note description: "[ The class provides an easy way to build and modify HTTP header text thanks to add_header (..) and put_header (..) You will also find some helper features to help coding most common usages Please, have a look at constants classes such as HTTP_MIME_TYPES HTTP_HEADER_NAMES HTTP_STATUS_CODE HTTP_REQUEST_METHODS (or HTTP_CONSTANTS which groups them for convenience) Note the return status code is not part of the HTTP header ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class HTTP_HEADER_MODIFIER inherit ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_8] feature -- Access: deferred new_cursor: INDEXABLE_ITERATION_CURSOR [READABLE_STRING_8] -- Fresh cursor associated with current structure. deferred end feature -- Header change: deferred add_header (h: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Add header `h' -- if it already exists, there will be multiple header with same name -- which can also be valid require h_not_empty: h /= Void and then not h.is_empty deferred end put_header (h: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Add header `h' or replace existing header of same header name require h_not_empty: h /= Void and then not h.is_empty deferred end feature -- Status report has, has_header_named (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN -- Has header item for `n'? local ic: like new_cursor do from ic := new_cursor until ic.after or Result loop Result := has_same_header_name (ic.item, a_name) ic.forth end end has_content_length: BOOLEAN -- Has header "Content-Length" do Result := has_header_named ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_length) end has_content_type: BOOLEAN -- Has header "Content-Type" do Result := has_header_named ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_type) end has_transfer_encoding_chunked: BOOLEAN -- Has "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header do if has_header_named ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_transfer_encoding) then Result := attached item ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_transfer_encoding) as v and then v.same_string (str_chunked) end end feature -- Access item alias "[]" (a_header_name: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 assign force -- First header item found for `a_name' if any local res: STRING_8 n: INTEGER l_line: READABLE_STRING_8 ic: like new_cursor do n := a_header_name.count from ic := new_cursor until ic.after or Result /= Void loop l_line := ic.item if has_same_header_name (l_line, a_header_name) then res := l_line.substring (n + 2, l_line.count).to_string_8 res.left_adjust res.right_adjust Result := res end ic.forth end end header_named_value (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): like item -- First header item found for `a_name' if any obsolete "Use `item' [2017-05-31]" do Result := item (a_name) end feature -- Header change: general force (a_value: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_header_name: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put header `a_header_name:a_value' or replace existing header of name `a_header_name'. --| this is used as assigner for `item' do if a_value = Void then put_header_key_value (a_header_name, "") else put_header_key_value (a_header_name, a_value) end end add_header_key_value (a_header_name, a_value: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Add header `a_header_name:a_value'. -- If it already exists, there will be multiple header with same name -- which can also be valid local s: STRING_8 do create s.make (a_header_name.count + 2 + a_value.count) s.append (a_header_name) s.append (colon_space) s.append (a_value) add_header (s) ensure added: has_header_named (a_header_name) end put_header_key_value (a_header_name, a_value: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Add header `a_header_name:a_value', or replace existing header of same header name/key local s: STRING_8 do create s.make (a_header_name.count + 2 + a_value.count) s.append (a_header_name) s.append (colon_space) s.append (a_value) put_header (s) ensure added: has_header_named (a_header_name) end put_header_key_values (a_header_name: READABLE_STRING_8; a_values: ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_8]; a_separator: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) -- Add header `a_header_name: a_values', or replace existing header of same header values/key. -- Use `comma_space' as default separator if `a_separator' is Void or empty. local s: STRING_8 l_separator: READABLE_STRING_8 do if a_separator /= Void and then not a_separator.is_empty then l_separator := a_separator else l_separator := comma_space end create s.make_empty across a_values as c loop if not s.is_empty then s.append_string (l_separator) end s.append (c.item) end if not s.is_empty then put_header_key_value (a_header_name, s) end ensure added: has_header_named (a_header_name) end feature -- Content related header put_content_type (a_content_type: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put header line "Content-Type:" + type `a_content_type' do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_type, a_content_type) end add_content_type (a_content_type: READABLE_STRING_8) -- same as `put_content_type', but allow multiple definition of "Content-Type" do add_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_type, a_content_type) end put_content_type_with_parameters (a_content_type: READABLE_STRING_8; a_params: detachable ARRAY [TUPLE [name: READABLE_STRING_8; value: READABLE_STRING_8]]) -- Put header line "Content-Type:" + type `a_content_type' and extra paramaters `a_params' --| note: see `put_content_type_with_charset' for examples. local s: STRING_8 v: READABLE_STRING_8 do if a_params /= Void