note description: "[ Light implementation of {OPENID} consumer. Sign-on with OpenID is a two step process: ]" author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class OPENID_CONSUMER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_server: READABLE_STRING_8) do trusted_root := a_server return_url := a_server create required_info.make (0) create optional_info.make (0) end feature -- Access trusted_root: READABLE_STRING_8 return_url: READABLE_STRING_8 required_info: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] optional_info: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] error: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 has_error: BOOLEAN do Result := error /= Void end feature -- Change ask_all_info (is_required: BOOLEAN) do across ax_to_sreg_map as c loop ask_info (c.key, is_required) end end ask_required_info (s: READABLE_STRING_8) do required_info.force (s) end ask_optional_info (s: READABLE_STRING_8) do optional_info.force (s) end ask_info (s: READABLE_STRING_8; is_required: BOOLEAN) do if is_required then ask_required_info (s) else ask_optional_info (s) end end ask_nickname (is_required: BOOLEAN) do ask_info ("namePerson/friendly", is_required) end ask_email (is_required: BOOLEAN) do ask_info ("contact/email", is_required) end ask_fullname (is_required: BOOLEAN) do ask_info ("namePerson", is_required) end ask_birthdate (is_required: BOOLEAN) do ask_info ("birthDate", is_required) end ask_gender (is_required: BOOLEAN) do ask_info ("person/gender", is_required) end ask_postcode (is_required: BOOLEAN) do ask_info ("contact/postalCode/home", is_required) end ask_country (is_required: BOOLEAN) do ask_info ("contact/country/home", is_required) end ask_language (is_required: BOOLEAN) do ask_info ("pref/language", is_required) end ask_timezone (is_required: BOOLEAN) do ask_info ("pref/timezone", is_required) end feature -- Query auth_url (a_identity: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 do error := Void if attached discovering_info (a_identity) as d_info then if d_info.version = 2 then Result := auth_url_v2 (a_identity, d_info) else Result := auth_url_v1 (a_identity, d_info) -- FIXME for claimed_id end end end feature {OPENID_CONSUMER_VALIDATION} -- Implementation discovering_info (id: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable OPENID_DISCOVER local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION ctx: detachable HTTP_CLIENT_REQUEST_CONTEXT xrds_location: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 xml: XML_STANDARD_PARSER tree: XML_CALLBACKS_DOCUMENT xelt: detachable XML_ELEMENT s: READABLE_STRING_32 r_uri: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 r_err: BOOLEAN r_delegate: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 r_sreg_supported, r_ax_supported, r_identifier_select: BOOLEAN r_version: INTEGER l_xrds_content: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 do sess := new_session (id) if attached sess.head ("", ctx) as rep then if rep.error_occurred then report_error ("Unable get answer from openid provider at " + rep.url) else if attached rep.header ("Content-Type") as l_content_type and then l_content_type.has_substring ("application/xrds+xml") and then attached sess.get ("", ctx) as l_getres then l_xrds_content := l_getres.body elseif attached rep.header ("X-XRDS-Location") as loc then xrds_location := loc else report_error ("Failed (probably %""+ id +"%" is an invalid openid identifier).") end end end if l_xrds_content = Void and xrds_location /= Void then sess := new_session (xrds_location) if attached sess.get ("", ctx) as rep then if rep.error_occurred then r_err := True report_error ("Can not get " + rep.url) elseif attached rep.body as l_content then l_xrds_content := l_content else r_err := True report_error ("No content: " + rep.url) end end end if l_xrds_content = Void then r_err := True report_error ("Unable to get the XRDS message.") else create xml.make create tree.make_null xml.set_callbacks (tree) xml.parse_from_string (l_xrds_content) if attached tree.document as xrds then xelt := Void xelt := xrds.elements.first xelt := xelt.elements.first if attached xelt as l_xrd then if attached l_xrd.elements_by_name ("Service") as l_services then across l_services as c until r_uri /= Void loop if attached c.item.elements_by_name ("Type") as l_types then across l_types as t loop s := xml_content (t.item) if s.same_string_general ("") then r_sreg_supported := True elseif s.same_string_general ("") then r_sreg_supported := True elseif s.same_string_general ("") then r_ax_supported := True elseif s.same_string_general ("") then r_version := 2 elseif s.same_string_general ("") then r_version := 2 r_identifier_select := True elseif s.same_string_general ("") then r_version := 1 end end end if attached c.item.element_by_name ("URI") as l_uri then r_uri := xml_content (l_uri) end if r_version = 1 then if attached c.item.element_by_name ("openid:Delegate") as l_id then r_delegate := xml_content (l_id) end if attached c.item.element_by_name ("LocalID") as l_id then r_delegate := xml_content (l_id) end else if attached c.item.element_by_name ("CanonicalID") as l_id then r_delegate := xml_content (l_id) end if attached c.item.element_by_name ("LocalID") as l_id then r_delegate := xml_content (l_id) end end end end end end end if r_uri /= Void then create Result.make (r_uri, r_version) if r_delegate = Void then r_delegate := id end Result.delegate := r_delegate Result.ax_supported := r_ax_supported Result.sreg_supported := r_sreg_supported Result.identifier_select := r_identifier_select Result.has_error := r_err end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation auth_url_v1 (a_id: READABLE_STRING_8; a_info: OPENID_DISCOVER): READABLE_STRING_8 local u: URI ret: URI do create u.make_from_string (a_info.server_uri) create ret.make_from_string (return_url) if attached a_info.delegate as l_claimed_id and then not a_id.same_string (l_claimed_id) then ret.add_query_parameter ("openid.claimed_id", l_claimed_id) end u.add_query_parameter ("openid.return_to", ret.string) u.add_query_parameter ("openid.mode", "checkid_setup") -- or "checkid_immediate" u.add_query_parameter ("openid.identity", a_id) u.add_query_parameter ("openid.trust_root", trusted_root) if a_info.sreg_supported then add_sreg_parameters_to (u) end Result := u.string end auth_url_v2 (a_id: READABLE_STRING_8; a_info: OPENID_DISCOVER): READABLE_STRING_8 local u: URI do create u.make_from_string (a_info.server_uri) u.add_query_parameter ("openid.ns", "") u.add_query_parameter ("openid.mode", "checkid_setup") -- or "checkid_immediate" u.add_query_parameter ("openid.return_to", return_url) u.add_query_parameter ("openid.realm", trusted_root) if a_info.ax_supported then add_ax_parameters_to (u) end if a_info.sreg_supported then add_sreg_parameters_to (u) end if a_info.identifier_select then u.add_query_parameter ("openid.identity", "") u.add_query_parameter ("openid.claimed_id", "") else u.add_query_parameter ("openid.identity", a_id) u.add_query_parameter ("openid.claimed_id", a_id) -- Fixme end Result := u.string end add_ax_parameters_to (a_uri: URI) local lst: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] l_aliases: HASH_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_8, STRING_8] l_counts: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, STRING_8] l_alias: READABLE_STRING_8 s: STRING do create lst.make (required_info.count + optional_info.count) lst.append (required_info) lst.append (optional_info) if lst.count > 0 then a_uri.add_query_parameter ("", "") a_uri.add_query_parameter ("", "fetch_request"); create l_aliases.make (lst.count) create l_counts.make (lst.count) across lst as c loop l_alias := ax_to_alias (c.item) if l_aliases.has (l_alias) then if attached l_counts.item (l_alias) as l_count then l_counts.replace (l_count + 1, l_alias) else check has_alias: False end l_counts.force (1, l_alias) end else l_aliases.force ("" + c.item, l_alias) l_counts.force (1, l_alias) end end across l_aliases as c loop a_uri.add_query_parameter ("" + c.key, c.item) end across l_counts as c loop if c.item > 1 then a_uri.add_query_parameter ("" + c.key, c.item.out) end end -- required create s.make_empty across required_info as c loop if not s.is_empty then s.append_character (',') end s.append (ax_to_alias (c.item)) end if not s.is_empty then a_uri.add_query_parameter ("", s) end -- optional create s.make_empty across optional_info as c loop if not s.is_empty then s.append_character (',') end s.append (ax_to_alias (c.item)) end if not s.is_empty then a_uri.add_query_parameter ("", s) end end end ax_to_alias (n: READABLE_STRING_8): STRING_8 do if attached ax_to_sreg (n) as s then Result := s else Result := n.string Result.replace_substring_all ("/", "_") Result.replace_substring_all (".", "_") end end add_sreg_parameters_to (a_uri: URI) local s: STRING do -- We always use SREG 1.1, even if the server is advertising only support for 1.0. -- That's because it's fully backwards compatibile with 1.0, and some providers -- advertise 1.0 even if they accept only 1.1. One such provider is a_uri.add_query_parameter ("openid.ns.sreg", "") if not required_info.is_empty then create s.make_empty across required_info as c loop if attached ax_to_sreg (c.item) as sreg then if not s.is_empty then s.append_character (',') end s.append (sreg) end end if not s.is_empty then a_uri.add_query_parameter ("openid.sreg.required", s) end end if not optional_info.is_empty then create s.make_empty across optional_info as c loop if attached ax_to_sreg (c.item) as sreg then if not s.is_empty then s.append_character (',') end s.append (sreg) end end if not s.is_empty then a_uri.add_query_parameter ("openid.sreg.optional", s) end end end ax_to_sreg_map: HASH_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_8, STRING_8] once create Result.make (7) Result.compare_objects Result.force ("nickname", "namePerson/friendly") Result.force ("email", "contact/email") Result.force ("fullname", "namePerson") Result.force ("dob", "birthDate") Result.force ("gender", "person/gender") Result.force ("postcode", "contact/postalCode/home") Result.force ("country", "contact/country/home") Result.force ("language", "pref/language") Result.force ("timezone", "pref/timezone") -- -- extension -- Result.force ("firstname", "namePerson/first") -- Result.force ("lastname", "namePerson/last") end ax_to_sreg (n: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 do if attached ax_to_sreg_map.item (n) as v then Result := v end end sreg_to_ax (n: READABLE_STRING_8): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 do if ax_to_sreg_map.has_item (n) and then attached ax_to_sreg_map.found_item as v then Result := v end end report_error (m: READABLE_STRING_8) local err: like error do err := error if err = Void then error := m else error := err + "%N" + m end debug print (m) end ensure has_error end feature -- Helper xml_content (e: XML_ELEMENT): STRING_32 do create Result.make_empty if attached e.contents as lst then across lst as c loop Result.append (c.item.content) end end end new_session (a_uri: READABLE_STRING_8): HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION local cl: DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT do create cl Result := cl.new_session (a_uri) Result.set_is_insecure (True) Result.set_max_redirects (5) Result.add_header ("Accept", "application/xrds+xml, */*") end end