note description: "COM interface for metadata consumer" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" metadata: create {COM_VISIBLE_ATTRIBUTE}.make (True) end, create {CLASS_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE}.make ({CLASS_INTERFACE_TYPE}.none) end, create {GUID_ATTRIBUTE}.make ("64E0AD08-417E-4243-B533-561A05F4B5E6") end frozen class COM_CACHE_MANAGER inherit SYSTEM_OBJECT I_COM_CACHE_MANAGER ISPONSOR create {COM_CACHE_MANAGER} default_create feature -- Access is_successful: BOOLEAN -- Was the consuming successful? is_initialized: BOOLEAN -- has COM object been initialized? last_error_message: detachable SYSTEM_STRING -- Last error message feature -- Basic Exportations initialize -- initialize the object using default path to EAC local l_sub: AR_RESOLVE_SUBSCRIBER l_resolver: AR_RESOLVER l_current_domain: APP_DOMAIN do create l_sub.make create l_resolver.make_with_name ({STRING_32} "Initializing Resolver") l_current_domain := {APP_DOMAIN}.current_domain if attached l_current_domain then l_sub.subscribe (l_current_domain, l_resolver) else check current_domain_attached: False end end -- Turn of all security to prevent any security exceptions {SECURITY_MANAGER}.set_security_enabled (False) is_initialized := True if attached l_current_domain then l_current_domain.add_domain_unload (create {EVENT_HANDLER}.make (Current, $on_unload_top_level_domain)) end end initialize_with_path (a_path: SYSTEM_STRING) -- initialize object with path to specific EAC and initializes it if not already done. local cr: CACHE_READER do eac_path := a_path create cr cr.set_internal_eiffel_cache_path (create {PATH}.make_from_string (create {STRING_32}.make_from_cil (a_path))) initialize if not cr.is_initialized then {EIFFEL_SERIALIZATION}.serialize ( cr.new_cache_info (cr.absolute_info_path),, False) end is_initialized := True end unload -- unloads initialized app domain and cache releated objects to preserve resources do if internal_marshalled_cache_manager /= Void then if attached new_marshalled_cache_manager as l_impl then l_impl.prepare_for_unload end if attached app_domain as l_domain then internal_marshalled_cache_manager := Void if not l_domain.is_finalizing_for_unload then {APP_DOMAIN}.unload (l_domain) end app_domain := Void end end end consume_assembly (a_name: SYSTEM_STRING; a_version, a_culture, a_key: detachable SYSTEM_STRING; a_info_only: BOOLEAN) -- consume an assembly using it's display name parts. -- "`a_name', Version=`a_version', Culture=`a_culture', PublicKeyToken=`a_key'" do if attached new_marshalled_cache_manager as l_impl then l_impl.consume_assembly (a_name, a_version, a_culture, a_key, a_info_only) update_current (l_impl) end end consume_assembly_from_path (a_path: SYSTEM_STRING; a_info_only: BOOLEAN; a_references: detachable SYSTEM_STRING) -- Consume assembly located `a_path' do if attached new_marshalled_cache_manager as l_impl then l_impl.consume_assembly_from_path (a_path, a_info_only, a_references) update_current (l_impl) end end feature {NONE} -- Event Handlers on_unload_top_level_domain (a_sender: detachable SYSTEM_OBJECT; a_args: detachable EVENT_ARGS) -- Called when top level domain is unloaded. do -- Exits notifier {WINFORMS_APPLICATION}.exit end feature {NONE} -- Lifetime Service Sponsorship renewal (lease: detachable ILEASE): TIME_SPAN -- Renews lease. do Result := {TIME_SPAN}.from_days (1) ensure then result_not_zero: Result /= {TIME_SPAN}.zero end feature {NONE} -- Implementation update_current (a_impl: MARSHAL_CACHE_MANAGER) -- Update Current with `a_impl'. note metadata: create {COM_VISIBLE_ATTRIBUTE}.make (False) end require a_impl_not_void: a_impl /= Void do is_successful := a_impl.is_successful last_error_message := a_impl.last_error_message end new_marshalled_cache_manager: detachable MARSHAL_CACHE_MANAGER -- New instance of {MARSHAL_CACHE_MANAGER} created in `a_app_domain'. local retried_count: INTEGER do if retried_count = 0 