note description: "[ Eiffel tests that can be executed by testing tool. ]" author: "EiffelStudio test wizard" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" testing: "type/manual" class MICRODATA_TEST_SET inherit EQA_TEST_SET feature -- Test routines test_01 do test_microdata (ex_01, ex_01_md) end test_02 do test_microdata (ex_02, ex_02_md) end test_03 do test_microdata (ex_03, ex_03_md) end test_04 do test_microdata (ex_04, ex_04_md) end test_05 do test_microdata (ex_05, ex_05_md) end test_06 do test_microdata (ex_06, ex_06_md) end test_07 do test_microdata (ex_07, ex_07_md) end test_07_html do -- This should fail, since the html parser -- is not flexible enough with non-closing element such as dt, dd .. test_microdata (ex_07_html, ex_07_html_md) end test_08 do test_microdata (ex_08, ex_08_md) end test_09 do test_microdata (ex_09, ex_09_md) end test_10 do test_microdata (ex_10, ex_10_md) end test_full_md local loader: MD_LOADER do create loader.make_with_string (schema_org_full_md) if attached loader.microdata as md then test_microdata (schema_org_full_md, md) else assert ("valid xml", False) end end test_microdata (a_html: STRING; a_md: MD_DOCUMENT) -- New test routine local loader: MD_LOADER do create loader.make_with_string (a_html) if attached loader.microdata as md then assert ("ok", same_metadata (md, a_md)) else assert ("valid xml", False) end -- end same_metadata (md,md_exp: MD_DOCUMENT): BOOLEAN local dbg: MD_DEBUG_ITERATOR s, s_exp: STRING_32 do create s.make_empty create dbg.make (s) md.accept (dbg) create s_exp.make_empty create dbg.make (s_exp) md_exp.accept (dbg) Result := s.same_string (s_exp) end feature -- Data ex_01_md: MD_DOCUMENT local i,subi: MD_ITEM p: MD_PROPERTY do create Result.make create i.make ("") Result.put (i) create p.make ("name", "Panasonic White 60L Refrigerator", Void) i.put (p) create subi.make_with_name ("aggregateRating", "") i.put (subi) create p.make ("ratingValue", "Rated 3.5/5", Void) subi.put (p) create p.make ("reviewCount", "11", Void) subi.put (p) end ex_01: STRING do Result := "[
Panasonic White 60L Refrigerator
Rated 3.5/5 (based on 11 customer reviews)
]" end ex_02_md: MD_DOCUMENT local i, subi: MD_ITEM p: MD_PROPERTY do create Result.make create i.make (Void) Result.put (i) create p.make ("name", "Amanda", Void) i.put (p) create subi.make_with_name ("band", Void) i.put (subi) create p.make ("name", "Jazz Band", Void) subi.put (p) create p.make ("size", "12", Void) subi.put (p) end ex_02: STRING do Result := "[

Name: Amanda

Band: Jazz Band (12 players)

]" end ex_03_md: MD_DOCUMENT local i: MD_ITEM p: MD_PROPERTY do create Result.make create i.make (Void) Result.put (i) create p.make ("birthday", "2009-05-10", Void) i.put (p) end ex_03: STRING do Result := "[
I was born on .
]" end ex_04_md: MD_DOCUMENT local i: MD_ITEM p: MD_PROPERTY do create Result.make create i.make (Void) Result.put (i) create p.make ("favorite-color", "orange", Void) i.put (p) create p.make ("favorite-fruit", "orange", Void) i.put (p) end ex_04: STRING do Result := "[
]" end ex_05_md: MD_DOCUMENT local i: MD_ITEM p: MD_PROPERTY do create Result.make create i.make (Void) Result.put (i) create p.make ("flavor", "Lemon sorbet", Void) i.put (p) create p.make ("flavor", "Apricot sorbet", Void) i.put (p) end ex_05: STRING do Result := "[

Flavors in my favorite ice cream:

]" end ex_06_md: MD_DOCUMENT local i: MD_ITEM p: MD_PROPERTY do create Result.make create i.make ("") Result.put (i) create p.make ("name", "Hedral", Void) i.put (p) create p.make ("desc", "Hedral is a male american domestic shorthair, with a fluffy black fur with white paws and belly.", Void) i.put (p) create p.make ("img", "hedral.jpeg", Void) i.put (p) end ex_06: STRING do Result := "[


Hedral is a male american domestic shorthair, with a fluffy black fur with white paws and belly.

]" end ex_07_md, ex_07_html_md: MD_DOCUMENT local i: MD_ITEM p: MD_PROPERTY do create Result.make create i.make ("") i.set_identifier ("urn:isbn:0-330-34032-8") Result.put (i) create p.make ("title", "The Reality Dysfunction", Void) i.put (p) create p.make ("author", "Peter F. Hamilton", Void) i.put (p) create p.make ("pubdate", "1996-01-26", Void) i.put (p) end ex_07_html: STRING do Result := "[
The Reality Dysfunction
Publication date
]" end ex_07: STRING do Result := "[
The Reality Dysfunction
Publication date
]" end ex_08_md: MD_DOCUMENT local i, subi: MD_ITEM p: MD_PROPERTY do create Result.make create i.make ("") i.set_identifier ("urn:isbn:0-330-34032-8") Result.put (i) create p.make ("title", "The Reality Dysfunction", Void) i.put (p) create subi.make_with_name ("author", Void) i.put (subi) create p.make ("name", "Peter F. Hamilton", Void) subi.put (p) create p.make ("country", "UK", Void) subi.put (p) subi := subi.deep_twin subi.set_name ("writer") i.put (subi) create p.make ("pubdate", "1996-01-26", Void) i.put (p) end ex_08: STRING do Result := "[
The Reality Dysfunction
Peter F. Hamilton UK
Publication date
]" end ex_09_md: MD_DOCUMENT local i, subi: MD_ITEM p: MD_PROPERTY do create Result.make create i.make ("") i.set_identifier ("urn:isbn:0-330-34032-8") Result.put (i) create p.make ("title", "The Reality Dysfunction", Void) i.put (p) create subi.make (Void) Result.put (subi) create p.make ("name", "Peter F. Hamilton", Void) subi.put (p) create p.make ("country", "UK", Void) subi.put (p) create p.make ("pubdate", "1996-01-26", Void) i.put (p) end ex_09: STRING do Result := "[
The Reality Dysfunction
Peter F. Hamilton UK
Publication date
]" end ex_10_md: MD_DOCUMENT local i: MD_ITEM p: MD_PROPERTY id_node: MD_ID_NODE do create Result.make create i.make ("") i.add_reference ("licenses") Result.put (i) create p.make ("work", "images/house.jpeg", Void) i.put (p) create p.make ("title", "The house I found.", Void) i.put (p) create i.make ("") i.add_reference ("licenses") Result.put (i) create p.make ("work", "images/mailbox.jpeg", Void) i.put (p) create p.make ("title", "The mailbox.", Void) i.put (p) create id_node.make ("licenses") Result.register_id_node (id_node) create p.make ("license", "", Void) id_node.put (p) end ex_10: STRING do Result := "[ Photo gallery

My photos

A white house, boarded up, sits in a forest.
The house I found.
Outside the house is a mailbox. It has a leaflet inside.
The mailbox.
]" end schema_org_full_md: STRING local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create Result.make_empty Result.append ("
") create f.make_with_name ("schema_org_full_md.html") if f.exists then f.open_read from until f.exhausted loop f.read_stream (1_024) Result.append (f.last_string) end f.close end Result.append ("
") end ex_0: STRING do Result := "[ ]" end end