note description: "Draw text in a form, using different fonts and brushes." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." class GDIP_TEXT inherit WINFORMS_FORM rename make as make_form redefine on_paint, dispose_boolean end ANY create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- | Initialize all brushes and fonts used in form. -- | Call `initialize_component'. -- Entry point. local l_background_image, l_text_image: DRAWING_BITMAP do create serif_font_family.make ({DRAWING_GENERIC_FONT_FAMILIES}.serif) set_style ({WINFORMS_CONTROL_STYLES}.opaque, True) -- Make sure form redraws when it is resized set_style ({WINFORMS_CONTROL_STYLES}.resize_redraw, True) -- Load the image to be used for the background from the exe's resource fork create l_background_image.make_from_filename ("colorbars.jpg") -- Now create the brush we are going to use to paint the background create background_brush.make_from_bitmap (l_background_image) -- Load the image to be used for the textured text from the exe's resource fork create l_text_image.make_from_filename ("marble.jpg") create text_texture_brush.make_from_bitmap (l_text_image) -- Load the fonts we want to use set_font (create {DRAWING_FONT}.make (serif_font_family, 20)) create title_font.make (serif_font_family, 60) create text_font.make (serif_font_family, 11) -- Set up shadow brush - make it translucent create title_shadow_brush.make ({DRAWING_COLOR}.from_argb (70, {DRAWING_COLOR}.black)) -- Set up fonts and brushes for printing japanese text set_up_japanese_text initialize_component {WINFORMS_APPLICATION}.run_form (Current) ensure non_void_background_brush: background_brush /= Void non_void_text_texture_brush: text_texture_brush /= Void non_void_title_font: title_font /= Void non_void_text_font: text_font /= Void non_void_title_shadow_brush: title_shadow_brush /= Void end feature -- Access components: SYSTEM_DLL_SYSTEM_CONTAINER -- System.ComponentModel.Container background_brush, text_texture_brush: DRAWING_TEXTURE_BRUSH title_shadow_brush: DRAWING_SOLID_BRUSH linear_grad_brush: DRAWING_BRUSH -- Brush title_font, text_font, japanese_font: DRAWING_FONT -- Font flowed_text_1: SYSTEM_STRING -- A text to draw. once Result := "[ I went down to the St James Infirmary, Saw my baby there, Stretched out on a long white table, So sweet, so cold, so fair, Let her go, let her go, God bless her, Wherever she may be, She can look this wide world over, But she'll never find a sweet man like me, When I die want you to dress me in straight lace shoes, I wanna a boxback coat and a Stetson hat, Put a twenty dollar gold piece on my watch chain, So the boys'll know that I died standing up. ]" ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void end flowed_text_2: SYSTEM_STRING -- A text to draw. once Result := "[ the sky seems full when you're in the cradle the rain will fall and wash your dreams stars are stars and they shine so hard... now spit out the sky because its empty and hollow and all your dreams are hanging out to dry stars are stars and they shine so cold... once i like crying twice i like laughter come tell me what i'm after ]" ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void end japanese_text: SYSTEM_STRING -- A japanese text to draw. local l_japanese_string: NATIVE_ARRAY [CHARACTER] once create l_japanese_string.make (11) l_japanese_string.put (0, (31169).to_character) l_japanese_string.put (1, (12398).to_character) l_japanese_string.put (2, (21517).to_character) l_japanese_string.put (3, (21069).to_character) l_japanese_string.put (4, (12399).to_character) l_japanese_string.put (5, (12463).to_character) l_japanese_string.put (6, (12522).to_character) l_japanese_string.put (7, (12473).to_character) l_japanese_string.put (8, (12391).to_character) l_japanese_string.put (9, (12377).to_character) l_japanese_string.put (10, (12290).to_character) create Result.make (l_japanese_string) ensure non_void_result: Result /= Void end do_japanese_sample: BOOLEAN -- Is japanese sample can be drawn. serif_font_family: DRAWING_FONT_FAMILY -- Serif font family. feature {NONE} -- Implementation dispose_boolean (a_disposing: BOOLEAN) -- method called when form is disposed. local retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then if components /= Void then components.dispose end end Precursor {WINFORMS_FORM}(a_disposing) rescue retried := True retry end on_paint (e: WINFORMS_PAINT_EVENT_ARGS) -- Feature performed when form is painted. local graph: DRAWING_GRAPHICS title_text, text_to_draw: SYSTEM_STRING rectangle_11, rectangle_21: DRAWING_RECTANGLE_F rectangle_12, rectangle_22: DRAWING_RECTANGLE format: DRAWING_STRING_FORMAT window_center, start_pos: REAL_32 string_size: DRAWING_SIZE_F do graph := ({DRAWING_SMOOTHING_MODE}.anti_alias) -- Fill the background use the texture brush -- and then apply a white wash graph.fill_rectangle (background_brush, client_rectangle) graph.fill_rectangle (create {DRAWING_SOLID_BRUSH}.make ({DRAWING_COLOR}.from_argb (180, {DRAWING_COLOR}.white)), client_rectangle) -- Simple draw hello world graph.draw_string ("Hello World", font, create {DRAWING_SOLID_BRUSH}.make ({DRAWING_COLOR}.black), 10, 10) -- Draw a textured string title_text := "graphics Samples" graph.draw_string (title_text, title_font, title_shadow_brush, 15, 25) graph.draw_string (title_text, title_font, text_texture_brush, 10, 20) text_to_draw := "Hello Symmetrical World" -- Use Measure string to display a string at the center of the window window_center := (display_rectangle.width / 2).truncated_to_real string_size := (text_to_draw, text_font) start_pos := window_center - (string_size.width / 2) graph.draw_string (text_to_draw, text_font, create {DRAWING_SOLID_BRUSH}.make ({DRAWING_COLOR}.red), start_pos, 10) -- Now draw a string flowed into a rectangle rectangle_11.make (20, 150, 250, 300) rectangle_12.make (20, 150, 250, 300) graph.fill_rectangle (create {DRAWING_SOLID_BRUSH}.make ({DRAWING_COLOR}.gainsboro), rectangle_12) graph.draw_string (flowed_text_1, text_font, create {DRAWING_SOLID_BRUSH}.make ({DRAWING_COLOR}.Blue), rectangle_11) -- Draw more flowed text but this time center it rectangle_21.make (450, 150, 250, 300) rectangle_22.make (450, 150, 250, 300) graph.fill_rectangle (create {DRAWING_SOLID_BRUSH}.make ({DRAWING_COLOR}.gainsboro), rectangle_22) create format.make format.set_alignment ({DRAWING_STRING_ALIGNMENT}.center) graph.draw_string (flowed_text_2, text_font, create {DRAWING_SOLID_BRUSH}.make ({DRAWING_COLOR}.Blue), rectangle_21, format) -- If we have the Japanese language pack draw some text in Japanese -- Rotate it to make life truly exciting if do_japanese_sample then graph.rotate_transform (-30) graph.translate_transform (-180, 300) graph.draw_string (japanese_text, japanese_font, linear_grad_brush, 200, 140) graph.reset_transform end end initialize_component -- Initialize window components. local l_size: DRAWING_SIZE do create components.make l_size.make (750, 500) set_size (l_size) set_text ("GDI+ Text Samples") end set_up_japanese_text -- Set up japanese text. local retried: BOOLEAN res: WINFORMS_DIALOG_RESULT do if not retried then do_japanese_sample := True -- Load the fonts we want to use japanese_font := (create {DRAWING_FONT}.make ("MS Mincho", 36)) linear_grad_brush := create {DRAWING_LINEAR_GRADIENT_BRUSH}.make ( create {DRAWING_POINT}.make (0, 0), create {DRAWING_POINT}.make (0, 45), {DRAWING_COLOR}.Blue, {DRAWING_COLOR}.Red) else do_japanese_sample := False end rescue res := {WINFORMS_MESSAGE_BOX}.show ( "The Japanese font MS Mincho needs be present to run the Japanese part of this sample%N%N") retried := True retry end invariant non_void_background_brush: background_brush /= Void non_void_text_texture_brush: text_texture_brush /= Void non_void_title_font: title_font /= Void non_void_text_font: text_font /= Void non_void_title_shadow_brush: title_shadow_brush /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- Class GDIP_TEXT