note description: "Implementation of {SVN} interface." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class SVN_ENGINE inherit SVN rename print as ascii_print redefine default_create end SVN_CONSTANTS rename print as ascii_print redefine default_create end SHARED_PROCESS_MISC rename print as ascii_print redefine default_create end LOCALIZED_PRINTER rename print as ascii_print redefine default_create end create default_create, make_with_executable_path feature {NONE} -- Initialization default_create do make_with_executable_path ("svn") end make_with_executable_path (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do set_svn_executable_path (v) end feature -- Access svn_executable_path: STRING_32 svn_executable_location: PATH feature -- Element change set_svn_executable_path (v: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do set_svn_executable_location (create {PATH}.make_from_string (v)) end set_svn_executable_location (v: PATH) do svn_executable_location := v svn_executable_path := end feature -- Output print (a_str: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Write `a_str' on standard output. do localized_print (a_str) end feature -- Access tool info version: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT cmd: STRING_32 do create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (" --version --quiet") res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) if res /= Void and then res.exit_code = 0 then create Result.make_from_string_general (res.output) end end feature -- Access: working copy statuses (a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; is_verbose, is_recursive, is_remote: BOOLEAN; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): detachable LIST [SVN_STATUS_INFO] do Result := impl_statuses (Void, create {PATH}.make_from_string (a_path), is_verbose, is_recursive, is_remote, a_options) end checkout (a_location: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_rev: detachable SVN_RANGE_INDEX; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): SVN_RESULT -- local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "svn checkout from [" + a_location.as_string_32 + {STRING_32} "] into [" + a_path.as_string_32 +"].%N") end create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) cmd.append_string (" checkout ") if a_rev /= Void and then not a_rev.string.is_whitespace and then not a_rev.string.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("0") then cmd.append_string_general (" -r") cmd.append_string_general (a_rev.string) end cmd.append_character (' ') cmd.append_string_general (a_location) cmd.append_string (" %"") cmd.append_string_general (a_path) cmd.append_string ("%"") debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + {STRING_32} "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void or else res.exit_code /= 0 then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end create Result.make_failure (cmd) if res /= Void then Result.set_message ("Exit code: " + res.exit_code.out + "%N" + res.error_output) end else s := res.output debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end create Result.make_success (cmd) end end revert (a_changelist: SVN_CHANGELIST; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): SVN_RESULT -- local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "svn revert [" + a_changelist.as_command_line_arguments +"].%N") end create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) cmd.append_string (" revert ") a_changelist.append_as_command_line_arguments_to (cmd) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + {STRING_32} "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void or else res.exit_code /= 0 then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end create Result.make_failure (cmd) if res /= Void then Result.set_message ("Exit code: " + res.exit_code.out + "%N" + res.error_output) end else s := res.output debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end create Result.make_success (cmd) end end update (a_changelist: SVN_CHANGELIST; a_rev: detachable SVN_RANGE_INDEX; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): SVN_RESULT -- local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "svn update [" + a_changelist.as_command_line_arguments +"].%N") end create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) cmd.append_string (" update ") a_changelist.append_as_command_line_arguments_to (cmd) if a_rev /= Void and then not a_rev.string.is_whitespace and then not a_rev.string.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("0") then cmd.append_string_general (" -r") cmd.append_string_general (a_rev.string) end debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + {STRING_32} "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void or else res.exit_code /= 0 then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end create Result.make_failure (cmd) if res /= Void then Result.set_message ("Exit code: " + res.exit_code.out + "%N" + res.error_output) end else s := res.output debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end create Result.make_success (cmd) end end add (a_changelist: SVN_CHANGELIST; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): SVN_RESULT -- local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "svn add " + a_changelist.as_command_line_arguments + "%N") end create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) cmd.append_string (" add ") a_changelist.append_as_command_line_arguments_to (cmd) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + {STRING_32} "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void or else res.exit_code /= 0 then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end create Result.make_failure (cmd) if res /= Void then Result.set_message ("Exit code: " + res.exit_code.out + "%N" + res.error_output) end else s := res.output debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end create Result.make_success (cmd) end end delete (a_changelist: SVN_CHANGELIST; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): SVN_RESULT -- local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "svn delete ") across a_changelist as ic loop print ("%"") print (ic.item) print ("%" ") end print ("%N") end create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) cmd.append_string (" delete ") a_changelist.append_as_command_line_arguments_to (cmd) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + {STRING_32} "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void or else res.exit_code /= 0 then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end create Result.make_failure (cmd) if res /= Void then Result.set_message ("Exit code: " + res.exit_code.out + "%N" + res.error_output + "%N" + res.error_output) end else s := res.output debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end create Result.make_success (cmd) end end move (a_location, a_new_location: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): SVN_RESULT -- local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "svn move from [" + a_location.as_string_32 + {STRING_32} "] to [" + a_new_location.as_string_32 +"].%N") end create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) cmd.append_string (" move %"") cmd.append_string_general (a_location) cmd.append_string ("%" %"") cmd.append_string_general (a_new_location) cmd.append_string ("%" ") debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + {STRING_32} "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void or else res.exit_code /= 0 then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end create Result.make_failure (cmd) if res /= Void then Result.set_message ("Exit code: " + res.exit_code.out + "%N" + res.error_output) end else s := res.output debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end create Result.make_success (cmd) end end commit (a_changelist: SVN_CHANGELIST; a_log_message: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): SVN_RESULT do Result := commit_from_location (a_changelist, a_log_message, a_options, {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}.current_working_path) end commit_from_location (a_changelist: SVN_CHANGELIST; a_log_message: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS; a_location: PATH): SVN_RESULT -- local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd,msg: STRING_32 args: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] tmpfile: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE tmp: PATH do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "svn commit " + a_changelist.as_command_line_arguments + {STRING_32} "%N") end create args.make (10) option_into_command_line_arguments (a_options, args) args.force ("commit") across a_changelist as ic loop args.force (ic.item) end if a_log_message /= Void then create msg.make_from_string_general (a_log_message) msg.prune_all ('%R') if msg.has ('%N') then msg.left_adjust msg.right_adjust end if msg.has ('%N') or msg.has ('`') then args.force ("--file") tmp := {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}.temporary_directory_path if tmp = Void then tmp := {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}.current_working_path end create tmpfile.make_open_temporary_with_prefix (tmp.extended ("tsvn-eif-svn-log_").name) tmpfile.put_string ({UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (a_log_message)) tmpfile.flush tmpfile.close args.force ( else args.force ("--message") args.force (msg) end end debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("Command: svn commit ...%N") end res := output (svn_executable_path, args, a_location) if tmpfile /= Void and then tmpfile.exists then tmpfile.delete tmpfile := Void end debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end -- Compute pseudo command line for info. create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) cmd.append_string (" commit ") a_changelist.append_as_command_line_arguments_to (cmd) if a_log_message /= Void then if a_log_message.has ('%N') then create msg.make_from_string_general (a_log_message) msg.replace_substring_all ("%N", "\n") -- Note: this is only for info, this is not the real command! cmd.append (" --message %"") cmd.append_string_general (msg) cmd.append ("%"") else cmd.append (" --message %"") cmd.append_string_general (a_log_message) cmd.append ("%"") end end if res = Void or else res.exit_code /= 0 then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end create Result.make_failure (cmd) if res /= Void then Result.set_message ("Exit code: " + res.exit_code.out + "%N" + res.error_output) end else s := res.output debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end create Result.make_success (cmd) Result.set_message (s) end end feature -- Access: svn repository_info (a_location: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): detachable SVN_REPOSITORY_INFO local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable STRING cmd: STRING_32 l_svn_xml_manager: like svn_xml_manager do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Fetch svn info from [" + a_location.as_string_32 + "] %N") end create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) cmd.append_string (" --xml info ") cmd.append_string_general (a_location) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + {STRING_32} "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end else s := res.output.to_string_8 debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end -- s.replace_substring_all ("%R%N", "%N") l_svn_xml_manager := svn_xml_manager if l_svn_xml_manager = Void then create l_svn_xml_manager svn_xml_manager := l_svn_xml_manager end Result := l_svn_xml_manager.string_to_repository_info (a_location, s) end end diff (a_location: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_start, a_end: detachable SVN_RANGE_INDEX; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): detachable SVN_RESULT local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Fetch svn info from [" + a_location.as_string_32 + {STRING_32} "] %N") end create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) cmd.append_string (" diff ") cmd.append_string_general (a_location) if a_start /= Void and then not a_start.string.is_whitespace and then not a_start.string.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("0") then cmd.append_string_general (" -r") cmd.append_string_general (a_start.string) if a_end /= Void and then not a_end.string.is_whitespace and then not a_end.string.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("0") then cmd.append_character (':') cmd.append_string_general (a_end.string) end end -- cmd.append_string (" --summarize ") debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + {STRING_32} "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void or else res.exit_code /= 0 then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end create Result.make_failure (cmd) else s := res.output debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (s) end create Result.make_success (cmd) Result.set_message (s) end end path_content (a_location: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_path: STRING; a_rev: detachable SVN_RANGE_INDEX; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 local s: STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string_general (a_location) s.append_string_general (a_path) Result := content (s, a_rev, a_options) end content (a_location: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_rev: detachable SVN_RANGE_INDEX; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT cmd: STRING_32 do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Fetch path content from [" + a_location.as_string_32 + {STRING_32} "] %N") end create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) cmd.append_string_general (" cat ") if a_rev /= Void and then not a_rev.string.is_whitespace and then not a_rev.string.