note legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." class STRUCTURES inherit EXCEPTIONS create make feature {NONE} -- Creation make -- Run the application. do create chosen_demo.make io.set_error_default --| no_message_on_failure io.putstring ("%N%N * Class demos from the Eiffel Data Structure Library *%N%N") session end feature -- Attributes chosen_demo: TOP_DEMO -- Currently selected demo. saved_file_name: STRING_32 = "demo.S" -- A name of a file where a demo is saved. feature -- Routines one_demo -- Execute a new session, possibly from a previously saved one. -- Then store it if requested. local saved_demo_file: RAW_FILE resume_session: BOOLEAN do create saved_demo_file.make_with_name (saved_file_name) if saved_demo_file.exists then io.putstring ("Do you want to retrieve the last saved demo (y/n)?: ") io.readchar if io.lastchar = 'y' then io.next_line create chosen_demo.make saved_demo_file.open_read if attached {TOP_DEMO} chosen_demo.retrieved (saved_demo_file) as d then chosen_demo := d saved_demo_file.close chosen_demo.cycle resume_session := true else saved_demo_file.close io.putstring ("Cannot load saved demo. Using the new one.%N") io.put_new_line end else io.next_line end end if not resume_session then new_demo end if saved_demo_file.is_creatable then io.new_line io.putstring ("Save this demo to be resumed later? (y/n): ") io.readchar if io.lastchar = 'y' then saved_demo_file.open_write chosen_demo.independent_store (saved_demo_file) saved_demo_file.close io.putstring ("%TDemo saved%N") end io.next_line end end session -- Execute one or more demo sessions. local over: BOOLEAN do from until over loop one_demo io.new_line io.putstring ("Another demo? (y/n): ") io.readchar over := io.lastchar /= 'y' io.next_line end end print_menu -- Display all possible choices. do io.putstring (" 1: Sorted lists.") io.new_line io.putstring (" 2: General trees.") io.new_line io.putstring (" 3: Binary trees.") io.new_line io.putstring (" 4: Binary search trees.") io.new_line io.putstring (" 5: Priority queues.") io.new_line io.putstring (" 6: Sets.") io.new_line io.putstring (" 7: Sorted sets.") io.new_line io.putstring ("") io.new_line io.putstring ("Please choose demo number: ") end new_demo -- Set up a new demo session. local choice: INTEGER do print_menu io.readint choice := io.lastint inspect choice when 1 then create {SORT_DEMO} chosen_demo.make when 2 then create {TWO_WAY_TREE_DEMO} chosen_demo.make when 3 then create {BINARY_TREE_DEMO} chosen_demo.make when 4 then create {BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_DEMO} chosen_demo.make when 5 then io.putstring ("This is temporarily disabled%N") when 6 then create {SET_DEMO} chosen_demo.make when 7 then create {SORTED_SET_DEMO} chosen_demo.make else io.putstring ("Demo number should be between 1 and 7") end end note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end