note description: "Provide formatting of .NET identifiers into Eiffel" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." class NAME_FORMATTER feature -- Status Report has_special_type_name (a_full_name: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Does .NET type with full name `a_full_name' has a special -- name in Eiffel? do (a_full_name) Result := full_name_type_mapping_table.found was_special := Result ensure was_special_set: Result = was_special end feature -- Access special_type_name: STRING -- Eiffel name of .NET type whose full name was given to -- `has_special_type_name' last require was_special: was_special do Result := full_name_type_mapping_table.found_item if Result = Void then check was_special: False end Result := "" end ensure non_void_name: Result /= Void end was_special: BOOLEAN -- Did last .NET type whose full name was given to -- `has_special_type_name' have a special Eiffel name? -- False if `has_special_type_name' was not called. formatted_type_name (name: STRING; used_names: detachable HASH_TABLE [STRING, STRING]): STRING -- Format `name' to Eiffel conventions. require non_void_name: name /= Void valid_name: not name.is_empty and then name.item (1) /= '.' local count: INTEGER do Result := full_formatted_type_name (name, used_names) if used_names /= Void then if used_names.has (Result) then from count := 2 until not used_names.has (Result) loop trim_end_digits (Result) Result.append (count.out) count := count + 1 end end used_names.put (Result, Result) end ensure non_void_name: Result /= Void end full_formatted_type_name (name: STRING; used_names: detachable HASH_TABLE [STRING, STRING]): STRING -- Format .NET type name `name' to Eiffel class name. require non_void_name: name /= Void valid_name: not name.is_empty local simple_name: STRING count, pos, index, i: INTEGER container, nested: STRING do (name) if full_name_type_mapping_table.found and then attached full_name_type_mapping_table.found_item as l_result then Result := l_result else index := name.occurrences ('.') if index > 0 then from Result := "" count := name.count pos := name.last_index_of ('.', count) simple_name := name.substring (pos + 1, count) i := 2 until i > index or else (used_names /= Void and then not used_names.has (Result)) loop pos := name.last_index_of ('.', pos - 1) simple_name := name.substring (pos + 1, count) i := i + 1 end else simple_name := name end (simple_name.as_lower) if variable_mapping_table.found and then attached variable_mapping_table.found_item as l_result then Result := l_result.as_upper else create Result.make_from_string (simple_name) if Result.item (simple_name.count) = ']' then Result.keep_head (Result.count - 2) Result.append (native_array_string) Result.append (full_formatted_type_name (Result, used_names)) Result.append_character (']') else i := simple_name.index_of ('+', 1) if i > 0 then container := simple_name.substring (1, i - 1) nested := simple_name.substring (i + 1, simple_name.count) -- Estimated allocation size. create Result.make (simple_name.count + 5) Result.append (full_formatted_type_name (nested, used_names)) Result.append (in_string) Result.append (full_formatted_type_name (container, used_names)) else if Result.item (Result.count) = '&' then Result.keep_head (Result.count - 1) end Result.replace_substring_all (single_dot_string, single_underscore_string) Result.replace_substring_all (triple_underscore_string, single_underscore_string) Result.replace_substring_all (double_underscore_string, single_underscore_string) if Result.item (1) = '_' then Result.prepend_character ('C') elseif Result.item (1).is_digit then Result.prepend ("C_") end Result := eiffel_format (Result, True) Result.to_upper end end end end ensure non_void_name: Result /= Void end formatted_feature_name (name: STRING): STRING -- Format `name' to Eiffel conventions require non_void_name: name /= Void not_name_is_empty: not name.is_empty local l_name: STRING do (name) if operators.found and then attached