note description: "[ JSON serialization of dotnet CONSUMED_... objects. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CONSUMED_OBJECT_TO_JSON inherit CONSUMER_ACCESS create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make do if {EIFFEL_SERIALIZATION}.use_long_json_names then create names else create {CONSUMED_OBJECT_JSON_SHORT_NAMES} names end end feature -- Settings names: CONSUMED_OBJECT_JSON_NAMES feature -- Visitor to_json (obj: ANY): JSON_VALUE local jresult: JSON_VALUE jobj: JSON_OBJECT do if attached {CONSUMED_TYPE} obj as t then jresult := consumed_type_to_json (t) elseif attached {CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY_TYPES} obj as l_ass_types then jresult := consumed_assembly_types_to_json (l_ass_types) elseif attached {CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY_MAPPING} obj as l_ass_mapping then create jobj.make_with_capacity (1) jobj.put (consumed_assemblies_to_json_array (l_ass_mapping.assemblies), names.assemblies) jresult := jobj elseif attached {CACHE_INFO} obj as ci then create jobj.make_with_capacity (1) jobj.put (consumed_assemblies_to_json_array (ci.assemblies), names.assemblies) jresult := jobj elseif obj.generator.same_string ("CACHE_READER") then create jobj.make_empty jresult := jobj elseif attached {CONSUMED_REFERENCED_TYPE} obj as rt then jresult := consumed_referenced_type_to_json (rt) elseif attached {CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY} obj as a then jresult := consumed_assembly_to_json (a) elseif attached {CONSUMED_CONSTRUCTOR} obj as cre then jresult := consumed_constructor_to_json (cre) elseif attached {CONSUMED_PROCEDURE} obj as p then jresult := consumed_procedure_to_json (p) elseif attached {CONSUMED_FUNCTION} obj as f then jresult := consumed_function_to_json (f) elseif attached {CONSUMED_ARGUMENT} obj as arg then jresult := consumed_argument_to_json (arg) elseif attached {CONSUMED_FIELD} obj as f then -- also CONSUMED_LITERAL_FIELD jresult := consumed_field_to_json (f) elseif attached {CONSUMED_EVENT} obj as ev then jresult := consumed_event_to_json (ev) elseif attached {CONSUMED_PROPERTY} obj as pr then jresult := consumed_property_to_json (pr) else check supported_type: False end print ("%NTo-JSON: Unhandled type {") print (obj.generator) print ("}%N") end if jresult = Void then create {JSON_NULL} Result else create jobj.make_with_capacity (1) jobj.put (jresult, obj.generator) Result := jobj end end feature -- Visitors consumed_assemblies_to_json_array (lst: LIST [CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY]): JSON_ARRAY do create Result.make (lst.count) across lst as a loop Result.extend (consumed_assembly_to_json (a)) end end consumed_assembly_to_json (a: CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY): JSON_OBJECT do create Result.make_with_capacity (10) Result.put_string (a.unique_id, names.unique_id) Result.put_string (a.folder_name, names.folder_name) Result.put_string (, Result.put_string (a.version, names.version) Result.put_string (a.culture, names.culture) Result.put_string (a.key, names.key) Result.put_string (, names.location) Result.put_string (, names.gac_path) Result.put_boolean (a.is_consumed, names.is_consumed) Result.put_boolean (a.is_in_gac, names.is_in_gac) Result.put_boolean (a.has_info_only, names.has_info_only) end consumed_assembly_types_to_json (t: CONSUMED_ASSEMBLY_TYPES): JSON_OBJECT local jarr: JSON_ARRAY s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL i: INTEGER l_skip_first: BOOLEAN do create Result.make_with_capacity (5) Result.put_integer (t.count, names.count) create jarr.make_empty l_skip_first := True i := 0 across t.eiffel_names as n loop i := i + 1 s := n if s = Void then if i = 1 then l_skip_first := True end else if