Set of small examples showing how to use different EiffelStore capabilities The following examples have been successfully tested with ODBC, Oracle 8.04 and Oracle 8i. The suggested order of examples use is the following: 0) esql Very useful to test your Database connection. 1) select The basic example for a query of your Database. 2) insert The basic example for an insert in your Database 3) nesting An Example of Nested queries. 4) rm2oom From a Relational Model to an Object Oriented Model. 5) oom2rm From an Object Oriented Model to a Relational Model. 6) convert to exercise the flat file conversion utilities. Don't forget to check the Readme file of each example before testing them. Note: If ever you copy an example directory to another location, make sure to also copy the "Utilities" directory to be in the parent of the new location.