_full_filename1: STRING l_file1, l_file2: KI_TEXT_INPUT_FILE done: BOOLEAN l_pattern2: STRING l_regexp2: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION l_first_line: BOOLEAN do if a_regexp1.recognizes (a_filename1) then -- Compile regexp. l_pattern2 := "^Parse error in " create l_regexp2.make l_regexp2.compile (l_pattern2) assert ("cannot compile regexp '" + l_pattern2 + "'", l_regexp2.is_compiled) l_regexp2.optimize l_full_filename1 := file_system.pathname (, a_filename1) l_file1 := file_system.new_input_file (l_full_filename1) l_file1.open_read if l_file1.is_open_read then l_file2 := file_system.new_input_file (a_filename2) l_file2.open_read if l_file2.is_open_read then Result := True from l_first_line := True until done loop l_file1.read_line l_file2.read_line if l_file1.end_of_file then if not l_file2.end_of_file then Result := False end l_file1.close l_file2.close done := True elseif l_file2.end_of_file then Result := False l_file1.close l_file2.close done := True elseif l_file1.last_string.same_string (l_file2.last_string) then -- OK elseif l_first_line and then l_file1.last_string.same_string ({UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom + l_file2.last_string) then -- OK elseif l_first_line and then l_file2.last_string.same_string ({UC_UTF8_ROUTINES}.utf8_bom + l_file1.last_string) then -- OK elseif Execution_environment.interpreted_string (l_file1.last_string).same_string (l_file2.last_string) then -- OK elseif l_regexp2.matches (l_file2.last_string) and then (l_file1.last_string.as_lower.same_string (l_file2.last_string.as_lower) or Execution_environment.interpreted_string (l_file1.last_string).as_lower.same_string (l_file2.last_string.as_lower)) then -- OK else Result := False l_file1.close l_file2.close done := True end l_first_line := False end else l_file1.close Result := False end else Result := False end end end feature {NONE} -- Execution execute_shell (a_shell_command: STRING) -- Execute `a_shell_command'. require a_shell_command_not_void: a_shell_command /= Void a_shell_command_not_empty: a_shell_command.count > 0 local l_command: DP_SHELL_COMMAND l_command_name: STRING do l_command_name := a_shell_command.twin l_command_name.replace_substring_all ("\", "\\") l_command_name.replace_substring_all ("%"", "\%"") l_command_name := "geant -b %"" + execution_buildname + "%" -Dexecutable=%"" + l_command_name + "%" -Ddirectory=%"" + testrun_dirname + "%" execute" create l_command.make (l_command_name) l_command.execute end execution_buildname: STRING -- Name of geant build file used for execution do Result := file_system.nested_pathname (Execution_environment.interpreted_string ("${GOBO}"), <<"library", "common", "config", "execute.eant">>) ensure execution_buildname_not_void: Result /= Void execution_buildname_not_empty: Result.count > 0 end feature {NONE} -- Regular expressions passed_filename_regexp (a_file_extension: STRING): RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- Regular expression corresponding to names of files containing possible passed output logs -- `a_file_extension' is the expected file extension, without the leading dot. require a_file_extension_not_void: a_file_extension /= Void a_file_extension_not_empty: not a_file_extension.is_empty do create Result.make Result.compile (".*passed.*\." + a_file_extension) ensure passed_filename_regexp_not_void: Result /= Void passed_filename_regexp_compiled: Result.is_compiled end failed_filename_regexp (a_file_extension: STRING): RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- Regular expression corresponding to names of files containing possible failed output logs; -- `a_file_extension' is the expected file extension, without the leading dot. require a_file_extension_not_void: a_file_extension /= Void a_file_extension_not_empty: not a_file_extension.is_empty do create Result.make Result.compile (".*failed.*\." + a_file_extension) ensure failed_filename_regexp_not_void: Result /= Void failed_filename_regexp_compiled: Result.is_compiled end feature {NONE} -- Constants default_testrun_dirname: STRING = "test1" -- Default value for `testrun_dirname' invariant program_dirname_not_void: program_dirname /= Void program_dirname_not_empty: not program_dirname.is_empty testrun_dirname_not_void: testrun_dirname /= Void testrun_dirname_not_empty: not testrun_dirname.is_empty end