note description: "[ Component to handle percent encoding WARNING: THIS IS A COPY FROM $ISE_LIBRARY/library/text/uri library. In the future, http_client will use directly the `uri` library. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" EIS: "name=Percent-encoding", "protocol=URI", "src=" class URI_PERCENT_ENCODER feature -- Percent encoding append_percent_encoded_string_to (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append `s' as percent-encoded value to `a_result' local i,n: INTEGER do from i := 1 n := s.count until i > n loop append_encoded_character_code_to (s.code (i), a_result) i := i + 1 end end append_query_name_encoded_string_to (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append `s' as encoded for URI query name to `a_result' local i,n: INTEGER do from i := 1 n := s.count until i > n loop append_query_name_encoded_character_code_to (s.code (i), a_result) i := i + 1 end end append_query_value_encoded_string_to (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append `s' as encoded for URI query value to `a_result'. local i,n: INTEGER do from i := 1 n := s.count until i > n loop append_query_value_encoded_character_code_to (s.code (i), a_result) i := i + 1 end end append_path_segment_encoded_string_to (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append `a_string' as encoded for URI path segment to `a_result' local i,n: INTEGER do from i := 1 n := s.count until i > n loop append_path_segment_encoded_character_code_to (s.code (i), a_result) i := i + 1 end end append_www_form_url_encoded_string_to (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append `a_string' as www-form-urlencoded value to `a_result'. -- The main difference with `append_percent_encoded_string_to` is the encoding of space using '+'. local i,n: INTEGER do from i := 1 n := s.count until i > n loop inspect s.code (i) when 32 then -- space: 32 ' ' a_result.append_code (43) -- 43 '+' else append_encoded_character_code_to (s.code (i), a_result) end i := i + 1 end end feature {NONE} -- URI building helpers append_encoded_character_code_to (c: NATURAL_32; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append character code `c' as query name encoded content into `a_result'. do if --| unreserved ALPHA / DIGIT (48 <= c and c <= 57) -- DIGIT: 0 .. 9 or (65 <= c and c <= 90) -- ALPHA: A .. Z or (97 <= c and c <= 122) -- ALPHA: a .. z then a_result.append_code (c) else inspect c when 45, 46, 95, 126 -- unreserved characters: -._~ then a_result.append_code (c) when 58, 64, -- reserved =+ gen-delims: : @ 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, -- reserved =+ sub-delims: ! $ & ' ( ) * 43, 44, 59, 61, -- reserved = sub-delims: + , ; = 37 -- percent encoding: % then append_percent_encoded_character_code_to (c, a_result) else append_percent_encoded_character_code_to (c, a_result) end end end append_query_name_encoded_character_code_to (c: NATURAL_32; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append character code `a_code' as query name encoded content into `a_result'. do inspect c when 61 then -- equal sign: = append_percent_encoded_character_code_to (c, a_result) else append_query_value_encoded_character_code_to (c, a_result) end end append_query_value_encoded_character_code_to (c: NATURAL_32; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append character code `a_code' as query value encoded content into `a_result'. do inspect c when 32 then -- Space a_result.append_code (43) -- 43 '+' when 39, -- ' 58, 64, -- reserved =+ gen-delims: : @ 33, 36, 40, 41, 42, -- reserved =+ sub-delims: ! $ ( ) * 44, 59, 61 -- reserved = sub-delims: , ; = then a_result.append_code (c) when 47, -- slash: / 63 -- question mark ? then a_result.append_code (c) else append_encoded_character_code_to (c, a_result) end end append_path_segment_encoded_character_code_to (c: NATURAL_32; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append character code `a_code' as query name encoded content into `a_result'. do append_encoded_character_code_to (c, a_result) end feature -- Percent encoding: character append_percent_encoded_character_code_to (a_code: NATURAL_32; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append character code `a_code' as percent-encoded content into `a_result' do if a_code > 0xFF then -- Unicode append_percent_encoded_unicode_character_code_to (a_code, a_result) elseif a_code > 0x7F then -- Extended ASCII -- This requires percent-encoding on UTF-8 converted character. append_percent_encoded_unicode_character_code_to (a_code, a_result) else -- ASCII append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to (a_code, a_result) end ensure appended: a_result.count > old a_result.count end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: character encoding append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to (a_code: NATURAL_32; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append extended ascii character code `a_code' as percent-encoded content into `a_result' -- Note: it does not UTF-8 convert this extended ASCII. require is_extended_ascii: a_code <= 0xFF local c: INTEGER do if a_code > 0xFF then -- Unicode append_percent_encoded_unicode_character_code_to (a_code, a_result) else -- Extended ASCII c := a_code.to_integer_32 a_result.append_code (37) -- 37 '%%' a_result.append_code (hex_digit [c |>> 4]) a_result.append_code (hex_digit [c & 0xF]) end ensure appended: a_result.count > old a_result.count end append_percent_encoded_unicode_character_code_to (a_code: NATURAL_32; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append Unicode character code `a_code' as UTF-8 and percent-encoded content into `a_result' -- Note: it does include UTF-8 conversion of extended ASCII and Unicode. do if a_code <= 0x7F then -- 0xxxxxxx append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to (a_code, a_result) elseif a_code <= 0x7FF then -- 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to ((a_code |>> 6) | 0xC0, a_result) append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to ((a_code & 0x3F) | 0x80, a_result) elseif a_code <= 0xFFFF then -- 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to ((a_code |>> 12) | 0xE0, a_result) append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to (((a_code |>> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80, a_result) append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to ((a_code & 0x3F) | 0x80, a_result) else -- c <= 1FFFFF - there are no higher code points -- 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to ((a_code |>> 18) | 0xF0, a_result) append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to (((a_code |>> 12) & 0x3F) | 0x80, a_result) append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to (((a_code |>> 6) & 0x3F) | 0x80, a_result) append_percent_encoded_ascii_character_code_to ((a_code & 0x3F) | 0x80, a_result) end ensure appended: a_result.count > old a_result.count end feature -- Percent decoding append_percent_decoded_string_to (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_result: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append to `a_result' a string equivalent to the percent-encoded string `v' --| Note that is `a_result' is a STRING_8, any Unicode character will be kept as UTF-8 local i,n: INTEGER c: NATURAL_32 pr: CELL [INTEGER] a_result_is_string_32: BOOLEAN do a_result_is_string_32 := attached {STRING_32} a_result from i := 1 create pr.put (i) n := v.count until i > n loop c := v.code (i) inspect c when 43 then -- 43 '+' -- Some implementation are replacing spaces with "+" instead of "%20" a_result.append_code (32) -- 32 ' ' when 37 then -- 37 '%%' -- An escaped character ? if i = n then -- Error? a_result.append_code (c) else if a_result_is_string_32 then -- Convert UTF-8 to UTF-32 pr.replace (i) c := next_percent_decoded_unicode_character_code (v, pr) a_result.append_code (c) i := pr.item else -- Keep UTF-8 pr.replace (i) c := next_percent_decoded_character_code (v, pr) a_result.append_code (c) i := pr.item end end else if c <= 0x7F then a_result.append_code (c) else if a_result_is_string_32 