note description: "A Linear congruential random number generator" author: "Colin LeMahieu" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" quote: "To limit the press is to insult a nation; to prohibit reading of certain books is to declare the inhabitants to be either fools or knaves. - Claude-Adrien Helvetius" class LINEAR_CONGRUENTIAL_RNG inherit RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR LIMB_MANIPULATION SPECIAL_UTILITY SPECIAL_ARITHMETIC rename add as add_special, sub as sub_special, mul as mul_special export {NONE} all end INTEGER_X_DIVISION create make feature make (size: INTEGER) require size >= 0 size <= 128 local a: INTEGER_X m2exp: INTEGER number: STRING_8 do inspect size when 0..16 then m2exp := 32 number := "29cf535" when 17 then m2exp := 34 number := "A3D73AD" when 18 then m2exp := 36 number := "28f825c5" when 19 then m2exp := 38 number := "a3dd4cdd" when 20 then m2exp := 40 number := "28f5da175" when 21..28 then m2exp := 56 number := "AA7D735234C0DD" when 29..32 then m2exp := 64 number := "BAECD515DAF0B49D" when 33..50 then m2exp := 100 number := "292787EBD3329AD7E7575E2FD" when 51..64 then m2exp := 128 number := "48A74F367FA7B5C8ACBB36901308FA85" when 65..78 then m2exp := 156 number := "78A7FDDDC43611B527C3F1D760F36E5D7FC7C45" when 79..98 then m2exp := 196 number := "41BA2E104EE34C66B3520CE706A56498DE6D44721E5E24F5" when 99..100 then m2exp := 200 number := "4E5A24C38B981EAFE84CD9D0BEC48E83911362C114F30072C5" when 101..238 then m2exp := 256 number := "AF66BA932AAF58A071FD8F0742A99A0C76982D648509973DB802303128A14CB5" end create a.make_from_string_base (number, 16) randinit_lc_2exp (a, 1, m2exp) end feature randinit_lc_2exp (a: READABLE_INTEGER_X; c: NATURAL_32; m2exp: INTEGER) local seedn: INTEGER do seedn := bits_to_limbs (m2exp) create seed.make (m2exp, a, seedn, c) end seed: RAND_LC_STRUCT randseed (seed_a: READABLE_INTEGER_X) local seedz: READABLE_INTEGER_X seedn: INTEGER do seedz := seed.seed seedn := bits_to_limbs (seed.m2exp) fdiv_r_2exp (seedz, seed_a, seed.m2exp) seedz.item.fill_with (0, seedz.count, seedz.count - (seedn - seedz.count)) seedz.count := seedn end randget (target: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; target_offset: INTEGER; nbits: INTEGER) local rbitpos: INTEGER chunk_nbits: INTEGER tp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] tp_offset: INTEGER tn: INTEGER r2p: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] r2p_offset: INTEGER rcy: NATURAL_32 junk: INTEGER last_nbits: INTEGER savelimb: NATURAL_32 carry: CELL [NATURAL_32] do create carry.put (0) chunk_nbits := seed.m2exp // 2 tn := bits_to_limbs (chunk_nbits) create tp.make_filled (0, tn) from rbitpos := 0 until rbitpos + chunk_nbits > nbits loop r2p := target r2p_offset := target_offset + rbitpos // limb_bits if rbitpos \\ limb_bits /= 0 then junk := lc (tp, tp_offset) savelimb := r2p [r2p_offset] lshift (r2p, r2p_offset, tp, tp_offset, tn, rbitpos \\ limb_bits, carry) rcy := carry.item r2p [r2p_offset] := r2p [r2p_offset].bit_or (savelimb) if (chunk_nbits \\ limb_bits + rbitpos \\ limb_bits) > limb_bits then r2p [r2p_offset + tn] := rcy end else junk := lc (r2p, r2p_offset) end rbitpos := rbitpos + chunk_nbits end if rbitpos /= nbits then r2p := target r2p_offset := target_offset + rbitpos // limb_bits last_nbits := nbits - rbitpos tn := bits_to_limbs (last_nbits) junk := lc (tp, tp_offset) if rbitpos \\ limb_bits /= 0 then savelimb := r2p [r2p_offset] lshift (r2p, r2p_offset, tp, tp_offset, tn, rbitpos \\ limb_bits, carry) rcy := carry.item r2p [r2p_offset] := r2p [r2p_offset].bit_or (savelimb) if rbitpos + tn * limb_bits - rbitpos \\ limb_bits < nbits then r2p [r2p_offset + tn] := rcy end else r2p.copy_data (tp, tp_offset, r2p_offset, tn) end if nbits \\ limb_bits /= 0 then target [target_offset + nbits // limb_bits] := target [target_offset + nbits // limb_bits].bit_and (((0).to_natural_32.bit_not |<< (nbits \\ limb_bits)).bit_not) end end end lc (target: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]; target_offset: INTEGER): INTEGER local tp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] tp_offset: INTEGER seedp: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] seedp_offset: INTEGER ap: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] ap_offset: INTEGER ta: INTEGER tn: INTEGER seedn: INTEGER an: INTEGER m2exp: INTEGER bits: INTEGER cy: INTEGER xn: INTEGER tmp: INTEGER i: INTEGER x: NATURAL_32 limb: NATURAL_32 count: INTEGER junk: NATURAL_32 carry: CELL [NATURAL_32] do create carry.put (0) m2exp := seed.m2exp seedp := seed.seed.item seedn := seed.seed.count ap := seed.a.item an := seed.a.count ta := an + seedn + 1 tn := bits_to_limbs (m2exp) if ta <= tn then tmp := an + seedn ta := tn + 1 end create tp.make_filled (0, ta) mul_special (tp, tp_offset, seedp, seedp_offset, seedn, ap, ap_offset, an, carry) junk := carry.item i := if i /= 0 then add_n (tp, tp_offset, tp, tp_offset, seed.cp, 0, i, carry) if carry.item /= 0 then from cy := 0 limb := 1 until cy /= 0 or limb = 0 loop if i >= tn then cy := 1 else x := tp [tp_offset + i] limb := x + 1 tp [tp_offset + i] := limb i := i + 1 end end end end tp [tp_offset + m2exp // limb_bits] := tp [tp_offset + m2exp // limb_bits].bit_and ((integer_to_limb (1) |<< m2exp \\ integer_to_limb (limb_bits)) - 1) seed.seed.item.copy_data (tp, tp_offset, 0, tn) bits := m2exp // 2 xn := bits // limb_bits tn := tn - xn if tn > 0 then count := bits \\ limb_bits if count /= 0 then rshift (tp, tp_offset, tp, tp_offset + xn, tn, count, carry) junk := carry.item target.copy_data (tp, tp_offset, target_offset, xn + 1) else target.copy_data (tp, tp_offset + xn, target_offset, tn) end end Result := (m2exp + 1) // 2 end end