note description: "[ Eiffel tests that can be executed by testing tool. ]" author: "EiffelStudio test wizard" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" testing: "type/manual" deferred class TEST_HTTP_CLIENT_I inherit EQA_TEST_SET feature -- Factory new_session (a_url: READABLE_STRING_8): HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION deferred end feature -- Test routines test_http_client -- New test routine local sess: like new_session h: STRING_8 do sess := new_session ("") if attached sess.get ("/search?q=eiffel", Void) as res then assert ("Get returned without error", not res.error_occurred) create h.make_empty if attached res.headers as hds then across hds as c loop h.append ( + ": " + c.item.value + "%R%N") end end if attached res.body as l_body then assert ("body not empty", not l_body.is_empty) else assert ("missing body", False) end assert ("same headers", h.same_string (res.raw_header)) end end test_http_client_ssl -- New test routine local sess: like new_session h: STRING_8 do sess := new_session ("") sess.set_is_insecure (True) if attached sess.get ("/welcome", Void) as res then assert ("Get returned without error", not res.error_occurred) create h.make_empty if attached res.headers as hds then across hds as c loop h.append ( + ": " + c.item.value + "%R%N") end end if attached res.body as l_body then assert ("body not empty", not l_body.is_empty) else assert ("missing body", False) end assert ("same headers", h.same_string (res.raw_header)) end end test_http_client_ssl_with_valid_certs -- New test routine local sess: like new_session h: STRING_8 config: HTTP_CLIENT_SECURE_CONFIG do --| Set secure configuration create config config.set_tls_version ({HTTP_CLIENT_SECURE_CONFIG}.tls_1_2) config.set_certificate_type ("PEM") config.set_client_certificate ("mycert.pem") config.set_passphrase ("") config.enable_verify_host config.enable_verify_peer sess := new_session ("") sess.set_secure_config (config) if attached sess.get ("/", Void) as res then assert ("Get returned without error", not res.error_occurred) create h.make_empty if attached res.headers as hds then across hds as c loop h.append ( + ": " + c.item.value + "%R%N") end end assert ("200 ok", res.status = 200) end end test_http_client_ssl_with_certs_missing_passphrase -- New test routine local sess: like new_session config: HTTP_CLIENT_SECURE_CONFIG do --| Set secure configuration create config config.set_tls_version ({HTTP_CLIENT_SECURE_CONFIG}.tls_1_2) config.set_certificate_type ({STRING_8}"PEM") config.set_client_certificate ("./client.pem") config.enable_verify_host config.enable_verify_peer sess := new_session ("") sess.set_secure_config (config) if attached sess.get ("/", Void) as res then assert ("Get returned without error", res.error_occurred) end end test_http_client_ssl_with_missing_certs -- New test routine local sess: like new_session h: STRING_8 do sess := new_session ("") if attached sess.get ("/", Void) as res then assert ("Get returned without error", not res.error_occurred) create h.make_empty if attached res.headers as hds then across hds as c loop h.append ( + ": " + c.item.value + "%R%N") end end assert ("400", res.status = 400) end end test_abs_url local sess: like new_session l_url: STRING do sess := new_session ("") l_url := "/foo/bar" assert ("abs rel", sess.url (l_url, Void).same_string (sess.base_url + l_url)) l_url := "" assert ("abs 1", sess.url (l_url, Void).same_string (l_url)) l_url := "" assert ("abs 2", sess.url (l_url, Void).same_string (l_url)) end test_headers local res: HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE h: STRING do create res.make ("") create h.make_empty h.append ("normal: NORMAL%R%N") h.append ("concat: ABC%R%N") h.append ("concat: DEF%R%N") h.append ("key1: KEY%R%N") h.append (" key2 : KEY%R%N") h.append (" %T key3 : KEY%R%N") h.append ("value1:VALUE%R%N") h.append ("value2: VALUE%R%N") h.append ("value3: VALUE%R%N") h.append ("value4: VALUE %R%N") h.append (" %Tfoo : BAR%T %R%N") res.set_raw_header (h) create h.make_empty if attached res.headers as hds then across hds as c loop h.append ( + ": " + c.item.value + "%N") end end assert ("Expected headers map", h.same_string ( "[ normal: NORMAL concat: ABC concat: DEF key1: KEY key2: KEY key3: KEY value1: VALUE value2: VALUE value3: VALUE value4: VALUE foo: BAR ]")) end end