then a_result.append_code (c) else -- Keep the percent encoded char for non string 32. append_percent_encoded_character_code_to (c, a_result) end end end i := i + 1 end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: decoding next_percent_decoded_character_code (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_position: CELL [INTEGER]): NATURAL_32 -- Character decoded from string `v' starting from index `a_position.item' -- note: it also updates `a_position.item' to indicate the new index position. require valid_start: a_position.item <= v.count is_percent_char: v.code (a_position.item) = 37 -- 37 '%%' local c: NATURAL_32 i, n: INTEGER not_a_digit: BOOLEAN ascii_pos: NATURAL_32 ival: NATURAL_32 pos: INTEGER c_is_digit: BOOLEAN do --| pos is index in stream of escape character ('%') pos := a_position.item c := v.code (pos + 1) if c = 85 or c = 117 then -- 117 'u' 85 'U' -- NOTE: this is not a standard, but it can occur, so use this for decoding only -- An escaped Unicode (ucs2) value, from ECMA scripts -- has the form: %u where is the UCS value -- of the character (two byte integer, one to 4 chars -- after escape sequence). -- See: -- UTF-8 result can be 1 to 4 characters. from i := pos + 2 n := v.count until (i > n) or not_a_digit loop c := v.code (i) c_is_digit := (48 <= c and c <= 57) -- DIGIT: 0 .. 9 if c_is_digit or (97 <= c and c <= 102) -- ALPHA: a..f or (65 <= c and c <= 70) -- ALPHA: A..F then ival := ival * 16 if c_is_digit then ival := ival + (c - 48) -- 48 '0' else if c > 70 then -- a..f ival := ival + (c - 97) + 10 -- 97 'a' else -- A..F ival := ival + (c - 65) + 10 -- 65 'A' end end i := i + 1 else not_a_digit := True i := i - 1 end end a_position.replace (i) Result := ival else -- ASCII char? ascii_pos := hexadecimal_string_to_natural_32 (v.substring (pos + 1, pos + 2)) Result := ascii_pos a_position.replace (pos + 2) end end next_percent_decoded_unicode_character_code (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_position: CELL [INTEGER]): NATURAL_32 -- Next decoded character from `v' at position `a_position.item' -- note: it also updates `a_position' to indicate the new index position. require valid_start: a_position.item <= v.count is_percent_char: v.code (a_position.item) = 37 -- 37 '%%' local n, j: INTEGER c: NATURAL_32 c1, c2, c3, c4: NATURAL_32 pr: CELL [INTEGER] do create pr.put (a_position.item) c1 := next_percent_decoded_character_code (v, pr) j := pr.item n := v.count Result := c1 a_position.replace (j) if c1 <= 0x7F then -- 0xxxxxxx Result := c1 elseif c1 <= 0xDF then -- 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx if j + 2 <= n then c := v.code (j + 1) if c = 37 then -- 37 '%%' pr.replace (j + 1) c2 := next_percent_decoded_character_code (v, pr) j := pr.item Result := ( ((c1 & 0x1F) |<< 6) | ( c2 & 0x3F ) ) a_position.replace (j) else -- Do not try to decode end end elseif c1 <= 0xEF then -- 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx if j + 2 <= n then c := v.code (j + 1) if c = 37 then -- 37 '%%' pr.replace (j + 1) c2 := next_percent_decoded_character_code (v, pr) j := pr.item if j + 2 <= n then c := v.code (j + 1) if c = 37 then -- 37 '%%' pr.replace (j + 1) c3 := next_percent_decoded_character_code (v, pr) j := pr.item Result := ( ((c1 & 0xF) |<< 12) | ((c2 & 0x3F) |<< 6) | ( c3 & 0x3F ) ) a_position.replace (j) else -- Do not try to decode end end else -- Do not try to decode end end elseif c1 <= 0xF7 then -- 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx if j + 2 <= n then c := v.code (j + 1) if c = 37 then -- 37 '%%' pr.replace (j + 1) c2 := next_percent_decoded_character_code (v, pr) j := pr.item if j + 2 <= n then c := v.code (j + 1) if c = 37 then -- 37 '%%' pr.replace (j + 1) c3 := next_percent_decoded_character_code (v, pr) j := pr.item if j + 2 <= n then c := v.code (j + 1) if c = 37 then -- 37 '%%' pr.replace (j + 1) c4 := next_percent_decoded_character_code (v, pr) j := pr.item a_position.replace (j) Result := ( ((c1 & 0x7) |<< 18 ) | ((c2 & 0x3F) |<< 12) | ((c3 & 0x3F) |<< 6) | ( c4 & 0x3F ) ) else -- Do not try to decode end end else -- Do not try to decode end end else -- Do not try to decode end end else Result := c1 end end feature -- RFC and characters is_hexa_decimal_character (c: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN -- Is hexadecimal character ? do Result := ('a' <= c and c <= 'f') or ('A' <= c and c <= 'F') -- HEXA or ('0' <= c and c <= '9') -- DIGIT end is_alpha_or_digit_character (c: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN -- Is ALPHA or DIGIT character ? do Result := ('a' <= c and c <= 'z') or ('A' <= c and c <= 'Z') -- ALPHA or ('0' <= c and c <= '9') -- DIGIT end is_alpha_character (c: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN -- Is ALPHA character ? do Result := ('a' <= c and c <= 'z') or ('A' <= c and c <= 'Z') end is_digit_character (c: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN -- Is DIGIT character ? do Result := ('0' <= c and c <= '9') end is_unreserved_character (c: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN -- unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" do if ('a' <= c and c <= 'z') -- ALPHA or ('A' <= c and c <= 'Z') -- ALPHA or ('0' <= c and c <= '9') -- DIGIT then Result := True else inspect c when '-', '_', '.', '~' then -- unreserved Result := True else end end end is_reserved_character (c: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN -- reserved = gen-delims / sub-delims do Result := is_gen_delims_character (c) or is_sub_delims_character (c) end is_gen_delims_character (c: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN -- gen-delims = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@" do inspect c when ':' , '/', '?' , '#' , '[' , ']' , '@' then Result := True else end end is_sub_delims_character (c: CHARACTER_32): BOOLEAN -- sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" -- / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" do inspect c when '!' , '$' , '&' , '%'' , '(' , ')' , '*' , '+' , ',' , ';' , '=' then -- sub-delims Result := True else end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation hex_digit: SPECIAL [NATURAL_32] -- Hexadecimal digits. once create Result.make_filled (0, 16) Result [0] := {NATURAL_32} 48 -- 48 '0' Result [1] := {NATURAL_32} 49 -- 49 '1' Result [2] := {NATURAL_32} 50 -- 50 '2' Result [3] := {NATURAL_32} 51 -- 51 '3' Result [4] := {NATURAL_32} 52 -- 52 '4' Result [5] := {NATURAL_32} 53 -- 53 '5' Result [6] := {NATURAL_32} 54 -- 54 '6' Result [7] := {NATURAL_32} 55 -- 55 '7' Result [8] := {NATURAL_32} 56 -- 56 '8' Result [9] := {NATURAL_32} 57 -- 57 '9' Result [10] := {NATURAL_32} 65 -- 65 'A' Result [11] := {NATURAL_32} 66 -- 66 'B' Result [12] := {NATURAL_32} 67 -- 67 'C' Result [13] := {NATURAL_32} 68 -- 68 'D' Result [14] := {NATURAL_32} 69 -- 69 'E' Result [15] := {NATURAL_32} 70 -- 70 'F' end is_hexa_decimal (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_string' a valid hexadecimal sequence? local l_convertor: like ctoi_convertor do l_convertor := ctoi_convertor l_convertor.parse_string_with_type (a_string, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_natural_32) Result := l_convertor.is_integral_integer end hexadecimal_string_to_natural_32 (a_hex_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): NATURAL_32 -- Convert hexadecimal value `a_hex_string' to its corresponding NATURAL_32 value. require is_hexa: is_hexa_decimal (a_hex_string) local l_convertor: like ctoi_convertor do l_convertor := ctoi_convertor l_convertor.parse_string_with_type (a_hex_string, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_no_limitation) Result := l_convertor.parsed_natural_32 end ctoi_convertor: HEXADECIMAL_STRING_TO_INTEGER_CONVERTER -- Converter used to convert string to integer or natural. once create Result.make Result.set_leading_separators_acceptable (False) Result.set_trailing_separators_acceptable (False) ensure ctoi_convertor_not_void: Result /= Void end note copyright: "2011-2017, Jocelyn Fiat, Javier Velilla, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end