note description: "[ Status code constants pertaining to the HTTP protocol See ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class HTTP_STATUS_CODE feature -- 1xx : Informational continue: INTEGER = 100 switching_protocols: INTEGER = 101 processing: INTEGER = 102 -- WebDAV RFC 2518 ie7_request_uri_too_long: INTEGER = 122 -- non standard, IE7 only feature -- 2xx : Success ok: INTEGER = 200 created: INTEGER = 201 accepted: INTEGER = 202 nonauthoritative_info: INTEGER = 203 no_content: INTEGER = 204 reset_content: INTEGER = 205 partial_content: INTEGER = 206 multistatus: INTEGER = 207 -- WebDAV RFC 4918 im_used: INTEGER = 226 -- RFC 4918 feature -- 3xx : Redirection multiple_choices: INTEGER = 300 moved_permanently: INTEGER = 301 found: INTEGER = 302 see_other: INTEGER = 303 not_modified: INTEGER = 304 use_proxy: INTEGER = 305 switch_proxy: INTEGER = 306 temp_redirect: INTEGER = 307 feature -- 4xx : Client Error bad_request: INTEGER = 400 unauthorized: INTEGER = 401 payment_required: INTEGER = 402 forbidden: INTEGER = 403 not_found: INTEGER = 404 method_not_allowed: INTEGER = 405 not_acceptable: INTEGER = 406 proxy_auth_required: INTEGER = 407 request_timeout: INTEGER = 408 conflict: INTEGER = 409 gone: INTEGER = 410 length_required: INTEGER = 411 precondition_failed: INTEGER = 412 request_entity_too_large: INTEGER = 413 request_uri_too_long: INTEGER = 414 unsupported_media_type: INTEGER = 415 request_range_not_satisfiable: INTEGER = 416 expectation_failed: INTEGER = 417 teapot: INTEGER = 418 feature -- 4xx : Client Error : WebDAV errors too_many_connections: INTEGER = 421 unprocessable_entity: INTEGER = 422 locked: INTEGER = 423 failed_dependency: INTEGER = 424 unordered_collection: INTEGER = 425 upgrade_required: INTEGER = 426 no_response: INTEGER = 444 retry_with: INTEGER = 449 blocked_parental: INTEGER = 450 client_closed_request: INTEGER = 499 feature -- 5xx : Server Error internal_server_error: INTEGER = 500 not_implemented: INTEGER = 501 bad_gateway: INTEGER = 502 service_unavailable: INTEGER = 503 gateway_timeout: INTEGER = 504 http_version_not_supported: INTEGER = 505 variant_also_negotiates: INTEGER = 506 insufficient_storage: INTEGER = 507 -- WebDAV RFC 4918 bandwidth_limit_exceeded: INTEGER = 509 not_extended: INTEGER = 510 user_access_denied: INTEGER = 530 note copyright: "2011-2012, Jocelyn Fiat, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end