package ewf setup compile_library = libfcgi/Clib project ewsgi = "ewsgi/ewsgi.ecf" ewsgi_spec = "ewsgi/ewsgi_spec.ecf" connector_cgi = "ewsgi/connectors/cgi/cgi.ecf" connector_libfcgi = "ewsgi/connectors/libfcgi/libfcgi.ecf" connector_standalone = "ewsgi/connectors/standalone/standalone.ecf" encoder = "text/encoder/encoder.ecf" wsf = "wsf/wsf.ecf" wsf_extension = "wsf/wsf_extension.ecf" wsf_policy_driven = "wsf/wsf_policy_driven.ecf" wsf_router_context = "wsf/wsf_router_context.ecf" wsf_session = "wsf/wsf_session.ecf" wsf_cgi = "wsf/connector/cgi.ecf" wsf_libfcgi = "wsf/connector/libfcgi.ecf" wsf_standalone = "wsf/connector/standalone.ecf" default_cgi = "wsf/default/cgi.ecf" default_libfcgi = "wsf/default/libfcgi.ecf" default_standalone = "wsf/default/standalone.ecf" wsf_html = "wsf_html/wsf_html.ecf" wsf_proxy = "wsf_proxy/wsf_proxy.ecf" connector_nino = "ewsgi/connectors/nino/nino.ecf" connector_null = "ewsgi/connectors/null/null.ecf" httpd = "httpd/httpd.ecf" libfcgi = "libfcgi/libfcgi.ecf" wsf_nino = "wsf/connector/nino.ecf" wsf_openshift = "wsf/connector/openshift.ecf" wsf_standalone_websocket = "wsf/connector/standalone_websocket.ecf" default_nino = "wsf/default/nino.ecf" default_openshift = "wsf/default/openshift.ecf" note title: EiffelWeb framework description: "[ EiffelWeb framework. Include: - wsf and ewsgi: core of the Eiffel Web Framework, used to build web server application. - EWSGI connectors and their WSF integrations. - Various wsf extensions (extension, session, policy driven, ..) - text encoder (html, percent encoding, ...) - wsf html: to generate and handle html widgets such as web forms. - wsf proxy: to add reverse proxy behavior. ]" collection: EWF tags: ewf,web,server,httpd,request,connector,policy,session,widget,form,proxy,network copyright: 2011-2016, Jocelyn Fiat, Javier Velilla, Olivier Ligot, Colin Adams, Eiffel Software and others license: Eiffel Forum License v2 (see link[license]: link[source]: "Github" link[doc]: "Documentation" end