.NET Framework SDK Documentation: ms-help://MS.NETFrameworkSDK/csref/html/vcwlkxmldocumentationtutorial.htm
description param
description param
The tag is the most important one, because that is the one whose going a give access to the informations (comments) relative to a class or a Feature.
Its parameter name is compose as followed:
-- the first charater determines the Type of the node. T for a Type, M for a Method, P for a Property and F for a Field
-- the second character is a semi colon (:)
-- the end is:
* the full dotnet type name for a Type (T)
* the complete signature of the Method for a Method (M).
* the full dotnet name for a Property (P)
* the full dotnet name for a Field (F)
The tag means the text in this tag make a paragraph.
The tag describe the parameters of a Method. Its first argument name is the name of the parameter. The text contained between the opening and the closing tag is the description of the parameter.
The tag describe the returns of a Method.
The tags and are interpreted as a text.