note description: "Functionality to query the status of an arbitrary precision integer" author: "Colin LeMahieu" revised_by: "Alexander Kogtenkov" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" quote: "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. - H.L. Mencken" deferred class READABLE_INTEGER_X inherit ANY undefine default_create, is_equal, copy redefine out select out end DEBUG_OUTPUT undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end NUMERIC rename plus as plus_value alias "+", minus as minus_value alias "-", product as product_value alias "*", quotient as quotient_value alias "/", opposite as opposite_value alias "-" undefine default_create, out redefine copy, is_equal end COMPARABLE undefine default_create, out redefine copy, is_equal, three_way_comparison end INTEGER_X_ASSIGNMENT rename add as add_special, sub as sub_special, mul as mul_special, bit_xor_lshift as bit_xor_lshift_special, bit_xor as bit_xor_special export {NONE} all undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end INTEGER_X_ACCESS rename add as add_special, sub as sub_special, mul as mul_special, cmp as cmp_special, tdiv_qr as tdiv_qr_special, sizeinbase as sizeinbase_special, bit_xor_lshift as bit_xor_lshift_special, bit_xor as bit_xor_special export {NONE} all undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end INTEGER_X_ARITHMETIC rename abs as abs_integer_x, cmp as cmp_special, bit_xor_lshift as bit_xor_lshift_special, bit_xor as bit_xor_special export {NONE} all undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end INTEGER_X_COMPARISON export {NONE} all undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end INTEGER_X_LOGIC rename add as add_special, sub as sub_special, mul as mul_special, bit_and as bit_and_integer_x, bit_complement as bit_complement_integer_x, bit_or as bit_or_integer_x, bit_test as bit_test_integer_x, bit_xor as bit_xor_integer_x, bit_xor_lshift as bit_xor_lshift_integer_x export {NONE} all undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end INTEGER_X_IO rename sizeinbase as sizeinbase_special export {NONE} all undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end INTEGER_X_RANDOM rename add as add_special, sub as sub_special, mul as mul_special, cmp as cmp_special, bit_xor_lshift as bit_xor_lshift_special, bit_xor as bit_xor_special export {NONE} all undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end INTEGER_X_SIZING export {NONE} all undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end INTEGER_X_NUMBER_THEORY rename abs as abs_integer_x, mod as mod_integer_x, gcd as gcd_integer_x, bit_and as bit_and_integer_x, bit_complement as bit_complement_integer_x, bit_or as bit_or_integer_x, bit_test as bit_test_integer_x, bit_xor as bit_xor_integer_x, powm as powm_integer_x, bit_xor_lshift as bit_xor_lshift_integer_x, invert_gf as invert_gf_integer_x export {NONE} all undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end INTEGER_X_DIVISION rename abs as abs_integer_x, cmp as cmp_special, mod as mod_integer_x, bit_xor_lshift as bit_xor_lshift_special, bit_xor as bit_xor_special export {NONE} all undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end SPECIAL_UTILITY export {INTEGER_X_FACILITIES} all undefine default_create, is_equal, copy, out end feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create -- Initialize `Current' to zero do create item.make_filled (0, 1) count := 0 ensure then zero: is_zero end make_set (other: READABLE_INTEGER_X) -- Initialize `Current' to be a copy of `other' do create item.make_filled (0, 0) set_from_other (other) ensure equal: Current ~ other end make_from_integer (i: INTEGER) -- Initialize `Current' from `i'. do default_create set_from_integer (i) ensure set: as_integer = i end make_from_integer_64 (i: INTEGER_64) -- Initialize `Current' from `i'. do default_create set_from_integer_64 (i) ensure set: as_integer_64 = i end make_from_integer_32 (i: INTEGER_32) -- Initialize `Current' from `i'. do default_create set_from_integer_32 (i) ensure set: as_integer_32 = i end make_from_integer_16 (i: INTEGER_16) -- Initialize `Current' from `i'. do default_create set_from_integer_16 (i) ensure set: as_integer_16 = i end make_from_integer_8 (i: INTEGER_8) -- Initialize `Current' from `i'. do default_create set_from_integer_8 (i) ensure set: as_integer_8 = i end make_from_natural (n: NATURAL) -- Initialize `Current' from `n'. do default_create set_from_natural (n) ensure set: as_natural = n end make_from_natural_64 (n: NATURAL_64) -- Initialize `Current' from `n'. do default_create set_from_natural_64 (n) ensure set: as_natural_64 = n end make_from_natural_32 (n: NATURAL_32) -- Initialize `Current' from `n'. do default_create set_from_natural_32 (n) ensure set: as_natural_32 = n end make_from_natural_16 (n: NATURAL_16) -- Initialize `Current' from `n'. do default_create set_from_natural_16 (n) ensure set: as_natural_16 = n end make_from_natural_8 (n: NATURAL_8) -- Initialize `Current' from `n'. do default_create set_from_natural_8 (n) ensure set: as_natural_8 = n end make_from_string (s: STRING) -- Initialize `Current' from `s' where `s' is a base 10 string require s_not_empty: not s.is_empty do default_create set_str (Current, s, 10) end make_from_hex_string (s: STRING) -- Initialize `Current' from `s' where `s' is a base 16 string require s_not_empty: not s.is_empty do default_create set_str (Current, s, 16) end make_from_string_base (s: STRING base: INTEGER) -- Initialize `Current' from `s' where `s' is a string of base `base' require s_not_empty: not s.is_empty base_too_small: base >= 2 base_too_big: base <= 62 do default_create set_str (Current, s, base) end make_random (bits_a: INTEGER) -- Initialize as a random number of `bits_a' bits require valid_bits: bits_a > 0 do default_create set_random (bits_a) ensure correct_bits: bits <= bits_a end make_random_prime (bits_a: INTEGER) -- Initialise a random number of `bits_a' bits that is probably prime require valid_bits: bits_a > 0 do default_create from set_random (bits_a) until is_probably_prime loop set_random (bits_a) end ensure prime: is_probably_prime correct_bits: bits <= bits_a end make_from_bytes (bytes_array: SPECIAL[NATURAL_8] first: INTEGER last: INTEGER) -- Initialize from byte array require last_after_first: last >= first valid_offset: bytes_array.valid_index (first) valid_end: bytes_array.valid_index (last) do default_create input (Current, last - first + 1, 1, 1, -1, bytes_array, first) end make_random_max (max_value: like Current) --Generate a uniform random integer in the range 0 to max_value-1, inclusive. require positive_max: max_value.is_positive do default_create urandomm (Current, random_state, max_value) ensure valid_range: Current < max_value end make_limbs (limbs: INTEGER) -- Initialize `Current' with space for `limbs' limbs in the internal representation do create item.make_filled (0, limbs) count := 0 ensure is_zero end make_bits (bits_a: INTEGER) do create item.make_filled (0, (bits_a + (limb_bits - 1)) // limb_bits) count := 0 ensure is_zero end feature -- Constants one: like Current -- Neutral element for "*" and "/" deferred end zero: like Current -- Neutral element for "+" and "-" deferred end feature -- Comparison is_less alias "<" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is current object less than `other'? do Result := three_way_comparison (other) < 0 end is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is `other' attached to an object considered -- equal to current object? do Result := three_way_comparison (other) = 0 end three_way_comparison alias "⋚" (other: like Current): INTEGER -- Perform a three way comparison between `Current' and `other' do Result := compare (Current, other).three_way_comparison (0) end feature -- Measurement bytes: INTEGER -- Minimum number of bytes the absolute value of this number would occupy do Result := (bits + 7).bit_and (0xfffffff8).bit_shift_right (3) end bits: INTEGER -- Minimum number of bits the absolute value of this number would occupy do Result := size_in_base (2) ensure valid_result: Result >= 1 end feature -- Status report divisible (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- May `Current' be divided by `other'? do Result := not other.is_zero end exponentiable (other: NATURAL_32_REF): BOOLEAN -- May `Current' be elevated to the power `other'? do Result := True end fits_natural: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' fit in a {NATURAL} without truncation? do Result := fits_natural_32 end fits_natural_64: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' fit in a {NATURAL_64} without truncation? local n: INTEGER do resize (2) n := count Result := n >= 0 and n <= 2 end fits_natural_32: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' fit in a {NATURAL_32} without truncation? local n: INTEGER do n := count Result := n = 0 or n = 1 end fits_natural_16: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' fit in a {NATURAL_16} without truncation? local n: INTEGER_32 do n := count Result := n = 0 or (n = 1 and then