note description: "[ Main interface to send message back to the client You can send part by part, i.e: - set the status code, see: set_status_code (a_code) - put the header's text, see: put_header_text (a_text) - put string for the body, see: put_string (s), put_character (c) - using put_error will eventually send error message directly to the underlying connector's log (i.e for apache, it will go to the error log) - And you can also send the message as "chunked", see put_chunk (..) for more details - Or you can send a WSF_RESPONSE_MESSAGE in once, see `send (mesg)' ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" EIS: "name=Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 ", "protocol=URI", "src=" EIS: "name=Chunked Transfer Coding", "protocol=URI", "src=" class WSF_RESPONSE create {WSF_EXECUTION, WGI_EXPORTER} make_from_wgi create {WSF_RESPONSE} make_from_wsf convert make_from_wgi ({WGI_RESPONSE}) feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_from_wgi (r: WGI_RESPONSE) local wres: detachable WSF_WGI_DELAYED_HEADER_RESPONSE do transfered_content_length := 0 create internal_header.make wgi_response := r if attached {WSF_WGI_DELAYED_HEADER_RESPONSE} r as r_delayed then r_delayed.update_wsf_response (Current) wgi_response := r_delayed elseif attached {WGI_FILTER_RESPONSE} r as r_filter then wgi_response := r_filter.wgi_response else create wres.make (r, Current) wgi_response := wres end set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.ok) -- Default value end make_from_wsf (res: WSF_RESPONSE) do transfered_content_length := 0 wgi_response := res.wgi_response internal_header := res.internal_header set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.ok) -- Default value end feature {WSF_RESPONSE, WSF_RESPONSE_EXPORTER} -- Properties wgi_response: WGI_RESPONSE -- Associated WGI_RESPONSE. internal_header: WSF_HEADER -- Associated response header. feature {WSF_RESPONSE_EXPORTER} -- Change set_wgi_response (res: WGI_RESPONSE) -- Set associated WGI_RESPONSE do wgi_response := res end feature -- Status report status_committed: BOOLEAN -- Status line committed? do Result := wgi_response.status_committed end header_committed: BOOLEAN -- Header committed? do Result := wgi_response.header_committed end message_committed: BOOLEAN -- Message committed? do Result := wgi_response.message_committed end message_writable: BOOLEAN -- Can message be written? do Result := wgi_response.message_writable end feature -- Status setting status_is_set: BOOLEAN -- Is status set? do Result := status_code > 0 end set_status_code (a_code: INTEGER) -- Set response status code -- Should be done before sending any data back to the client --| note: the status is really sent when the header are set --| Default value might be set to 200 {HTTP_HEADER}.ok. require a_code_valid: a_code > 0 status_not_set: not status_committed header_not_committed: not header_committed do status_code := a_code status_reason_phrase := Void ensure status_code_set: status_code = a_code status_set: status_is_set status_reason_phrase_unset: status_reason_phrase = Void end set_status_code_with_reason_phrase (a_code: INTEGER; a_reason_phrase: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Set response status code -- Should be done before sending any data back to the client --| note: the status is really sent when the header are set require a_code_valid: a_code > 0 status_not_set: not status_committed header_not_committed: not header_committed do set_status_code (a_code) status_reason_phrase := a_reason_phrase ensure status_code_set: status_code = a_code status_reason_phrase_set: status_reason_phrase = a_reason_phrase status_set: status_is_set end status_code: INTEGER -- Response status status_reason_phrase: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 -- Custom status reason phrase (optional) feature {WSF_RESPONSE_EXPORTER} -- Header output operation process_header require header_not_committed: not header_committed do if not header_committed then -- commit status code and reason phrase wgi_response.set_status_code (status_code, status_reason_phrase) -- commit header text wgi_response.put_header_text (internal_header.string) end ensure status_committed: status_committed header_committed: header_committed end report_content_already_sent_and_header_ignored do put_error ("Content already sent, new header text ignored!") end feature -- Header access header: HTTP_HEADER_MODIFIER -- Associated header builder interface. local res: like internal_response_header do res := internal_response_header if res = Void then create {WSF_RESPONSE_HEADER} res.make_with_response (Current) internal_response_header := res end Result := res end feature {NONE} -- Header access internal_response_header: detachable like header -- Cached version of `header'. feature -- Header output operation put_header_line (h: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put header `h' -- Replace any existing value require header_not_committed: not header_committed do if header_committed then report_content_already_sent_and_header_ignored else internal_header.put_header (h) end end add_header_line (h: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Add header `h' -- This can lead to duplicated header entries require