note description: "Objects that ..." author: "Colin LeMahieu" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" quote: "Liberty is not a means to a political end. It is itself the highest political end. - Lord Acton" deferred class EC_FIELD_ELEMENT inherit ANY redefine is_equal, copy end DEBUG_OUTPUT undefine is_equal, copy end EC_CONSTANTS undefine is_equal, copy end feature x: INTEGER_X copy (other: like Current) do x.copy (other.x) end encoded_field_size (curve: EC_CURVE): INTEGER_32 -- Return the size of this ecfieldelement in bytes when encoded according to x9.62 -- This was added as a deviation from the lcrypto origional and seems to be cleaner -- Replacement for class X9IntegerConverter deferred end plus (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE) deferred end plus_value (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE): like Current do Result := deep_twin (other, curve) end minus (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE) deferred end minus_value (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE): like Current do Result := deep_twin Result.minus (other, curve) end product (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE) deferred end product_value (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE): like Current do Result := deep_twin Result.product (other, curve) end quotient (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE) deferred end quotient_value (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE): like Current do Result := deep_twin Result.quotient (other, curve) end opposite (curve: EC_CURVE) deferred end opposite_value (curve: EC_CURVE): like Current do Result := deep_twin Result.opposite (curve) end square (curve: EC_CURVE) deferred end square_value (curve: EC_CURVE): like Current do Result := deep_twin Result.square (curve) end inverse (curve: EC_CURVE) deferred end inverse_value (curve: EC_CURVE): like Current do Result := deep_twin Result.inverse (curve) end sqrt (curve: EC_CURVE): like Current -- Return a new ECFIELDELEMENT that is sqrt(current) deferred end is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN do Result := x ~ other.x ensure then Result = (x ~ other.x) end feature {DEBUG_OUTPUT} -- {DEBUG_OUTPUT} debug_output: STRING do result := x.out_hex end invariant negative: not x.is_negative end