note description: "[ API to perform actions like opening and closing the connection, sending and receiving messages, and listening for events triggered by the server ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class WEB_SOCKET_CLIENT_I inherit WEB_SOCKET_SUBSCRIBER redefine on_websocket_error, on_websocket_text_message, on_websocket_binary_message, on_websocket_close, on_websocket_open, on_websocket_ping, on_websocket_pong end WEB_SOCKET feature -- Initialization initialize (a_uri: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_protocols: detachable ITERABLE [STRING]) -- Initialize websocket client require is_valid_uri: is_valid_uri (a_uri) do uri := a_uri set_default_port create protocol.make_empty set_protocols (a_protocols) create ready_state.make socket := new_socket (port, host) create server_handshake.make end initialize_with_port (a_uri: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_port: INTEGER; a_protocols: detachable ITERABLE [STRING]) -- Initialize websocket client require is_valid_uri: is_valid_uri (a_uri) do uri := a_uri port := a_port create protocol.make_empty set_protocols (a_protocols) create ready_state.make socket := new_socket (port, host) create server_handshake.make end initialize_with_host_port_and_path (a_host: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_port: INTEGER; a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) require is_valid_uri: is_valid_uri (a_host) do uri := a_host + ":" + a_port.out + a_path port := a_port create protocol.make_empty create ready_state.make socket := new_socket (port, host) create server_handshake.make end feature -- Factory new_socket (a_port: INTEGER; a_host: STRING): HTTP_STREAM_SOCKET -- New socket for port `a_port' on host `a_host'. deferred end feature -- Access socket: HTTP_STREAM_SOCKET -- Socket has_error: BOOLEAN do Result := implementation.has_error end is_server_hanshake_accepted: BOOLEAN is_valid_uri (a_uri: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_uri' a valid URI? local l_uri: URI do if a_uri.is_valid_as_string_8 then create l_uri.make_from_string (a_uri.to_string_8) Result := l_uri.is_valid end end server_handshake: WEB_SOCKET_HANDSHAKE_DATA -- Handshake data received from the server feature -- Access: secure is_secure_connection_supported: BOOLEAN -- Is SSL supported? deferred end secure_protocol: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL -- SSL protocol , if `is_secure_connection_supported'. secure_certificate_file: detachable PATH -- SSL certificate file , if `is_secure_connection_supported'. secure_certificate_key_file: detachable PATH -- SSL key file , if `is_secure_connection_supported'. feature -- Element change set_secure_protocol (a_prot: like secure_protocol) do secure_protocol := a_prot end set_secure_certificate_file (p: detachable PATH) -- Set SSL certificate from file at `p'. do secure_certificate_file := p end set_secure_certificate_key_file (p: detachable PATH) -- Set SSL key from file at `p'. do secure_certificate_key_file := p end feature -- Events API on_open (a_message: STRING) deferred end on_text_message (a_message: STRING) deferred end on_binary_message (a_message: STRING) deferred end on_close (a_code: INTEGER; a_reason: STRING) deferred end on_error (a_error: STRING) deferred end feature -- Subscriber Events on_websocket_handshake (a_request: STRING) -- Send handshake message do socket.put_string (a_request) end on_websocket_text_message (a_message: STRING) do on_text_message (a_message) end on_websocket_binary_message (a_message: STRING) do on_binary_message (a_message) end on_websocket_open (a_message: STRING) do on_open (a_message) end on_websocket_close (a_message: STRING) do close_with_description (1000, a_message) on_close (1000, a_message) end on_websocket_error (a_error: STRING) do on_error (a_error) close_with_description (1002,"") end on_websocket_ping (a_message: STRING) do do_send (10, a_message) end on_websocket_pong (a_message: STRING) do -- do_send (9, a_message) end feature -- Execute execute require else is_socket_valid: socket.exists do set_implementation socket.connect check socket_connected: socket.is_connected end send_handshake receive_handshake if is_server_hanshake_accepted then ready_state.set_state ({WEB_SOCKET_READY_STATE}.open) on_websocket_open ("Open Connection") from until ready_state.is_closed or has_error loop receive end else on_websocket_error ("Server Handshake not accepted") --log(Not connected) socket.close end rescue on_websocket_close ("") socket.close end feature -- Methods send (a_message: STRING) do do_send (1, a_message) end send_binary (a_message: STRING) do do_send (2, a_message) end close (a_id: INTEGER) -- Close a websocket