note description: "[ The class represents a HTTP header, and it provides simple routine to build it. You will also find some helper features to help coding most common usages Please, have a look at constants classes such as HTTP_MIME_TYPES HTTP_HEADER_NAMES HTTP_STATUS_CODE HTTP_REQUEST_METHODS (or HTTP_CONSTANTS which groups them for convenience) Note the return status code is not part of the HTTP header ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class HTTP_HEADER inherit ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_8] HTTP_HEADER_MODIFIER create make, make_with_count, make_from_array, make_from_header, make_from_raw_header_data convert make_from_array ({ARRAY [TUPLE [key: READABLE_STRING_8; value: READABLE_STRING_8]]}), string: {READABLE_STRING_8, STRING_8} feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize current do make_with_count (3) end make_with_count (n: INTEGER) -- Make with a capacity of `n' header entries do create {ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_8]} headers.make (n) end make_from_array (a_headers: ARRAY [TUPLE [key: READABLE_STRING_8; value: READABLE_STRING_8]]) -- Create HEADER from array of pair (key,value) do if a_headers.is_empty then make_with_count (0) else make_with_count (a_headers.count) append_array (a_headers) end end make_from_header (a_header: HTTP_HEADER) -- Create Current from existing HEADER `a_header' do make_with_count (a_header.headers.count) append_header_object (a_header) end make_from_raw_header_data (h: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Create Current from raw header data do make append_raw_header_data (h) end feature -- Recycle recycle -- Recycle current object do headers.wipe_out end feature -- Access count: INTEGER -- Number of header items. do Result := headers.count end is_empty: BOOLEAN -- Is empty? do Result := count = 0 end headers: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] -- Header's lines. string: STRING_8 -- String representation of the header entries. local n: like count do n := count if n = 0 then create Result.make_empty else create Result.make (n * 32) append_string_to (Result) end ensure result_has_ending_cr_lf: Result.count >= 2 implies Result.substring (Result.count - 1, Result.count).same_string ("%R%N") result_has_single_ending_cr_lf: Result.count >= 4 implies not Result.substring (Result.count - 3, Result.count).same_string ("%R%N%R%N") end feature -- Conversion to_name_value_iterable: ITERABLE [TUPLE [name: READABLE_STRING_8; value: READABLE_STRING_8]] -- Iterable representation of the header entries. local res: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [READABLE_STRING_8, READABLE_STRING_8]] do create res.make (headers.count) across headers as c loop if attached header_name_value (c.item) as tu then res.extend (tu) end end Result := res end feature -- append_string_to (a_result: STRING_8) -- Append current as string representation to `a_result' local l_headers: like headers do l_headers := headers if not l_headers.is_empty then across l_headers as c loop append_line_to (c.item, a_result) end end end feature -- Access new_cursor: INDEXABLE_ITERATION_CURSOR [READABLE_STRING_8] -- Fresh cursor associated with current structure. do Result := headers.new_cursor end feature -- Header: adding append_raw_header_data (h: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Append raw header data `h' to Current local line : detachable STRING lines: LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] do lines := h.split ('%N') headers.grow (headers.count + lines.count) across lines as c loop line := c.item.to_string_8 if not line.is_empty then if line [line.count] = '%R' then line.remove_tail (1) end if not line.is_empty then add_header (line) end end end end append_array (a_headers: ARRAY [TUPLE [key: READABLE_STRING_8; value: READABLE_STRING_8]]) -- Append array of key,value headers do headers.grow (headers.count + a_headers.count) across a_headers as c loop add_header_key_value (c.item.key, c.item.value) end end append_header_object (h: HTTP_HEADER) -- Append headers from `h' do headers.grow (headers.count + h.headers.count) across h.headers as c loop add_header (c.item.string) end end feature -- Header: merging put_raw_header_data (h: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Append raw header data `h' to Current -- Overwrite existing header with same name local line : detachable STRING lines: LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] do lines := h.split ('%N') headers.grow (headers.count + lines.count) across lines as c loop line := c.item.to_string_8 if not line.is_empty then if line [line.count] = '%R' then line.remove_tail (1) end if not line.is_empty then put_header (line) end end end end put_array (a_headers: ARRAY [TUPLE [key: READABLE_STRING_8; value: READABLE_STRING_8]]) -- Append array of key,value headers -- Overwrite existing header with same name do headers.grow (headers.count + a_headers.count) across a_headers as c loop put_header_key_value (c.item.key, c.item.value) end end put_header_object (h: HTTP_HEADER) -- Append headers from `h' -- Overwrite existing header with same name do headers.grow (headers.count + h.headers.count) across h.headers as c loop put_header (c.item.string) end end feature -- Removal remove_header_named (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Remove any header line related to name `a_name'. local lst: like headers do from lst := headers lst.start until lst.after loop if has_same_header_name (lst.item, a_name) then -- remove lst.remove else lst.forth end end ensure removed: not has_header_named (a_name) end feature -- Header change: general add_header (h: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Add header `h' -- if it already exists, there will be multiple header with same name -- which can also be valid do headers.force (h) end put_header (h: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Add header `h' or replace existing header of same header name do force_header_by_name (header_name_colon (h), h) end feature -- Redirection remove_location -- Remove any location header line. do remove_header_named ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_location) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Header change force_header_by_name (n: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; h: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Add header `h' or replace existing header of same header name `n' require h_has_name_n: (n /= Void and attached header_name_colon (h) as hn) implies n.same_string (hn) local l_headers: like headers do if n /= Void then from l_headers := headers l_headers.start until l_headers.after or l_headers.item.starts_with (n) loop l_headers.forth end if not l_headers.after then l_headers.replace (h) else add_header (h) end else add_header (h) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Header conversion append_line_to (a_line: READABLE_STRING_8; h: STRING_8) -- Append header line `a_line' to string `h'. --| this is used to build the header text require not_ending_with_new_line: not a_line.ends_with_general ("%N") do h.append_string (a_line) append_end_of_line_to (h) end append_end_of_line_to (h: STRING_8) -- Append the CRLN end of header line to string `h'. do h.append_character ('%R') h.append_character ('%N') end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Header queries header_name_colon (h: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable STRING_8 -- If any, header's name with colon --| ex: for "Foo-bar: something", this will return "Foo-bar:" local s: detachable STRING_8 i,n: INTEGER c: CHARACTER do from i := 1 n := h.count create s.make (10) until i > n or c = ':' or s = Void loop c := h[i] inspect c when ':' then s.extend (c) when '-', 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z' then s.extend (c) else s := Void end i := i + 1 end Result := s end header_name_value (h: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable TUPLE [name: READABLE_STRING_8; value: READABLE_STRING_8] -- If any, header's [name,value] --| ex: for "Foo-bar: something", this will return ["Foo-bar", "something"] local s: detachable STRING_8 i,n: INTEGER c: CHARACTER do from i := 1 n := h.count create s.make (10) until i > n or c = ':' or s = Void loop c := h[i] inspect c when ':' then when '-', 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z' then s.extend (c) else s := Void end i := i + 1 end if s /= Void then Result := [s, h.substring (i, n)] end end note copyright: "2011-2020, Jocelyn Fiat, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end