note description: "eSplitter main window" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CODE_ES_MAIN_WINDOW inherit CODE_ES_MAIN_WINDOW_IMP CODE_ES_SAVED_SETTINGS rename make as saved_make undefine copy, default_create end EV_THREAD_SEVERITY_CONSTANTS undefine copy, default_create end EV_FONT_CONSTANTS undefine copy, default_create end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize registry settings do saved_make default_create end user_initialization -- called by `initialize'. -- Any custom user initialization that -- could not be performed in `initialize', -- (due to regeneration of implementation class) -- can be added here. do create test_regexp.make close_request_actions.extend (agent on_exit) initialize_combo (folders_combo_box, Folders_key) initialize_combo (destination_folders_combo, Destination_folders_key) initialize_combo (regexp_combo_box, Regexps_key) if saved_process_subfolders then subfolders_check_button.enable_select else subfolders_check_button.disable_select end if saved_has_destination then destination_radio_button.enable_select else no_destination_radio_button.enable_select end set_x_position (saved_x_pos) set_y_position (saved_y_pos) end feature {NONE} -- Events Handling on_folder_change -- Check if `generate' button should be enabled. do check_can_generate end on_browse_folder -- Browse for folder containing Eiffel multi-class files. local l_dialog: EV_DIRECTORY_DIALOG l_dir: STRING do create l_dialog.make_with_title ("Browse for folder containing multi-class Eiffel file(s)") if not folders_combo_box.text.is_empty then l_dialog.set_start_directory (folders_combo_box.text) end l_dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) l_dir := if not l_dir.is_empty and not l_dir.is_equal (folders_combo_box.text) then folders_combo_box.set_text (l_dir) add_entry_to_combo_and_save (l_dir, folders_combo_box) end end on_regexp_change -- Check if `generate' button should be enabled. do check_can_generate end on_select_no_destination -- Disable destination combo box. do destination_folder_box.disable_sensitive end on_select_destination -- Enable destination combo box. do destination_folder_box.enable_sensitive end on_destination_folder_change -- Check if `generate' buttin should be enabled. do check_can_generate end on_browse_destination_folder -- Browse for destination folder. local l_dialog: EV_DIRECTORY_DIALOG l_dir: STRING do create l_dialog.make_with_title ("Browse for destination folder") if not destination_folders_combo.text.is_empty then l_dialog.set_start_directory (destination_folders_combo.text) end l_dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) l_dir := if not l_dir.is_empty and not l_dir.is_equal (destination_folders_combo.text) then destination_folders_combo.set_text (l_dir) add_entry_to_combo_and_save (l_dir, destination_folders_combo) end end on_generate -- Generate Eiffel source files. local l_dest, l_folder: STRING l_worker_thread: EV_THREAD_WORKER l_sep: CHARACTER do l_sep := (create {OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT}).Directory_separator check_can_generate if generate_button.is_sensitive then notebook.select_item (output_box) generate_button.disable_sensitive add_entry_to_combo_and_save (regexp_combo_box.text, regexp_combo_box) add_entry_to_combo_and_save (destination_folders_combo.text, destination_folders_combo) add_entry_to_combo_and_save (folders_combo_box.text, folders_combo_box) if destination_radio_button.is_selected then l_dest := destination_folders_combo.text if l_dest.is_empty then l_dest := Void else if l_dest.item (l_dest.count) = l_sep then l_dest.keep_head (l_dest.count - 1) end end end l_folder := folders_combo_box.text if l_folder.item (l_folder.count) = l_sep then l_folder.keep_head (l_folder.count - 1) end output_text.set_text ("") create l_worker_thread.make l_worker_thread.do_work (agent (create {CODE_ES_SPLITTER}.make (l_folder, regexp_combo_box.text, l_dest, subfolders_check_button.is_selected)).split_files, agent process_event) generate_button.enable_sensitive end end on_open_folder -- Explore destination folder. local l_dir: STRING l_res: SYSTEM_OBJECT do if destination_radio_button.is_selected then l_dir := destination_folders_combo.text else l_dir := folders_combo_box.text end if not l_dir.is_empty then l_res := {SYSTEM_DLL_PROCESS}.start_string_string ("explorer.exe", l_dir) end end on_help -- Called by `select_actions' of `help_menu_item'. do (create {EV_ENVIRONMENT}).application.display_help_for_widget (Current) end on_about -- Called by `select_actions' of `about_menu_item'. local l_about_dialog: CODE_ES_ABOUT_DIALOG do create