note description: "Parse file given in make and extract informations" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." class ASSEMBLY_INFORMATION inherit KL_SHARED_ARGUMENTS XM_CALLBACKS_FILTER_FACTORY export {NONE} all end create make feature -- Initialization make (a_version: like runtime_version) do create xml_file_path.make_empty runtime_version := a_version ensure non_void_xml_file_path: xml_file_path /= Void end initialize (an_assembly_name: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Set `xml_file' with `an_xml_file' and create an instance of MEMBER_FILTER. require non_void_an_assembly_name: an_assembly_name /= Void not_empty_an_assembly_name: not an_assembly_name.is_empty local retried: BOOLEAN l_xml_file: KL_BINARY_INPUT_FILE_32 l_parser: XM_EIFFEL_PARSER l_file: RAW_FILE l_offset: INTEGER mp: like member_parser do if not retried and then not Member_parser_table.has (an_assembly_name) then xml_file_path := path_to_assembly_doc (an_assembly_name) -- get position of '<' because there could be some numbers for the encoding that are not taken into account by the positions returned by gobo create l_file.make_with_path (xml_file_path) create mp.make member_parser := mp if l_file.exists and then l_file.is_readable then l_file.open_read l_file.read_stream (5) l_file.close l_offset := l_file.last_string.index_of ('<', 1) if l_offset > 0 then mp.set_offset (l_offset - 1) end create l_xml_file.make_with_path (xml_file_path) l_xml_file.open_read create l_parser.make l_parser.set_string_mode_mixed mp.set_parser (l_parser) l_parser.set_callbacks (standard_callbacks_pipe (<>)) l_parser.parse_from_stream (l_xml_file) l_xml_file.close check ok_parsing: l_parser.is_correct end end Member_parser_table.put (mp, an_assembly_name) initialized := True elseif not Member_parser_table.has (an_assembly_name) then Member_parser_table.put (Void, an_assembly_name) initialized := True end ensure -- xml_file_path_set: xml_file_path = path_to_assembly (an_assembly_name) -- Member_parser_table_set: Member_parser_table.has (an_assembly_name) rescue initialized := False retried := True retry end feature {NONE} -- Access initialized: BOOLEAN -- Did Current initialize correctly? member_parser_table: HASH_TABLE [detachable MEMBER_FILTER, READABLE_STRING_32] -- Caching member_parser already calculated. once create Result.make (20) ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void end member_parser: detachable MEMBER_FILTER -- Current member parser. xml_file_path: PATH -- Path to current xml document. runtime_version: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 -- Runtime version where we look for XML documentation associated to Microsoft assemblies. feature -- Basic Operations find_type (assembly_type_name, a_full_dotnet_type: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable MEMBER_INFORMATION -- Find comments relative to `a_full_dotnet_type'. require non_void_assembly_type_name: assembly_type_name /= Void not_empty_assembly_type_name: not assembly_type_name.is_empty non_void_a_full_dotnet_type: a_full_dotnet_type /= Void not_empty_a_full_dotnet_type: not a_full_dotnet_type.is_empty local l_full_dotnet_type: STRING_32 do (assembly_type_name) if Member_parser_table.found then xml_file_path := path_to_assembly_doc (assembly_type_name) member_parser := member_parser_table.found_item else initialize (assembly_type_name) end if not xml_file_path.is_empty and member_parser /= Void then create l_full_dotnet_type.make_from_string (a_full_dotnet_type) if l_full_dotnet_type.has ('+') then -- Replace '+' by '.' for nested types. l_full_dotnet_type.replace_substring_all ("+", ".") end Result := find_member (l_full_dotnet_type, "") end end find_feature (assembly_type_name, a_full_dotnet_type: READABLE_STRING_32; a_member_signature: STRING): detachable MEMBER_INFORMATION -- Find comments of feature of `a_full_dotnet_type' corresponding to `a_feature_signature'. -- Constructor signature: #ctor[(TYPE,TYPE,...)] -- Feature signature: feature_name[(TYPE,TYPE,...)] -- Attribute signature: attribute_name require non_void_assembly_type_name: assembly_type_name /= Void not_empty_assembly_type_name: not assembly_type_name.is_empty not_empty_a_full_dotnet_type: not a_full_dotnet_type.is_empty non_void_a_member_signature: a_member_signature /= Void not_empty_a_member_signature: not a_member_signature.is_empty valid_dotnet_signature: is_valid_dotnet_signature (a_member_signature) local l_full_dotnet_type: STRING_32 retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then (assembly_type_name) if member_parser_table.found then xml_file_path := path_to_assembly_doc (assembly_type_name) member_parser := member_parser_table.found_item initialized := True else initialize (assembly_type_name) end if initialized and then attached member_parser then create l_full_dotnet_type.make_from_string (a_full_dotnet_type) if l_full_dotnet_type.has ('+') then -- Replace '+' by '.' for nested types. l_full_dotnet_type.replace_substring_all ("+", ".") end Result := find_member (l_full_dotnet_type, a_member_signature) end end rescue retried := True retry end path_to_assembly_doc (an_assembly_name: READABLE_STRING_32): PATH -- Path to assembly XML file require non_void_an_assembly_name: an_assembly_name /= Void not_empty_an_assembly_name: not an_assembly_name.is_empty do Result := (create {IL_ENVIRONMENT}.make (runtime_version)).dotnet_framework_path.extended (an_assembly_name).appended_with_extension ("xml") ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void end path_to_assembly_dll (an_assembly_name: STRING): PATH -- Path to assembly require non_void_an_assembly_name: an_assembly_name /= Void not_empty_an_assembly_name: not an_assembly_name.is_empty do Result := (create {IL_ENVIRONMENT}.make (runtime_version)).dotnet_framework_path.extended (an_assembly_name).appended_with_extension ("dll") ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void end feature -- Status Setting is_valid_dotnet_signature (a_feature_signature: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_feature_signature' correct? require non_void_a_feature_signature: a_feature_signature /= Void not_empty_a_feature_signature: not a_feature_signature.is_empty local l_index: INTEGER l_parameters: STRING l_feature_name: STRING do if a_feature_signature.has (' ') then Result := False else l_index := a_feature_signature.index_of ('(', 1) if l_index = 0 then l_feature_name := a_feature_signature.twin create l_parameters.make_empty else l_feature_name := a_feature_signature.twin l_feature_name.keep_head (l_index - 1) l_parameters := a_feature_signature.twin l_parameters.keep_tail (a_feature_signature.count - l_index + 1) end if is_valid_feature_name (l_feature_name) and then is_valid_parameters (l_parameters) then Result := True end end end feature {NONE} -- Status Setting is_valid_feature_name (a_feature_name: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_feature_name' valid? require non_void_a_feature_name: a_feature_name /= Void not_empty_a_feature_name: not a_feature_name.is_empty do if a_feature_name.has (' ') or a_feature_name.has ('.') or a_feature_name.has (')') then Result := False else Result := True end end is_valid_parameters (parameters: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `parameters' has a valid format? --| Rules : if empty return True. --| else --| must start and finish with '(' and ')' and must contain something between parantheses. require non_void_parameters: parameters /= Void do if parameters.is_empty then Result := True else if parameters.has (' ') or parameters.has (';') then Result := False else if parameters.item (1) = '(' and parameters.item (parameters.count) = ')' then if parameters.count > 2 then Result := True end end end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation find_member (a_full_dotnet_type: STRING; a_member_signature: STRING): detachable MEMBER_INFORMATION -- Find comments of feature of `a_full_dotnet_type' corresponding to `a_member_signature'. require non_void_a_full_dotnet_type: a_full_dotnet_type /= Void not_empty_a_full_dotnet_type: not a_full_dotnet_type.is_empty non_void_a_member_signature: a_member_signature /= Void -- not_empty_a_member_signature: not a_member_signature.is_empty valid_dotnet_signature: is_valid_dotnet_signature (a_member_signature) local l_feature_filter: FEATURE_FILTER f: RAW_FILE l_last_str: STRING l_key_member: STRING l_parser: XM_EIFFEL_PARSER l_xml_members: HASH_TABLE [XML_MEMBER, STRING] l_xml_member: XML_MEMBER do if attached member_parser as mp then if a_member_signature.is_empty then l_key_member := a_full_dotnet_type else create l_key_member.make (a_full_dotnet_type.count + a_member_signature.count + 1) l_key_member.append (a_full_dotnet_type) l_key_member.append_character ('.') l_key_member.append (a_member_signature) end l_xml_members := mp.Xml_members (l_key_member) if l_xml_members.found then create f.make_with_path (xml_file_path) f.open_read l_xml_member := l_xml_members.found_item f.go (l_xml_member.pos_in_file) f.read_stream (l_xml_member.number_of_char) if f.last_string /= Void then l_last_str := f.last_string l_last_str.prepend ("") l_last_str.append ("%N%N") create l_parser.make create l_feature_filter.make l_parser.set_callbacks (callbacks_pipe (<>)) l_parser.parse_from_string (l_last_str) check ok_parsing: l_parser.is_correct end if (l_key_member) then Result := l_feature_filter.A_member end end end end end invariant non_void_xml_file_path: xml_file_path /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end