then Result := {MARSHAL_CACHE_MANAGER} / new_marshalled_cache_manager_object.unwrap else -- Resets cached internal manager internal_marshalled_cache_manager := Void Result := {MARSHAL_CACHE_MANAGER} /new_marshalled_cache_manager_object.unwrap end rescue retried_count := retried_count + 1 if retried_count < 2 then retry end end new_marshalled_cache_manager_object: OBJECT_HANDLE -- New instance of {MARSHAL_CACHE_MANAGER} created in `a_app_domain'. note metadata: create {COM_VISIBLE_ATTRIBUTE}.make (False) end local l_location: SYSTEM_STRING l_full_name: SYSTEM_STRING l_subscription: AR_RESOLVE_SUBSCRIBER l_resolver: AR_RESOLVER l_type: SYSTEM_TYPE l_current_domain: APP_DOMAIN do Result := internal_marshalled_cache_manager if not attached Result then check app_domain_not_exists: app_domain = Void end if attached {APP_DOMAIN}.create_domain ("EiffelSoftware.MetadataConsumer" + create {STRING_8}.make_from_cil ({GUID}.new_guid.to_string), Void, Void) as l_app_domain then app_domain := l_app_domain -- ensure that no decendant is mistaken by creating an instance of `COM_CACHE_MANAGER'. l_type := {COM_CACHE_MANAGER} if attached l_type.assembly as l_assembly then l_location := l_assembly.location else check from_documentation_assembly_attached: False then end end -- Watch out here, we create a .NET type of an Eiffel type, usually it is the interface type -- that we get, but in this case, MARSHAL_CACHE_MANAGER inheriting from a .NET type, interface -- and implementation are actually the same type. l_type := {MARSHAL_CACHE_MANAGER} l_full_name := l_type.full_name if attached l_app_domain.create_instance_from (l_location, l_full_name) as l_inst_obj_handle and then attached {ILEASE} l_inst_obj_handle.get_lifetime_service as l_lifetime_lease then -- Add a lifetime lease sponsor for {OBJECT_HANDLER}. l_lifetime_lease.register (Current) -- Note: When trying to unwrap a dynamically created object using -- APP_DOMAIN.create_instance_from, OBJECT_HANDLE.unwrap will try -- to relocate the assembly (using a display name instead of the path -- used to create the instance?!? Using COM interop it will look -- in the application base. For EiffelStudio this works fine because -- it resides in the application base. However with Eiffel ENViSioN! -- devenv location is the application base, which is not where the -- consumer is installed to. create l_subscription.make create l_resolver.make l_current_domain := {APP_DOMAIN}.current_domain if attached l_current_domain then l_subscription.subscribe (l_current_domain, l_resolver) else check current_domain_attached: False then end end Result := l_inst_obj_handle if attached {MARSHAL_CACHE_MANAGER} Result.unwrap as l_marshal then -- clean up resolver because it's no longer needed l_subscription.unsubscribe (l_current_domain, l_resolver) if attached eac_path as l_path then l_marshal.initialize_with_path (l_path) else l_marshal.initialize end if l_marshal.is_initialized then internal_marshalled_cache_manager := Result end else -- clean up resolver because it's no longer needed l_subscription.unsubscribe (l_current_domain, l_resolver) check marshal_cache_manager_attached: False end end else check instance_handle_attached: False then end end else check create_domain_attached: False then end end end ensure new_cache_manager_not_void: Result /= Void end eac_path: detachable SYSTEM_STRING -- Location of EAC `Eiffel Assembly Cache' note metadata: create {COM_VISIBLE_ATTRIBUTE}.make (False) end attribute end internal_marshalled_cache_manager: detachable OBJECT_HANDLE -- internal marshalled cache manager note metadata: create {COM_VISIBLE_ATTRIBUTE}.make (False) end attribute end app_domain: detachable APP_DOMAIN -- app domain consumption is run in note metadata: create {COM_VISIBLE_ATTRIBUTE}.make (False) end attribute end e_fail_code: INTEGER -- external "C [ macro %"winerror.h%"] : HRESULT" alias "E_FAIL" end; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end