note description: "Allows for adding/removing assemblies from the EAC" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" frozen class CACHE_WRITER inherit SYSTEM_OBJECT CALLBACK_INTERFACE CACHE_ERRORS CACHE_SETTINGS export {NONE} all end SHARED_CACHE_MUTEX_GUARD export {NONE} all end SHARED_ASSEMBLY_LOADER KEY_ENCODER export {NONE} all end ARGUMENTS export {NONE} all end SHARED_CLR_VERSION export {NONE} all {ANY} clr_version end SHARED_LOGGER export {NONE} all end IDISPOSABLE create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- New instance of Current for runtime version `a_clr_version'. do create cache_reader end feature -- Clean Up dispose -- Clean up used resources. do end feature -- Basic Operations add_assembly (a_path: READABLE_STRING_32; a_info_only: BOOLEAN) -- Add assembly at `a_path' and its dependencies into cache. require non_void_path: a_path /= Void valid_path: not a_path.is_empty path_exists: (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_name (a_path)).exists local l_processed: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] do create l_processed.make (0) l_processed.compare_objects add_assembly_ex (a_path, a_info_only, Void, l_processed) end add_assembly_ex (a_path: READABLE_STRING_32; a_info_only: BOOLEAN; a_other_assemblies: detachable LIST [READABLE_STRING_32]; a_processed: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_32]) -- Add assembly at `a_path' and its dependencies into cache. require non_void_path: a_path /= Void valid_path: not a_path.is_empty path_exists: (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_name (a_path)).exists a_other_assemblies_contains_valid_items: a_other_assemblies /= Void implies a_other_assemblies.is_empty or else ∀ a: a_other_assemblies ¦ attached a and then a.is_case_insensitive_equal (a) a_other_assemblies_compares_objects: a_other_assemblies /= Void implies a_other_assemblies.object_comparison a_processed_attached: a_processed /= Void a_processed_compares_objects: a_processed.object_comparison a_processed_contains_valid_items: a_processed.is_empty or else ∀ a: a_processed ¦ attached a and then a.is_case_insensitive_equal (a) local l_string_tuple: TUPLE [STRING_32] l_assembly_folder: PATH l_ca: CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY l_assembly: ASSEMBLY l_old_assembly: ASSEMBLY l_name: ASSEMBLY_NAME l_consumer: ASSEMBLY_CONSUMER l_dir: DIRECTORY l_names: NATIVE_ARRAY [detachable ASSEMBLY_NAME] l_info: CACHE_INFO l_assembly_path: PATH l_assembly_location: STRING_32 l_assembly_info_updated: BOOLEAN l_lower_path: PATH l_reader: like cache_reader l_reason: SYSTEM_STRING retried: BOOLEAN i: INTEGER do if not retried then guard.lock {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Adding assembly (does not mean consuming) '{0}'.", a_path.to_cil)) l_reason := "New entry" l_reader := cache_reader if l_reader.is_initialized then l_ca := l_reader.consumed_assembly_from_path (create {PATH}.make_from_string (a_path)) end if l_ca = Void then create l_lower_path.make_from_string (a_path.as_lower) l_lower_path := l_lower_path.canonical_path else l_lower_path := l_ca.location if l_ca.has_info_only and not a_info_only then l_reason := "Consuming extra information" end end l_assembly := assembly_loader.load_from_gac_or_path ( if l_assembly /= Void and then attached l_assembly.location as l_location then create l_consumer.make (Current) a_processed.extend ( create l_assembly_path.make_from_string (create {STRING_32}.make_from_cil (l_location.to_lower)) if l_ca = Void and l_reader.is_initialized then -- This case presents itself either when the assembly has never been consumed, -- or when an assembly has been consumed as a referenced assembly, which means -- it, at present, only has a GAC path. l_ca := l_reader.consumed_assembly_from_path (l_assembly_path) if l_ca /= Void then l_ca.set_location (l_lower_path) l_assembly_info_updated := True end end if l_ca /= Void and then l_ca.is_consumed then {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("'{0}' has already been consumed. Checking...", a_path.to_cil)) -- Examine existing data and modify if l_assembly.global_assembly_cache then if not l_ca.gac_path.same_as (l_assembly_path) then l_ca.set_gac_path (l_assembly_path) l_ca.set_is_in_gac (True) l_assembly_info_updated := True {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ("Assembly GAC path changed.") end if not l_ca.gac_path.is_equal (l_lower_path) and then not l_ca.location.is_equal (l_lower_path) then l_ca.set_location (l_lower_path) l_ca.set_is_in_gac (True) l_assembly_info_updated := True {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ("Assembly location path changed.") end elseif not l_ca.location.same_as (l_assembly_path) then l_ca.set_location (l_assembly_path) l_ca.set_is_in_gac (False) l_assembly_info_updated := True {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ("Assembly is no longer in GAC.") -- Do not reset GAC path, because it really does not affect anything. -- Plus it should be preserved for future look ups, just because a GAC assembly in no longer -- present doesn't mean that we cannot still look at it's consumed metadata end if l_assembly_info_updated then -- The assembly information requires updating {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Storing changed assembly information for '{0}'.", a_path.to_cil)) l_info := if l_info /= Void then l_info.update_assembly (l_ca) update_info (l_info) end update_client_assembly_mappings (l_ca) end l_info := Void end -- only consume `assembly' if assembly has not already been consumed, -- corresponding assembly has been modified or if consumer tool has been -- modified. if l_ca /= Void and then l_ca.is_consumed and then ((not a_info_only and l_ca.has_info_only) or else cache_reader.is_assembly_stale (l_lower_path)) then -- unconsume stale assembly unconsume_assembly (l_lower_path) if attached l_assembly.get_name as n then l_ca.set_culture (culture_from_info (n.culture_info)) l_ca.set_version (version_from_info (n.version)) l_ca.set_key (public_key_token_from_array (n.get_public_key_token)) else check get_name_attached: False end end end -- Reset update (for optimizations) l_assembly_info_updated := False if l_ca /= Void and then l_ca.is_consumed then {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Assembly '{0}' is not being consumed because it is up-to-date.", a_path.to_cil)) if attached status_printer as l_status_printer then create l_string_tuple l_string_tuple.put ({STRING_32} "Up-to-date check: '" + a_path + "' has not been modified since last consumption.%N", 1) (l_string_tuple) end else if l_ca = Void then l_ca := consumed_assembly_from_path ( end if l_ca /= Void then l_assembly_folder := l_reader.absolute_assembly_path_from_consumed_assembly (l_ca) create l_dir.make_with_path (l_assembly_folder) if not l_dir.exists then l_dir.create_dir end l_consumer.set_status_printer (status_printer) l_consumer.set_error_printer (error_printer) l_consumer.set_status_querier (status_querier) l_consumer.set_destination_path (l_dir.path) if attached notifier as l_notifier then l_notifier.notify_consume ( create {CONSUMPTION_NOTIFY_MESSAGE}.make (l_ca, a_path, create {STRING_32}.make_from_cil (l_reason), cache_reader.absolute_consume_path)) end -- Load assembly from path, so path assembly is consumed. -- MS resort to a load performance trick where they provide -- assemblies with no implementation -- in a local path and the implementation in the GAC. l_old_assembly := l_assembly l_assembly := assembly_loader.load_from ( if l_assembly = Void then l_assembly := l_old_assembly end l_consumer.consume (l_assembly, assembly_loader, a_info_only) if not l_consumer.successful then set_error (Consume_error, a_path) else l_assembly_info_updated := True l_info := if l_info /= Void and l_ca /= Void then l_ca.set_is_consumed (True, a_info_only) l_info.update_assembly (l_ca) update_info (l_info) end end end end if l_consumer.successful then {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Processing assembly dependencies...%N%NAssembly: {0}.", a_path.to_cil)) if attached notifier as l_notifier then l_notifier.notify_info ("Synchronizing cache...") end l_names := l_assembly.get_referenced_assemblies if l_names /= Void then from i := 0 until i = l_names.count loop l_name := l_names.item (i) if l_name /= Void then l_assembly := assembly_loader.load (l_name) if l_assembly /= Void and then attached l_assembly.location as l_ass_location then l_assembly_location := l_ass_location create l_assembly_path.make_from_string (l_assembly_location) if not a_processed.has (l_assembly_location) and then not (l_reader.is_assembly_in_cache (l_assembly_path, True) or else cache_reader.is_assembly_stale (l_assembly_path)) then -- Adds only lookup info add_assembly_ex (l_assembly_location, a_info_only or else (a_other_assemblies = Void or else not a_other_assemblies.has (l_assembly_location.as_lower)), a_other_assemblies, a_processed) l_assembly_info_updated := True end end end i := i + 1 end end if l_assembly_info_updated and l_ca /= Void then if attached notifier as l_notifier and then attached {SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Synchronizing cache...