note description : "Objects that ..." author : "$Author$" date : "$Date$" revision : "$Revision$" class TEMPLATE_TEXT inherit TEMPLATE_COMMON create make_from_text, make_empty feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_empty do init_values end make_from_text (t: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Initialize `Current'. require t /= Void do text := t init_values end init_values do create values.make (10) end feature -- Reset clear_values do values.wipe_out end clear do clear_values name := Void text := Void structure_item := Void end feature -- Values values: STRING_TABLE [detachable ANY] set_values (v: like values) do values := v end append_values (v: like values) do across v as c loop add_value (c.item, c.key) end end add_value (aval: detachable ANY; aname: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) do values.force (aval, aname) end feature -- Access name: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 text: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 feature -- Change set_name (v: like name) do name := v end set_text (v: like text) do text := v end feature -- Get has_structure: BOOLEAN do Result:= structure_item /= Void end has_text: BOOLEAN do Result:= text /= Void end is_ignoring_error: BOOLEAN = True last_structure_item: detachable TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ACTION get_structure local r, rsc, rsa, rse, rsv : REGULAR_EXPRESSION str: READABLE_STRING_8 tagname: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 s1, s2: INTEGER current_item: TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM struct_item: detachable TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM act_item: detachable TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ACTION var_item: detachable TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_VARIABLE error: BOOLEAN error_message: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 is_scanning: BOOLEAN found_tag_closing_slash: BOOLEAN found_tag_open_closed_slash: BOOLEAN found_tag_inside_text: READABLE_STRING_8 -- i: INTEGER do if attached text as l_text then create current_item.make structure_item := current_item r := Tag_regexp_tag rsc := Tag_regexp_sub_closing_tag rsv := Tag_regexp_sub_var rse := Tag_regexp_sub_expression rsa := Tag_regexp_sub_action if r.is_compiled and rsc.is_compiled and rsv.is_compiled and rse.is_compiled and rsa.is_compiled then from is_scanning := True r.match (l_text) until not r.has_matched or (error and not is_ignoring_error) loop -- Reset .. error := False error_message := Void struct_item := Void tagname := Void -- Let's go found_tag_closing_slash := r.captured_substring (1).same_string ("/") found_tag_open_closed_slash := r.captured_substring (r.match_count - 1).same_string ("/") if found_tag_closing_slash then s1 := r.captured_end_position (1) + 1 else s1 := r.captured_start_position (2).to_integer_32 end if found_tag_open_closed_slash then s2 := r.captured_start_position (r.match_count - 1).to_integer_32 - 1 else s2 := r.captured_end_position (0) - 1 end found_tag_inside_text := l_text.substring (s1, s2) s1 := r.captured_start_position (0).to_integer_32 s2 := r.captured_end_position (0) debug ("template") print (" - " + r.captured_substring (2)) print (" = [" + s1.out + "-" + s2.out + "]") print ("%N") end if found_tag_closing_slash then --| closing tag str := found_tag_inside_text rsc.match (str) if rsc.has_matched then tagname := rsc.captured_substring (1) if attached as l_current_item_name then if l_current_item_name.same_string (tagname) then current_item.set_is_closed (True) current_item.set_closing_indexes (s1, s2) if attached current_item.parent as l_parent then current_item := l_parent else error := True error_message := "Missing parent data for [" + l_current_item_name + "]" check has_parent: False end end else error := True error_message := "Closing tag [" + tagname + "] does not match tag [" + l_current_item_name + "]" end else error := True; error_message := "Closing tag [" + tagname + "] without starting tag" end else error := True error_message := "Closing tag [" + str + " is not valid" end if not error and then tagname /= Void and then tagname.same_string (literal_op_id) then is_scanning := True end elseif is_scanning then act_item := Void check struct_item = Void end str := found_tag_inside_text debug ("template") print (str + "%N") end if found_tag_open_closed_slash then --| open/closed tag --| TODO: handle {$foo|bar/} rsv.match (str) if rsv.has_matched then --| is a variable tag create var_item.make tagname := rsv.captured_substring (1) var_item.set_variable_name (tagname) struct_item := var_item else rse.match (str) if rse.has_matched then --| is a variable/expression tag create var_item.make tagname := str var_item.set_variable_expression (tagname) struct_item := var_item else -- not a variable : action ... act_item := action_item_from_string (str) if act_item /= Void then struct_item := act_item else error := True error_message := "Action tag [" + str + "] is not yet available" end end end if struct_item /= Void then current_item.put_item_last (struct_item) end else --| opening tag => then action tag !! rsa.match (str) if rsa.has_matched then --| is a action tag if attached as l_current_item_name and then l_current_item_name.same_string (if_op_id) and then str.same_string ("else") then current_item.add_indexes (s1, s2) check wrapped_by_curly_braces_1: l_text.item (s1) = '{' and l_text.item (s2) = '}' end struct_item := Void else act_item := action_item_from_string (str) if act_item /= Void then struct_item := act_item else error := True error_message := "Action tag [" + str + "] is not yet available" end end else -- Not Yet Available error := True error_message := "Invalid tag: [" + str + "]" end if struct_item /= Void then current_item.put_item_last (struct_item) current_item := struct_item end end if act_item /= Void and then act_item.is_literal_action then -- Stop scanning for structure until closing tag "{/literal}" is_scanning := False end if struct_item /= Void then if l_text.item (s1) /= '{' then if l_text.item (s1 + 1) = '{' then s1 := s1 + 1 end end struct_item.add_indexes (s1, s2) check wrapped_by_curly_braces_2: l_text.item (s1) = '{' and l_text.item (s2) = '}' end end end if error and then error_message /= Void then debug ("template") print ("ERROR : " + error_message + "%N") end create struct_item.make struct_item.add_indexes (s1, s2) check wrapped_by_curly_braces_3: l_text.item (s1) = '{' and l_text.item (s2) = '}' end struct_item.set_name ("!error!") struct_item.set_error_output ("{!! " + error_message + "!!