note legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." class READ_AND_WRITE inherit MATISSE_CONST create make feature {NONE} make -- Prints various information do -- 1/ Choose host name and database name. Adjust wait and priority so that it suits your needs. create appl.login("TOKYO","testdb",0,0) -- 2/ Choose working mode. See documentation for that. appl.set_mode(OPENED_TRANSACTION,Void) -- 3/ Connect Matisse handle to EiffelStore. appl.set_base -- 4/ Create a Matisse session. create session.make -- 5/ Connect to database with the appropriate mode (given above). session.connect -- 6/ Insert your actions here. -- ... actions --7/ Disconnect from database. session.disconnect end -- make feature -- Status Setting actions -- Database actions do create mc.make("Employee") mo := mc.new_instance io.putstring("%N Objet avant :%N") write_object read_object session.commit io.putstring("%N Objet après :%N") session.begin read_object session.commit end -- actions read_object do -- Integer create one_attribute.make("Integer value") aninteger ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TInteger : ") io.putstring(aninteger.out) io.new_line -- Double create one_attribute.make("Double value") adouble ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TDouble : ") io.putstring(adouble.out) io.new_line -- Real create one_attribute.make("Real value") areal ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TReal : ") io.putstring(areal.out) io.new_line -- Character create one_attribute.make("Character value") achar ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TCharacter : ") io.putstring(achar.out) io.new_line -- String create one_attribute.make("String value") astring ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TString : ") io.putstring(astring) io.new_line -- list integer create one_attribute.make("Integer List") ali ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TInteger List : ") io.putint(ali.count) io.putstring(" items - ") from ali.start until loop io.putint(ali.item) io.putstring(",") ali.forth end io.new_line -- list double create one_attribute.make("Double List") ald ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TDouble List : ") io.putint(ald.count) io.putstring(" items - ") from ald.start until loop io.putdouble(ald.item) io.putstring(",") ald.forth end io.new_line -- list real create one_attribute.make("Real List") alr ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TReal List : ") io.putint(alr.count) io.putstring(" items - ") from alr.start until loop io.putreal(alr.item) io.putstring(",") alr.forth end io.new_line -- list string create one_attribute.make("String List") als ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TString List : ") io.putint(als.count) io.putstring(" items - ") from als.start until loop io.putstring(als.item) io.putstring(",") als.forth end io.new_line -- array integer create one_attribute.make("Integer Array") aai ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TInteger Array : ") io.putint(aai.count) io.putstring(" items - ") from i:=aai.lower until i=aai.upper+1 loop io.putint(aai.item(i)) io.putstring(",") i:=i+1 end io.new_line -- array double create one_attribute.make("Double Array") aad ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TDouble Array : ") io.putint(aad.count) io.putstring(" items - ") from i:=aad.lower until i=aad.upper+1 loop io.putdouble(aad.item(i)) io.putstring(",") i:=i+1 end io.new_line -- array real create one_attribute.make("Real Array") aar ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TReal Array : ") io.putint(aar.count) io.putstring(" items - ") from i:=aar.lower until i=aar.upper+1 loop io.putreal(aar.item(i)) io.putstring(",") i:=i+1 end io.new_line -- array integer create one_attribute.make("String Array") aas ?= one_attribute.value(mo) io.putstring("%TString Array : ") io.putint(aas.count) io.putstring(" items - ") from i:=aas.lower until i=aas.upper+1 loop io.putstring(aas.item(i)) io.putstring(",") i:=i+1 end io.new_line end -- read_object write_object do -- Change integer create one_attribute.make("Integer value") one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mts32,191271) -- Change double create one_attribute.make("Double value") one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mtdouble,1.00012) -- Change real create one_attribute.make("Real value") one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mtfloat,0.70568) -- Change char create one_attribute.make("Character value") one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mtchar,'Z') -- Change string create one_attribute.make("String value") one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mtstring,"New string") -- Change array integer create one_attribute.make("Integer Array") aai:=<<0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12>> one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mts32_array,aai) -- Change array double create one_attribute.make("Double Array") aad:=<<0.11111111111111111111111111111,1256.222222222222222222222222222222>> one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mtdouble_array,aad) -- Change array real create one_attribute.make("Real Array") aar:=<<.0,1.,.2,3.,.4,5.,.6,7.,.8,9.,.10,1.1,.12>> one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mtfloat_array,aar) -- Change array string create one_attribute.make("String Array") aas:=<<"ISE","SOL">> one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mtstring_array,aas) -- Change list integer create one_attribute.make("Integer list") create ali.make from i:= 1 until i=10+1 loop ali.extend(i) ali.forth i:=i+1 end one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mts32_list,ali) -- Change list double create one_attribute.make("Double list") create ald.make from i:= 1 until i=10+1 loop ald.extend(1/(i*i*i*i)) ald.forth i:=i+1 end one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mtdouble_list,ald) -- Change list real create one_attribute.make("Real list") create alr.make from i:= 1 until i=10+1 loop alr.extend(1/i) alr.forth i:=i+1 end one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mtfloat_list,alr) -- Change list string create one_attribute.make("String list") create als.make from i:= 1 until i=22+1 loop als.extend(i.out) als.forth i:=i+1 end one_attribute.set_value(mo,Mtstring_list,als) io.new_line end -- write_object feature {NONE} -- Implementation appl : MATISSE_APPL session : DB_CONTROL i:INTEGER astring : STRING;aninteger : INTEGER_REF;adouble:DOUBLE_REF;areal : REAL_REF; achar:CHARACTER_REF;ali : LINKED_LIST[INTEGER];ald :LINKED_LIST[DOUBLE];alr : LINKED_LIST[REAL];als : LINKED_LIST[STRING] aai : ARRAY[INTEGER];aad : ARRAY[DOUBLE];aar : ARRAY[REAL];aas : ARRAY[STRING] one_attribute : MT_ATTRIBUTE fname : MT_ATTRIBUTE mc : MT_CLASS mo : MT_OBJECT aa : ARRAY[MT_ATTRIBUTE] mi : MT_INDEX mep : MT_ENTRYPOINT mr : MT_RELATIONSHIP mm : MT_MESSAGE minfo : MT_INFO mtime : MT_TIME_STREAM ms : DB_SELECTION mp : DB_PROC; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class READ_AND_WRITE