note description: "[ Utilities to print numbers in octal representation and parse octal formatted strings Inherit from this class to use its facilities Parsing allows natural numbers only ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class OCTAL_UTILS feature -- Format check is_octal_formatted (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_string' composed of characters allowed by octal formatting? -- i.e: composed by number from 0 to 7, without any sign or whitespace. local i,n: INTEGER do Result := True from i := 1 n := a_string.count until i > n or not Result loop inspect a_string [i] when '0'..'7' then Result := True else Result := False end i := i + 1 end ensure result_coherent: Result implies ( (a_string.is_number_sequence and not a_string.has ('8') and not a_string.has ('9') and not a_string.has ('+') and not a_string.has ('-') and not a_string.has (' ') ) or ( a_string.is_empty ) ) end is_octal_natural_16_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN -- Does `a_string' represent an octal encoded NATURAL_16? do Result := is_octal_formatted (a_string) and ( -- Length check (a_string.count - leading_zeros_count (a_string) < octal_16_max_digits) or ( (a_string.count - leading_zeros_count (a_string) = octal_16_max_digits) and (a_string [leading_zeros_count (a_string) + 1].code <= ('1').code) ) ) end is_octal_natural_32_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN -- Does `a_string' represent an octal encoded NATURAL_32? do Result := is_octal_formatted (a_string) and ( -- Length check (a_string.count - leading_zeros_count (a_string) < octal_32_max_digits) or ( (a_string.count - leading_zeros_count (a_string) = octal_32_max_digits) and (a_string [leading_zeros_count (a_string) + 1].code <= ('3').code) ) ) end is_octal_natural_64_string (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN -- Does `a_string' represent an octal encoded NATURAL_64? do Result := is_octal_formatted (a_string) and ( -- Length check (a_string.count - leading_zeros_count (a_string) < octal_64_max_digits) or ( (a_string.count - leading_zeros_count (a_string) = octal_64_max_digits) and (a_string [leading_zeros_count (a_string) + 1].code <= ('1').code) ) ) end feature -- Parsing octal_string_to_natural_16 (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8): NATURAL_16 -- Converts `a_string' (interpreted as octal) to a NATURAL_16. require valid_input: is_octal_natural_16_string (a_string) do Result := octal_string_to_natural_64 (a_string).to_natural_16 end octal_string_to_natural_32 (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8): NATURAL_32 -- Converts `a_string' (interpreted as octal) to a NATURAL_32. require valid_input: is_octal_natural_32_string (a_string) do Result := octal_string_to_natural_64 (a_string).to_natural_32 end octal_string_to_natural_64 (a_string: READABLE_STRING_8): NATURAL_64 -- Converts `a_string' (interpreted as octal) to a NATURAL_64. require valid_input: is_octal_natural_64_string (a_string) local digit_weight: NATURAL_64 i: INTEGER leading_zeros: INTEGER do digit_weight := 1 -- Result is set by default to 0 from i := a_string.count leading_zeros := leading_zeros_count (a_string) until i < leading_zeros + 1 -- last non-zero digit loop Result := Result + digit_weight * (a_string [i].code - ('0').code).to_natural_64 digit_weight := digit_weight * 8 i := i - 1 end end feature -- Output natural_16_to_octal_string (n: NATURAL_16): STRING_8 -- Converts `n' to an octal string. do Result := natural_64_to_octal_string (n.to_natural_64) end natural_32_to_octal_string (n: NATURAL_32): STRING_8 -- Converts `n' to an octal string. do Result := natural_64_to_octal_string (n.to_natural_64) end natural_64_to_octal_string (n: NATURAL_64): STRING_8 -- Converts `n' to an octal string. local tmp: NATURAL_64 do from tmp := n create Result.make (octal_64_max_digits) until tmp = 0 loop Result.append_character (natural_8_to_octal_character ((tmp & 0c7).to_natural_8)) tmp := tmp |>> 3 end Result.mirror if Result.is_empty then Result := "0" end end feature -- Utilities natural_8_to_octal_character (n: NATURAL_8): CHARACTER_8 -- Convert `n' to its corresponding character representation. require in_range: 0 <= n and n <= 7 do Result := (('0').code + n.to_integer_32).to_character_8 ensure valid_character: ("01234567").has (Result) end leading_zeros_count (a_string: STRING_8): INTEGER -- The number of leading zeros of `a_string'. do from Result := 1 until Result > a_string.count or else a_string [Result] /= '0' loop Result := Result + 1 end -- Loop stops at first non-zero digit, hence subtract one Result := Result - 1 -- "0" has no leading zeros Result := if not a_string.is_empty and Result = a_string.count then Result - 1 else Result end ensure leading_zeros: a_string.head (Result).to_natural = 0 not_more_zeros: a_string.is_empty or else a_string [Result + 1] /= '0' or else Result + 1 = a_string.count end pad (a_string: STRING_8; n: INTEGER) -- Pad `a_string' with `n' zeros. require positive: n >= 0 do a_string.prepend_string (create {STRING_8}.make_filled ('0', n)) ensure prepended: a_string.count - n = old a_string.count zeros_prepended: a_string.head (n).to_natural_64 = 0 end feature -- Constants octal_16_max_digits: INTEGER = 6 -- Maximal digits of a 16 bit natural octal string representation. octal_32_max_digits: INTEGER = 11 -- Maximal digits of a 32 bit natural octal string representation. octal_64_max_digits: INTEGER = 22 -- Maximal digits of a 64 bit natural octal string representation. note copyright: "2015-2017, Nicolas Truessel, Jocelyn Fiat, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" end