note description: "Tests Output Feedback mode" author: "Colin LeMahieu" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" quote: "Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable are arbitrary, cruel, grasping, and unintelligent. - H. L. Mencken" class OFB_TEST inherit MODE_TEST_DATA undefine default_create end EQA_TEST_SET redefine on_prepare end feature {NONE} on_prepare local ciphertext: INTEGER_X do make_data create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("3b3fd92eb72dad20333449f8e83cfb4a") create ciphertext_1_128.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_1_128, 0, 15) create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("7789508d16918f03f53c52dac54ed825") create ciphertext_2_128.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_2_128, 0, 15) create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("9740051e9c5fecf64344f7a82260edcc") create ciphertext_3_128.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_3_128, 0, 15) create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("304c6528f659c77866a510d9c1d6ae5e") create ciphertext_4_128.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_4_128, 0, 15) create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("cdc80d6fddf18cab34c25909c99a4174") create ciphertext_1_196.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_1_196, 0, 15) create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("fcc28b8d4c63837c09e81700c1100401") create ciphertext_2_196.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_2_196, 0, 15) create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("8d9a9aeac0f6596f559c6d4daf59a5f2") create ciphertext_3_196.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_3_196, 0, 15) create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("6d9f200857ca6c3e9cac524bd9acc92a") create ciphertext_4_196.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_4_196, 0, 15) create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("dc7e84bfda79164b7ecd8486985d3860") create ciphertext_1_256.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_1_256, 0, 15) create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("4febdc6740d20b3ac88f6ad82a4fb08d") create ciphertext_2_256.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_2_256, 0, 15) create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("71ab47a086e86eedf39d1c5bba97c408") create ciphertext_3_256.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_3_256, 0, 15) create ciphertext.make_from_hex_string ("0126141d67f37be8538f5a8be740e484") create ciphertext_4_256.make_filled (0, 16) ciphertext.to_fixed_width_byte_array (ciphertext_4_256, 0, 15) end feature ciphertext_1_128: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] ciphertext_2_128: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] ciphertext_3_128: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] ciphertext_4_128: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] ciphertext_1_196: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] ciphertext_2_196: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] ciphertext_3_196: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] ciphertext_4_196: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] ciphertext_1_256: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] ciphertext_2_256: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] ciphertext_3_256: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] ciphertext_4_256: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] test_encryption_128 local ofb: OFB_ENCRYPTION aes: AES_KEY ciphertext: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] correct: BOOLEAN do create aes.make_spec_128 create ciphertext.make_filled (0, 16) create ofb.make (aes, iv, 0) ofb.encrypt_block (block_1, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_1_128, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 128 1", correct) ofb.encrypt_block (block_2, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_2_128, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 128 2", correct) ofb.encrypt_block (block_3, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_3_128, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 128 3", correct) ofb.encrypt_block (block_4, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_4_128, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 128 4", correct) end test_decryption_128 local ofb: OFB_DECRYPTION aes: AES_KEY plaintext: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] correct: BOOLEAN do create aes.make_spec_128 create plaintext.make_filled (0, 16) create ofb.make (aes, iv, 0) ofb.decrypt_block (ciphertext_1_128, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_1, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 128 1", correct) ofb.decrypt_block (ciphertext_2_128, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_2, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 128 2", correct) ofb.decrypt_block (ciphertext_3_128, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_3, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 128 3", correct) ofb.decrypt_block (ciphertext_4_128, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_4, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 128 4", correct) end test_encryption_196 local ofb: OFB_ENCRYPTION aes: AES_KEY ciphertext: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] correct: BOOLEAN do create aes.make_spec_196 create ciphertext.make_filled (0, 16) create ofb.make (aes, iv, 0) ofb.encrypt_block (block_1, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_1_196, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 196 1", correct) ofb.encrypt_block (block_2, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_2_196, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 196 2", correct) ofb.encrypt_block (block_3, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_3_196, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 196 3", correct) ofb.encrypt_block (block_4, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_4_196, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 196 4", correct) end test_decryption_196 local ofb: OFB_DECRYPTION aes: AES_KEY plaintext: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] correct: BOOLEAN do create aes.make_spec_196 create plaintext.make_filled (0, 16) create ofb.make (aes, iv, 0) ofb.decrypt_block (ciphertext_1_196, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_1, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 196 1", correct) ofb.decrypt_block (ciphertext_2_196, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_2, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 196 2", correct) ofb.decrypt_block (ciphertext_3_196, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_3, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 196 3", correct) ofb.decrypt_block (ciphertext_4_196, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_4, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 196 4", correct) end test_encryption_256 local ofb: OFB_ENCRYPTION aes: AES_KEY ciphertext: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] correct: BOOLEAN do create aes.make_spec_256 create ciphertext.make_filled (0, 16) create ofb.make (aes, iv, 0) ofb.encrypt_block (block_1, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_1_256, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 256 1", correct) ofb.encrypt_block (block_2, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_2_256, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 256 2", correct) ofb.encrypt_block (block_3, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_3_256, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 256 3", correct) ofb.encrypt_block (block_4, 0, ciphertext, 0) correct := ciphertext.same_items (ciphertext_4_256, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test encryption 256 4", correct) end test_decryption_256 local cbc: OFB_DECRYPTION aes: AES_KEY plaintext: SPECIAL [NATURAL_8] correct: BOOLEAN do create aes.make_spec_256 create plaintext.make_filled (0, 16) create cbc.make (aes, iv, 0) cbc.decrypt_block (ciphertext_1_256, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_1, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 256 1", correct) cbc.decrypt_block (ciphertext_2_256, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_2, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 256 2", correct) cbc.decrypt_block (ciphertext_3_256, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_3, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 256 3", correct) cbc.decrypt_block (ciphertext_4_256, 0, plaintext, 0) correct := plaintext.same_items (block_4, 0, 0, 16) assert ("test decryption 256 4", correct) end end