note description: "[ Eiffel tests that can be executed by testing tool. ]" author: "EiffelStudio test wizard" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" testing: "type/manual" class SMARTY_TEST_SET inherit EQA_TEST_SET SHARED_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT undefine default_create end feature -- Test routines tpl_folder: PATH once create Result.make_current Result := Result.extended ("tpl") end test_simple -- New test routine local template: TEMPLATE_FILE data: like new_data p: PATH s: STRING res: STRING do p := tpl_folder template_context.set_template_folder (p) -- create template.make_from_file ("index-bug.tpl") -- create template.make_from_file ("index.tpl") create template.make_from_file ("index-id.tpl") data := new_data create s.make_empty append_data_to_string (data, 0, s) template.add_value (data, "TheData") template_context.enable_verbose template.analyze template.get_output if attached template.output as output then print (output) res := "% %Tree name = My test tree%N% %%N% %1%N% %8%N" assert ("expected res", output.same_string (res)) end end test_01 -- New test routine local template: TEMPLATE_FILE data: like new_data p: PATH s: STRING res: STRING do p := tpl_folder template_context.set_template_folder (p) create template.make_from_file ("index.tpl") data := new_data create s.make_empty append_data_to_string (data, 0, s) template.add_value (data, "TheData") template_context.enable_verbose template.analyze template.get_output if attached template.output as output then print (output) res := "%N% % Offset = %N% %%N% %Template test%N% % Tree name = My test tree%N% %%N% %*** List of Nodes ***%N% % - part A Unicode=[Hello—Unicode] (#3)%N% % - item a1 (#3)%N% % - a1 - i (#0)%N% % - a1 - ii (#0)%N% % - a1 - iii (#0)%N% % - item a2 (#0)%N% % - item a3 (#0)%N% % - part B (#3)%N% % - item b1 (#0)%N% % - item b2 (#0)%N% % - item b3 (#0)%N% %%N" assert ("expected res", output.same_string (res)) end end test_inspectors -- New test routine local template: TEMPLATE_FILE data: like new_data p: PATH s: STRING to_z_tree: TEMPLATE_OBJECT_Z_TREE res: STRING do p := tpl_folder template_context.set_template_folder (p) create template.make_from_file ("index-title.tpl") create to_z_tree.register ("Z_TREE") data := new_data create s.make_empty append_data_to_string (data, 0, s) template.add_value (data, "TheData") template_context.enable_verbose template.analyze template.get_output if attached template.output as output then print (output) res := "% %Template test: Tree name = Tree named %"My test tree%"%N% % Item count = 2%N% %" assert ("expected res", output.same_string (res)) end end test_custom_counter local t: TEMPLATE_TEXT do create t.make_from_text ("[ {assign name="counter" value="0"/}{assign name="counter" expression="$cell.item"/}{assign name="step" expression="$len.item"/} {sum left="$cell.item" right="$step"}counter{/sum}counter={$counter/} {sum left="$counter" right="$step"}counter{/sum}counter={$counter/} {sum left="$counter" right="$step"}counter{/sum}counter={$counter/} ]") t.add_value (create {CELL [INTEGER_64]}.put (123), "cell") t.add_value (create {CELL [INTEGER_64]}.put (1), "len") template_context.add_template_custom_action (create {TEMPLATE_SUM_ACTION}, "sum") t.get_structure t.get_output if attached t.output as o then assert("output", o.same_string ("%Ncounter=124%Ncounter=125%Ncounter=126")) else assert("output set" , False) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation append_data_to_string (d: ANY; a_offset: INTEGER; a_result: STRING) local o: STRING do create o.make_filled (' ', a_offset * 2) if attached {Z_TREE} d as z_tree then across z_tree.nodes as c loop append_data_to_string (c.item, a_offset + 1, a_result) end elseif attached {Z_TREE_NODE} d as z_tree_node then a_result.append (o) -- a_result.append ( + "#" + + "%N") a_result.append ("- " + if attached {Z_TREE_ITEM} z_tree_node as z_tree_item then a_result.append (" (#" + z_tree_item.nodes.count.out + ")%N") across z_tree_item.nodes as c loop append_data_to_string (c.item, a_offset + 1, a_result) end else a_result.append ("%N") end end end new_data: Z_TREE local z_item: Z_TREE_ITEM z_tree: Z_TREE do create z_tree.make ("My test tree") create z_item.make ("part A") z_item.set_unicode_text ({STRING_32} "Hello%/8212/Unicode") z_tree.add_node (z_item) z_item.add_node (create {Z_TREE_ITEM}.make ("item a1")) z_item.add_node (create {Z_TREE_ITEM}.make ("item a2")) z_item.add_node (create {Z_TREE_ITEM}.make ("item a3")) if attached {Z_TREE_ITEM} z_item.nodes.first as l_z_item then l_z_item.add_node (create {Z_TREE_ITEM}.make ("a1 - i")) l_z_item.add_node (create {Z_TREE_ITEM}.make ("a1 - ii")) l_z_item.add_node (create {Z_TREE_ITEM}.make ("a1 - iii")) end create z_item.make ("part B") z_tree.add_node (z_item) z_item.add_node (create {Z_TREE_ITEM}.make ("item b1")) z_item.add_node (create {Z_TREE_ITEM}.make ("item b2")) z_item.add_node (create {Z_TREE_ITEM}.make ("item b3")) Result := z_tree end end