item [0] <= (0).to_natural_16.max_value) end fits_natural_8: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' fit in a {NATURAL_8} without truncation? local n: INTEGER_32 do n := count Result := n = 0 or (n = 1 and then item [0] <= (0).to_natural_8.max_value) end fits_integer: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' fit in an {INTEGER} without truncation? do Result := fits_integer_32 end fits_integer_64: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' fit in an {INTEGER_64} without truncation? local n: INTEGER limb1: NATURAL_32 limb2: NATURAL_32 do n := count limb1 := item [0] if n = 0 or n = 1 or n = -1 then Result := True elseif n = 2 then limb2 := item [1] Result := not limb2.bit_test (31) elseif n = -2 then limb2 := item [1] if limb2.bit_test (31) then Result := limb2.bit_and (0x7fffffff) = 0 and limb1 = 0 else Result := True end end end fits_integer_32: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' fit in an {INTEGER_32} without truncation? local n: INTEGER_32 limb: NATURAL_32 do n := count limb := item [0] if n = 0 then Result := True elseif n = 1 then Result := not limb.bit_test (31) elseif n = -1 then if limb.bit_test (31) then Result := limb.bit_and (0x7fffffff) = 0 else Result := True end end end fits_integer_16: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' fit in an {INTEGER_16} without truncation? local n: INTEGER limb: NATURAL_32 do n := count limb := item [0] if n = 0 then Result := True elseif n = 1 then Result := limb <= (0).to_integer_16.max_value.to_natural_32 elseif n = -1 then Result := limb <= (0).to_integer_16.min_value.to_integer_32.abs.to_natural_32 else Result := False end end fits_integer_8: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' fit in an {INTEGER_8} without truncation? local n: INTEGER limb: NATURAL_32 do n := count limb := item [0] if n = 0 then Result := True elseif n = 1 then Result := limb <= (0).to_integer_8.max_value.to_natural_32 elseif n = -1 then Result := limb <= (0).to_integer_8.min_value.to_integer_32.abs.to_natural_32 end end is_odd: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' odd do Result := count /= 0 and then item [0].bit_test (0) end is_even: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' even? do Result := not is_odd end is_zero: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' equal to zero do Result := sign = 0 end is_positive: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' positive do Result := sign = 1 end is_negative: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' negative do Result := sign = -1 end sign: INTEGER -- Return the sign of `Current' where -1 is negative, 0 is zero, and 1 is positive do Result := count.three_way_comparison (0) ensure is_positive implies (Result = 1) is_zero implies (Result = 0) is_negative implies (Result = -1) end size_in_base (base: INTEGER): INTEGER -- What is the size of the string representing the absolute value of `Current' in base `base' require base_too_small: base >= 2 base_too_big: base <= 62 do Result := sizeinbase (Current, base) end feature -- Primality testing is_composite: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' a composite number? do Result := probab_prime_p (Current, 10) = 0 end is_prime: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' definitely a prime number? do Result := probab_prime_p (Current, 10) = 2 end is_probably_prime: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' probably a prime number? -- May return `False' if `Current' is actually prime. do Result := probab_prime_p (Current, 10) > 0 end feature {INTEGER_X_FACILITIES}-- Element change set_from_other (other: READABLE_INTEGER_X) local other_count: INTEGER do other_count := other.count resize (other_count) item.copy_data (other.item, 0, 0, other_count) count := other_count end set_from_integer (value_a: INTEGER) -- Initialize `Current' from `value_a'. do set_from_integer_32 (value_a) ensure value_a > 0 implies count = 1 value_a = 0 implies count = 0 value_a < 0 implies count = -1 fits_integer as_integer = value_a end set_from_integer_64 (value_a: INTEGER_64) -- Initialize `Current' from `value_a' local new_value: NATURAL_64 upper_limb: NATURAL_32 new_count: INTEGER do resize (2) new_value := value_a.abs.to_natural_64 item [0] := new_value.to_natural_32 upper_limb := (new_value |>> 32).to_natural_32 item [1] := upper_limb new_count := value_a.three_way_comparison (0) new_count := new_count * ((upper_limb /= 0).to_integer + 1) count_set (new_count) ensure value_a > 0 implies (count = 1 or count = 2) value_a = 0 implies (count = 0) value_a < 0 implies (count = -1 or count = -2) fits_integer_64 as_integer_64 = value_a end set_from_integer_32 (value_a: INTEGER_32) -- Initialize `Current' from `value_a'. local limb: NATURAL_32 do if value_a < 0 then limb := value_a.to_natural_32.bit_not + 1 else limb := value_a.to_natural_32 end item [0] := limb count_set (value_a.three_way_comparison (0)) ensure value_a > 0 implies count = 1 value_a = 0 implies count = 0 value_a < 0 implies count = -1 fits_integer_32 as_integer_32 = value_a end set_from_integer_16 (value_a: INTEGER_16) -- Initialize `Current' from `value_a'. local limb: NATURAL_32 do if value_a < 0 then limb := value_a.to_natural_32.bit_not + 1 else limb := value_a.to_natural_32 end item [0] := limb count_set (value_a.three_way_comparison (0)) ensure value_a > 0 implies count = 1 value_a = 0 implies count = 0 value_a < 0 implies count = -1 fits_integer_16 as_integer_16 = value_a end set_from_integer_8 (value_a: INTEGER_8) -- Initialize `Current' from `value_a'. local limb: NATURAL_32 do if value_a < 0 then limb := value_a.to_natural_32.bit_not + 1 else limb := value_a.to_natural_32 end item [0] := limb count_set (value_a.three_way_comparison (0)) ensure value_a > 0 implies count = 1 value_a = 0 implies count = 0 value_a < 0 implies count = -1 fits_integer_8 as_integer_8 = value_a end set_from_natural (value_a: NATURAL) -- Initialize `Current' from `value_a'. do set_from_natural_32 (value_a) ensure value_a = 0 implies count = 0 value_a /= 0 implies count = 1 fits_natural as_natural = value_a end set_from_natural_64 (value_a: NATURAL_64) -- Initialize `Current' from `value_a'. local upper_limb: NATURAL_32 do resize (2) item [0] := value_a.to_natural_32 upper_limb := (value_a |>> 32).to_natural_32 item [1] := upper_limb count_set (value_a.three_way_comparison (0) + (upper_limb /= 0).to_integer) ensure value_a = 0 implies count = 0 value_a /= 0 implies (count = 1 or count = 2) fits_natural_64 as_natural_64 = value_a end set_from_natural_32 (value_a: NATURAL_32) -- Initialize `Current' from `value_a'. do item [0] := value_a count_set (if value_a = 0 then 0 else 1 end) ensure value_a = 0 implies count = 0 value_a /= 0 implies count = 1 fits_natural_32 as_natural_32 = value_a end set_from_natural_16 (value_a: NATURAL_16) -- Initialize `Current' from `value_a'. do item [0] := value_a.to_natural_32 count_set (if value_a = 0 then 0 else 1 end) ensure value_a = 0 implies count = 0 value_a /= 0 implies count = 1 fits_natural_16 as_natural_16 = value_a end set_from_natural_8 (value_a: NATURAL_8) -- Initialize `Current' from `value_a'. do item [0] := value_a.to_natural_32 count_set (if value_a = 0 then 0 else 1 end) ensure value_a = 0 implies count = 0 value_a /= 0 implies count = 1 fits_natural_8 as_natural = value_a end set_from_string (s: STRING) -- Initialize `Current' from `s' where `s' is a base 10 string require s_not_empty: not s.is_empty do set_str (Current, s, 10) end set_random (bits_a: INTEGER) -- Initialize `Current' to random bits up to `bits_a' bits require valid_bits: bits_a >= 1 do urandomb (Current, random_state, bits_a) ensure bits <= bits_a end feature -- Conversion with possible truncation. -- Negatives wrap around in the negatives, non-negatives wrap around in the non-negatives as_integer: INTEGER -- Return the value of `Current' truncated to an {INTEGER} do Result := as_integer_32 end as_integer_64: INTEGER_64 -- Return the value of `Current' truncated to an {INTEGER_64} local size: INTEGER unsigned_result: NATURAL_64 do size := count if size > 1 then unsigned_result := item [1].to_natural_64.bit_shift_left (32) end unsigned_result := unsigned_result.bit_or (item [0].to_natural_64) if size > 0 then Result := unsigned_result.to_integer_64.bit_and (0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffff) elseif size < 0 then Result := (unsigned_result.to_integer_64 - 1).bit_and (0x7fff_ffff_ffff_ffff).bit_not else Result := 0 end end as_integer_32: INTEGER_32 -- Return the value of `Current' truncated to an {INTEGER_32} local size: INTEGER zl: NATURAL_32 do size := count zl := item [0] if size > 0 then Result := zl.to_integer_32.bit_and (0x7fffffff) elseif size < 0 then Result := (zl.to_integer_32 - 1).bit_and (0x7fffffff).bit_not else Result := 0 end end as_integer_16: INTEGER_16 -- Return the value of `Current' truncated to an {INTEGER_16} local size: INTEGER limb: NATURAL_32 do size := count limb := item [0] if size > 0 then Result := limb.to_integer_16.bit_and (0x7fff) elseif size < 0 then Result := (limb.to_integer_16 - 1).bit_and (0x7fff).bit_not else Result := 0 end end as_integer_8: INTEGER_8 -- Return the value of `Current' truncated to an {INTEGER_8} local size: INTEGER limb: NATURAL_32 do size := count limb := item [0] if size > 0 then Result := limb.to_integer_8.bit_and (0x7f) elseif size < 0 then Result := (limb.to_integer_8 - 1).bit_and (0x7f).bit_not else Result := 0 end end as_natural: NATURAL -- Return the value of the absolute value of `Current' truncated to a {NATURAL} do Result := as_natural_32 end as_natural_64: NATURAL_64 -- Return the value of the absolute value of `Current' truncated to a {NATURAL_64} local n: INTEGER data: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] do n := count data := item if n = 0 then Result := 0 elseif n = 1 then Result := data [0] else Result := data [1] Result := Result |<< 32 Result := Result.bit_or (data [0]) end end as_natural_32: NATURAL_32 -- Return the value of the absolute value of `Current' truncated to a {NATURAL_32} do if count = 0 then Result := 0 else Result := item [0] end end as_natural_16: NATURAL_16 -- Return the value of the absolute value of `Current' truncated to a {NATURAL_16} do if count = 0 then Result := 0 else Result := item [0].as_natural_16 end end as_natural_8: NATURAL_8 -- Return the value of the absolute value of `Current' truncated to a {NATURAL_8} do if count = 0 then Result := 0 else Result := item [0].as_natural_8 end end feature -- Lossless conversion to_integer: INTEGER -- Return the value of `Current' as an {INTEGER} require fits: fits_integer_32 do Result := as_integer_32 ensure Current ~ create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_integer (Result) end to_integer_64: INTEGER_64 -- Return the value of `Current' as an {INTEGER_64} require fits: fits_integer_64 do Result := as_integer_64 ensure Current ~ create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_integer_64 (Result) end to_integer_32: INTEGER_32 -- Return the value of `Current' as an {INTEGER_32} require fits: fits_integer_32 do Result := as_integer_32 ensure Current ~ create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_integer_32 (Result) end to_integer_16: INTEGER_16 -- Return the value of `Current' as an {INTEGER_16} require fits: fits_integer_16 do Result := as_integer_16 ensure Current ~ create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_integer_16 (Result) end to_integer_8: INTEGER_8 -- Return the value of `Current' as an {INTEGER_8} require fits: fits_integer_8 do Result := as_integer_8 ensure Current ~ create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_integer_8 (Result) end to_natural: NATURAL_32 -- Return the value of `Current' as a {NATURAL} require fits: fits_natural do Result := to_natural_32 ensure Current ~ create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_natural (Result) end to_natural_64: NATURAL_64 -- Return the value of `Current' as a {NATURAL_64} require fits: fits_natural_64 do Result := as_natural_64 ensure Current ~ create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_natural_64 (Result) end to_natural_32: NATURAL_32 -- Return the value of `Current' as a {NATURAL_32} require fits: fits_natural_32 do Result := as_natural_32 ensure Current ~ create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_natural_32 (Result) end to_natural_16: NATURAL_16 -- Return the value of `Current' as a {NATURAL_16} require fits: fits_natural_16 do Result := as_natural_16 ensure Current ~ create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_natural_16 (Result) end to_natural_8: NATURAL_8 -- Return the value of `Current' as a {NATURAL_8} require fits: fits_natural_8 do Result := as_natural_8 ensure Current ~ create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_natural_8 (Result) end to_bytes (target: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] offset: INTEGER) -- Convert the absolute value of `Current' to a byte array require big_enough: bytes <= target.upper - offset + 1 do output (target, offset, create {TUPLE [junk: INTEGER]}, 1, 1, -1, Current) ensure reversable: create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_bytes (target, offset, offset + bytes - 1) ~ Current end as_bytes: SPECIAL[NATURAL_8] -- Convert the absolute value of `Current' to a byte array do create Result.make_filled (0, bytes) to_bytes (Result, Result.lower) ensure reversable: create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_bytes (Result, Result.lower, Result.upper) ~ Current end to_fixed_width_byte_array (target: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] first: INTEGER last: INTEGER) require valid_first: target.valid_index (first) valid_last: target.valid_index (last) enough_space: last - bytes + 1 >= first local junk: TUPLE [junk: INTEGER_32] do create junk target.fill_with (0x0, first, last) output (target, first + (last - first - bytes + 1), junk, 1, 1, -1, Current) ensure reversable: create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_bytes (target, first, last) ~ Current end as_fixed_width_byte_array (byte_size: INTEGER): SPECIAL[NATURAL_8] -- Convert the absolute value of `Current' to a byte array of `byte_size' bytes require enough_space: bytes <= byte_size do create Result.make_filled (0, byte_size) to_fixed_width_byte_array (Result, 0, byte_size - 1) ensure reversable: create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_bytes (Result, Result.lower, Result.upper) ~ Current end feature -- Duplication copy (other: like Current) -- Update `Current' to be a copy of `other' local usize: INTEGER size: INTEGER do usize := other.count size := usize.abs resize (size) item.copy_data (other.item, 0, 0, size) count := usize end feature {INTEGER_X_FACILITIES}-- Basic operations stateful abs -- Modify `Current' to be non-negative do abs_integer_x (Current, Current) ensure non_negative: not is_negative end plus (other: like Current) -- Modify `Current' to be the sum of `Current' and `other' do add (Current, Current, other) end minus (other: like Current) -- Modify `Current' to be the subtraction of `Current' and `other' do sub (Current, Current, other) end product (other: like Current) -- Modify `Current' to be the product of `Current' and `other' do mul (Current, Current, other) end quotient (other: like Current) -- Modify `Current' to be the quotient by truncation division of `Current' by `other' do tdiv_q (Current, Current, other) end opposite -- Modify `Current' to be the opposite sign or do nothing if `Current'.is_zero do neg (Current, Current) end feature -- Basic operations stateless abs_value: like Current -- Return the absolute value of `Current' do Result := identity Result.abs ensure non_negative: not Result.is_negative same_absolute_value: (Result ~ (Current)) or (Result ~ (-Current)) end plus_value alias "+" (other: like Current): like Current -- Return the sum of `Current' and `other' do Result := identity (other) ensure then Result - Current ~ other Result - other ~ Current end minus_value alias "-" (other: like Current): like Current -- Return the subtraction of `Current' and `other' do Result := identity Result.minus (other) ensure then Result + other ~ Current Current - Result ~ other end product_value alias "*" (other: like Current): like Current -- Return the product of `Current' and `other' do Result := identity Result.product (other) ensure then Result / Current ~ other Result / other ~ Current end quotient_value alias "/" (other: like Current): like Current -- Return the integer quotient by truncation division of `Current' by `other' do Result := identity Result.quotient (other) end identity alias "+": like Current -- Return the identity of `Current' do Result := deep_twin end opposite_value alias "-": like Current -- Return the negative of `Current' do Result := identity Result.opposite end feature {INTEGER_X_FACILITIES}-- Bit operations stateful bit_complement (bit_a: INTEGER) -- Modify `Current' to have bit `bit_a' complemented do bit_complement_integer_x (Current, bit_a) ensure is_negative implies not old is_positive is_positive implies not old is_negative end bit_and (other: like Current) -- Modify `Current' to be the bitwise AND of `Current' and `other' do bit_and_integer_x (Current, Current, other) ensure is_negative implies not old is_positive is_positive implies not old is_negative end bit_or (other: like Current) -- Modify `Current' to be the bitwise OR of `Current' and `other' do bit_or_integer_x (Current, Current, other) ensure is_negative implies not old is_positive is_positive implies not old is_negative end bit_xor (other: like Current) -- Modify `Current' to be the bitwise XOR of `Current' and `other' do bit_xor_integer_x (Current, Current, other) ensure is_negative implies not old is_positive is_positive implies not old is_negative end bit_not -- Modify `Current' to be a bitwise NOT of `Current' do bit_one_complement (Current, Current) ensure is_negative implies not old is_positive is_positive implies not old is_negative end bit_xor_left_shift (other: like Current