and then not a_params.is_empty then create s.make_from_string (a_content_type) across a_params as p loop if attached p.item as nv then s.append_character (';') s.append_character (' ') s.append ( s.append_character ('=') v := nv.value if v.has(' ') or v.has ('%T') or v.has ('=') then s.append_character ('%"') s.append (v) s.append_character ('%"') else s.append (v) end end end put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_type, s) else put_content_type (a_content_type) end end add_content_type_with_parameters (a_content_type: READABLE_STRING_8; a_params: detachable ARRAY [TUPLE [name: READABLE_STRING_8; value: READABLE_STRING_8]]) -- Add header line "Content-Type:" + type `a_content_type' and extra paramaters `a_params'. --| note: see `put_content_type_with_charset' for examples. local s: STRING_8 do if a_params /= Void and then not a_params.is_empty then create s.make_from_string (a_content_type) across a_params as p loop if attached p.item as nv then s.append_character (';') s.append_character (' ') s.append ( s.append_character ('=') s.append_character ('%"') s.append (nv.value) s.append_character ('%"') end end add_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_type, s) else add_content_type (a_content_type) end end put_content_type_with_charset (a_content_type: READABLE_STRING_8; a_charset: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put content type `a_content_type' with `a_charset' as "charset" parameter. do put_content_type_with_parameters (a_content_type, {ARRAY [TUPLE [READABLE_STRING_8, READABLE_STRING_8]]} <<["charset", a_charset]>>) end add_content_type_with_charset (a_content_type: READABLE_STRING_8; a_charset: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Same as `put_content_type_with_charset', but allow multiple definition of "Content-Type". do add_content_type_with_parameters (a_content_type, {ARRAY [TUPLE [READABLE_STRING_8, READABLE_STRING_8]]} <<["charset", a_charset]>>) end put_content_type_with_name (a_content_type: READABLE_STRING_8; a_name: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put content type `a_content_type' with `a_name' as "name" parameter. do put_content_type_with_parameters (a_content_type, {ARRAY [TUPLE [READABLE_STRING_8, READABLE_STRING_8]]} <<["name", a_name]>>) end add_content_type_with_name (a_content_type: READABLE_STRING_8; a_name: READABLE_STRING_8) -- same as `put_content_type_with_name', but allow multiple definition of "Content-Type" do add_content_type_with_parameters (a_content_type, {ARRAY [TUPLE [READABLE_STRING_8, READABLE_STRING_8]]} <<["name", a_name]>>) end put_content_length (a_length: INTEGER) -- Put "Content-Length:" + length `a_length'. do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_length, a_length.out) end put_content_transfer_encoding (a_mechanism: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put "Content-Transfer-Encoding" header with `a_mechanism' --| encoding := "Content-Transfer-Encoding" ":" mechanism --| --| mechanism := "7bit" ; case-insensitive --| / "quoted-printable" --| / "base64" --| / "8bit" --| / "binary" --| / x-token do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_transfer_encoding, a_mechanism) end put_content_language (a_lang: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put "Content-Language" header of value `a_lang'. do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_language, a_lang) end put_content_encoding (a_encoding: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put "Content-Encoding" header of value `a_encoding'. do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_encoding, a_encoding) end put_transfer_encoding (a_encoding: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put "Transfer-Encoding" header with `a_encoding' value. --| for instance "chunked" do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_transfer_encoding, a_encoding) end put_transfer_encoding_binary -- Put "Transfer-Encoding: binary" header do put_transfer_encoding (str_binary) end put_transfer_encoding_chunked -- Put "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header do put_transfer_encoding (str_chunked) end put_content_disposition (a_type: READABLE_STRING_8; a_params: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put "Content-Disposition" header --| See RFC2183 --| disposition := "Content-Disposition" ":" --| disposition-type --| *(";" disposition-parm) --| disposition-type := "inline" --| / "attachment" --| / extension-token --| ; values are not case-sensitive --| disposition-parm := filename-parm --| / creation-date-parm --| / modification-date-parm --| / read-date-parm --| / size-parm --| / parameter --| filename-parm := "filename" "=" value --| creation-date-parm := "creation-date" "=" quoted-date-time --| modification-date-parm := "modification-date" "=" quoted-date-time --| read-date-parm := "read-date" "=" quoted-date-time --| size-parm := "size" "=" 1*DIGIT --| quoted-date-time := quoted-string --| ; contents MUST be an RFC 822 `date-time' --| ; numeric timezones (+HHMM or -HHMM) MUST be used do if a_params /= Void then put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_disposition, a_type + semi_colon_space + a_params) else put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_content_disposition, a_type) end end feature -- Content-type helpers put_content_type_text_css do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.text_css) end put_content_type_text_csv do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.text_csv) end put_content_type_text_html do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.text_html) end put_content_type_utf_8_text_html do put_content_type_with_charset ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.text_html, "utf-8") end