note description: "[ Eiffel tests that can be executed by testing tool. ]" author: "EiffelStudio test wizard" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" testing: "type/manual" deferred class TEST_WITH_WEB_I inherit EQA_TEST_SET redefine on_prepare end feature -- Initialization on_prepare do Precursor if is_using_requestbin and global_requestbin_path = Void then global_requestbin_path := new_requestbin_path end end feature -- Factory new_session (a_url: READABLE_STRING_8): HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION deferred end feature -- Requestbin is_using_requestbin: BOOLEAN = False is_using_mockbincom: BOOLEAN do Result := not is_using_requestbin end global_requestbin_path: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 new_requestbin_path: detachable STRING local i,j: INTEGER do if attached new_session ("") as sess and then attached ("/api/v1/bins", Void, Void) as resp then if resp.error_occurred then print ("Error occurred!%N") elseif attached resp.body as l_content then i := l_content.substring_index ("%"name%":", 1) if i > 0 then j := l_content.index_of (',', i + 1) if j = 0 then j := l_content.index_of ('}', i + 1) end if j > 0 then Result := l_content.substring (i + 7, j - 1).to_string_8 Result.adjust if Result.starts_with ("%"") then Result.remove_head (1) end if Result.ends_with ("%"") then Result.remove_tail (1) end if not Result.starts_with ("/") then Result.prepend_character ('/') end print ("new_requestbin_path => " + sess.base_url + Result + "?inspect%N") end end end end end new_web_session: like new_session do if is_using_mockbincom then Result := new_session ("") end if Result = Void and is_using_requestbin then if attached global_requestbin_path as l_path then Result := new_session ("" + l_path) else assert ("Has requestbin path", False) end end if Result = Void then Result := new_session ("") -- Default end end feature -- Factory test_post_url_encoded local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION h: STRING_8 do -- URL ENCODED POST REQUEST -- check requestbin to ensure the "Hello World" has been received in the raw body -- also check that User-Agent was sent create h.make_empty sess := new_web_session if attached ("", Void, "Hello World") as res then check_response (res) end end test_post_with_form_data local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION l_ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do -- POST REQUEST WITH FORM DATA -- check requestbin to ensure the form parameters are correctly received sess := new_web_session create l_ctx.make l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("First Key", "First Value") l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("Second Key", "Second Value") l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("unicode", {STRING_32} "Hello / 你好 !") l_ctx.add_form_parameter ({STRING_32} "Field 你好 !", "How are you?") if attached ("", l_ctx, "") as res then check_response (res) end end test_post_with_uncommon_form_data local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION l_ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do -- POST REQUEST WITH FORM DATA -- check requestbin to ensure the form parameters are correctly received sess := new_web_session create l_ctx.make l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("title", "Eiffel World!") -- space and ! l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("path", "foo/bar") -- slash l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("unreserved", ":!@[]{}()*") -- ... l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("reserved", "+=?&_#_") -- ... l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("a=b", "a=b") -- equal sign l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("test", "!$&'()*") -- l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("lst[a][b]", "[123][456]") -- brackets l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("pos{1,2}", "loc{a,b}") -- curly brackets l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("?foo", "?bar") -- question mark l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("?", "?") -- question mark l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("&bar", "&bar") -- ampersand l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("&", "&") -- ampersand assert ("form data well generated", l_ctx.form_parameters_to_x_www_form_url_encoded_string.same_string ("title=Eiffel+World!&path=foo%%2Fbar&unreserved=%%3A!%%40%%5B%%5D%%7B%%7D()*&reserved=%%2B%%3D%%3F%%26_%%23_&a%%3Db=a%%3Db&test=!%%24%%26'()*&lst%%5Ba%%5D%%5Bb%%5D=%%5B123%%5D%%5B456%%5D&pos%%7B1%%2C2%%7D=loc%%7Ba%%2Cb%%7D&%%3Ffoo=%%3Fbar&%%3F=%%3F&%%26bar=%%26bar&%%26=%%26")) if attached ("", l_ctx, "") as res then check_response (res) end end test_post_with_file local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION l_ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do -- POST REQUEST WITH A FILE -- check requestbin to ensure the form parameters are correctly received -- set filename to a local file sess := new_web_session create l_ctx.make l_ctx.set_upload_filename ("test.txt") if attached ("", l_ctx, Void) as res then check_response (res) end end test_put_with_file local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION l_ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do -- PUT REQUEST WITH A FILE -- check requestbin to ensure the file is correctly received -- set filename to a local file sess := new_web_session create l_ctx.make l_ctx.set_upload_filename ("test.txt") if attached sess.put ("", l_ctx, Void) as res then check_response (res) end end test_put_with_data local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION l_ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do -- PUT REQUEST WITH A FILE -- check requestbin to ensure the file is correctly received -- set filename to a local file sess := new_web_session create l_ctx.make l_ctx.set_upload_data ("name=This is a test for http client.