header_not_committed: not header_committed do if header_committed then report_content_already_sent_and_header_ignored else internal_header.add_header (h) end end put_header_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put the multiline header `a_text' -- Overwite potential existing header require header_not_committed: not header_committed a_text_ends_with_single_crlf: a_text.count > 2 implies not a_text.substring (a_text.count - 2, a_text.count).same_string ("%R%N") a_text_does_not_end_with_double_crlf: a_text.count > 4 implies not a_text.substring (a_text.count - 4, a_text.count).same_string ("%R%N%R%N") do if header_committed then report_content_already_sent_and_header_ignored else internal_header.put_raw_header_data (a_text) end ensure message_writable: message_writable end add_header_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Add the multiline header `a_text' -- Does not replace existing header with same name -- This could leads to multiple header with the same name require header_not_committed: not header_committed a_text_ends_with_single_crlf: a_text.count > 2 implies not a_text.substring (a_text.count - 2, a_text.count).same_string ("%R%N") a_text_does_not_end_with_double_crlf: a_text.count > 4 implies not a_text.substring (a_text.count - 4, a_text.count).same_string ("%R%N%R%N") do if header_committed then report_content_already_sent_and_header_ignored else internal_header.append_raw_header_data (a_text) end ensure status_set: status_is_set message_writable: message_writable end feature -- Header output operation: helpers put_header (a_status_code: INTEGER; a_headers: detachable ARRAY [TUPLE [name: READABLE_STRING_8; value: READABLE_STRING_8]]) -- Put headers with status `a_status', and headers from `a_headers' require a_status_code_valid: a_status_code > 0 status_not_committed: not status_committed header_not_committed: not header_committed local h: HTTP_HEADER do set_status_code (a_status_code) if a_headers /= Void then create h.make_from_array (a_headers) put_header_text (h.string) end ensure status_code_set: status_code = a_status_code status_set: status_is_set message_writable: message_writable end add_header (a_status_code: INTEGER; a_headers: detachable ARRAY [TUPLE [name: READABLE_STRING_8; value: READABLE_STRING_8]]) -- Put headers with status `a_status', and headers from `a_headers' require a_status_code_valid: a_status_code > 0 status_not_committed: not status_committed header_not_committed: not header_committed local h: HTTP_HEADER do set_status_code (a_status_code) if a_headers /= Void then create h.make_from_array (a_headers) add_header_text (h.string) end ensure status_code_set: status_code = a_status_code status_set: status_is_set message_writable: message_writable end put_header_lines (a_lines: ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_8]) -- Put headers from `a_lines' require header_not_committed: not header_committed do across a_lines as c loop put_header_line (c.item) end end add_header_lines (a_lines: ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_8]) -- Add headers from `a_lines' require header_not_committed: not header_committed do across a_lines as c loop add_header_line (c.item) end end feature -- Header add cookie add_cookie (a_cookie: WSF_COOKIE) -- Add a Set-Cookie header field to the response, -- if no Set-Cookie header field already use same cookie-name. --| Servers SHOULD NOT include more than one Set-Cookie header field in --| the same response with the same cookie-name. local l_same_cookie_name: BOOLEAN do across internal_header.headers as ic until l_same_cookie_name loop if ic.item.starts_with ("Set-Cookie:") then l_same_cookie_name := has_cookie_name (ic.item, end end if not l_same_cookie_name then internal_header.add_header (a_cookie.header_line) end end feature -- Output report transfered_content_length: NATURAL_64 -- Length of the content transfered via `put_string', `put_character' -- `put_chunk', `put_substring' feature {NONE} -- Implementation increment_transfered_content_length (n: INTEGER) -- Increment `transfered_content_length' by `n' do transfered_content_length := transfered_content_length + n.to_natural_64 end feature -- Body put_character (c: CHARACTER_8) -- Send the character `c' require message_writable: message_writable do wgi_response.put_character (c) increment_transfered_content_length (1) end put_string (s: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Send the string `s' require message_writable: message_writable do wgi_response.put_string (s) increment_transfered_content_length (s.count) end put_substring (s: READABLE_STRING_8; a_begin_index, a_end_index: INTEGER) -- Send the substring `s[a_begin_index:a_end_index]' require message_writable: message_writable do wgi_response.put_substring (s, a_begin_index, a_end_index) increment_transfered_content_length (a_end_index - a_begin_index + 1) end put_file_content (f: FILE; a_offset: INTEGER; a_count: INTEGER) -- Send `a_count' bytes from the content of file `f' starting at offset `a_offset'. require message_writable: message_writable not_too_big: a_offset + a_count <= f.count do if a_count > 0 then wgi_response.put_file_content (f, a_offset, a_count) increment_transfered_content_length (a_count) end end feature -- Chunk body