note description: ".NET entity (member or constructor) as seen by Eiffel" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class CONSUMED_ENTITY inherit COMPARABLE DEBUG_OUTPUT undefine is_equal end feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (en, dn: STRING; pub: BOOLEAN; a_type: CONSUMED_REFERENCED_TYPE) -- Initialize `Current' with `en', `pub' written in `a_type'. require eiffel_name_not_void: en /= Void valid_eiffel_name: not en.is_empty a_type_not_void: a_type /= Void do e := en n := dn set_is_public (pub) d := a_type ensure eiffel_name_set: eiffel_name = en dotnet_name_set: dotnet_name = dn is_public_set: is_public = pub declared_type_set: declared_type = a_type end feature -- Access eiffel_name: STRING -- Eiffel entity name do Result := e end dotnet_eiffel_name: STRING -- Eiffel entity name without overloading resolved. do Result := q ensure dotnet_eiffel_name_not_void: Result /= Void end dotnet_name: STRING -- Dotnet name of entity do Result := n ensure dotnet_name_not_void: Result /= Void end declared_type: CONSUMED_REFERENCED_TYPE -- Type in which feature is written/declared. do Result := d end arguments: detachable ARRAY [CONSUMED_ARGUMENT] -- Arguments if any. do ensure arguments_not_void: has_arguments implies Result /= Void end return_type: detachable CONSUMED_REFERENCED_TYPE -- Return type if any. do end is_frozen: BOOLEAN -- Is .NET definition frozen? do end is_public: BOOLEAN -- Is .NET entity public? do end is_literal: BOOLEAN -- Is .NET entity a static literal? do end is_init_only: BOOLEAN -- Is .NET field a constant? do end is_artificially_added: BOOLEAN -- Is Current artificially added? do end is_property_or_event: BOOLEAN -- Is entity an event or property related feature? do end is_new_slot: BOOLEAN -- Is entity marked with `newslot' flag in metadata? do end is_virtual: BOOLEAN -- Is entity marked with `virtual' flag in metadata? do end is_infix: BOOLEAN -- Is function an infix feature? do end is_prefix: BOOLEAN -- Is function a prefix feature? do end is_constructor: BOOLEAN -- Is constructor feature? do end feature -- Status report debug_output: STRING_32 -- String that should be displayed in debugger to represent `Current'. do create Result.make_from_string_general (dotnet_name) Result.append (" {") Result.append (eiffel_name) Result.append ("}") end feature -- Comparison is_less alias "<" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is current object less than `other'? do Result := eiffel_name < other.eiffel_name end feature -- ConsumerWrapper functions is_method: BOOLEAN -- Is entity a .Net method? do Result := not is_property and then not is_field and then not is_event and then not is_constant end is_field: BOOLEAN -- Is entity a .Net field? do end is_property: BOOLEAN -- Is entity a .Net property? do end is_event: BOOLEAN -- Is entity a .Net event? do end is_constant: BOOLEAN -- Is entity a .Net method? do Result := is_literal or is_init_only end eiffelized_consumed_entities: ARRAYED_LIST [CONSUMED_ENTITY] -- List of Eiffel mapped Consumed Entities relative to `Current'. -- For CONSUMED_PROPERTY this would be `setter' and `getter' -- FIXME IEK Temporary solution until better design is implemented. do create Result.make (0) Result.extend (Current) end feature -- Status report has_arguments: BOOLEAN -- Does current entity have argments? do end has_return_value: BOOLEAN -- Does current entity returns a value? do end is_static: BOOLEAN -- Is current entity static? do end is_attribute: BOOLEAN -- Is current entity an attribute? do end is_deferred: BOOLEAN -- Is current entity abstract? do end is_access_type: BOOLEAN -- Is current entity an 'Access' type? do if is_field or (eiffel_name.substring (1, 4).is_equal ("get_") and not has_arguments) then Result := True end end is_status_setting_type: BOOLEAN -- Is current entity a 'Status Setting' type? do if eiffel_name.substring (1, 4).is_equal ("set_") and then (has_arguments and then attached arguments as l_args and then l_args.count = 1) then Result := True end end is_query_type: BOOLEAN -- Is current entity a 'Status Setting' type? do if has_return_value and then not is_access_type then Result := True end end is_command_type: BOOLEAN -- Is current entity a 'Status Setting' type? do Result := not has_return_value and then not is_status_setting_type end is_event_type: BOOLEAN -- Is current entity a 'Status Setting' type? do Result := is_event end is_hidden_type: BOOLEAN -- Is current entity a 'Status Setting' type? do Result := not is_public end feature -- Settings set_is_public (pub: like is_public) -- Set `is_public' with `pub'. do ensure is_public_set: is_public = pub end feature {NONE} -- Access n: like dotnet_name -- Internal data for `dotnet_name'. q: like dotnet_eiffel_name -- Internal data for `dotnet_eiffel_name'. do Result := e end e: like eiffel_name -- Internal data for `eiffel_name'. d: like declared_type -- Internal data for `declared_type'. invariant non_void_eiffel_name: eiffel_name /= Void valid_eiffel_name: not eiffel_name.is_empty declared_type_not_void: declared_type /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class CONSUMED_ENTITY