}") current_item.put_item_last (struct_item) end debug ("template") print ("%N") end r.next_match end end end end Tpl_action_factory: TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ACTION_FACTORY once create Result end action_item_from_string (s: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ACTION local r: like Tag_regexp_sub_action_op_val an: STRING txt: READABLE_STRING_8 sval: STRING skey: STRING do r := Tag_regexp_sub_action_name r.match (s) if r.has_matched then an := r.captured_substring (1) Result := Tpl_action_factory.new_action (an) txt := s.substring (r.captured_end_position (1) + 1, s.count) r := Tag_regexp_sub_action_op_val from r.match (txt) until not r.has_matched loop sval := r.captured_substring (2) skey := r.captured_substring (1) Result.add_parameter (sval, skey) r.next_match end end end print_structure (s: TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM; alevel: INTEGER) local vn: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 tab: STRING i: INTEGER do from i := 0 tab := "" until i = alevel loop tab.append_string (" ") i := i + 1 end vn := if vn /= Void then print (tab + "Name = " + vn + " [" + s.start_index.out + "-" + s.end_index.out + "] %N") end across s.items as c loop print_structure (c.item, alevel + 1) end end feature -- Access output: detachable STRING get_output require has_structure: has_structure local do -- FIXME: factorize with TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ACTION process_foreach !! output := Void template_context.clear template_context.set_current_template_text (Current) if attached structure_item as i then process_structure (i) else check has_structure: False end end end feature {NONE} -- Impl process_structure (struct: TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM) local t: TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM val: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 s1, s2: INTEGER soffset: INTEGER l_output: like output do if attached text as l_text then create l_output.make_from_string (l_text) soffset := 0 output := l_output across struct.items as c loop t := c.item s1 := t.start_index s2 := t.end_index t.process t.get_output val := t.output if val = Void then val := "" end if attached {TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ACTION} t then if t.has_closing_item then s2 := t.closing_end_index end l_output.replace_substring (val, soffset + s1, soffset + s2) soffset := soffset + val.count - 1 - (s2 - s1) else l_output.replace_substring (val, soffset + s1, soffset + s2) soffset := soffset + val.count - 1 - (s2 - s1) --| Process sub items ... -- Already done by the .._ACTION item --| Close tag processing if t.has_closing_item then s1 := t.closing_start_index s2 := t.closing_end_index l_output.replace_substring ("", soffset + s1, soffset + s2) soffset := soffset - 1 - (s2 - s1) end end end end end feature {TEMPLATE_COMMON} -- Implementation structure_item: detachable TEMPLATE_STRUCTURE_ITEM -- Id, VarName, start_index, end_index feature {TEMPLATE_COMMON} -- Implementation : change set_structure_item (v: like structure_item) do structure_item := v end feature {NONE} -- Impl compiled_regexp (p: STRING; caseless: BOOLEAN): REGULAR_EXPRESSION require p /= Void do create Result Result.set_caseless (caseless) Result.compile (p) ensure Result.is_compiled end Tag_regexp_tag: REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- {$varname/} -- also accept {$varname} -- {action .... /} -- {action .... }...{/action} --| grp (1) -> is or not a closing tag --| grp (2) -> string to process ... --| grp (3) -> is or not a open/closed tag local p: STRING once -- p := "\{(\/)?\s*((%"[^%"]*%"|[^/^}])+)\s*(\/)?\}" -- p := "[\r\n]?\{(\/)?\s*((%"[^%"]*%"|[^/^}])+)\s*(\/)?\}" -- with CR p := "\{(\/)?\s*((%"[^%"]*%"|[^/^}])+)\s*(\/)?\}" Result := compiled_regexp (p, True) end Tag_regexp_sub_closing_tag: REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- {$varname/} -- also accept {$varname} -- {action .... /} -- {action .... }...{/action} --| grp (1) -> is or not a closing tag --| grp (2) -> string to process ... --| grp (3) -> is or not a open/closed tag once Result := compiled_regexp ("\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*", True) end Tag_regexp_sub_var: REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- "{ $var_name /}" once Result := compiled_regexp ("^\s*\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*$", True) end Tag_regexp_sub_expression: REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- "{ $var_name /}" -- Also support "{$var_name.$field_name/}" once Result := compiled_regexp ("^\s*\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(\.\$?[\.a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*$", True) end Tag_regexp_sub_action: REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- "{$var_name /}{action_name ...}...{/action_name} once Result := compiled_regexp ("^\s*([a-zA-Z]+)\s*", True) end Tag_regexp_sub_action_name: REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- "action_var_name" once Result := compiled_regexp ("^\s*([a-z0-9_]+)(\s|$)", True) end Tag_regexp_sub_action_op_val: REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- "action_var_name" once -- Result := compiled_regexp ("([a-z0-9_]+)=(%"[^%"]*%"|\$[\s^]+)", True) Result := compiled_regexp ("\s*([a-z0-9_]+)=%"([^%"]*)%"", True) end note copyright: "2011-2014, Jocelyn Fiat, and Eiffel Software" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Jocelyn Fiat Contact: ]" end