note author: "$Author$" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class TEST_SVN inherit SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize `Current'. do if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then create {SVN_ENGINE} svn.make_with_executable_path ("C:\apps\dev\SlikSvn\bin\svn.exe") else create {SVN_ENGINE} svn.make_with_executable_path ("/usr/bin/svn") end test_working_copy test_remote end test_working_copy local id: STRING rn: STRING_32 res: SVN_RESULT d: DIRECTORY p,r,wc: PATH f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE sh: SHARED_PROCESS_MISC do id := {UUID_GENERATOR}.generate_uuid.out create p.make_current p := p.extended ("test-" + id) create d.make_with_path (p) d.recursive_create_dir r := p.extended ("repo") rn := if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then rn.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") end rn.prepend ("file:///") create sh if attached sh.process_misc.output_of_command ({STRING_32} "svnadmin create " +, Void) as l_admin_res and then l_admin_res.exit_code = 0 then wc := p.extended ("wc") svn.checkout (rn,, Void, Void).do_nothing create d.make_with_path (wc.extended ("dir")) d.recursive_create_dir create f.make_with_path (d.path.extended ("test.txt")) f.create_read_write f.put_string ("Hello, this is a test for svn lib%N") f.close res := svn.add (, Void) if res.failed then if attached res.message as msg then print (msg) print ("%N") end else res := svn.move (, d.path.extended ("new_test.txt").name, Void) if res.failed then if attached res.message as msg then print (msg) print ("%N") end else create f.make_with_path (d.path.extended ("new_test.txt")) res := svn.commit (, "new folder, and renamed", Void) if res.failed then if attached res.message as msg then print (msg) print ("%N") end else res := svn.update (, Void, Void) if res.failed then if attached res.message as msg then print (msg) print ("%N") end else res := svn.delete (, Void) if res.failed then if attached res.message as msg then print (msg) print ("%N") end else res := svn.commit (, "delete file", Void) if res.failed and then attached res.message as msg then print (msg) print ("%N") end end end end end end end -- Cleanup create d.make_with_path (p) if d.exists then safe_delete (d) end end safe_delete (d: DIRECTORY) local retried: INTEGER do if retried <= 1 then d.recursive_delete end rescue retried := retried + 1 execution_environment.sleep (100_000_000); retry end test_remote do test_statuses test_repository_info test_logs get_logs end svn: SVN feature -- Test test_repository_info do if attached svn.repository_info ("", Void) as info then display_repository_info (info) end end test_statuses local l_src: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL do if attached execution_environment.item ("EIFFEL_SRC") as env_src then l_src := env_src else l_src := end if attached svn.statuses (l_src, True, False, False, Void) as lst then across lst as l loop display_status (l.item) end end end test_logs do if attached svn.logs ("", True, Void, Void, 10, Void) as lst then across lst as l loop display_revision (l.item) end end end get_logs local l_url: STRING l_head_rev: INTEGER l_last_fetched_rev: INTEGER l_logs: like svn.logs do l_url := "" if attached svn.repository_info (l_url, Void) as repo_info then l_head_rev := repo_info.last_changed_rev l_last_fetched_rev := last_stored_rev if l_last_fetched_rev > 0 then l_logs := svn.logs (l_url, True, l_last_fetched_rev, l_head_rev, 10, Void) else l_logs := svn.logs (l_url, True, 0, 0, 100, Void) end if l_logs /= Void then across l_logs as l loop store_rev (l.item) end end end end last_stored_rev: INTEGER local d: DIRECTORY do create d.make ("logs.db") if d.exists then d.open_read from d.start d.readentry until not attached d.last_entry_32 as s loop if s.is_integer then Result := Result.max (s.to_integer) end d.readentry end d.close end end store_rev (r: SVN_REVISION_INFO) local d: DIRECTORY f: RAW_FILE do create d.make ("logs.db") if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end create f.make_with_path (d.path.extended (r.revision.out)) if not f.exists then f.create_read_write f.put_string ("revision=" + r.revision.out + "%N") f.put_string ("date=" + + "%N") f.put_string ("author=" + + "%N") f.put_string ("parent=" + r.common_parent_path + "%N") if attached r.paths as l_paths and then not l_paths.is_empty then across l_paths as p loop f.put_string ("path[]=" + p.item.path + "%N") end end f.put_string ("message=" + r.log_message + "%N") f.close print ("Log for rev#" + r.revision.out + " stored%N") else print ("Log for rev#" + r.revision.out + " already fetched%N") end end feature -- Access display_status (s: SVN_STATUS_INFO) do print ("[" + s.wc_status + "] " + s.display_path + ": " + s.wc_revision.out + "%N") end display_repository_info (info: SVN_REPOSITORY_INFO) do if attached info.url as l_url then print ("[" + l_url + "] ") else print ("[...] ") end print (info.last_changed_rev.out + " out of " + info.revision.out + "%N") end display_revision (r: SVN_REVISION_INFO) do print ("[" + r.revision.out + "] " + + ": ") if attached r.log_message as log then if log.has ('%N') then print ("%N" + log) else print (log) end end if attached r.paths as lst then if lst.count > 0 then print ("%N%TCommon dir=" + r.common_parent_path) print ("%N") end across lst as l loop if attached l.item as p_data then print ("%T[" + p_data.action + "] <" + r.kind_to_string (p_data.kind) + "> " + p_data.path + "%N") end end end print ("%N") end end