connection with a close id : `a_id' do do_send (8, "") ready_state.set_state ({WEB_SOCKET_READY_STATE}.closed) end close_with_description (a_id: INTEGER; a_description: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Close a websocket connection with a close id : `a_id' and a description `a_description' do do_send (8, "") ready_state.set_state ({WEB_SOCKET_READY_STATE}.closed) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation set_implementation do create implementation.make_with_protocols_and_port (Current, host, protocols, port) end send_handshake local l_uri: URI l_handshake: STRING l_random: SALT_XOR_SHIFT_64_GENERATOR l_secure_protocol: STRING do create l_uri.make_from_string (uri.as_string_8) create l_handshake.make_empty if l_uri.path.is_empty then l_handshake.append ("GET / HTTP/1.1") l_handshake.append (crlf) elseif l_uri.query = Void then l_handshake.append ("GET " + l_uri.path + " HTTP/1.1") l_handshake.append (crlf) else if attached l_uri.query as l_query then l_handshake.append ("GET " + l_uri.path + "?" + l_query + " HTTP/1.1") l_handshake.append (crlf) end end if attached as l_host then l_handshake.replace_substring_all ("$host", l_host) l_handshake.append ("Host: " + l_host + ":" + port.out) l_handshake.append (crlf) end l_handshake.append_string ("Upgrade: websocket") l_handshake.append (crlf) l_handshake.append_string ("Connection: Upgrade") l_handshake.append (crlf) l_handshake.append_string ("Sec-WebSocket-Key: ") create l_random.make (16) l_handshake.append_string (base64_encode_array (l_random.new_sequence)) l_handshake.append (crlf) if attached protocols as l_protocols then create l_secure_protocol.make_empty across l_protocols as c loop l_secure_protocol.append (c.item) l_secure_protocol.append (" ,") end l_secure_protocol.remove_tail (1) l_handshake.append_string ("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol:" + l_secure_protocol) l_handshake.append (crlf) end l_handshake.append_string ("Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13") l_handshake.append (crlf) l_handshake.append (crlf) implementation.start_handshake (l_handshake) end receive_handshake do analyze_request_message if server_handshake.request_header.has_substring ("HTTP/1.1 101") and then attached server_handshake.request_header_map.item ("Upgrade") as l_upgrade_key and then -- Upgrade header must be present with value websocket l_upgrade_key.is_case_insensitive_equal ("websocket") and then attached server_handshake.request_header_map.item ("Connection") as l_connection_key and then -- Connection header must be present with value Upgrade l_connection_key.has_substring ("Upgrade") then is_server_hanshake_accepted := True if attached server_handshake.request_header_map.item ("Sec-WebSocet-Protocol") as l_protocol then set_protocol (l_protocol) end end end receive do implementation.receive end set_default_port do if is_secure then port := wss_port_default else port := ws_port_default end end client_handshake_required_template: STRING = "[ GET $resource HTTP/1.1 Host: $host Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade Sec-WebSocket-Key: $key Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 ]" base64_encode_array (a_sequence: ARRAY [NATURAL_8]): STRING_8 -- Encode a byte array `a_sequence' into Base64 notation. local l_result: STRING l_base_64: BASE64 do create l_result.make_empty across a_sequence as i loop l_result.append_character (i.item.to_character_8) end create l_base_64 Result := l_base_64.encoded_string (l_result) end host: STRING local l_uri: URI do create Result.make_empty create l_uri.make_from_string (uri.as_string_8) if attached as l_host then Result := l_host end end feature -- Parse Request line analyze_request_message -- Analyze message extracted from `socket' as HTTP request require input_readable: socket /= Void and then socket.is_open_read local end_of_stream: BOOLEAN pos, n: INTEGER line: detachable STRING k, val: STRING txt: STRING do create txt.make (64) server_handshake.set_request_header (txt) if attached next_line as l_request_line and then not l_request_line.is_empty then txt.append (l_request_line) txt.append_character ('%N') else server_handshake.mark_error end -- l_is_verbose := is_verbose if not server_handshake.has_error then -- or l_is_verbose then -- if `is_verbose' we can try to print the request, even if it is a bad HTTP request from line := next_line until line = Void or end_of_stream loop n := line.count -- if l_is_verbose then -- log (line) -- end pos := line.index_of (':', 1) if pos > 0 then k := line.substring (1, pos - 1) if line [pos + 1].is_space then pos := pos + 1 end if line [n] = '%R' then n := n - 1 end val := line.substring (pos + 