note description: "[ Status code constants pertaining to the HTTP protocol See ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class HTTP_STATUS_CODE_MESSAGES inherit HTTP_STATUS_CODE feature -- Status report is_valid_http_status_code (v: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is the given value a valid http status code? do Result := v >= continue and v <= user_access_denied end feature -- Status messages http_status_code_message (a_code: INTEGER): detachable STRING -- Header message related to HTTP status code `a_code' do inspect a_code when continue then Result := "Continue" when switching_protocols then Result := "Switching Protocols" when processing then Result := "Processing" when ok then Result := "OK" when created then Result := "Created" when accepted then Result := "Accepted" when nonauthoritative_info then Result := "Non-Authoritative Information" when no_content then Result := "No Content" when reset_content then Result := "Reset Content" when partial_content then Result := "Partial Content" when multistatus then Result := "Multi-Status" when multiple_choices then Result := "Multiple Choices" when moved_permanently then Result := "Moved Permanently" when found then Result := "Found" when see_other then Result := "See Other" when not_modified then Result := "Not Modified" when use_proxy then Result := "Use Proxy" when switch_proxy then Result := "Switch Proxy" when temp_redirect then Result := "Temporary Redirect" when bad_request then Result := "Bad Request" when unauthorized then Result := "Unauthorized" when payment_required then Result := "Payment Required" when forbidden then Result := "Forbidden" when not_found then Result := "Not Found" when method_not_allowed then Result := "Method Not Allowed" when not_acceptable then Result := "Not Acceptable" when proxy_auth_required then Result := "Proxy Authentication Required" when request_timeout then Result := "Request Timeout" when conflict then Result := "Conflict" when gone then Result := "Gone" when length_required then Result := "Length Required" when precondition_failed then Result := "Precondition Failed" when request_entity_too_large then Result := "Request Entity Too Large" when request_uri_too_long then Result := "Request-URI Too Long" when unsupported_media_type then Result := "Unsupported Media Type" when request_range_not_satisfiable then Result := "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" when expectation_failed then Result := "Expectation Failed" when teapot then Result := "I'm a teapot" when too_many_connections then Result := "There are too many connections from your internet address" when unprocessable_entity then Result := "Unprocessable Entity" when locked then Result := "Locked" when failed_dependency then Result := "Failed Dependency" when unordered_collection then Result := "Unordered Collection" when upgrade_required then Result := "Upgrade Required" when retry_with then Result := "Retry With" when blocked_parental then Result := "Blocked by Windows Parental Controls" when internal_server_error then Result := "Internal Server Error" when not_implemented then Result := "Not Implemented" when bad_gateway then Result := "Bad Gateway" when service_unavailable then Result := "Service Unavailable" when gateway_timeout then Result := "Gateway Timeout" when http_version_not_supported then Result := "HTTP Version Not Supported" when variant_also_negotiates then Result := "Variant Also Negotiates" when insufficient_storage then Result := "Insufficient Storage" when bandwidth_limit_exceeded then Result := "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" when not_extended then Result := "Not Extended" when user_access_denied then Result := "User access denied" else Result := Void end end note copyright: "2011-2012, Jocelyn Fiat, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end