left_shift_bits: INTEGER) -- Modify `Current' to be the bitwise XOR of `Current' and (`other' shifted left `left_shift_bits' bits) do bit_xor_lshift_integer_x (Current, Current, other, left_shift_bits) ensure is_negative implies not old is_positive is_positive implies not old is_negative end bit_shift_right (bits_a: INTEGER) -- Modify `Current' to be bit shifted right `bits_a' bits do tdiv_q_2exp (Current, Current, bits_a) ensure is_negative implies not old is_positive is_positive implies not old is_negative end bit_shift_left (bits_a: INTEGER) -- Modify `Current' to be bit shifted left `bits_a' bits do mul_2exp (Current, Current, bits_a) ensure is_negative implies not old is_positive is_positive implies not old is_negative end set_bit (value: BOOLEAN; bit_a: INTEGER) -- Modify `Current' and set bit `bit_a' if `value' is True do if value then bit_set (Current, bit_a) else bit_clear (Current, bit_a) end ensure is_negative implies not old is_positive is_positive implies not old is_negative end feature -- Bit operations stateless -- All bit operations are performed as if the number was stored in two-complement format bit_complement_value (bit_a: INTEGER): like Current -- Return a copy of `Current' with bit `bit_a' complemented require valid_i: bit_a >= 0 do Result := identity Result.bit_complement (bit_a) ensure is_negative implies not Result.is_positive is_positive implies not Result.is_negative end bit_and_value alias "&" (other: like Current): like Current -- Return the bitwise AND of `Current' and `other' do Result := identity Result.bit_and (other) ensure is_negative implies not Result.is_positive is_positive implies not Result.is_negative end bit_or_value alias "|" (other: like Current): like Current -- Return the bitwise OR of `Current' and `other' do Result := identity Result.bit_or (other) ensure is_negative implies not Result.is_positive is_positive implies not Result.is_negative end bit_xor_value (other: like Current): like Current -- Return the bitwise XOR of `Current' and `other' do Result := identity Result.bit_xor (other) ensure Result.bit_xor_value (Current) ~ other Result.bit_xor_value (other) ~ Current end bit_xor_left_shift_value (other: like Current left_shift_bits: INTEGER): like Current -- Return the bitwise XOR of `Current' and (`other' shifted left `left_shift_bits' bits) do Result := identity Result.bit_xor_left_shift (other, left_shift_bits) ensure is_negative implies not old is_positive is_positive implies not old is_negative end bit_not_value: like Current -- Return the a bitwise NOT of `Current' do Result := identity Result.bit_not ensure is_negative implies not Result.is_positive is_positive implies not Result.is_negative end bit_shift_left_value alias "|<<" (bits_a: INTEGER): like Current -- Return `Current' bit shifted left `bits_a' bits require n_nonnegative: bits_a >= 0 do Result := identity Result.bit_shift_left (bits_a) ensure is_negative implies not Result.is_positive is_positive implies not Result.is_negative end bit_shift_right_value alias "|>>" (bits_a: INTEGER): like Current -- Return `Current' bit shifted right `bits_a' bits, truncating lower bits require n_nonnegative: bits_a >= 0 do Result := identity Result.bit_shift_right (bits_a) ensure is_negative implies not Result.is_positive is_positive implies not Result.is_negative end bit_test (bit_a: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is bit at position `bit_a' set require n_nonnegative: bit_a >= 0 do Result := bit_test_integer_x (Current, bit_a) end set_bit_value (value: BOOLEAN; bit_a: INTEGER): like Current -- Return a copy of `Current' with bit `bit_a' set if `value' is True require n_nonnegative: bit_a >= 0 do Result := identity Result.set_bit (value, bit_a) ensure is_negative implies not Result.is_positive is_positive implies not Result.is_negative end feature {INTEGER_X_FACILITIES}-- Discrete operations stateful powm (exponent: like Current; modulus: like Current) -- Modify `Current' to be (`Current' raised to `exponent') modulo `modulus' -- Negative `exponent' is supported if an inverse base^-1 mod mod exists {INTEGER_X}.invert -- If `exponent' does not have an inverse modulo `modulus', an {INVERSE_EXCEPTION} will be raised do powm_integer_x (Current, Current, exponent, modulus) end inverse (modulus: like Current) -- Set `Current' to be the inverse of `Current' modulo `modulus' -- If `Current' does not have an inverse modulo `modulus', an {INVERSE_EXCEPTION} will be raised local has_inverse: BOOLEAN do has_inverse := invert (Current, Current, modulus) if