note description : "Objects that ..." author : "$Author$" date : "$Date$" revision : "$Revision$" class WIKI_TO_XHTML inherit SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize `Current'. local args: ARGUMENTS_32 fn: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 p: PATH wi: WIKI_INDEX wp: WIKI_PAGE i,n: INTEGER vis: WIKI_VISITOR l_to_stdout: BOOLEAN l_append_to_file: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL l_save_to_file: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL s: STRING l_files: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] l_header_tpl, l_footer_tpl: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL tpl: STRING is_help: BOOLEAN do create args if attached args.argument_array as arr then create l_files.make (arr.count) from i := arr.lower + 1 n := arr.upper until i > n loop if arr[i].starts_with ("-") then if arr[i].same_string_general ("--stdout") then l_to_stdout := True elseif arr[i].same_string_general ("--to-file") or arr[i].same_string_general ("-f") then i := i + 1 if arr.valid_index (i) then l_save_to_file := arr[i] end elseif arr[i].same_string_general ("--append-to-file") or arr[i].same_string_general ("-a") then i := i + 1 if arr.valid_index (i) then l_append_to_file := arr[i] end elseif arr[i].same_string_general ("--header") then i := i + 1 if arr.valid_index (i) then l_header_tpl := arr[i] end elseif arr[i].same_string_general ("--footer") then i := i + 1 if arr.valid_index (i) then l_footer_tpl := arr[i] end else end elseif arr[i].same_string_general ("--help") or arr[i].same_string_general ("-h") then is_help := True else l_files.force (arr[i]) end i := i + 1 end if l_save_to_file = Void and l_append_to_file = Void then l_to_stdout := True end if is_help then print ("usage: wiki2xhtml {options} files ..%N") print (" --stdout : output to console%N") print (" -f%N --to-file a_filename : output into file %"a_filename%"%N") print (" -a%N --append-to-file a_filename : output appended into file %"a_filename%"%N") print ("%N") print (" --header a_filename : use header template file %"a_filename%"%N") print (" --footer a_filename : use footer template file %"a_filename%"%N") print ("%N") print (" --help or -h : display this help.%N") else across l_files as c loop fn := c.item create p.make_from_string (fn) io.error.put_string ("Analyze " + p.utf_8_name + "%N") if fn.ends_with_general (".index") then create {WIKI_DEBUG_VISITOR} vis.make create wi.make ("Book", p) wi.analyze if attached as b then b.process (vis) end elseif attached p.extension as ext then create s.make (1024) create {WIKI_XHTML_GENERATOR} vis.make (s) if attached p.entry as e then create wp.make_with_title (e.utf_8_name) else create wp.make_with_title ("Index") end wp.get_structure (p) debug wp.process (create {WIKI_DEBUG_VISITOR}.make); end wp.process (vis) if l_header_tpl /= Void then tpl := text_from_file (l_header_tpl) if not tpl.is_empty then tpl.replace_substring_all ("$WIKIPAGENAME", wp.title) end s.prepend (tpl) end if l_footer_tpl /= Void then tpl := text_from_file (l_footer_tpl) if not tpl.is_empty then tpl.replace_substring_all ("$WIKIPAGENAME", wp.title) end s.append (tpl) end if l_append_to_file /= Void then append_text_to (s, create {PATH}.make_from_string (l_append_to_file)) io.error.put_string ("Appended HTML to file " + l_append_to_file.as_string_8 + "%N") end if l_save_to_file /= Void then save_text_to (s, create {PATH}.make_from_string (l_save_to_file)) io.error.put_string ("Saved HTML to file " + l_save_to_file.as_string_8 + "%N") end if l_to_stdout then print (s) end end end end end end append_text_to (s: READABLE_STRING_8; fn: PATH) local f: RAW_FILE do create f.make_with_path (fn) if not f.exists or else f.is_access_writable then f.open_append f.put_string (s) f.close else io.error.put_string ("[ERROR] could not save to file!%N") end end save_text_to (s: READABLE_STRING_8; fn: PATH) local f: RAW_FILE do create f.make_with_path (fn) if not f.exists or else f.is_access_writable then f.create_read_write f.put_string (s) f.close else io.error.put_string ("[ERROR] could not save to file!%N") end end text_from_file (fn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create f.make_with_name (fn) if f.exists and then f.is_access_readable then f.open_read from create Result.make (1_024) until f.exhausted loop f.read_stream_thread_aware (1_024) Result.append (f.last_string) end f.close else Result := "" end end feature -- Status feature -- Access feature -- Change feature {NONE} -- Implementation invariant -- invariant_clause: True end