note description : "Objects that ..." author : "$Author$" date : "$Date$" revision : "$Revision$" class TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM inherit TEMPLATE_COMMON redefine resolved_formatted_variable end DEBUG_OUTPUT create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize `Current'. do create items.make (5) create runtime_values.make (3) create indexes.make (5) end feature -- Access name: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 is_closed: BOOLEAN has_closing_item: BOOLEAN parent: detachable TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER_INTERVAL] start_index: INTEGER do Result := indexes.first.lower end end_index: INTEGER do Result := indexes.first.upper end closing_start_index: INTEGER require has_closing_item do Result := indexes.last.lower end closing_end_index: INTEGER require has_closing_item do Result := indexes.last.upper end items: ARRAYED_LIST [TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM] forced_output: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 error_output: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 feature -- Runtime values runtime_values: STRING_TABLE [ANY] add_runtime_value (va: ANY; ks: STRING) do runtime_values.force (va, ks) end feature -- Expression resolved_expression (e: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable ANY -- `e' should be "$var_name.x.y.z" -- to improve .. later local l_exp: STRING l_sp_exp: LIST [STRING] tmp: like resolved_variable do create l_exp.make_from_string (e) l_exp.left_adjust l_exp.right_adjust if not l_exp.is_empty then if l_exp.has ('.') then from l_sp_exp := l_exp.split ('.') l_sp_exp.start tmp := resolved_variable (l_sp_exp.item) l_sp_exp.forth until l_sp_exp.after or tmp = Void loop if l_sp_exp.item.starts_with ("$") and then attached {READABLE_STRING_GENERAL} resolved_variable (l_sp_exp.item) as vn and then vn.is_valid_as_string_8 then tmp := resolved_nested_message (tmp, vn.to_string_8) else tmp := resolved_nested_message (tmp, l_sp_exp.item) end l_sp_exp.forth end Result := tmp elseif l_exp[1] = '%'' and then l_exp[l_exp.count] = '%'' then Result := l_exp.substring (2, l_exp.count - 1) else Result := resolved_variable (l_exp) end end end resolved_composed_expression (e: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable ANY do if e.has (':') then Result := resolved_concatenation_expression (e) else Result := resolved_expression (e) end end resolved_arguments (args: LIST [READABLE_STRING_8]): LIST [ANY] local tmp: like resolved_expression do create {ARRAYED_LIST [ANY]} Result.make (args.count) across args as ic loop if ic.item.is_empty then tmp := "" else tmp := resolved_expression (ic.item) end if tmp = Void then tmp := ic.item end Result.extend (tmp) end end resolved_concatenation_expression (e: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable ANY require e_has_colon: e.has (':') local l_args: LIST [ANY] tmp: like resolved_expression str1, str2: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 do l_args := resolved_arguments (e.split (':')) from l_args.start Result := l_args.first if attached {READABLE_STRING_8} Result as s1 then str1 := s1.string elseif Result /= Void then str1 := Result.out end l_args.forth until l_args.after or (Result = Void) loop tmp := l_args.item if attached {READABLE_STRING_8} Result as s1 then str1 := s1.string elseif Result /= Void then str1 := Result.out else str1 := Void end if str1 /= Void then if attached {READABLE_STRING_8} tmp as s2 then str2 := s2 else if tmp /= Void then str2 := tmp.out end end if str2 /= Void then Result := str1 + str2 else Result := Void end else Result := Void end l_args.forth end end resolved_variable (e: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable ANY -- `e' should be "$var_name" -- to improve .. later local l_exp: STRING do create l_exp.make_from_string (e) l_exp.left_adjust l_exp.right_adjust Result := resolved_formatted_variable (l_exp) end resolved_formatted_variable (exp: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable ANY -- `exp' should be "$var_name" -- to improve .. later local l_var: READABLE_STRING_8 do Result := Precursor (exp) if Result = Void then l_var := resolved_variable_name (exp) if runtime_values.has (l_var) then Result := runtime_values.item (l_var) end end end feature -- Output process do end output: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 get_output do output := Void if attached forced_output as fo then output := fo elseif attached error_output as eo then output := eo end forced_output := Void end feature -- Change set_name (v: like name) do name := v end set_parent (v: like parent) do parent := v end add_indexes (s1, s2: INTEGER) do indexes.force (s1 |..| s2) end set_indexes (s1, s2: INTEGER) do add_indexes (s1, s2) end set_is_closed (v: BOOLEAN) do is_closed := v end set_closing_indexes (s1, s2: INTEGER) require is_closed do add_indexes (s1, s2) has_closing_item := True ensure has_closing_item end prepend (iis: like items) do items.start items.merge_left (iis) end put_item_front (i: TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM) do items.put_front (i) i.set_parent (Current) end put_item_last (i: TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM) do items.force (i) i.set_parent (Current) end set_forced_output (v: like forced_output) do if v = Void then forced_output := Void else forced_output := v.twin end end set_error_output (v: like error_output) do if v = Void then error_output := Void else error_output := v.twin end end feature -- Status report debug_output: STRING -- String that should be displayed in debugger to represent `Current'. do if attached name as l_name then Result := l_name.string else Result := "?" end end note copyright: "2011-2016, Jocelyn Fiat, and Eiffel Software" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Jocelyn Fiat Contact: ]" end -- class TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM