note description: "Summary description for {NUMBER_GCD}." author: "Colin LeMahieu" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" quote: "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. - Thomas Jefferson." deferred class SPECIAL_GCD inherit SPECIAL_LOGIC LIMB_MANIPULATION SPECIAL_ARITHMETIC SPECIAL_DIVISION SPECIAL_UTILITY feature find_a (cp0: NATURAL_32; cp1: NATURAL_32): NATURAL_32 local leading_zero_bits: INTEGER n1_l: NATURAL_32 n1_h: NATURAL_32 n2_l: NATURAL_32 n2_h: NATURAL_32 i: INTEGER tmp: NATURAL_32 do n1_l := cp0 n1_h := cp1 n2_l := 0 - n1_l n2_h := n1_h.bit_not from until n2_h = 0 loop if not n2_h.bit_test (limb_high_bit - leading_zero_bits) then i := leading_zeros (n2_h) i := i - leading_zero_bits leading_zero_bits := leading_zero_bits + i n2_h := (n2_h |<< i).bit_or (n2_l |>> (limb_bits - i)) n2_l := n2_l |<< i from until i = 0 loop if n1_h > n2_h or (n1_h = n2_h and n1_l >= n2_l) then n1_h := n1_h - (n2_h + (n1_l < n2_l).to_integer.to_natural_32) n1_l := n1_l - n2_l end n2_l := (n2_l |>> 1).bit_or (n2_h |<< (limb_bits - 1)) n2_h := n2_h |>> 1 i := i - 1 end end if n1_h > n2_h or (n1_h = n2_h and n1_l >= n2_l) then n1_h := n1_h - (n2_h + (n1_l < n2_l).to_integer.to_natural_32) n1_l := n1_l - n2_l end tmp := n1_h n1_h := n2_h n2_h := tmp tmp := n1_l n1_l := n2_l n2_l := tmp end Result := n2_l end gcd_2 (vp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; vp_offset: INTEGER; up: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; up_offset: INTEGER): INTEGER local u0: NATURAL_32 u1: NATURAL_32 v0: NATURAL_32 v1: NATURAL_32 vsize: INTEGER r: INTEGER do u0 := up [0] u1 := up [1] v0 := vp [0] v1 := vp [1] from until u1 = v1 or u0 = v0 loop if u1 > v1 then u1 := u1 - (v1 + (u0 < v0).to_integer.to_natural_32) u0 := u0 - v0 r := trailing_zeros (u0) u0 := (u1 |<< (limb_bits - r)).bit_or (u0 |>> r) u1 := u1 |>> r else v1 := v1 - (u1 + (v0 < u0).to_integer.to_natural_32) v0 := v0 - u0 r := trailing_zeros (v0) v0 := (v1 |<< (limb_bits - r)).bit_or (v0 |>> r) v1 := v1 |>> r end end vp [vp_offset] := v0 vp [vp_offset + 1] := v1 vsize := 1 + (v1 /= 0).to_integer if u1 = v1 and u0 = v0 then Result := vsize else if u0 = v0 then if v1 > v1 then v0 := u1 - v1 else v0 := v1 - u1 end else if u0 > v0 then v0 := u0 - v0 else v0 := v0 - u0 end end vp [vp_offset] := gcd_1 (vp, vp_offset, vsize, v0) Result := 1 end end gcd (gp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; gp_offset: INTEGER; ap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; ap_offset: INTEGER; ap_count: INTEGER; bp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; bp_offset: INTEGER; n: INTEGER): INTEGER do Result := basic_gcd (gp, gp_offset, ap, ap_offset, ap_count, bp, bp_offset, n) ensure Result > 0 Result <= ap_count Result <= n end gcd_1 (up: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; up_offset: INTEGER; size: INTEGER; vlimb_a: NATURAL_32): NATURAL_32 require size >= 1 vlimb_a /= 0 local remainder: CELL [NATURAL_32] ulimb: NATURAL_32 zero_bits: INTEGER u_low_zero_bits: INTEGER tmp: NATURAL_32 vlimb: NATURAL_32 maybe: BOOLEAN done: BOOLEAN do create remainder.put (0) vlimb := vlimb_a ulimb := up [up_offset] zero_bits := trailing_zeros (vlimb) vlimb := vlimb |>> zero_bits if size > 1 then if ulimb /= 0 then u_low_zero_bits := trailing_zeros (ulimb) zero_bits := zero_bits.min (u_low_zero_bits) end mod_1 (up, up_offset, size, vlimb, remainder) ulimb := remainder.item if ulimb = 0 then done := True else maybe := True end else u_low_zero_bits := trailing_zeros (ulimb) ulimb := ulimb |>> u_low_zero_bits zero_bits := zero_bits.min (u_low_zero_bits) if vlimb > ulimb then tmp := ulimb ulimb := vlimb vlimb := tmp end if (ulimb |>> 16) > vlimb then ulimb := ulimb \\ vlimb if ulimb = 0 then done := True else maybe := True end end end if not done then from until ulimb = vlimb and not maybe loop if ulimb > vlimb or maybe then if not maybe then ulimb := ulimb - vlimb end from if not maybe then ulimb := ulimb |>> 1 end until not maybe and ulimb.bit_test (0) loop if not maybe then ulimb := ulimb |>> 1 else maybe := False end end else vlimb := vlimb - ulimb from vlimb := vlimb |>> 1 until vlimb.bit_test (0) loop vlimb := vlimb |>> 1 end end end end Result := vlimb |<< zero_bits end basic_gcd (gp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; gp_offset: INTEGER; up_a: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; up_offset_a: INTEGER; usize_a: INTEGER; vp_a: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; vp_offset_a: INTEGER; vsize_a: INTEGER): INTEGER require usize_a >= 1 vsize_a >= 1 usize_a >= vsize_a vp_a.valid_index (vp_offset_a) vp_a.valid_index (vp_offset_a + vsize_a - 1) up_a.valid_index (up_offset_a) up_a.valid_index (up_offset_a + usize_a - 1) vp_a [vp_offset_a].bit_test (0) up_a [up_offset_a + usize_a - 1] /= 0 vp_a [vp_offset_a + vsize_a - 1] /= 0 local orig_vp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] orig_vp_offset: INTEGER orig_vsize: INTEGER binary_gcd_ctr: INTEGER scratch: INTEGER tp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] tp_offset: INTEGER vbitsize: INTEGER d: INTEGER orig_up: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] orig_up_offset: INTEGER orig_usize: INTEGER anchor_up: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] anchor_up_offset: INTEGER up: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] up_offset: INTEGER usize: INTEGER i: INTEGER vp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] vp_offset: INTEGER vsize: INTEGER r: INTEGER tmp_special: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] tmp_integer: INTEGER junk: NATURAL_32 bp0: NATURAL_32 bp1: NATURAL_32 cp0: NATURAL_32 cp1: NATURAL_32 u_inv: NATURAL_32 hi: CELL [NATURAL_32] lo: CELL [NATURAL_32] v_inv: NATURAL_32 c: NATURAL_32 b: NATURAL_32 rsize: INTEGER done: BOOLEAN continue: BOOLEAN carry: CELL [NATURAL_32] do create carry.put (0) create hi.put (0) create lo.put (0) up := up_a up_offset := up_offset_a usize := usize_a vp := vp_a vp_offset := vp_offset_a vsize := vsize_a orig_vp := vp orig_vp_offset := vp_offset orig_vsize := vsize if vsize >= 5 then orig_up := up orig_up_offset := up_offset orig_usize := usize create anchor_up.make_filled (0, usize + 2) anchor_up.copy_data (orig_up, orig_up_offset, anchor_up_offset, usize) up := anchor_up d := leading_zeros (up [up_offset + usize - 1]) d := usize * limb_bits - d vbitsize := leading_zeros (vp [vp_offset + vsize - 1]) vbitsize := vsize * limb_bits - vbitsize d := d - vbitsize + 1 up [up_offset + usize] := 0 usize := usize + 1 junk := bdivmod (up, up_offset, up, up_offset, usize, vp, vp_offset, vsize, d) d := d // limb_bits up_offset := up_offset + d usize := usize - d from until usize = 0 or up [up_offset] /= 0 loop up_offset := up_offset + 1 usize := usize - 1 end if usize = 0 then done := True else create vp.make_filled (0, vsize + 2) vp_offset := 0 vp.copy_data (orig_vp, orig_vp_offset, 0, vsize) from until usize = 0 loop if up [up_offset + usize - 1].bit_test (limb_high_bit) then anchor_up [anchor_up_offset] := 0 - up [up_offset] from i := 1 until i >= usize loop anchor_up [anchor_up_offset + i] := up [up_offset + i].bit_not i := i + 1 end up := anchor_up up_offset := anchor_up_offset end usize := normalize (up, up_offset, usize) if not up [up_offset].bit_test (0) then r := trailing_zeros (up [up_offset]) rshift (anchor_up, anchor_up_offset, up, up_offset, usize, r, carry) junk := carry.item usize := usize - (anchor_up [anchor_up_offset + usize - 1] = 0).to_integer else anchor_up.copy_data (up, up_offset, anchor_up_offset, usize) end tmp_special := anchor_up anchor_up := vp vp := tmp_special tmp_integer := anchor_up_offset anchor_up_offset := vp_offset vp_offset := tmp_integer tmp_integer := usize usize := vsize vsize := tmp_integer up := anchor_up up_offset := anchor_up_offset if vsize <= 2 then usize := 0 else d := vbitsize vbitsize := leading_zeros (vp [vp_offset + vsize - 1]) vbitsize := vsize * limb_bits - vbitsize d := d - vbitsize + 1 if d > 16 then up [up_offset + usize] := 0 usize := usize + 1 junk := bdivmod (up, up_offset, up, up_offset, usize, vp, vp_offset, vsize, d) d := d // limb_bits up_offset := up_offset + d usize := usize - d else u_inv := modlimb_invert (up [up_offset]) cp0 := vp [vp_offset] * u_inv umul_ppmm (hi, lo, cp0, up [up_offset]) cp1 := (vp [vp_offset + 1] - hi.item - cp0 * up [up_offset + 1]) * u_inv mul_1 (up, up_offset, up, up_offset, usize, find_a (cp0, cp1), carry) up [up_offset + usize] := carry.item usize := usize + 1 v_inv := modlimb_invert (vp [vp_offset]) bp0 := up [up_offset] * v_inv umul_ppmm (hi, lo, bp0, vp [vp_offset]) bp1 := (up [up_offset + 1] + hi.item + bp0.bit_and (vp [vp_offset + 1])).bit_and (0x1) up [up_offset + usize] := 0 usize := usize + 1 if bp1 /= 0 then addmul_1 (up, up_offset, vp, vp_offset, vsize, 0 - bp0, carry) c := carry.item add_1 (up, up_offset + vsize, up, up_offset + vsize, usize - vsize, c, carry) junk := carry.item else submul_1 (up, up_offset, vp, vp_offset, vsize, bp0, carry) b := carry.item sub_1 (up, up_offset + vsize, up, up_offset + vsize, usize - vsize, b, carry) junk := carry.item end up_offset := up_offset + 2 usize := usize - 2 end from until usize = 0 or up [up_offset] /= 0 loop up_offset := up_offset + 1 usize := usize - 1 end end end up := orig_up up_offset := orig_up_offset usize := orig_usize binary_gcd_ctr := 2 end else binary_gcd_ctr := 1 end if not done then scratch := (2 * vsize).max (vsize + 1) if usize + 1 > scratch then scratch := usize + 1 end create tp.make_filled (0, scratch) tp_offset := 0 from until binary_gcd_ctr = 0 loop continue := False binary_gcd_ctr := binary_gcd_ctr - 1 if usize > vsize then tdiv_qr (tp, tp_offset + vsize, tp, tp_offset, up, up_offset, usize, vp, vp_offset, vsize) rsize := vsize rsize := normalize (tp, tp_offset, rsize) if rsize = 0 then continue := True else up.copy_data (tp, tp_offset, up_offset, vsize) end end if not continue then vsize := ngcd_lehmer (vp, vp_offset, up, up_offset, vp, vp_offset, vsize, tp, tp_offset) end up := orig_vp up_offset := orig_vp_offset usize := orig_vsize end end if vp /= gp then gp.copy_data (vp, vp_offset, gp_offset, vsize) end Result := vsize ensure Result > 0 Result <= usize_a Result <= vsize_a end ngcd_matrix1_vector (m: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; n_a: INTEGER; ap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; ap_offset: INTEGER; bp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; bp_offset: INTEGER; tp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; tp_offset: INTEGER): INTEGER local h0: NATURAL_32 h1: NATURAL_32 n: INTEGER carry: CELL [NATURAL_32] do create carry.put (0) n := n_a tp.copy_data (ap, ap_offset, tp_offset, n) mul_1 (ap, ap_offset, ap, ap_offset, n, m [3], carry) h0 := carry.item submul_1 (ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset, n, m [1], carry) h1 := carry.item mul_1 (bp, bp_offset, bp, bp_offset, n, m [0], carry) h0 := carry.item submul_1 (bp, bp_offset, tp, tp_offset, n, m [2], carry) h1 := carry.item n := n - (ap [ap_offset + n - 1].bit_or (bp [bp_offset + n - 1]) = 0).to_integer Result := n end ngcd_subdiv_step (gp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; gp_offset: INTEGER; gn: TUPLE [gn: INTEGER]; ap_a: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; ap_offset_a: INTEGER; bp_a: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; bp_offset_a: INTEGER; n: INTEGER; tp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; tp_offset: INTEGER): INTEGER local an: INTEGER bn: INTEGER ap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] ap_offset: INTEGER bp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] bp_offset: INTEGER tmp_special: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] tmp_integer: INTEGER junk: NATURAL_32 c: INTEGER carry: CELL [NATURAL_32] do create carry.put (0) ap := ap_a ap_offset := ap_offset_a bp := bp_a bp_offset := bp_offset_a from an := n until an <= 0 or else ap [ap_offset + an - 1] /= bp [bp_offset + an - 1] loop an := an - 1 end if an = 0 then gp.copy_data (ap, ap_offset, gp_offset, n) := n Result := 0 else if ap [ap_offset + an - 1] < bp [bp_offset + an - 1] then tmp_special := ap ap := bp bp := tmp_special tmp_integer := ap_offset ap_offset := bp_offset bp_offset := tmp_integer bn := n bn := normalize (bp, bp_offset, bn) if bn = 0 then gp.copy_data (ap, ap_offset, gp_offset, n) := n Result := 0 else sub_n (ap, ap_offset, ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset, an, carry) junk := carry.item an := normalize (ap, ap_offset, an) if an < bn then tmp_special := ap ap := bp bp := tmp_special tmp_integer := ap_offset ap_offset := bp_offset bp_offset := tmp_integer tmp_integer := an an := bn bn := tmp_integer elseif an = bn then c := cmp (ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset, an) if c < 0 then tmp_special := ap ap := bp bp := tmp_special tmp_integer := ap_offset ap_offset := bp_offset bp_offset := tmp_integer end end tdiv_qr (tp, tp_offset + bn, tp, tp_offset, ap, ap_offset, an, bp, bp_offset, bn) an := bn an := normalize (tp, tp_offset, an) if an = 0 then gp.copy_data (bp, bp_offset, gp_offset, bn) := bn Result := 0 else ap.copy_data (tp, tp_offset, ap_offset, bn) Result := bn end end end end end nhgcd2 (ah_a: NATURAL_32; al_a: NATURAL_32; bh_a: NATURAL_32; bl_a: NATURAL_32; m: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]): BOOLEAN local u00: NATURAL_32 u01: NATURAL_32 u10: NATURAL_32 u11: NATURAL_32 al: CELL [NATURAL_32] ah: CELL [NATURAL_32] bl: CELL [NATURAL_32] bh: CELL [NATURAL_32] done: BOOLEAN subtract_a: