note description : "Strings for the Graphical User Interface" author : "Generated by the New V=ion2 Application Wizard." date : "$Date$" revision : "1.0.0" class INTERFACE_NAMES feature -- Access Button_ok_item: STRING = "OK" -- String for "OK" buttons. Menu_file_item: STRING = "&File" -- String for menu "File" Menu_file_new_item: STRING = "&New%TCtrl+N" -- String for menu "File/New" Menu_file_open_item: STRING = "&Open...%TCtrl+O" -- String for menu "File/Open" Menu_file_save_item: STRING = "&Save%TCtrl+S" -- String for menu "File/Save" Menu_file_saveas_item: STRING = "Save &As..." -- String for menu "File/Save As" Menu_file_close_item: STRING = "&Close" -- String for menu "File/Close" Menu_file_exit_item: STRING = "E&xit" -- String for menu "File/Exit" Menu_help_item: STRING = "&Help" -- String for menu "Help" Menu_help_contents_item: STRING = "&Contents and Index" -- String for menu "Help/Contents and Index" Menu_help_about_item: STRING = "&About..." -- String for menu "Help/About" Label_confirm_close_window: STRING = "You are about to close the window.%NClick OK to proceed." -- String for the confirmation dialog box that appears -- when the user try to close the first window. end -- class INTERFACE_NAMES