note description: "Objects that ..." author: "Colin LeMahieu" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" quote: "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women. When it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it. - Justice Learned Hand" class EC_FIELD_ELEMENT_FP inherit EC_FIELD_ELEMENT redefine is_equal, plus_value, minus_value, product_value, quotient_value, opposite_value, square_value, inverse_value end create make_p_x, make_q_x_hex create {EC_POINT, EC_CURVE_FP} make_zero feature {EC_POINT_FP, EC_CURVE_FP} make_zero do create x.default_create end feature make_p_x (x_new: INTEGER_X) -- create a new ECFIELDELEMENTFP based on q and x do x := x_new end make_q_x_hex(curve_a: EC_CURVE_FP x_hex_a: STRING) do make_p_x (create {INTEGER_X}.make_from_hex_string (x_hex_a)) end feature {EC_FIELD_ELEMENT_FP} W (n: INTEGER_X r: INTEGER_X x_new: INTEGER_X p_a: INTEGER_X): INTEGER_X -- I'm not sure what this does local w_one: INTEGER_X w_two: INTEGER_X do if n ~ (ONE) then result := ((r * r * x_new.powm_value ((p_a - TWO), p_a)) - TWO) \\ p_a elseif not n.bit_test(0) then w_one := W (n / TWO, r, x, p_a) result := ((w_one * w_one) - TWO) \\ p_a else w_one := W ((n + ONE) / TWO, r, x, p_a) w_two := W ((n - ONE) / TWO, r, x, p_a) result := ((w_one * w_two) - W (ONE, r, x, p_a)) \\ p_a end end feature encoded_field_size (curve: EC_CURVE_FP): INTEGER_32 -- Return the encoded field size for FP field elements local p: INTEGER_X do p := curve.q result := p.bytes end plus_value (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE_FP): EC_FIELD_ELEMENT_FP do Result := Precursor (other, curve) end plus (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE_FP) do (other.x) x.modulo (curve.q) end minus_value (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE_FP): EC_FIELD_ELEMENT_FP do Result := Precursor (other, curve) end minus (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE_FP) do x.minus (other.x) x.modulo (curve.q) end product_value (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE_FP): EC_FIELD_ELEMENT_FP do Result := Precursor (other, curve) end product (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE_FP) do x.product (other.x) x.modulo (curve.q) end quotient_value (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE_FP): EC_FIELD_ELEMENT_FP do Result := Precursor (other, curve) end quotient (other: like Current; curve: EC_CURVE_FP) local p: INTEGER_X do p := curve.q x.product (other.x.inverse_value (p)) x.modulo (p) end opposite_value (curve: EC_CURVE_FP): EC_FIELD_ELEMENT_FP do Result := Precursor (curve) end opposite (curve: EC_CURVE_FP) do x.opposite x.modulo (curve.q) end square_value (curve: EC_CURVE_FP): EC_FIELD_ELEMENT_FP do Result := Precursor (curve) end square (curve: EC_CURVE_FP) do x.product (x) x.modulo (curve.q) end inverse_value (curve: EC_CURVE_FP): EC_FIELD_ELEMENT_FP do Result := Precursor (curve) end inverse (curve: EC_CURVE_FP) do x.inverse (curve.q) end sqrt (curve: EC_CURVE_FP): like Current -- Implement sqrt over FP local z: EC_FIELD_ELEMENT_FP legendreExponent: INTEGER_X fourX: INTEGER_X r: INTEGER_X n1: INTEGER_X n2: INTEGER_X root: INTEGER_X exponent: INTEGER_X p: INTEGER_X do p := curve.q if p.bit_test (1) then create z.make_p_x (x.powm_value (p.bit_shift_right_value (2) + one, p)) Result := z elseif p.bit_test (0) then legendreExponent := (p - ONE) / TWO exponent := x.powm_value (legendreExponent, p) check exponent ~ one end fourX := FOUR * x r := TWO from until not ((r * r - fourx).powm_value (legendreExponent, p) ~ (p - ONE)) loop --Is this correct? There's a slightly higher chance that the -- number is in the range 0 - q than q - 2^q.bits create r.make_random (p.bits) r := r \\ p end n1 := (p - ONE) / FOUR n2 := (p + THREE) / FOUR root := (x * (TWO * r).powm_value (p - TWO, p) * (W (n1, r, x, p) + W (n2, r, x, p))) \\ p create z.make_p_x (root) Result := z else create Result.make_p_x (create {INTEGER_X}.default_create) (create {EXCEPTION}.default_create).raise end end is_equal (other: like current): BOOLEAN -- Is this FP = other do result := x ~ other.x end end