BOOLEAN r0: CELL [NATURAL_32] r1: CELL [NATURAL_32] q: NATURAL_32 do create r0.put (0) create r1.put (0) create al.put (al_a) create ah.put (ah_a) create bl.put (bl_a) create bh.put (bh_a) if ah.item < 2 or bh.item < 2 then Result := False else if ah.item > bh.item or (ah.item = bh.item and al.item > bl.item) then sub_ddmmss (ah, al, ah.item, al.item, bh.item, bl.item) if ah.item < 2 then Result := False done := True else u11 := 1 u01 := u11 u00 := u01 u10 := 0 end else sub_ddmmss (bh, bl, bh.item, bl.item, ah.item, al.item) if bh.item < 2 then Result := False done := True else u11 := 1 u10 := u11 u00 := u10 u01 := 0 end end if not done then if ah.item < bh.item then subtract_a := True end from until not subtract_a and done loop if not subtract_a then if ah.item = bh.item then done := True else sub_ddmmss (ah, al, ah.item, al.item, bh.item, bl.item) if ah.item < 2 then done := True else if ah.item <= bh.item then u01 := u01 + u00 u11 := u11 + u10 else q := div2 (r0, r1, ah.item, al.item, bh.item, bl.item) al.put (r0.item) ah.put (r1.item) if ah.item < 2 then u01 := u01 + q * u00 u11 := u11 + q * u10 done := True else q := q + 1 u01 := u01 + q * u00 u11 := u11 + q * u10 end end end end end if not done then subtract_a := False if ah.item = bh.item then done := True else sub_ddmmss (bh, bl, bh.item, bl.item, ah.item, al.item) if bh.item < 2 then done := True else if bh.item <= ah.item then u00 := u00 + u01 u10 := u10 + u11 else q := div2 (r0, r1, bh.item, bl.item, ah.item, al.item) bl.put (r0.item) bh.put (r1.item) if bh.item < 2 then u00 := u00 + q * u01 u10 := u10 + q * u11 done := True else q := q + 1 u00 := u00 + q * u01 u10 := u10 + q * u11 end end end end end end m [0] := u00 m [1] := u01 m [2] := u10 m [3] := u11 Result := True end end end div2 (r0: CELL [NATURAL_32]; r1: CELL [NATURAL_32]; nh_a: NATURAL_32; nl_a: NATURAL_32; dh_a: NATURAL_32; dl_a: NATURAL_32): NATURAL_32 require dh_a /= 0 or dl_a /= 0 local q: NATURAL_32 count: INTEGER_32 dh: NATURAL_32 dl: NATURAL_32 nh: CELL [NATURAL_32] nl: CELL [NATURAL_32] do create nh.put (0) create nl.put (0) nh.put (nh_a) nl.put (nl_a) dh := dh_a dl := dl_a if nh.item.bit_test (limb_high_bit) then from count := 1 invariant dh /= 0 or dl /= 0 until dh.bit_test (limb_high_bit) loop dh := (dh |<< 1).bit_or (dl |>> (limb_bits - 1)) dl := dl |<< 1 count := count + 1 end from until count = 0 loop q := q |<< 1 if nh.item > dh or (nh.item = dh and nl.item >= dl) then sub_ddmmss (nh, nl, nh.item, nl.item, dh, dl) q := q.bit_or (1) end dl := (dh |<< (limb_bits - 1)).bit_or (dl |>> 1) dh := dh |>> 1 count := count - 1 end else from until not (nh.item > dh or (nh.item = dh and nl.item >= dl)) loop dh := (dh |<< 1).bit_or (dl |>> (limb_bits - 1)) dl := dl |<< 1 count := count + 1 end from until count = 0 loop dl := (dh |<< (limb_bits - 1)).bit_or (dl |>> 1) dh := dh |>> 1 q := q |<< 1 if nh.item > dh or (nh.item = dh and nl.item >= dl) then sub_ddmmss (nh, nl, nh.item, nl.item, dh, dl) q := q.bit_or (1) end count := count - 1 end end r0.put (nl.item) r1.put (nh.item) Result := q end mul_2 (rp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; rp_offset: INTEGER; ap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; ap_offset: INTEGER; n: INTEGER; bp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; bp_offset: INTEGER) local bh: NATURAL_32 bl: NATURAL_32 cy: NATURAL_32 hi: CELL [NATURAL_32] lo: CELL [NATURAL_32] sh: CELL [NATURAL_32] sl: CELL [NATURAL_32] th: CELL [NATURAL_32] tl: CELL [NATURAL_32] i: INTEGER do create hi.put (0) create lo.put (0) create sh.put (0) create sl.put (0) create tl.put (0) create th.put (0) bl := bp [bp_offset] umul_ppmm (hi, lo, bl, ap [ap_offset]) rp [rp_offset] := lo.item bh := bp [bp_offset + 1] from i := 1 cy := 0 until i >= n loop umul_ppmm (sh, sl, bh, ap [ap_offset + i - 1]) umul_ppmm (th, tl, bl, ap [ap_offset + i]) add_ssaaaa (sh, sl, sh.item, sl.item, cy, hi.item) add_ssaaaa (hi, lo, th.item, tl.item, sh.item, sl.item) rp [rp_offset + i] := lo.item cy := (hi.item < th.item).to_integer.to_natural_32 i := i + 1 end umul_ppmm (sh, sl, bh, ap [ap_offset + n - 1]) add_ssaaaa (hi, lo, sh.item, sl.item, cy, hi.item) rp [rp_offset + n + 1] := hi.item rp [rp_offset + n] := lo.item end ngcd_matrix1_adjust (m: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; n_a: INTEGER; ap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; ap_offset: INTEGER; bp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; bp_offset: INTEGER; p: INTEGER; tp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; tp_offset: INTEGER): INTEGER local ah: NATURAL_32 bh: NATURAL_32 cy: NATURAL_32 n: INTEGER carry: CELL [NATURAL_32] do create carry.put (0) n := n_a tp.copy_data (ap, ap_offset, tp_offset, p) mul_1 (ap, ap_offset, ap, ap_offset, p, m [3], carry) ah := carry.item submul_1 (ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset, p, m [1], carry) cy := carry.item if cy > ah then decr_u (ap, ap_offset + p, cy - ah) ah := 0 else ah := ah - cy if ah > 0 then add_1 (ap, ap_offset + p, ap, ap_offset + p, n, ah, carry) ah := carry.item end end mul_1 (bp, bp_offset, bp, bp_offset, p, m [0], carry) bh := carry.item submul_1 (bp, bp_offset, tp, tp_offset, p, m [2], carry) cy := carry.item if cy > bh then decr_u (bp, bp_offset + p, cy - bh) bh := 0 else bh := bh - cy if bh > 0 then add_1 (bp, bp_offset + p, bp, bp_offset + p, n, bh, carry) bh := carry.item end end n := n + p if ah > 0 or bh > 0 then ap [ap_offset + n] := ah bp [bp_offset + n] := bh n := n + 1 else if ap [ap_offset + n - 1] = 0 and bp [bp_offset + n - 1] = 0 then n := n - 1 end end Result := n end ngcd_matrix2_adjust (m: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; n_a: INTEGER; ap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; ap_offset: INTEGER; bp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; bp_offset: INTEGER; p: INTEGER; tp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; tp_offset: INTEGER): INTEGER local t0: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] t0_offset: INTEGER t1: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] t1_offset: INTEGER ah: NATURAL_32 bh: NATURAL_32 cy: NATURAL_32 n: INTEGER junk: NATURAL_32 carry: CELL [NATURAL_32] do create carry.put (0) n := n_a t0 := tp t0_offset := tp_offset t1 := tp t1_offset := tp_offset + p + 2 mul_2 (t0, t0_offset, ap, ap_offset, p, m, 3) mul_2 (t1, t1_offset, ap, ap_offset, p, m, 2) ap.copy_data (t0, t0_offset, ap_offset, p) add (ap, ap_offset + p, ap, ap_offset + p, n, t0, t0_offset + p, 2, carry) ah := carry.item mul (t0, t0_offset, bp, bp_offset, p, m, 1, 2, carry) junk := carry.item sub (ap, ap_offset, ap, ap_offset, n + p, t0, t0_offset, p + 2, carry) cy := carry.item ah := ah - cy mul (t0, t0_offset, bp, bp_offset, p, m, 0, 2, carry) junk := carry.item