not has_inverse then (create {INVERSE_EXCEPTION}).raise end ensure coprime: coprime (modulus) end modulo (mod: like Current) -- Set `Current' to `Current' modulo `modulus' do mod_integer_x (Current, Current, mod) end gcd (op1: like Current; op2: like Current) -- Set `Current' to the Greatest Common Divisor between `op1' and `op2' do gcd_integer_x (Current, op1, op2) ensure positive_result: Current.is_positive op1.coprime (op2) = (Current ~ one) end feature -- Discrete operations stateless powm_value (exponent: like Current; modulus: like Current): like Current -- Return (`Current' raised to `exponent') modulo `modulus'. -- Negative `exponent' is supported if an inverse base^-1 mod mod exists {INTEGER_X}.invert -- If an inverse doesn't exist then a divide by zero is raised do Result := identity Result.powm (exponent, modulus) end inverse_value (modulus: like Current): like Current -- Return the inverse of `Current' modulo `modulus' -- If `Current' does not have an inverse modulo `modulus', an {INVERSE_EXCEPTION} will be raised do Result := identity Result.inverse (modulus) ensure correct_result: (Result * Current) \\ modulus ~ one coprime: coprime (modulus) end modulo_value alias "\\" (modulus: like Current): like Current -- Return `Current' modulo `modulus' do Result := identity Result.modulo (modulus) end gcd_value (other: like Current): like Current -- Return the Greatest Common Divisor between `Current' and `other' do Result := identity Result.gcd (Current, other) ensure positive_result: Result.is_positive coprime (other) = (Result ~ one) end coprime (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Are `Current' and `other' coprime? do Result := gcd_value (other) ~ one ensure Result = (gcd_value (other) ~ one) end feature {INTEGER_X_FACILITIES}-- Galois field arithmetic stateful invert_gf (other: like Current) require not is_negative not other.is_negative do invert_gf_integer_x (Current, Current, other) ensure not is_negative other.identity ~ old other.identity end feature -- Galois field arithmetic stateless invert_gf_value (other: like Current): like Current require not is_negative not other.is_negative do Result := identity Result.invert_gf (other) ensure not Result.is_negative identity ~ old identity other.identity ~ old other.identity end feature -- Output debug_output: STRING -- Return a debug string of `Current' do Result := out_hex end out: STRING -- Return a hexicedimal representation of the value of `Current' do Result := out_hex end out_decimal: STRING -- Return a decimal representation of the value of `Current' do Result := out_base (10) end out_hex: STRING -- Return a hexidecimal representation ofthe value of `Current' do Result := out_base (16) end out_base (base: INTEGER_32): STRING -- Return a representation of `Current' in base `base' require base_too_small: base >= 2 base_too_big: base <= 62 do Result := get_string (Current, base) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation random_state: RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR once create {LINEAR_CONGRUENTIAL_RNG}Result.make (32) end feature {INTEGER_X_FACILITIES} normalized: BOOLEAN -- Does `count' represent the number of non-zero limbs in `item' do Result := normalize (item, 0, count) = count end components_set (item_value: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] count_value: INTEGER) -- Set `item' and `count' simultaneously do item_set (item_value) count_set (count_value) end capacity: INTEGER -- Number of limbs allocated in `item' do Result := item.capacity end item: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] assign item_set -- Backing storage for the number item_set (value_a: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32]) -- Change `item' to `value_a' do item := value_a end count: INTEGER assign count_set -- `count.abs' is the number of limbs in `item' that have meaning -- If `size' is negative this is a negative number. attribute end count_set (value_a: INTEGER) -- Change `count' to `value_a' do count := value_a end resize (new_alloc: INTEGER) -- Change the space for integer to at least `new_alloc' limbs. do if new_alloc > capacity then item := item.aliased_resized_area_with_default (0, new_alloc.max (1)) end end set_components (item_a: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] count_a: INTEGER) do item := item_a count := count_a end invariant -- normalized: normalized capacity >= 1 count <= item.count item.count = item.capacity note ca_ignore: "CA033", "CA033: too large class" end