operators.found_item as l_result then Result := l_result else l_name := name.twin if l_name.item (1) = '_' then l_name.prepend_character ('m') elseif l_name.item (1).is_digit then l_name.prepend ("m_") end l_name := formatted_variable_name (l_name) Result := l_name end Result := Result.twin ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void end formatted_argument_name (name: STRING; pos: INTEGER): STRING -- Format argument at position `pos'. require name_not_void: name /= Void local l_name: STRING do if name.is_empty then Result := "arg_" + pos.out else l_name := name.twin if l_name.item (1) = '_' then l_name.prepend_character ('a') elseif l_name.item (1).is_digit then l_name.prepend ("a_") end Result := formatted_variable_name (l_name) end ensure formatted_argument_name_not_void: Result /= Void end formatted_variable_name (name: STRING): STRING -- Format `name' to Eiffel conventions require non_void_name: name /= Void name_not_empty: not name.is_empty local l_name: STRING l_var: like variable_mapping_table do -- resolve conflict names create l_name.make_from_string (name) l_name.to_lower l_var := variable_mapping_table (l_name) if l_var.found and then attached l_var.found_item as l_result then Result := l_result else create Result.make_from_string (name) if Result.item (Result.count) = '&' then Result.keep_head (Result.count - 1) end Result.replace_substring_all (Single_dot_string, Single_underscore_string) Result.replace_substring_all (Triple_underscore_string, Single_underscore_string) Result.replace_substring_all (Double_underscore_string, Single_underscore_string) if not Result.item (1).is_alpha then Result.prepend_character ('l') end Result := eiffel_format (Result, False) end ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void end formatted_variable_type_name (name: STRING): STRING -- Format variable name that represent a type into Eiffel -- naming convention. require non_void_name: name /= Void local i, index: INTEGER container, nested: STRING l_arg: like argument_mapping_table do index := name.last_index_of ('.', name.count) if index > 0 then Result := name.substring (index + 1, name.count) else Result := name end if name.item (name.count) = '&' then Result := Result.substring (1, Result.count - 1) end l_arg := argument_mapping_table (Result) if l_arg.found and then attached l_arg.found_item as l_result then Result := l_result else i := name.index_of ('+', 1) if i > 0 then container := name.substring (1, i - 1) nested := name.substring (i + 1, name.count) create Result.make (name.count + 5) Result.append (formatted_variable_type_name (nested)) Result.append (in_string) Result.append (formatted_variable_type_name (container)) else if Result.item (Result.count) = ']' then container := Result.substring (1, Result.count - 2) create Result.make (container.count + 6) Result.append (formatted_variable_type_name (container)) Result.append (array_string) end Result.replace_substring_all (".", single_underscore_string) Result.replace_substring_all (triple_underscore_string, single_underscore_string) Result.replace_substring_all (double_underscore_string, single_underscore_string) if Result.item (1) = '_' then Result.prepend_character ('C') elseif Result.item (1).is_digit then Result.prepend ("C_") end Result := eiffel_format (Result, True) end end ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void end valid_variable_name (name: STRING): STRING -- Format `name' to Eiffel valid variable name. require non_void_name: name /= Void name_not_empty: not name.is_empty local l_name, l_escaped: STRING l_var: like variable_mapping_table l_char: CHARACTER i: INTEGER do -- resolve conflict names create l_name.make_from_string (name) l_name.to_lower l_var := variable_mapping_table (l_name) if l_var.found and then attached l_var.found_item as l_result then Result := l_result else if name.item (1) = '_' then create Result.make (name.count + 1) Result.append_character ('a') Result.append (name) elseif name.item (1).is_digit then create Result.make (name.count + 2) Result.append ("a_") Result.append (name) else create Result.make_from_string (name) end if Result.item (Result.count) = '&' then Result.keep_head (Result.count - 1) end l_char := Result.item (1) if not l_char.is_alpha then l_escaped := escaped_character (l_char) Result.replace_substring (l_escaped, 1, 1) i := l_escaped.count + 1 else i := 1 end from until i > Result.count loop l_char := Result.item (i) if not l_char.is_alpha and not l_char.is_digit and l_char /= '_' then l_escaped := escaped_character (l_char) Result.replace_substring (l_escaped, i, i) i := i + l_escaped.count else i := i + 1 end end Result.replace_substring_all (Single_dot_string, Single_underscore_string) Result.replace_substring_all (Triple_underscore_string, Single_underscore_string) Result.replace_substring_all (Double_underscore_string, Single_underscore_string) end ensure non_void_name: Result /= Void valid_name: is_valid_variable_name (Result) end is_valid_variable_name (a_name: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_name' a valid variable name? require non_void_a_name: a_name /= Void local i, l_count: INTEGER do from i := 2 l_count := a_name.count Result := not a_name.is_empty and then not variable_mapping_table.has (a_name) and then a_name.item (1).is_alpha until i > l_count or not Result loop Result := a_name.item (i).is_alpha or a_name.item (i).is_digit or a_name.item (i) = '_' i := i + 1 end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation escaped_character (a_character: CHARACTER): STRING -- Escape `a_character' so that it is a valid Eiffel identifier string do create Result.make (4) Result.append_character ('x') Result.append (a_character.code.out) end trim_end_digits (s: STRING) -- Remove end digits from `s' and append `_' if needed. require non_void_string: s /= Void local i: INTEGER done: BOOLEAN do from i := s.count until done or i < 1 loop inspect s.item (i) when '0'..'9' then s.keep_head (s.count - 1) else done := True end i := i - 1 end if s.item (s.count) /= '_' then s.append_character ('_') end ensure trimmed: s.item (s.count) = '_' end eiffel_format (s: STRING; a_class_format: BOOLEAN): STRING -- Format from CamelCase to eiffel_case require non_void_value: s /= Void valid_value: not s.is_empty valid_first_char: s.item (1) /= '_' and not s.item (1).is_digit local p, c, n: CHARACTER nb, i: INTEGER put_us: BOOLEAN do create Result.make (s.count + (s.count // 2)) -- Allocate an extra 1/3 to avoid unecessary resizing Result.append_character (s.item (1).lower) if s.count >= 2 then from i := 2 p := s.item (i - 1) c := s.item (i) nb := s.count until i >= nb loop put_us := False n := s.item (i + 1) if c /= '_' then if c.is_digit and not p.is_digit and p /= '_' and not p.is_upper then -- add '_' before a digit only if nor preceded by uppercase characters -- UTF8Decoder = UTF8_DECODER, Border3D = BORDER_3D put_us := True elseif p.is_digit and not c.is_digit then if n /= '_' and not n.is_digit then -- 3dd = 3_dd, 3Dd = 3_Dd, 3DD = 3DD, 3dD = 3d_D, 3D_ = 3D_, 3d_ = 3d_ put_us := (c.is_lower and n.is_lower) or (c.is_upper and n.is_lower) end elseif p.is_upper and c.is_upper and n.is_lower then if a_class_format then -- allows IInterfaceName = IINTERFACE_NAME, CClassName = CCLASS_NAME, SServiceName = SSERVICE_NAME but FBar = F_BAR as per other rules, but allows UICues = UI_CUES put_us := ((i = 2) implies (p /= 'I' and p /= 'C' and p /= 'S')) or i > 2 else -- allows IUnknown = iunknown, SetIUnknown = set_iunknown and SetFBar = set_f_bar if i >= 3 then put_us := (not s.item (i - 2).is_upper) implies (p /= 'I') else put_us := ((i = 2) implies (p /= 'I')) or i > 2 end end elseif p.is_lower and c.is_upper then put_us := True end else put_us := False end if put_us then Result.append_character ('_') end Result.append_character (c.lower) i := i + 1 p := c c := n end if (p.is_alpha and p.is_lower and c.is_digit) or (p.is_lower and c.is_upper) then Result.append_character ('_') end