bp.copy_data (t0, t0_offset, bp_offset, p) add (bp, bp_offset + p, bp, bp_offset + p, n, t0, t0_offset + p, 2, carry) bh := carry.item sub (bp, bp_offset, bp, bp_offset, n + p, t1, t1_offset, p + 2, carry) cy := carry.item bh := bh - cy n := n + p if ah > 0 or bh > 0 then ap [ap_offset + n] := ah bp [bp_offset + n] := bh n := n + 1 else if ap [ap_offset + n - 1] = 0 and bp [bp_offset + n - 1] = 0 then n := n - 1 end end Result := n end ngcd_lehmer (gp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; gp_offset: INTEGER; ap_a: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; ap_offset_a: INTEGER; bp_a: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; bp_offset_a: INTEGER; n_a: INTEGER; tp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; tp_offset: INTEGER): INTEGER local gn: TUPLE [gn: INTEGER] n: INTEGER m1: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] m2: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] p: INTEGER res: TUPLE [res: INTEGER] nn: INTEGER m: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] ah: NATURAL_32 al: NATURAL_32 bh: NATURAL_32 bl: NATURAL_32 mask: NATURAL_32 shift: INTEGER tmp_special: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] tmp_integer: INTEGER r: INTEGER ap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] ap_offset: INTEGER bp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] bp_offset: INTEGER done: BOOLEAN do ap := ap_a ap_offset := ap_offset_a bp := bp_a bp_offset := bp_offset_a create gn create res n := n_a create m1.make_filled (0, 4) create m2.make_filled (0, 4) create m.make_filled (0, 4) from until n < 7 loop p := n - 5 nn := nhgcd5 (ap, ap_offset + p, bp, bp_offset + p, res, m1, m2) inspect res.res when 0 then n := ngcd_subdiv_step (gp, gp_offset, gn, ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset, n, tp, tp_offset) when 1 then n := ngcd_matrix1_adjust (m1, nn, ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset, p, tp, tp_offset) when 2 then n := ngcd_matrix2_adjust (m2, nn, ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset, p, tp, tp_offset) end end from until n <= 2 or done loop mask := ap [ap_offset + n - 1].bit_or (bp [bp_offset + n - 1]) if mask.bit_test (limb_high_bit) then ah := ap [ap_offset + n - 1] al := ap [ap_offset + n - 2] bh := bp [bp_offset + n - 1] bl := bp [bp_offset + n - 2] else shift := leading_zeros (mask) ah := extract_limb (shift, ap [ap_offset + n - 1], ap [ap_offset + n - 2]) al := extract_limb (shift, ap [ap_offset + n - 2], ap [ap_offset + n - 3]) bh := extract_limb (shift, bp [bp_offset + n - 1], bp [bp_offset + n - 2]) bl := extract_limb (shift, bp [bp_offset + n - 2], bp [bp_offset + n - 3]) end if nhgcd2 (ah, al, bh, bl, m) then n := ngcd_matrix1_vector (m, n, ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset, tp, tp_offset) else n := ngcd_subdiv_step (gp, gp_offset, gn, ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset, n, tp, tp_offset) if n = 0 then Result := done := True end end end if not done then if n = 1 then gp [gp_offset] := gcd_1 (ap, ap_offset, 1, bp [bp_offset]) Result := 1 else if not ap [ap_offset].bit_test (0) then tmp_special := ap ap := bp bp := tmp_special tmp_integer := ap_offset ap_offset := bp_offset bp_offset := tmp_integer end if bp [bp_offset] = 0 then gp [gp_offset] := gcd_1 (ap, ap_offset, 2, bp [bp_offset + 1]) Result := 1 else if not bp [bp_offset].bit_test (0) then r := trailing_zeros (bp [bp_offset]) bp [bp_offset] := (bp [bp_offset + 1] |<< (limb_bits - r)).bit_or (bp [bp_offset] |>> r) bp [bp_offset + 1] := bp [bp_offset + 1] |>> r end n := gcd_2 (ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset) gp.copy_data (ap, ap_offset, gp_offset, n) Result := n end end end ensure Result > 0 Result <= n_a end nhgcd5 (ap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; ap_offset: INTEGER; bp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; bp_offset: INTEGER; res: TUPLE [res: INTEGER]; m1: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; m: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]): INTEGER_32 local m2: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] t: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] n: INTEGER ah: NATURAL_32 al: NATURAL_32 bh: NATURAL_32 bl: NATURAL_32 mask: NATURAL_32 shift: INTEGER ph: CELL [NATURAL_32] pl: CELL [NATURAL_32] do create ph.put (0) create pl.put (0) create t.make_filled (0, 5) create m2.make_filled (0, 4) mask := ap [ap_offset + 4].bit_or (bp [bp_offset + 4]) if mask.bit_test (31) then ah := ap [ap_offset + 4] al := ap [ap_offset + 3] bh := bp [bp_offset + 4] bl := bp [bp_offset + 3] else shift := leading_zeros (mask) ah := extract_limb (shift, ap [ap_offset + 4], ap [ap_offset + 3]) al := extract_limb (shift, ap [ap_offset + 3], ap [ap_offset + 2]) bh := extract_limb (shift, bp [bp_offset + 4], bp [bp_offset + 3]) bl := extract_limb (shift, bp [bp_offset + 3], bp [bp_offset + 2]) end if nhgcd2 (ah, al, bh, bl, m1) then res.res := 0 Result := 0 else n := ngcd_matrix1_vector (m1, 5, ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset, t, 0) mask := ap [ap_offset + n - 1].bit_or (bp [bp_offset + n - 1]) if mask.bit_test (31) then ah := ap [ap_offset + n - 1] al := ap [ap_offset + n - 2] bh := bp [bp_offset + n - 1] bl := bp [bp_offset + n - 2] else shift := leading_zeros (mask) ah := extract_limb (shift, ap [ap_offset + n - 1], ap [ap_offset + n - 2]) al := extract_limb (shift, ap [ap_offset + n - 2], ap [ap_offset + n - 3]) bh := extract_limb (shift, bp [bp_offset + n - 1], bp [bp_offset + n - 2]) bl := extract_limb (shift, bp [bp_offset + n - 2], bp [bp_offset + n - 3]) end if not nhgcd2 (ah, al, bh, bl, m2) then res.res := 1 Result := n else n := ngcd_matrix1_vector (m2, n, ap, ap_offset, bp, bp_offset, t, 0) dotmul_ppxxyy (ph, pl, m1 [0], m1 [1], m2 [0], m2 [2]) m [1] := ph.item m [0] := pl.item dotmul_ppxxyy (ph, pl, m1 [0], m1 [1], m2 [1], m2 [3]) m [3] := ph.item m [2] := pl.item dotmul_ppxxyy (ph, pl, m1 [2], m1 [3], m2 [0], m2 [2]) m [5] := ph.item m [4] := pl.item dotmul_ppxxyy (ph, pl, m1 [2], m1 [3], m2 [1], m2 [3]) m [7] := ph.item m [6] := pl.item res.res := 2 Result := n end end end dotmul_ppxxyy (ph: CELL [NATURAL_32]; pl: CELL [NATURAL_32]; x1: NATURAL_32; x2: NATURAL_32; y1: NATURAL_32; y2: NATURAL_32) local dotmul_sh: CELL [NATURAL_32] dotmul_sl: CELL [NATURAL_32] dotmul_th: CELL [NATURAL_32] dotmul_tl: CELL [NATURAL_32] sh: CELL [NATURAL_32] sl: CELL [NATURAL_32] do create dotmul_sh.put (0) create dotmul_sl.put (0) create dotmul_th.put (0) create dotmul_tl.put (0) create sh.put (0) create sl.put (0) umul_ppmm (dotmul_sh, dotmul_sl, x1, y1) umul_ppmm (dotmul_th, dotmul_tl, x2, y2) add_ssaaaa (sh, sl, dotmul_sh.item, dotmul_sl.item, dotmul_th.item, dotmul_tl.item) ph.put (sh.item) pl.put (sl.item) end end