	description: "Constants for WebSockets"
	date: "$Date$"
	revision: "$Revision$"


feature -- Constants

	HTTP_1_1: STRING = "HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake"

	Upgrade_ws: STRING = "Upgrade: websocket"

	Connection_ws: STRING = "Connection: Upgrade"

	Sec_WebSocket_Origin: STRING = "Sec-WebSocket-Origin: "

	Sec_WebSocket_Protocol: STRING = "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: "

	Sec_WebSocket_Location: STRING = "Sec-WebSocket-Location: "

	Sec_WebSocket_Version: STRING = "Sec-WebSocket-Version: "

	Sec_WebSocket_Extensions: STRING = "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: "

	WebSocket_Origin: STRING = "WebSocket-Origin: "

	WebSocket_Protocol: STRING = "WebSocket-Protocol: "

	WebSocket_Location: STRING = "WebSocket-Location: "

	Origin: STRING = "Origin"

	Server: STRING = "EWSS"

	Sec_WebSocket_Key: STRING = "Sec-WebSocket-Key"

	Ws_scheme: STRING = "ws://"

	Wss_scheme: STRING = "wss://"

	Magic_guid: STRING = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"

		-- The handshake from the client looks as follows:

		--        GET /chat HTTP/1.1
		--        Host:
		--        Upgrade: websocket
		--        Connection: Upgrade
		--        Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
		--        Origin:
		--        Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat, superchat
		--        Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

		--   The handshake from the server looks as follows:

		--        HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
		--        Upgrade: websocket
		--        Connection: Upgrade
		--        Sec-WebSocket-Accept: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
		--        Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat

feature -- Opcodes Standard actions

		--| Maybe we need an enum STANDARD_ACTIONS_OPCODES?
		--     |Opcode  | Meaning                             | Reference |
		--    -+--------+-------------------------------------+-----------|
		--     | 0      | Continuation Frame                  | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+--------+-------------------------------------+-----------|
		--     | 1      | Text Frame                          | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+--------+-------------------------------------+-----------|
		--     | 2      | Binary Frame                        | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+--------+-------------------------------------+-----------|
		--     | 8      | Connection Close Frame              | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+--------+-------------------------------------+-----------|
		--     | 9      | Ping Frame                          | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+--------+-------------------------------------+-----------|
		--     | 10     | Pong Frame                          | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+--------+-------------------------------------+-----------|

	Continuation_frame: INTEGER = 0

	Text_frame: INTEGER = 1

	Binary_frame: INTEGER = 2

	Connection_close_frame: INTEGER = 8

	Ping_frame: INTEGER = 9

	Pong_frame: INTEGER = 10

	is_control_frame (a_opcode: INTEGER): BOOLEAN
			-- Is `a_opcode' a control frame?
			inspect a_opcode
			when Connection_close_frame, Ping_frame, Pong_frame then
				Result := True

	opcode_name (a_opcode: INTEGER): STRING
			inspect a_opcode
			when Continuation_frame then Result := "Continuation"
			when Text_frame then Result := "Text"
			when Binary_frame then Result := "Binary"
			when Connection_close_frame then Result := "Connection Close"
			when Ping_frame then Result := "Ping"
			when Pong_frame then Result := "Pong"
				Result := "Unknown-Opcode"
			Result := "0x" + a_opcode.to_hex_string + " " + Result

feature -- Close code numbers

		-- Maybe an ENUM CLOSE_CODES

		--	   |Status Code | Meaning         | Contact       | Reference |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1000       | Normal Closure  | | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1001       | Going Away      | | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1002       | Protocol error  | | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1003       | Unsupported Data| | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1004       | ---Reserved---- | | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1005       | No Status Rcvd  | | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1006       | Abnormal Closure| | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1007       | Invalid frame   | | RFC 6455  |
		--     |            | payload data    |               |           |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1008       | Policy Violation| | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1009       | Message Too Big | | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1010       | Mandatory Ext.  | | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1011       | Internal Server | | RFC 6455  |
		--     |            | Error           |               |           |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|
		--     | 1015       | TLS handshake   | | RFC 6455  |
		--    -+------------+-----------------+---------------+-----------|

	Normal_closure: INTEGER = 1000
			-- Indicates a normal closure, meaning that the purpose for
      		-- which the connection was established has been fulfilled.

	Going_away: INTEGER = 1001
			-- Indicates that an endpoint is "going away", such as a server
      		-- going down or a browser having navigated away from a page.

	Protocol_error: INTEGER = 1002
			-- Indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection due
      		-- to a protocol error.

    Unsupported_data: INTEGER = 1003
    		-- Indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection
      		-- because it has received a type of data it cannot accept (e.g., an
      		-- endpoint that understands only text data MAY send this if it
      		-- receives a binary message).

    Invalid_data: INTEGER = 1007
    		-- Indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection
      		-- because it has received data within a message that was not
      		-- consistent with the type of the message (e.g., non-UTF-8 [RFC3629]
      		-- data within a text message).

	Policy_violation: INTEGER = 1008
			-- Indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection
      		-- because it has received a message that violates its policy.  This
      		-- is a generic status code that can be returned when there is no
      		-- other more suitable status code (e.g., 1003 or 1009) or if there
      		-- is a need to hide specific details about the policy.

    Message_too_large: INTEGER = 1009
    		-- Indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection
      		-- because it has received a message that is too big for it to
      		-- process.

    Extension_required: INTEGER = 1010
    		-- Indicates that an endpoint (client) is terminating the
      		-- connection because it has expected the server to negotiate one or
      		-- more extension, but the server didn't return them in the response
      		-- message of the WebSocket handshake.

	Internal_error: INTEGER = 1011
			-- Indicates that a server is terminating the connection because
 		    -- it encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from
      		-- fulfilling the request.
