note description: "Gobo Eiffel Documentation Format: make explicit some implicit conversions" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2020, Eric Bezault and others" license: "MIT License" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GEDOC_EXPLICIT_CONVERTS_FORMAT inherit GEDOC_IMPLICIT_CONVERTS_FORMAT redefine make, set_ast_factory, process_system, process_implicit_converts end create make create {GEDOC_EXPLICIT_CONVERTS_FORMAT} make_from_format feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_input_filename: STRING; a_system_processor: like system_processor) -- do create ast_printer.make_null precursor (a_input_filename, a_system_processor) end feature {NONE} -- Processing set_ast_factory -- Configure the AST factory as needed. local l_ast_factory: ET_DECORATED_AST_FACTORY do create l_ast_factory.make l_ast_factory.set_keep_all_breaks (True) set_explicit_convert_class_names (l_ast_factory) system_processor.set_ast_factory (l_ast_factory) end process_system (a_system: ET_SYSTEM) -- Process `input_classes' from `a_system'. do if system_processor.processor_count > 1 then -- Make sure that output directories exist -- before having several threads trying to create -- them at the same time. create_class_output_directories (input_classes) end precursor (a_system) end feature {GEDOC_EXPLICIT_CONVERTS_FORMAT} -- Processing process_implicit_converts (a_class: ET_CLASS) -- Process implicit conversions in `a_class' if it has not been marked yet. local l_printer: ET_AST_PRINTER l_file: like new_output_file l_filename: STRING i, nb: INTEGER l_expression: ET_EXPLICIT_CONVERT_EXPRESSION l_position: ET_POSITION do if not {PLATFORM}.is_thread_capable or else a_class.processing_mutex.try_lock then if not a_class.is_marked then if a_class.is_none then -- Do nothing. elseif not a_class.is_parsed then -- Do nothing. elseif a_class.has_syntax_error then -- This error should have already been reported. elseif not attached class_output_directory (a_class) as l_directory then report_no_output_directory_for_class_error (a_class) else explicit_convert_expressions.wipe_out explicit_convert_expression_finder.find_explicit_convert_expressions (a_class, explicit_convert_expressions) nb := explicit_convert_expressions.count if nb > 0 then l_filename := filename (l_directory, concat (class_lower_name (a_class), eiffel_file_extension)) if not is_file_overwritable (l_filename) then report_file_already_exists_error (l_filename) else l_file := new_output_file (l_filename) l_file.recursive_open_write if l_file.is_open_write then l_printer := ast_printer l_printer.set_file (l_file) a_class.process (l_printer) l_printer.set_null_file l_file.close from i := 1 until i > nb loop l_expression := explicit_convert_expressions.item (i) l_position := l_expression.position error_handler.report_info_message ("[CONVERT] " + a_class.upper_name + " (" + l_position.line.out + "," + l_position.column.out + "): conversion from '" + l_expression.source_type.to_text + "' to '" + l_expression.target_type.to_text + "' using feature `" + + "`.%N----") i := i + 1 end explicit_convert_expressions.wipe_out else report_cannot_write_error (l_filename) end end end end system_processor.report_class_processed (a_class) a_class.set_marked (True) end a_class.processing_mutex.unlock end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation ast_printer: ET_AST_PRINTER -- Printer for Eiffel code feature {NONE} -- Constants eiffel_file_extension: STRING = ".e" -- Extension for Eiffel files invariant ast_printer_not_void: ast_printer /= Void end