i = 1 then l_skip_first := False end jarr.extend (create {JSON_STRING}.make_from_string_general (s)) end end Result.put (jarr, names.eiffel_names) create jarr.make_empty i := 0 across t.dotnet_names as n loop i := i + 1 s := n if i = 1 and l_skip_first then check s = Void end else if s = Void then jarr.extend (create {JSON_NULL}) else jarr.extend (create {JSON_STRING}.make_from_string_general (s)) end end end Result.put (jarr, names.dotnet_names) create jarr.make_empty i := 0 across t.flags as f loop i := i + 1 if i = 1 and l_skip_first then check f = 0 end else jarr.extend (create {JSON_NUMBER}.make_integer (f)) end end Result.put (jarr, names.flags) create jarr.make_empty i := 0 across t.positions as p loop i := i + 1 if i = 1 and l_skip_first then check p = 0 end else jarr.extend (create {JSON_NUMBER}.make_integer (p)) end end Result.put (jarr, names.positions) if t.count = 920 then do_nothing end end consumed_type_to_json (t: CONSUMED_TYPE): JSON_OBJECT local j: JSON_OBJECT jarr: JSON_ARRAY do create j.make j.put_string (t.eiffel_name, names.eiffel_name) j.put_string (t.dotnet_name, names.dotnet_name) if t.is_interface then j.put_boolean (t.is_interface, names.is_interface) end if t.is_deferred then j.put_boolean (t.is_deferred, names.is_deferred) end if t.is_frozen then j.put_boolean (t.is_frozen, names.is_frozen) end if t.is_expanded then j.put_boolean (t.is_expanded, names.is_expanded) end if t.is_enum then j.put_boolean (t.is_enum, names.is_enum) end if attached t.parent as p then j.put (consumed_referenced_type_to_json (p), names.parent) end if attached t.interfaces as l_interfaces then create jarr.make (l_interfaces.count) across l_interfaces as i loop jarr.extend (consumed_referenced_type_to_json (i)) end j.put (jarr, names.interfaces) end if attached as l_properties then create jarr.make (l_properties.count) across l_properties as p loop jarr.extend (consumed_property_to_json (p)) end j.put (jarr, end if attached t.constructors as l_constructors then create jarr.make (l_constructors.count) across l_constructors as c loop jarr.extend (consumed_constructor_to_json (c)) end j.put (jarr, names.constructors) end if attached t.internal_functions as l_functions then create jarr.make (l_functions.count) across l_functions as f loop jarr.extend (consumed_function_to_json (f)) end j.put (jarr, names.functions) end if attached t.internal_procedures as l_procedures then create jarr.make (l_procedures.count) across l_procedures as p loop jarr.extend (consumed_procedure_to_json (p)) end j.put (jarr, names.procedures) end if attached t.fields as l_fields then create jarr.make (l_fields.count) across l_fields as f loop jarr.extend (consumed_field_to_json (f)) end j.put (jarr, names.fields) end if attached as l_events then create jarr.make (l_events.count) across l_events as e loop jarr.extend (consumed_event_to_json (e)) end j.put (jarr, end if attached {CONSUMED_NESTED_TYPE} t as nt then j.put (consumed_referenced_type_to_json (nt.enclosing_type), names.enclosing_type) end Result := j end consumed_referenced_type_to_json (t: CONSUMED_REFERENCED_TYPE): JSON_OBJECT local j: JSON_OBJECT do create j.make j.put_string (, j.put_integer (t.assembly_id, names.assembly_id) if attached {CONSUMED_ARRAY_TYPE} t as at then j.put (consumed_referenced_type_to_json (at.element_type), names.element_type) end Result := j end consumed_property_to_json (p: CONSUMED_PROPERTY): JSON_OBJECT local j: JSON_OBJECT do j := consumed_entity_to_json (p) if attached p.getter as g then j.put (consumed_function_to_json (g), names.getter) end if attached p.setter as s then j.put (consumed_procedure_to_json (s), names.setter) end Result := j end consumed_field_to_json (f: CONSUMED_FIELD): JSON_OBJECT local j: JSON_OBJECT