%N") if attached sess.put ("", l_ctx, Void) as res then check_response (res) end end test_post_with_file_and_form_data local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION l_ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do -- POST REQUEST WITH A FILE AND FORM DATA -- check requestbin to ensure the file and form parameters are correctly received -- set filename to a local file sess := new_web_session create l_ctx.make -- l_ctx.add_file_form_parameter ("image", "test.txt", "image/jpeg") l_ctx.add_file_form_parameter ("text", "test.txt", "plain/text") l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("First", "Value") l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("Second", "and last value") if attached ("", l_ctx, Void) as res then check_response (res) end end test_post_with_multiple_file_and_form_data local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION l_ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do -- POST REQUEST WITH A FILE AND FORM DATA -- check requestbin to ensure the file and form parameters are correctly received -- set filename to a local file sess := new_web_session create l_ctx.make l_ctx.add_header ("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data") l_ctx.add_file_form_parameter ("first_file", "test.txt", "plain/text") l_ctx.add_file_form_parameter ("image", "logo.jpg", "image/jpeg") l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("First", "Value") l_ctx.add_form_parameter ("Second", "and last value") l_ctx.add_file_form_parameter ("last_file", "test.txt", Void) if attached ("", l_ctx, Void) as res then check_response (res) end end test_post_with_file_using_chunked_transfer_encoding local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION l_ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do -- POST REQUEST WITH A FILE AND FORM DATA -- check requestbin to ensure the file and form parameters are correctly received -- set filename to a local file sess := new_web_session create l_ctx.make l_ctx.add_header ("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked") l_ctx.set_upload_filename ("logo.jpg") if attached ("", l_ctx, Void) as res then check_response (res) end end test_get_with_redirection local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION do -- GET REQUEST, Forwarding (google's first answer is a forward) -- check headers received (printed in console) sess := new_session ("") if attached sess.get ("/", Void) as res then check_response (res) assert("was redirected", res.redirections_count > 0) end end test_get_with_authentication local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT do -- GET REQUEST WITH AUTHENTICATION, see -- check header WWW-Authenticate is received (authentication successful) sess := new_session ("") sess.set_credentials ("test", "test") create ctx.make_with_credentials_required if attached sess.get ("/password-ok.php", ctx) as res then check_response (res) if attached {READABLE_STRING_8} res.body as l_body then assert ("Fetch all body, including closing html tag", l_body.has_substring ("")) else assert ("has body", False) end end end test_get_with_query_parameters local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION l_ctx: HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT q: STRING do -- GET REQUEST WITH A FILE AND FORM DATA -- check requestbin to ensure the file and form parameters are correctly received -- set filename to a local file sess := new_web_session create l_ctx.make l_ctx.add_query_parameter ("?", "?first&arg") l_ctx.add_query_parameter ("title", "Eiffel World!") l_ctx.add_query_parameter ("path", "foo/bar") l_ctx.add_query_parameter ("reserved", "+=&?") l_ctx.add_query_parameter ("unreserved", ":!@'()*") l_ctx.add_query_parameter ("unsafe", "%"[]{}") l_ctx.add_query_parameter ("test", "!$&'()*") l_ctx.add_query_parameter ("a&b", "a&b") l_ctx.add_query_parameter ("lst[a][b]", "[abc][123]") l_ctx.add_query_parameter ("foo(a,b)", "bar(1,2)*pi") create q.make_empty l_ctx.append_query_parameters_to_url (q) assert("query", q.same_string ("??=?first%%26arg&title=Eiffel+World!&path=foo/bar&reserved=%%2B=%%26?&unreserved=:!@'()*&unsafe=%%22%%5B%%5D%%7B%%7D&test=!$%%26'()*&a%%26b=a%%26b&lst%%5Ba%%5D%%5Bb%%5D=%%5Babc%%5D%%5B123%%5D&foo(a,b)=bar(1,2)*pi")) if attached sess.get ("", l_ctx) as res then check_response (res) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation check_response (res: HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE) local h: STRING do assert ("ok", not res.error_occurred) create h.make_empty if attached res.headers as hds then across hds as c loop h.append ( + ": " + c.item.value + "%R%N") end end print (h) if attached res.body as b then print (b) end end end