Result.append_character (c.lower) end end full_name_type_mapping_table: HASH_TABLE [STRING, STRING] -- Special types indexed by .NET full name (including namespace) once create Result.make (40) Result.put ("NATURAL_32", "System.UInt32") Result.put ("NATURAL_64", "System.UInt64") Result.put ("NATURAL_16", "System.UInt16") Result.put ("NATURAL_8", "System.Byte") Result.put ("INTEGER", "System.Int32") Result.put ("INTEGER_64", "System.Int64") Result.put ("INTEGER_16", "System.Int16") Result.put ("INTEGER_8", "System.SByte") Result.put ("CHARACTER", "System.Char") Result.put ("DOUBLE", "System.Double") Result.put ("REAL", "System.Single") Result.put ("BOOLEAN", "System.Boolean") Result.put ("POINTER", "System.UIntPtr") Result.put ("POINTER", "System.IntPtr") Result.put ("VALUE_TYPE", "System.ValueType") Result.put ("ENUM", "System.Enum") Result.put ("SYSTEM_OBJECT", "System.Object") Result.put ("SYSTEM_STRING", "System.String") Result.put ("SYSTEM_ARRAY", "System.Array") Result.put ("SYSTEM_QUEUE", "System.Collections.Queue") Result.put ("SYSTEM_CONSOLE", "System.Console") Result.put ("SYSTEM_STREAM", "System.IO.Stream") Result.put ("SYSTEM_MEMORY_STREAM", "System.IO.MemoryStream") Result.put ("SYSTEM_STACK", "System.Collections.Stack") Result.put ("SYSTEM_DIRECTORY", "System.IO.Directory") Result.put ("SYSTEM_FILE", "System.IO.File") Result.put ("SYSTEM_FILE_INFO", "System.IO.FileInfo") Result.put ("SYSTEM_PATH", "System.IO.Path") Result.put ("SYSTEM_DATE_TIME", "System.DateTime") Result.put ("SYSTEM_SORTED_LIST", "System.Collections.SortedList") Result.put ("SYSTEM_RANDOM", "System.Random") Result.put ("SYSTEM_CONTAINER", "System.ComponentModel.Container") Result.put ("SYSTEM_CONVERT", "System.Convert") Result.put ("SYSTEM_TYPE", "System.Type") Result.put ("SYSTEM_VOID", "System.Void") Result.put ("SYSTEM_POINTER", "System.Reflection.Pointer") Result.put ("SYSTEM_TUPLE", "System.Tuple") -- Specialize implementations Result.put ("NATIVE_ATTRIBUTE", "System.Attribute") Result.put ("NATIVE_EXCEPTION", "System.Exception") -- Threading conflicts Result.put ("SYSTEM_THREAD", "System.Threading.Thread") Result.put ("SYSTEM_MUTEX", "System.Threading.Mutex") -- Zone Result.put ("SYSTEM_ZONE", "System.Security.Policy.Zone") end variable_mapping_table: HASH_TABLE [STRING, STRING] -- Protected Eiffel identifiers once -- Features in ANY Eiffel class create Result.make (65) -- Special case for `make' Result.put ("make_", "make") -- Eiffel keywords Result.put ("agent_", "agent") Result.put ("alias_", "alias") Result.put ("all_", "all") Result.put ("and_", "and") Result.put ("as_", "as") Result.put ("assign_", "assign") Result.put ("attribute_", "attribute") Result.put ("bit_", "bit") Result.put ("check_", "check") Result.put ("class_", "class") Result.put ("convert_", "convert") Result.put ("create_", "create") Result.put ("creation_", "creation") Result.put ("current_", "current") Result.put ("debug_", "debug") Result.put ("deferred_", "deferred") Result.put ("do_", "do") Result.put ("else_", "else") Result.put ("elseif_", "elseif") Result.put ("end_", "end") Result.put ("ensure_", "ensure") Result.put ("expanded_", "expanded") Result.put ("export_", "export") Result.put ("external_", "external") Result.put ("false_", "false") Result.put ("feature_", "feature") Result.put ("from_", "from") Result.put ("frozen_", "frozen") Result.put ("if_", "if") Result.put ("implies_", "implies") Result.put ("indexing_", "indexing") Result.put ("infix_", "infix") Result.put ("inherit_", "inherit") Result.put ("inspect_", "inspect") Result.put ("invariant_", "invariant") Result.put ("is_", "is") Result.put ("like_", "like") Result.put ("local_", "local") Result.put ("loop_", "loop") Result.put ("not_", "not") Result.put ("obsolete_", "obsolete") Result.put ("old_", "old") Result.put ("once_", "once") Result.put ("or_", "or") Result.put ("prefix_", "prefix") Result.put ("precursor_", "precursor") Result.put ("pure_", "pure") Result.put ("redefine_", "redefine") Result.put ("reference_", "reference") Result.put ("rename_", "rename") Result.put ("require_", "require") Result.put ("rescue_", "rescue") Result.put ("result_", "result") Result.put ("retry_", "retry") Result.put ("select_", "select") Result.put ("separate_", "separate") Result.put ("strip_", "strip") Result.put ("then_", "then") Result.put ("true_", "true") Result.put ("tupple_", "tupple") Result.put ("undefine_", "undefine") Result.put ("unique_", "unique") Result.put ("until_", "until") Result.put ("variant_", "variant") Result.put ("void_", "void") Result.put ("when_", "when") Result.put ("xor_", "xor") Result.put ("make", ".ctor") end argument_mapping_table: HASH_TABLE [STRING, STRING] -- Mapping for type when used in feature name to distinguish between -- different overloading. once create Result.make (50) Result.put ("boolean", "Boolean") Result.put ("character", "Char") Result.put ("natural_8", "Byte") Result.put ("integer_8", "SByte") Result.put ("natural_16", "UInt16") Result.put ("integer_16", "Int16") Result.put ("natural_32", "UInt32") Result.put ("integer_32", "Int32") Result.put ("pointer", "IntPtr") Result.put ("natural_64", "UInt64") Result.put ("integer_64", "Int64") Result.put ("double", "Double") Result.put ("real", "Single") end unary_operators: HASH_TABLE [STRING, STRING] -- Unary known operators table. once create Result.make (11) Result.put ("#--", "op_Decrement") Result.put ("#++", "op_Increment") Result.put ("-", "op_UnaryNegation") Result.put ("+", "op_UnaryPlus") Result.put ("not", "op_LogicalNot") Result.put ("#true", "op_True") Result.put ("#false", "op_False") Result.put ("&", "op_AddressOf") Result.put ("#~", "op_OnesComplement") Result.put ("*", "op_PointerDereference") ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end binary_operators: HASH_TABLE [STRING, STRING] -- binary known operators table. once create Result.make (37) Result.put ("+", "op_Addition" ) Result.put ("-", "op_Subtraction") Result.put ( "*", "op_Multiply") Result.put ( "/", "op_Division") Result.put ( "\\", "op_Modulus") Result.put ( "xor", "op_ExclusiveOr") Result.put ("&", "op_BitwiseAnd") Result.put ("|", "op_BitwiseOr") Result.put ("and", "op_LogicalAnd") Result.put ("or", "op_LogicalOr") Result.put ("#=", "op_Assign") Result.put ("#<<", "op_LeftShift") Result.put ("#>>", "op_RightShift") Result.put ("#|>>", "op_SignedRightShift") Result.put ("|>>", "op_UnsignedRightShift") Result.put ("#==", "op_Equality") Result.put (">", "op_GreaterThan") Result.put ("<", "op_LessThan") Result.put ("|=", "op_Inequality") Result.put (">=", "op_GreaterThanOrEqual") Result.put ("<=", "op_LessThanOrEqual") Result.put ("#|>>=", "op_UnsignedRightShiftAssignment") Result.put ("#->", "op_MemberSelection") Result.put ("#>>=", "op_RightShiftAssignment") Result.put ("#*=", "op_MultiplicationAssignment") Result.put ("#->*", "op_PointerToMemberSelection") Result.put ("#-=", "op_SubtractionAssignment") Result.put ("#^=", "op_ExclusiveOrAssignment") Result.put ("#<<=", "op_LeftShiftAssignment") Result.put ("#\\=", "op_ModulusAssignment") Result.put ("#+=", "op_AdditionAssignment") Result.put ("#&=", "op_BitwiseAndAssignment") Result.put ("#|=", "op_BitwiseOrAssignment") Result.put ("#,", "op_Comma") Result.put ("#/=", "op_DivisionAssignment") ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end operators: HASH_TABLE [STRING, STRING] -- Operator symbols table once create Result.make (unary_operators.count + binary_operators.count) Result.merge (unary_operators) Result.merge (binary_operators) end feature {NONE} -- Constants single_dot_string: STRING = "." single_underscore_string: STRING = "_" double_underscore_string: STRING = "__" triple_underscore_string: STRING = "___" array_string: STRING = "_array" native_array_string: STRING = "NATIVE_ARRAY [" in_string: STRING = "_IN_"; -- To save time in creating those strings in current class. note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class NAME_FORMATTER