%N%NLocation: {0}", as l_msg then l_notifier.notify_info (create {STRING_32}.make_from_cil (l_msg)) end update_assembly_mappings (l_ca) update_client_assembly_mappings (l_ca) end end if attached notifier as l_notifier then l_notifier.clear_notification end end else {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Failed to consume assembly '{0}'.", a_path.to_cil)) if l_name /= Void and then attached l_name.to_string as l_error_msg then set_error (Assembly_not_found_error, create {STRING_32}.make_from_cil (l_error_msg)) elseif l_assembly /= Void and then attached l_assembly.full_name as l_ass_full_name then set_error (Assembly_dependancies_not_found_error, create {STRING_32}.make_from_cil (l_ass_full_name)) else set_error (Assembly_not_found_error, a_path) end end guard.unlock rescue debug ("log_exceptions") log_last_exception end if not retried then retried := True retry end end unconsume_assembly (a_path: PATH) -- Unconsumes assembly at `a_path'. This means all consumed metadata in removed -- and the consumed assembly entry is_consumed attribute is set to false. -- Note: Does not update any assembly reference mappings. Call `update_client_assembly_mapppings' to -- perform this. require non_void_path: a_path /= Void valid_path: not a_path.is_empty local l_string_tuple: TUPLE [STRING_32] l_dir: DIRECTORY l_ca: detachable CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY l_info: detachable CACHE_INFO l_reader: like cache_reader retried: BOOLEAN do check assembly_exists: cache_reader.is_assembly_in_cache (a_path, True) end if not retried then guard.lock {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Unconsuming assembly '{0}'", l_reader := cache_reader if attached status_printer as l_status_printer then create l_string_tuple l_string_tuple.put ({STRING_32} "Updating assembly consumed metadata: '" + + "' has been modified since last consumption.%N", 1) (l_string_tuple) end l_ca := l_reader.consumed_assembly_from_path (a_path) l_info := if l_ca /= Void and l_info /= Void then -- Remove consumed metadata create l_dir.make_with_path (l_reader.absolute_assembly_path_from_consumed_assembly (l_ca)) if l_dir.exists then l_dir.recursive_delete end l_ca.set_is_consumed (False, True) l_info.update_assembly (l_ca) update_client_assembly_mappings (l_ca) update_info (l_info) end else set_error (Update_error, end guard.unlock rescue debug ("log_exceptions") log_last_exception end if not retried then retried := True retry end end remove_recursive_assembly (a_path: PATH) -- Remove assembly identified by `a_path' and its clients from cache. require non_void_path: a_path /= Void valid_path: not a_path.is_empty local l_ca: detachable CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY retried: BOOLEAN l_reader: like cache_reader i: INTEGER do if not retried then guard.lock l_reader := cache_reader remove_assembly_internal (a_path) l_ca := consumed_assembly_from_path ( if l_ca /= Void and then attached l_reader.client_assemblies (l_ca) as l_assemblies then from i := 1 until i > l_assemblies.count loop if l_reader.is_assembly_in_cache (l_assemblies.i_th (i).gac_path, False) then remove_recursive_assembly (l_assemblies.i_th (i).gac_path) end i := i + 1 end end else set_error (Remove_error, end guard.unlock rescue debug ("log_exceptions") log_last_exception end if not retried then retried := True retry end end clean_cache -- cleans up cache and removes all incomplete consumed assembly metadata local l_cache_folder: DIRECTORY l_assemblies: ARRAYED_LIST [CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY] l_ca: CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then guard.lock {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Cleaning EAC '{0}'.", cache_reader.eac_path.to_cil)) create l_cache_folder.make_with_path (cache_reader.eiffel_assembly_cache_path) if l_cache_folder.exists and attached as l_info then l_assemblies := l_info.assemblies -- Unconsumed assemblies that cannot be found from l_assemblies.start until l_assemblies.after loop l_ca := l_assemblies.item if not l_ca.is_consumed or else not (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_path (l_ca.location)).exists and then not (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_path (l_ca.gac_path)).exists then -- Remove assembly. unconsume_assembly (l_ca.location) update_client_assembly_mappings (l_ca) end l_assemblies.forth end end end guard.unlock rescue debug ("log_exceptions") log_last_exception end if not retried then retried := True retry end end compact_cache_info -- comapcts cache info by removing all CONSUMED_ASSEMBLYs that are marked as being unconsumed local l_info: detachable CACHE_INFO l_assemblies: ARRAYED_LIST [CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY] l_ca: CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY l_removed: BOOLEAN retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then guard.lock {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Compacting EAC '{0}'.", cache_reader.eac_path.to_cil)) l_info := if l_info /= Void then l_assemblies := l_info.assemblies from l_assemblies.start until l_assemblies.after loop l_ca := l_assemblies.item if l_ca.is_consumed then l_info.remove_assembly (l_ca) l_removed := True end l_assemblies.forth end if l_removed then update_info (l_info) end end end guard.unlock rescue debug ("log_exceptions") log_last_exception end if not retried then retried := True retry end end consumed_assembly_from_path (a_path: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY -- retrieve a consumed assembly for `a_path' and store in cache info for retrieval require non_void_path: a_path /= Void valid_path: not a_path.is_empty valid_assembly_path: assembly_loader.load_from_gac_or_path (a_path) /= Void local l_id_upper: STRING_32 l_path: PATH retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then guard.lock create l_path.make_from_string (a_path) l_path := l_path.canonical_path if cache_reader.is_initialized then Result := cache_reader.consumed_assembly_from_path (l_path) end if not attached Result and then attached {GUID}.new_guid.to_string as l_id then l_id_upper := l_id l_id_upper.to_upper Result := create_consumed_assembly_from_path (l_id_upper, l_path) if Result /= Void and attached as l_info then l_info.add_assembly (Result) update_info (l_info) end end end guard.unlock rescue debug ("log_exceptions") log_last_exception end if not retried then retried := True retry end end update_info (a_info: CACHE_INFO) -- Update EAC information file with `info'. require non_void_info: a_info /= Void local l_absolute_xml_info_path: PATH retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then guard.lock if a_info.is_dirty then a_info.set_is_dirty (False) l_absolute_xml_info_path := cache_reader.Absolute_info_path {EIFFEL_SERIALIZATION}.serialize (a_info,, False) end end guard.unlock ensure not_info_is_dirty: not a_info.is_dirty rescue debug ("log_exceptions") log_last_exception end if not retried then retried := True retry end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation remove_assembly_internal (a_path: PATH) -- Remove assembly identified by `a_path' and its clients from cache. require non_void_path: a_path /= Void valid_path: not a_path.is_empty local l_ca: detachable CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY l_dir: DIRECTORY l_info: detachable CACHE_INFO l_reader: like cache_reader retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then guard.lock l_reader := cache_reader {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Removing assembly '{0}'.", l_ca := consumed_assembly_from_path ( if l_ca /= Void then create l_dir.make_with_path (l_reader.absolute_assembly_path_from_consumed_assembly (l_ca)) if l_dir.exists then l_dir.recursive_delete end if l_reader.is_assembly_in_cache (a_path, False) then l_info := if l_info /= Void then l_info.remove_assembly (l_ca) update_info (l_info) end end end else set_error (Remove_error, end guard.unlock rescue debug ("log_exceptions") log_last_exception end if not retried then retried := True retry end end create_consumed_assembly_from_path (a_id: READABLE_STRING_32; a_path: PATH): detachable CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY -- Creates a new CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY require non_void_id: a_id /= Void valid_id: not a_id.is_empty non_void_path: a_path /= Void valid_path: not a_path.is_empty valid_assembly_path: assembly_loader.load_from_gac_or_path ( /= Void local l_ass_name: SYSTEM_STRING l_assembly_name: STRING_32 l_key: STRING_32 l_culture: STRING_32 l_version: STRING_32 l_is_in_gac: BOOLEAN folder_name: STRING_32 do if attached assembly_loader.load_from_gac_or_path ( as l_assembly and then attached l_assembly.location as l_location and then attached l_assembly.get_name as l_name then l_key := public_key_token_from_array (l_name.get_public_key_token) l_culture := culture_from_info (l_name.culture_info) l_is_in_gac := l_assembly.global_assembly_cache