put_content_type_text_javascript do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.text_javascript) end put_content_type_text_json do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.text_json) end put_content_type_text_plain do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.text_plain) end put_content_type_text_xml do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.text_xml) end put_content_type_application_json do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.application_json) end put_content_type_application_javascript do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.application_javascript) end put_content_type_application_zip do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.application_zip) end put_content_type_application_pdf do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.application_pdf) end put_content_type_image_gif do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.image_gif) end put_content_type_image_png do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.image_png) end put_content_type_image_jpg do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.image_jpg) end put_content_type_image_svg_xml do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.image_svg_xml) end put_content_type_message_http do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.message_http) end put_content_type_multipart_mixed do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.multipart_mixed) end put_content_type_multipart_alternative do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.multipart_alternative) end put_content_type_multipart_related do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.multipart_related) end put_content_type_multipart_form_data do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.multipart_form_data) end put_content_type_multipart_signed do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.multipart_signed) end put_content_type_multipart_encrypted do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.multipart_encrypted) end put_content_type_application_x_www_form_encoded do put_content_type ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.application_x_www_form_encoded) end put_content_type_utf_8_text_plain do put_content_type_with_charset ({HTTP_MIME_TYPES}.text_plain, "utf-8") end feature -- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing put_access_control_allow_origin (a_origin: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: " + `a_origin' header. -- `a_origin' specifies a URI that may access the resource --| for instance "" do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_access_control_allow_origin, a_origin) end put_access_control_allow_all_origin -- Put "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" header. do put_access_control_allow_origin ("*") end put_access_control_allow_credentials (b: BOOLEAN) -- Indicates whether or not the response to the request can be exposed when the credentials flag is true. -- When used as part of a response to a preflight request, this indicates whether or not the actual request can be made using credentials. -- Note that simple GET requests are not preflighted, and so if a request is made for a resource with credentials, -- if this header is not returned with the resource, the response is ignored by the browser and not returned to web content. -- ex: Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true | false do if b then put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_access_control_allow_Credentials, "true") else put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_access_control_allow_Credentials, "false") end end put_access_control_allow_methods (a_methods: ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_8]) -- If `a_methods' is not empty, put `Access-Control-Allow-Methods' header with list `a_methods' of methods -- `a_methods' specifies the method or methods allowed when accessing the resource. -- This is used in response to a preflight request. -- ex: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: [, ]* do put_header_key_values ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_access_control_allow_methods, a_methods, Void) end put_access_control_allow_headers (a_headers: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" header. with value `a_headers' -- Used in response to a preflight request to indicate which HTTP headers can be used when making the actual request. -- ex: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: [, ]* do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_access_control_allow_headers, a_headers) end put_access_control_allow_iterable_headers (a_fields: ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_8]) -- Put "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" header. with value `a_headers' -- Used in response to a preflight request to indicate which HTTP headers can be used when making the actual request. -- ex: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: [, ]* do put_header_key_values ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_access_control_allow_headers, a_fields, Void) end feature -- Method related put_allow (a_methods: ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_8]) -- If `a_methods' is not empty, put `Allow' header with list `a_methods' of methods do put_header_key_values ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_allow, a_methods, Void) end feature -- Date put_date (a_date: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put "Date: " header do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_date, a_date) end put_current_date -- Put current date time with "Date" header do put_utc_date (create {DATE_TIME}.make_now_utc) end put_utc_date (a_utc_date: DATE_TIME) -- Put UTC date time `a_utc_date' with "Date" header -- using RFC1123 date formating. do put_date (date_to_rfc1123_http_date_format (a_utc_date)) end put_last_modified (a_utc_date: DATE_TIME) -- Put UTC date time `dt' with "Last-Modified" header do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_last_modified, date_to_rfc1123_http_date_format (a_utc_date)) end feature -- Authorization put_authorization (a_authorization: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put `a_authorization' with "Authorization" header -- The Authorization header is constructed as follows: -- 1. Username and password are combined into a string "username:password". -- 2. The resulting string literal is then encoded using Base64. -- 3. The authorization method and a space, i.e. "Basic " is then put before the encoded string. -- ex: Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_authorization, a_authorization) end feature -- Others put_expires (a_seconds: INTEGER) -- Put "Expires" header to `a_seconds' seconds -- and also "Cache-Control: max-age=.." . -- To be supported by most browser. local dt: DATE_TIME do create dt.make_now_utc dt.second_add (a_seconds) put_expires_date (dt) put_cache_control ("max-age=" + a_seconds.out) end put_expires_string (a_expires: STRING) -- Put "Expires" header with `a_expires' string value do put_header_key_value ("Expires", a_expires) end put_expires_date (a_utc_date: DATE_TIME) -- Put "Expires" header with UTC date time value -- formatted following RFC1123 specification. do put_header_key_value ("Expires", date_to_rfc1123_http_date_format (a_utc_date)) end put_cache_control (a_cache_control: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put "Cache-Control" header with value `a_cache_control' --| note: ex "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" do put_header_key_value ("Cache-Control", a_cache_control) end put_pragma (a_pragma: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put "Pragma" header with value `a_pragma' do put_header_key_value ("Pragma", a_pragma) end put_pragma_no_cache -- Put "Pragma" header with "no-cache" a_pragma do put_pragma ("no-cache") end feature -- Connection put_connection (a_conn: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put "Connection" header with `a_conn' value. do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_connection, a_conn) end put_connection_keep_alive -- Put "Connection" header with "keep-alive". do put_connection ("keep-alive") end put_connection_close -- Put "Connection" header with "close". do put_connection ("close") end feature -- Redirection put_location (a_uri: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Tell the client the new location `a_uri' -- using "Location" header. require a_uri_valid: not a_uri.is_empty do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_location, a_uri) end put_refresh (a_uri: READABLE_STRING_8; a_timeout_in_seconds: INTEGER) -- Tell the client to refresh page with `a_uri' after `a_timeout_in_seconds' in seconds -- using "Refresh" header. require a_uri_valid: not a_uri.is_empty do put_header_key_value ({HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_refresh, a_timeout_in_seconds.out + "; url=" + a_uri) end feature -- Cookie put_cookie (key, value: READABLE_STRING_8; expiration, path, domain: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; secure, http_only: BOOLEAN) -- Set a cookie on the client's machine -- with key 'key' and value 'value'. -- Note: you should avoid using "localhost" as `domain' for local cookies -- since they are not always handled by browser (for instance Chrome) require make_sense: (key /= Void and value /= Void) and then (not key.is_empty and not value.is_empty) domain_without_port_info: domain /= Void implies domain.index_of (':', 1) = 0 local s: STRING do s := {HTTP_HEADER_NAMES}.header_set_cookie + colon_space + key + "=" + value if domain /= Void and then not domain.same_string ("localhost") then s.append ("; Domain=") s.append (domain) end if path /= Void then s.append ("; Path=") s.append (path) end if expiration /= Void then s.append ("; Expires=") s.append (expiration) end if secure then s.append ("; Secure") end if http_only then s.append ("; HttpOnly") end add_header (s) end put_cookie_with_expiration_date (key, value: READABLE_STRING_8; expiration: DATE_TIME; path, domain: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; secure, http_only: BOOLEAN) -- Set a cookie on the client's machine -- with key 'key' and value 'value'. require make_sense: (key /= Void and value /= Void) and then (not key.is_empty and not value.is_empty) do put_cookie (key, value, date_to_rfc1123_http_date_format (expiration), path, domain, secure, http_only) end feature -- Access date_to_rfc1123_http_date_format (dt: DATE_TIME): STRING_8 -- String representation of `dt' using the RFC 1123 local d: HTTP_DATE do create d.make_from_date_time (dt) Result := d.string end feature {NONE} -- Implementation has_same_header_name (h: READABLE_STRING_8; a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN -- Header line `h' has same name as `a_name' ? do if h.starts_with (a_name) then if h.valid_index (a_name.count + 1) then Result := h[a_name.count + 1] = ':' end end end feature {NONE} -- Constants str_binary: STRING = "binary" str_chunked: STRING = "chunked" colon_space: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 once create Result.make_from_string (": ") end semi_colon_space: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 once create Result.make_from_string ("; ") end comma_space: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 once create Result.make_from_string (", ") end note copyright: "2011-2017, Jocelyn Fiat, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end