put_chunk (a_content: READABLE_STRING_8; a_ext: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) -- Write chunk non empty `a_content' -- with optional extension `a_ext': chunk-extension= *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] ) -- Note: that you should have header "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" require a_content_not_empty: a_content /= Void and then not a_content.is_empty message_writable: message_writable valid_chunk_extension: (a_ext /= Void and then not a_ext.is_empty) implies ( a_ext.starts_with (";") and not a_ext.has ('%N') and not not a_ext.has ('%R') ) local l_chunk_size_line: STRING_8 i: INTEGER do --| Remove all left '0' l_chunk_size_line := a_content.count.to_hex_string from i := 1 until l_chunk_size_line[i] /= '0' loop i := i + 1 end if i > 1 then l_chunk_size_line := l_chunk_size_line.substring (i, l_chunk_size_line.count) end if a_ext /= Void then l_chunk_size_line.append (a_ext) end l_chunk_size_line.append ({HTTP_CONSTANTS}.crlf) wgi_response.put_string (l_chunk_size_line) put_string (a_content) wgi_response.put_string ({HTTP_CONSTANTS}.crlf) flush ensure transfered_content_length = old transfered_content_length + a_content.count.to_natural_64 end put_custom_chunk_end (a_ext: detachable READABLE_STRING_8; a_trailer: detachable READABLE_STRING_8) -- Put end of chunked content, -- with optional extension `a_ext': chunk-extension= *( ";" chunk-ext-name [ "=" chunk-ext-val ] ) -- and with optional trailer `a_trailer' : trailer= *(entity-header CRLF) local l_chunk_size_line: STRING_8 do -- Chunk end create l_chunk_size_line.make (1) l_chunk_size_line.append_integer (0) if a_ext /= Void then l_chunk_size_line.append (a_ext) end l_chunk_size_line.append ({HTTP_CONSTANTS}.crlf) wgi_response.put_string (l_chunk_size_line) -- Optional trailer if a_trailer /= Void and then not a_trailer.is_empty then wgi_response.put_string (a_trailer) end -- Final CRLF wgi_response.put_string ({HTTP_CONSTANTS}.crlf) flush end put_chunk_end -- Put end of chunked content -- without any optional trailer. do put_custom_chunk_end (Void, Void) end flush -- Flush if it makes sense do wgi_response.flush end feature -- Response object send (a_message: WSF_RESPONSE_MESSAGE) -- Set `a_message' as the whole response to the client --| `a_message' is responsible to sent the status code, the header and the content require header_not_committed: not header_committed status_not_committed: not status_committed no_message_committed: not message_committed do a_message.send_to (Current) ensure status_committed: status_is_set end feature -- Redirect redirect_now_custom (a_url: READABLE_STRING_8; a_status_code: INTEGER; a_header: detachable HTTP_HEADER; a_content: detachable TUPLE [body: READABLE_STRING_8; type: READABLE_STRING_8]) -- Redirect to the given url `a_url' and precise custom `a_status_code', custom header and content -- Please see to use proper status code. -- if `a_status_code' is 0, use the default {HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.temp_redirect require header_not_committed: not header_committed local h: HTTP_HEADER b: READABLE_STRING_8 do if header_committed then -- This might be a trouble about content-length put_string ("Headers already sent.%NCannot redirect, for now please follow this link instead%N") else if a_header /= Void then create h.make_from_header (a_header) else create h.make_with_count (1) end h.put_location (a_url) if a_status_code = 0 then set_status_code ({HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.temp_redirect) else set_status_code (a_status_code) end if a_content /= Void then b := a_content.body h.put_content_length (b.count) h.put_content_type (a_content.type) put_header_text (h.string) put_string (b) else h.put_content_length (0) put_header_text (h.string) end end end redirect_now (a_url: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Redirect to the given url `a_url' require header_not_committed: not header_committed do redirect_now_custom (a_url, {HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.found, Void, Void) end redirect_now_with_content (a_url: READABLE_STRING_8; a_content: READABLE_STRING_8; a_content_type: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Redirect to the given url `a_url' do redirect_now_custom (a_url, {HTTP_STATUS_CODE}.found, Void, [a_content, a_content_type]) end feature -- Error reporting put_error (a_message: READABLE_STRING_8) -- Report error described by `a_message' -- This might be used by the underlying connector do wgi_response.put_error (a_message) end feature {NONE} -- Implemenation has_cookie_name (a_cookie_line, a_cookie_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN -- Has the cookie line `a_cookie_line', the cookie name `a_cookie_name'? local i,j,n: INTEGER do j := a_cookie_line.index_of (':', 1) if j > 0 then i := a_cookie_line.index_of ('=', 1) if i > j then i := i - 1 j := j + 1 -- Skip spaces. from n := a_cookie_line.count until j > n or not a_cookie_line[j].is_space loop j := j + 1 end if j <= n then Result := a_cookie_name.same_characters (a_cookie_line, j, i, 1) end end end end note copyright: "2011-2016, Jocelyn Fiat, Javier Velilla, Olivier Ligot, Colin Adams, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end