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("0") then cmd.append_string_general (" -r") cmd.append_string_general (a_rev.string) end cmd.append_character (' ') cmd.append_string_general (a_location) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + {STRING_32} "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end else Result := res.output debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + Result.count.out + " .%N") print (Result) end end end logs (a_location: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; is_verbose: BOOLEAN; a_start, a_end: detachable SVN_RANGE_INDEX; a_limit: INTEGER; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): detachable LIST [SVN_REVISION_INFO] local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 l_svn_xml_manager: like svn_xml_manager do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Fetch svn logs from [" + a_location.as_string_32 + "] (range [") if a_start /= Void then print (a_start.string) end if a_end /= Void then print ("..") print (a_end.string) end print ("] limit of " + a_limit.out + " entries) %N") end create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) if is_verbose then cmd.append_string_general (" -v ") end if a_start /= Void and then not a_start.string.is_whitespace and then not a_start.string.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("0") then cmd.append_string_general (" -r") cmd.append_string_general (a_start.string) if a_end /= Void and then not a_end.string.is_whitespace and then not a_end.string.is_case_insensitive_equal_general ("0") then cmd.append_character (':') cmd.append_string_general (a_end.string) end end if a_limit > 0 then cmd.append_string_general (" --limit ") cmd.append_integer (a_limit) end cmd.append_string_general (" --xml log ") cmd.append_string_general (a_location) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + {STRING_32} "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, Void) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end else s := res.output debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") print (res.output) end -- s.replace_substring_all ("%R%N", "%N") l_svn_xml_manager := svn_xml_manager if l_svn_xml_manager = Void then create l_svn_xml_manager svn_xml_manager := l_svn_xml_manager end Result := l_svn_xml_manager.string_to_logs (a_location, s) end end feature {NONE} -- impl option_to_command_line_flags (a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): STRING_32 do create Result.make_empty if a_options /= Void then if attached a_options.username as u then Result.append_string_general (" --username ") Result.append_string (u) end if attached a_options.password as p then Result.append_string_general (" --password ") Result.append_string (p) end if not a_options.auth_cached then Result.append_string_general (" --no-auth-cache " ) end if attached a_options.parameters as l_params and then not l_params.is_whitespace then Result.append_string_general (" ") Result.append (l_params) Result.append_string_general (" ") end end end option_into_command_line_arguments (a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS; a_args: LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]) do if a_options /= Void then if attached a_options.username as u then a_args.force ("--username") a_args.force (u) end if attached a_options.password as p then a_args.force ("--password") a_args.force (p) end if not a_options.auth_cached then a_args.force ("--no-auth-cache") end if attached a_options.parameters as l_params and then not l_params.is_whitespace then across l_params.split (' ') as ic loop if not ic.item.is_whitespace then a_args.force (ic.item) end end end end end svn_xml_manager: detachable SVN_XML_MANAGER impl_statuses (a_prefix_path: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_path: PATH; is_verbose, is_recursive, is_remote: BOOLEAN; a_options: detachable SVN_OPTIONS): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [SVN_STATUS_INFO] local res: detachable PROCESS_COMMAND_RESULT s: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 cmd: STRING_32 info: SVN_STATUS_INFO lst, lst2: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [SVN_STATUS_INFO] l_svn_xml_manager: like svn_xml_manager do debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Fetch svn info from [" + + "] (is_recursive=" + is_recursive.out + ") %N") end create cmd.make_from_string (svn_executable_path) cmd.append_string (option_to_command_line_flags (a_options)) if not is_recursive then cmd.append_string_general (" -N ") end if is_verbose then cmd.append_string_general (" -v ") end if is_remote then cmd.append_string_general (" -u ") end cmd.append_string_general (" --xml status ") -- For unknown reason, it is better to pass the full ``, rather than just "." -- even if the current directory is `a_path` -- cmd.append_string_general (".") cmd.append_string_general ( debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Command: [" + cmd + {STRING_32} "]%N") end res := output_of_command (cmd, a_path) debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated %N") end if res = Void then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : None .%N") end else s := res.output debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ("-> terminated : count=" + s.count.out + " .%N") -- print (s) end l_svn_xml_manager := svn_xml_manager if l_svn_xml_manager = Void then create l_svn_xml_manager svn_xml_manager := l_svn_xml_manager end -- s.replace_substring_all ("%R%N", "%N") Result := l_svn_xml_manager.string_to_status_on_pathes (a_prefix_path, a_path, s) if is_recursive and Result /= Void and then Result.count > 0 then from Result.start create lst.make (10) until Result.after loop info := Result.item_for_iteration inspect info.wc_status_code when status_external, status_unknown, status_obstructed then if info.path_is_directory then debug ("SVN_ENGINE") print ({STRING_32} "Explore [" + + "] %N") end lst2 := impl_statuses (info.display_path, info.absolute_path, is_verbose, is_recursive, is_remote, a_options) if lst2 /= Void and then lst2.count > 0 then lst.append (lst2) end end else end Result.forth end if lst /= Void and then lst.count > 1 then Result.append (lst) end end end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 2003-2022, Jocelyn Fiat" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Jocelyn Fiat Contact: Website ]" end