do j := consumed_member_to_json (f) if attached f.setter as s then j.put (consumed_procedure_to_json (s), names.setter) end if attached {CONSUMED_LITERAL_FIELD} f as lf then j.put_string (lf.value, names.value) end Result := j end consumed_event_to_json (e: CONSUMED_EVENT): JSON_OBJECT local j: JSON_OBJECT do j := consumed_entity_to_json (e) if attached e.adder as a then j.put (consumed_procedure_to_json (a), names.adder) end if attached e.remover as r then j.put (consumed_procedure_to_json (r), names.remover) end if attached e.raiser as r then j.put (consumed_procedure_to_json (r), names.raiser) end Result := j end consumed_constructor_to_json (c: CONSUMED_CONSTRUCTOR): JSON_OBJECT local j: JSON_OBJECT do j := consumed_entity_to_json (c) Result := j end consumed_entity_to_json (e: CONSUMED_ENTITY): JSON_OBJECT local j: JSON_OBJECT jarr: JSON_ARRAY do create j.make_with_capacity (10) j.put_string (e.eiffel_name, names.eiffel_name) j.put_string (e.dotnet_eiffel_name, names.dotnet_eiffel_name) j.put_string (e.dotnet_name, names.dotnet_name) j.put (consumed_referenced_type_to_json (e.declared_type), names.declared_type) if attached e.return_type as rt then j.put (consumed_referenced_type_to_json (rt), names.return_type) end if attached e.arguments as args then create jarr.make (args.count) across args as a loop jarr.extend (consumed_argument_to_json (a)) end j.put (jarr, names.arguments) end -- MEMBER if e.is_public then j.put_boolean (e.is_public, names.is_public) end if e.is_frozen then j.put_boolean (e.is_frozen, names.is_frozen) end if e.is_static then j.put_boolean (e.is_static, names.is_static) end if e.is_deferred then j.put_boolean (e.is_deferred, names.is_deferred) end if e.is_artificially_added then j.put_boolean (e.is_artificially_added, names.is_artificially_added) end if e.is_property_or_event then j.put_boolean (e.is_property_or_event, names.is_property_or_event) end if e.is_new_slot then j.put_boolean (e.is_new_slot, names.is_new_slot) end if e.is_virtual then j.put_boolean (e.is_virtual, names.is_virtual) end -- Other ENTITY if e.is_literal then j.put_boolean (e.is_literal, names.is_literal) end if e.is_init_only then j.put_boolean (e.is_init_only, names.is_init_only) end if e.is_infix then j.put_boolean (e.is_infix, names.is_infix) end if e.is_prefix then j.put_boolean (e.is_prefix, names.is_prefix) end if e.is_constructor then j.put_boolean (e.is_constructor, names.is_constructor) end -- Function if e.is_method then j.put_boolean (e.is_method, names.is_method) end if e.is_field then j.put_boolean (e.is_field, names.is_field) end if e.is_property then j.put_boolean (e.is_property, names.is_property) end if e.is_event then j.put_boolean (e.is_event, names.is_event) end if e.is_constant then j.put_boolean (e.is_constant, names.is_constant) end if e.is_attribute then j.put_boolean (e.is_attribute, names.is_attribute) end -- ... see {CONSUMED_ENTITY} Result := j end consumed_member_to_json (m: CONSUMED_MEMBER): JSON_OBJECT do Result := consumed_entity_to_json (m) if m.is_attribute_setter then Result.put_boolean (m.is_attribute_setter, names.is_attribute_setter) end end consumed_procedure_to_json (p: CONSUMED_PROCEDURE): JSON_OBJECT do Result := consumed_member_to_json (p) if p.is_attribute_setter then Result.put_boolean (p.is_attribute_setter, names.is_attribute_setter) end end consumed_function_to_json (f: CONSUMED_FUNCTION): JSON_OBJECT do Result := consumed_procedure_to_json (f) end consumed_argument_to_json (a: CONSUMED_ARGUMENT): JSON_OBJECT local j: JSON_OBJECT do create j.make_with_capacity (3) j.put_string (a.eiffel_name, names.eiffel_name) j.put_string (a.dotnet_name, names.dotnet_name) j.put (consumed_referenced_type_to_json (a.type), names.type) Result := j end end