note description: "Utility functions for tar archives." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class TAR_UTILS feature -- Bytes to Blocks needed_blocks (n: NATURAL_64): NATURAL_64 -- Number of blocks needed to store `n' bytes. do Result := (n + {TAR_CONST}.tar_block_size.as_natural_64 - 1) // {TAR_CONST}.tar_block_size.as_natural_64 ensure bytes_fit: n <= Result * {TAR_CONST}.tar_block_size.as_natural_64 smallest_fit: Result * {TAR_CONST}.tar_block_size.as_natural_64 < n + {TAR_CONST}.tar_block_size.as_natural_64 end feature -- Block Padding pad_block (p: MANAGED_POINTER; a_pos, n: INTEGER) -- pad `p' with `n' NUL-bytes starting at `a_pos'. require non_negative_position: a_pos >= 0 non_negative_length: n >= 0 enough_space: p.count >= a_pos + n do if n > 0 then p.put_special_character_8 (create {SPECIAL [CHARACTER_8]}.make_filled ('%U', n), 0, a_pos, n) end end feature -- Header Checksum checksum (block: MANAGED_POINTER; a_pos: INTEGER): NATURAL_64 -- Calcualte checksum of `block' (starting at `a_pos'). require non_negative_pos: a_pos >= 0 enough_space: block.count >= a_pos + {TAR_CONST}.tar_block_size local i: INTEGER l_space_code: NATURAL_8 l_lower, l_upper: INTEGER do -- Sum all bytes l_space_code := (' ').natural_32_code.as_natural_8 l_lower := {TAR_HEADER_CONST}.chksum_offset l_upper := l_lower + {TAR_HEADER_CONST}.chksum_length from i := 0 Result := 0 until i >= {TAR_CONST}.tar_block_size loop if i < l_lower or l_upper <= i then Result := Result + block.read_natural_8 (a_pos + i) else Result := Result + l_space_code end i := i + 1 end end feature -- Metadata manipulation file_set_metadata (a_file: FILE; a_header: TAR_HEADER) -- Set all of `a_file's metadata according to `a_header'. require file_exists: a_file.exists do file_set_mode (a_file, a_header.mode.as_integer_32) file_set_mtime (a_file, a_header.mtime.as_integer_32) if file_owner (a_header.user_id.as_integer_32) ~ a_header.user_name then file_set_uid (a_file, a_header.user_id.as_integer_32) end if file_group (a_header.group_id.as_integer_32) ~ a_header.group_name then file_set_gid (a_file, a_header.group_id.as_integer_32) end end file_set_mode (a_file: FILE; a_mode: INTEGER) -- Set `a_file's permissions ot `a_mode' or silently exit on error. require file_exists: a_file.exists local l_failed: BOOLEAN do if not l_failed then a_file.change_mode (a_mode) end rescue l_failed := true retry end file_set_mtime (a_file: FILE; a_mtime: INTEGER) -- Set `a_file's mtime to `a_mtime' or silently exit on error. require file_exists: a_file.exists local l_failed: BOOLEAN do if not l_failed then a_file.set_date (a_mtime) end rescue l_failed := true retry end file_set_uid (a_file: FILE; a_uid: INTEGER) -- Set `a_file's uid to `a_uid' or silently exit on error. require file_exists: a_file.exists local l_failed: BOOLEAN do if not l_failed then a_file.change_owner (a_uid) end rescue l_failed := true retry end file_set_gid (a_file: FILE; a_gid: INTEGER) -- Set `a_file's gid to `a_gid' or silently exit on error. require file_exists: a_file.exists local l_failed: BOOLEAN do if not l_failed then a_file.change_group (a_gid) end rescue l_failed := true retry end feature -- Filename normalization unify_utf_8_path (a_path: PATH): STRING_8 -- Turns `a_path' into a UTF-8 string using unix directory separators. do create Result.make (a_path.utf_8_name.count) across a_path.components as ic loop if not Result.is_empty and Result /~ "/" then Result.append_character ('/') end if Result.is_empty and ic.item.utf_8_name ~ "\" then Result.append ("/") -- Workaround for windows root '\' else Result.append (ic.item.utf_8_name) end end end unify_and_split_filename (a_path: PATH): TUPLE [filename_prefix: STRING_8; filename: STRING_8] -- Split `a_path' into filename and prefix, such that prefix + '/' + filename equals the UTF-8 -- representation of `a_path' using unix directory separator. local l_filename: STRING_8 l_filename_prefix: STRING_8 l_split_index: INTEGER do l_filename := unify_utf_8_path (a_path) l_filename_prefix := "" if l_filename.count > {TAR_HEADER_CONST}.name_length then l_split_index := l_filename.index_of ('/', l_filename.count - {TAR_HEADER_CONST}.name_length) if l_split_index = 1 then l_split_index := l_filename.index_of ('/', 2) end if l_split_index = 0 then l_filename_prefix := l_filename; l_filename := "" else l_filename_prefix := l_filename.substring (1, l_split_index - 1) l_filename := l_filename.substring (l_split_index +1 , l_filename.count) end end Result := [l_filename_prefix, l_filename] ensure correct_length: Result.filename.count <= {TAR_HEADER_CONST}.name_length correct_result_without_prefix: Result.filename_prefix.is_empty implies (Result.filename ~ unify_utf_8_path (a_path)) correct_result_with_prefix: (not Result.filename_prefix.is_empty and not Result.filename.is_empty) implies (Result.filename_prefix + "/" + Result.filename ~ unify_utf_8_path (a_path)) correct_result_with_prefix_without_filename: (not Result.filename_prefix.is_empty and Result.filename.is_empty) implies (Result.filename_prefix ~ unify_utf_8_path (a_path)) end feature {NONE} -- Utilities stolen from file_info file_owner (uid: INTEGER): STRING -- Convert UID to login name if possible. external "C signature (int): EIF_REFERENCE use %"eif_file.h%"" alias "eif_file_owner" end file_group (gid: INTEGER): STRING -- Convert GID to group name if possible. external "C signature (int): EIF_REFERENCE use %"eif_file.h%"" alias "eif_file_group" end note copyright: "2015-2017, Nicolas Truessel, Jocelyn Fiat, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" end