1, n) server_handshake.put_header (k, val) end txt.append (line) txt.append_character ('%N') if line.is_empty or else line [1] = '%R' then end_of_stream := True else line := next_line end end end end next_line: detachable STRING -- Next line fetched from `socket' is available. require is_readable: socket.is_open_read do if socket.socket_ok then socket.read_line_thread_aware Result := socket.last_string end end feature -- {WEB_SOCKET_CLIENT} -- do_send (a_opcode: NATURAL_32; a_message: STRING) -- local -- l_chunks: INTEGER -- i: INTEGER -- l_index: INTEGER -- l_chunk_size: INTEGER -- l_key: STRING -- l_message: STRING -- l_frame : STRING -- do -- print ("%NMessage count:" + a_message.count.out) -- create l_frame.make_empty -- create l_message.make_empty -- if a_message.count > 65535 then -- --!Improve. this code need to be checked. -- print("%N Case:1") -- l_frame.append_code ((0x80 | a_opcode).to_natural_32) -- l_frame.append_code ((0x80 | 127).to_natural_32) -- l_frame.append_code (0x0) -- l_frame.append_code (0x0) -- l_frame.append_code (0x0) -- l_frame.append_code (0x0) -- l_frame.append_code (((a_message.count) |>> 32).to_character_8.code.as_natural_32) -- l_frame.append_code (((a_message.count) |>> 16).to_character_8.code.as_natural_32) -- l_frame.append_code (((a_message.count ) |>> 8).to_character_8.code.as_natural_32) -- l_frame.append_code ((a_message.count).to_character_8.code.as_natural_32) -- elseif a_message.count > 125 then -- print("%N Case:2") -- print ("Message count:" + a_message.count.out) -- l_frame.append_code ((0x80 | a_opcode).to_natural_32) -- l_frame.append_code ((0x80 | 126).to_natural_32) -- l_frame.append_code (((a_message.count ) |>> 8).as_natural_32) -- l_frame.append_code ((a_message.count).to_character_8.code.as_natural_32) -- print ("%NHeaderMessage:" + l_frame) -- else -- print("%N Case:3") -- print ("Message count:" + a_message.count.out) -- l_frame.append_code ((0x80 | a_opcode).to_natural_32) -- l_frame.append_code ((0x80 | a_message.count).to_natural_32) -- end -- -- l_key := new_key -- l_frame.append (l_key.substring (1, 4)) -- l_message := implementation.unmmask (a_message, l_key.substring (1, 4)) -- l_frame.append (l_message) -- socket.send_message (l_frame) -- end do_send (a_opcode:INTEGER; a_message: READABLE_STRING_8) local i: INTEGER l_chunk_size: INTEGER l_chunk: READABLE_STRING_8 l_header_message: STRING l_message_count: INTEGER n: NATURAL_64 retried: BOOLEAN l_message : STRING l_key: STRING do if not retried then create l_header_message.make_empty l_header_message.append_code ((0x80 | a_opcode).to_natural_32) l_message_count := a_message.count n := l_message_count.to_natural_64 if l_message_count > 0xffff then --! Improve. this code needs to be checked. l_header_message.append_code ((0x80 | 127).to_natural_32) l_header_message.append_character ((n |>> 56).to_character_8) l_header_message.append_character ((n |>> 48).to_character_8) l_header_message.append_character ((n |>> 40).to_character_8) l_header_message.append_character ((n |>> 32).to_character_8) l_header_message.append_character ((n |>> 24).to_character_8) l_header_message.append_character ((n |>> 16).to_character_8) l_header_message.append_character ((n |>> 8).to_character_8) l_header_message.append_character ( n.to_character_8) elseif l_message_count > 125 then l_header_message.append_code ((0x80 | 126).to_natural_32) l_header_message.append_code ((n |>> 8).as_natural_32) l_header_message.append_character (n.to_character_8) else l_header_message.append_code ((0x80 | n).as_natural_32) end l_key := new_key l_header_message.append (l_key.substring (1, 4)) socket.put_string (l_header_message) l_message := implementation.unmmask (a_message, l_key.substring (1, 4)) l_chunk_size := 16_384 -- 16K if l_message_count < l_chunk_size then socket.put_string (l_message) else from i := 0 until l_chunk_size = 0 loop debug ("ws") print ("Sending chunk " + (i + 1).out + " -> " + (i + l_chunk_size).out +" / " + l_message_count.out + "%N") end l_chunk := l_message.substring (i + 1, l_message_count.min (i + l_chunk_size)) socket.put_string (l_chunk) if l_chunk.count < l_chunk_size then l_chunk_size := 0 end i := i + l_chunk_size end debug ("ws") print ("Sending chunk done%N") end end else -- FIXME: what should be done on rescue? end rescue retried := True io.put_string ("Internal error in " + generator + ".do_send (conn, a_opcode=" + a_opcode.out + ", a_message) !%N") retry end new_key: STRING local l_random: SALT_XOR_SHIFT_64_GENERATOR do create Result.make_empty create l_random.make (4) across l_random.new_sequence as i loop Result.append_integer (i.item) end end implementation: WEB_SOCKET_IMPL -- Web Socket implementation crlf: STRING = "%R%N" end