l_about_dialog l_about_dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) end on_exit -- Called by `select_actions' of `exit_menu_item'. do save_x_pos (x_position) save_y_pos (y_position) save_process_subfolders (subfolders_check_button.is_selected) save_has_destination (destination_radio_button.is_selected) (create {EV_ENVIRONMENT}).application.destroy end feature {NONE} -- Implementation check_can_generate -- Are settings OK for generation? local l_text: STRING l_folder_ok, l_regexp_ok: BOOLEAN do l_text := folders_combo_box.text if not l_text.is_empty then l_folder_ok := (create {DIRECTORY}.make (l_text)).exists if not l_folder_ok then folders_combo_box.set_foreground_color (Red) else folders_combo_box.set_foreground_color (Black) end end l_text := regexp_combo_box.text if not l_text.is_empty then test_regexp.compile (l_text) l_regexp_ok := test_regexp.is_compiled if not l_regexp_ok then regexp_combo_box.set_foreground_color (Red) else regexp_combo_box.set_foreground_color (Black) end end if l_folder_ok and l_regexp_ok then generate_button.enable_sensitive else generate_button.disable_sensitive end end process_event (a_event: EV_THREAD_EVENT) -- Display events in output text field. require non_void_event: a_event /= Void local l_event: CODE_ES_EVENT do l_event ?= a_event check is_code_event: l_event /= Void end inspect l_event.severity when Information then display_info (l_event.title, l_event.message) when Warning then display_warning (l_event.title, l_event.message) when Error then display_error (l_event.title, l_event.message) else -- Stop event end end display_info (a_title, a_message: STRING) -- Display informational text with title `a_title' and content `a_message'. require non_void_title: a_title /= Void non_void_text: a_message /= Void do output_text.buffered_append (a_title, Information_format) output_text.buffered_append (": ", Information_format) output_text.buffered_append (a_message, Information_format) output_text.buffered_append ("%R%N", Information_format) output_text.flush_buffer_to (output_text.text_length + 1, output_text.text_length + 1) end display_warning (a_title, a_message: STRING) -- Display warning with title `a_title' and content `a_message'. require non_void_title: a_title /= Void non_void_text: a_message /= Void do output_text.buffered_append (a_title, Warning_format) output_text.buffered_append (": ", Warning_format) output_text.buffered_append (a_message, Warning_format) output_text.buffered_append ("%R%N", Warning_format) output_text.flush_buffer_to (output_text.text_length + 1, output_text.text_length + 1) end display_error (a_title, a_message: STRING) -- Display error with title `a_title' and content `a_message'. require non_void_title: a_title /= Void non_void_text: a_message /= Void do output_text.buffered_append ("%R%NERROR: " + a_title + "%R%N", Error_format) output_text.buffered_append (a_message, Error_format) output_text.buffered_append ("%R%N%R%N", Error_format) output_text.flush_buffer_to (output_text.text_length + 1, output_text.text_length + 1) end feature {NONE} -- Private Access Red: EV_COLOR -- Red once Result := (create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).Red end Blue: EV_COLOR -- Blue once Result := (create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).Blue end Black: EV_COLOR -- Black once Result := (create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).Black end White: EV_COLOR -- White once Result := (create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).White end Message_font: EV_FONT -- Font used to diplay information and warning messages once create Result.make_with_values (family_sans, weight_regular, shape_regular, 10) end Error_font: EV_FONT -- Font used to diplay error messages once create Result.make_with_values (family_sans, weight_bold, shape_regular, 10) end Information_format: EV_CHARACTER_FORMAT -- Format used to display information messages once create Result.make_with_font_and_color (Message_font, Black, White) end Warning_format: EV_CHARACTER_FORMAT -- Format used to display warning messages once create Result.make_with_font_and_color (Message_font, Blue, White) end Error_format: EV_CHARACTER_FORMAT -- Format used to display error messages once create Result.make_with_font_and_color (Error_font, Red, White) end test_regexp: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- Test regular expression, used to validate regular expression text is_select_during_set_strings: BOOLEAN; -- Was `' called as part of `combo_box.set_strings' execution? note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class CODE_ES_MAIN_WINDOW