if not l_is_in_gac and then is_mscorlib (l_assembly) then l_is_in_gac := True end l_version := version_from_info (l_name.version) l_ass_name := check l_ass_name_attached: l_ass_name /= Void end create l_assembly_name.make_from_cil (l_ass_name) if conservative_mode then create folder_name.make_from_string (a_id) else create folder_name.make (l_assembly_name.count + a_id.count + 1) folder_name.append (l_assembly_name) folder_name.append_character ('!') folder_name.append_string_general (a_id) end create Result.make (a_id, folder_name, l_assembly_name, l_version, l_culture, l_key, a_path, create {PATH}.make_from_string (create {STRING_32}.make_from_cil (l_location)), l_is_in_gac) end ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void end update_assembly_mappings (a_assembly: CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY) -- updates serialized assembly mappings and sets consumed status based on contents of EAC. require non_void_assembly: a_assembly /= Void is_consumed: a_assembly.is_consumed local l_mappings: detachable CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY_MAPPING l_assemblies: ARRAYED_LIST [CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY] l_serializer: EIFFEL_SERIALIZER l_ref_ca: like consumed_assembly_from_path retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then guard.lock {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Updating assembly mappings for '{0}'.", a_assembly.text.to_cil)) l_serializer := {EIFFEL_SERIALIZATION}.serializer l_mappings := cache_reader.assembly_mapping_from_consumed_assembly (a_assembly) if l_mappings /= Void then from l_assemblies := l_mappings.assemblies l_assemblies.start until l_assemblies.after loop l_ref_ca := consumed_assembly_from_path ( if l_ref_ca /= Void then l_assemblies.replace (l_ref_ca) else l_assemblies.item.set_is_consumed (False, True) end l_assemblies.forth end l_serializer.serialize (l_mappings, cache_reader.absolute_assembly_mapping_path_from_consumed_assembly (a_assembly).name, False) end end guard.unlock rescue debug ("log_exceptions") log_last_exception end if not retried then retried := True retry end end update_client_assembly_mappings (a_assembly: CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY) -- updates serialized assembly mappings or all clients of `a_assembly' and sets consumed status based on contents of EAC. require non_void_assembly: a_assembly /= Void local l_clients: detachable ARRAYED_LIST [CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY] retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then guard.lock {SYSTEM_DLL_TRACE}.write_line_string ({SYSTEM_STRING}.format ("Updating client mappings for '{0}'.", a_assembly.text.to_cil)) l_clients := cache_reader.client_assemblies (a_assembly) if l_clients /= Void then from l_clients.start until l_clients.after loop update_assembly_mappings (l_clients.item) l_clients.forth end end end guard.unlock rescue debug ("log_exceptions") log_last_exception end if not retried then retried := True retry end end cache_reader: CACHE_READER -- associated cache reader culture_from_info (a_info: detachable CULTURE_INFO): STRING_32 -- Returns culture string from `a_info' do if not attached a_info then Result := neutral_culture elseif attached a_info.to_string as l_info_name then Result := l_info_name if Result.is_empty then Result := neutral_culture end else check to_string_attached: False then end end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty end neutral_culture: STRING_32 = "neutral" -- neutral culture version_from_info (a_info: detachable VERSION): STRING_32 -- Returns culture string from `a_info' do if not attached a_info then create Result.make_empty elseif attached a_info.to_string as l_info_name then Result := l_info_name else check to_string_attached: False then end end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end public_key_token_from_array (a_array: detachable NATIVE_ARRAY [NATURAL_8]): STRING_32 -- Returns culture string from `a_info' do if a_array = Void or else a_array.length = 0 then Result := null_public_key_token else Result := encoded_key (a_array) end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty end null_public_key_token: STRING_32 = "null" -- Null public key tokens feature {NONE} -- Notification notifier: detachable NOTIFIER -- Windows ballon tip notifier do Result := guard.notifier end invariant non_void_cache_reader: cache_reader /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2022, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end