README.txt - Intro to the AEL_PRINTF cluster The Amalasoft Eiffel Printf Cluster is a collection of classes that implements a printf facility for the Eiffel language. It depends on the Eiffel base libraries (available in open source or commercial form from Eiffel Software and is, like other Eiffel code, portable across platforms. The printf cluster does not include an equivalent to scanf at this time. The printf cluster does not support internationalization at this time. ------------------------------------------------------------ The cluster includes the following classes: AEL_PRINTF The "face" of the cluster; the class to be inherited or instantiated by classes needing the facility. AEL_PRINTF offers the key client features including printf, sprintf, fprintf and aprintf ("append" printf, that returns a formatted string), and features for generating hexadecimal dumps, as well as the key error handling routines. There is typically no need for clients to access directly any other class from the cluster. printf-like features presented by AEL_PRINTF include: aprintf - "append printf" Accepts a format specifier and arg list, and returns the formatted string result fprintf - "file printf" Accepts an opened file, a format specifier and arg list, and writes the formatted string to the file printf - "printf" Accepts a format specifier and arg list, and writes the formatted string result to default output sprintf - "string printf" Accepts a destination STRING, a format specifier and arg list, and writes the formatted string into the destination string. axdump - "hex dump" Accepts a source buffer, an options string and range/sequencing arguments, and returns as result a hexadecimal dump of the source buffer as a formatted string amemdump - "memory dump" Accepts POINTER to a memory location, the size of memory to be processed, an options string, an effective starting address (for presentation) and a line spacing specifier, and returns a hexadecimal dump of the memory provided address given as a formatted string lxdump - "list dump" Accepts a source buffer, options string, start/end sequence numbers and effective start address (for presentation) and returns a hexadecimal dump of the source buffer as a list of (rows of) strings amemdump - "memory dump" Accepts POINTER to a memory location, the size of memory to be processed, an options string, an effective starting address (for presentation) and a line spacing specifier, and returns a hexadecimal dump of the memory provided address given as a list of (rows of) strings print_line, printline Accepts a detachable ANY as argument and writes it to default output (using) print, appending a newline character Additional features usable by clients/descendents include those by which to set global printf paramers. These include: set_default_printf_fill_char Sets the character to be used for filling space in formatted strings to the given value (blank by default) reset_default_printf_fill_char Sets the character to be used for filling space in formatted strings to default value (blank) set_default_printf_decimal_separator Sets the character used by printf to denote the decimal (radix) point to the given value ('.' by default) reset_default_printf_decimal_separator Resets the character used by printf to denote the decimal (radix) point to the default value ('.') set_default_printf_list_delimiter Sets the string used by printf to denote the delimit items in a formatted list to the given value (", " by default) reset_default_printf_list_delimiter Resets the string used by printf to denote the delimit items in a formatted list to the default value (", ") set_default_printf_thousands_delimiter Sets the string used by printf to denote the delimit digit groups of thousands (3 decimal digits) in a formatted decimal to the given value ("," by default) reset_default_printf_thousands_delimiter Resets the string used by printf to denote the delimit digit groups of thousands (3 decimal digits) in a formatted decimal to the default value (",") set_printf_client_error_agent Sets the procedure to call when printf encounters a format error. Errors encountered are always recorded in last_printf_errors, whether the value for this agent is defined or not. AEL_PF_FORMATTING_CONSTANTS Provides constant values used by the other members of the cluster It holds the shared error list (last_printf_errors) and provides a shared (onced) instance of AEL_PF_FORMATTING_ROUTINES. AEL_PF_FORMATTING_ROUTINES Provides the core formatting routines used by the front-end routines in AEL_PRINTF. AEL_PF_FORMAT_ERROR Encapsulation of a single error instance (for when a run-time error occurs, due to mismatched parameters and such) AEL_PF_FORMAT_ERROR_SUPPORT Provides routines to interface with the shared error list AEL_PF_FORMAT_PARAM The heart of the cluster. Provides format string parsing and interpretation, argument coordination and output routines AEL_PF_FORMAT_TOKEN A simple class representing a token within the format string argument. ------------------------------------------------------------ The printf.ecf and printf-safe.ecf files define the library form of the cluster. Check the HISTORY.txt file for latest changes ------------------------------------------------------------ Refer to AEL_Printf.pdf for a detailed description of the options, syntax and examples. ------------------------------------------------------------