note description: "Objects that is the main window for the Eiffel Draw example." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class DRAWER_MAIN_WINDOW inherit MAIN_WINDOW redefine build_standard_toolbar, create_interface_objects end EV_FIGURE_MATH export {NONE} all undefine default_create, copy end EV_SHARED_APPLICATION undefine default_create, copy end create default_create feature {NONE} -- Implementation create_interface_objects do create main_container create settings_bar create fg_color_chooser.make_with_text ("foreground") create bg_color_chooser.make_with_text ("background") create world create world_cell.make_with_world (world) projector := world_cell.projector create line_style_chooser.make create grid_visible create grid_enabled create radio_buttons.make (17) Precursor {MAIN_WINDOW} end build_main_container -- Create and populate `main_container'. local hbox: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX fixed: EV_FIXED do create hbox create fixed fg_color_chooser.color_change_actions.extend (agent fg_color_changed) fg_color_chooser.disable_none_color_selectable fixed.extend (fg_color_chooser) fixed.set_item_size (fg_color_chooser, 80, 130) settings_bar.extend (fixed) create fixed bg_color_chooser.color_change_actions.extend (agent bg_color_changed) fixed.extend (bg_color_chooser) fixed.set_item_size (bg_color_chooser, 80, 130) settings_bar.extend (fixed) create fixed line_style_chooser.select_actions.extend (agent line_style_selected) fixed.extend (line_style_chooser) fixed.set_item_width (line_style_chooser, 80) settings_bar.extend (fixed) create fixed fixed.extend (settings_bar) fixed.set_item_width (settings_bar, 82) hbox.extend (fixed) hbox.disable_item_expand (fixed) world_cell.set_new_figure_line_width (1) world_cell.set_new_figure_foreground_color (create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_rgb (0, 0, 0)) hbox.extend (world_cell) main_container.extend (hbox) end world_cell: DRAWING_AREA_CELL -- Cell containing the drawing part. settings_bar: EV_VERTICAL_BOX -- The bar on the left side with the color choosers. projector: EV_MODEL_WIDGET_PROJECTOR -- The projector world: MULTI_SELECTION_WORLD -- The world. feature {NONE} -- ToolBar Implementation build_standard_toolbar -- Create and populate the standard toolbar. local toolbar_button: EV_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON toolbar_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP do Precursor {MAIN_WINDOW} standard_toolbar.extend (create {EV_TOOL_BAR_SEPARATOR}) add_radio_button ("select") add_radio_button ("line") add_radio_button ("rect") add_radio_button ("rounded_rect") add_radio_button ("parallelogram") add_radio_button ("rounded_parallelogram") add_radio_button ("polygon") add_radio_button ("polyline") add_radio_button ("equilateral") add_radio_button ("ellipse") add_radio_button ("arc") add_radio_button ("pie") add_radio_button ("dot") add_radio_button ("star") add_radio_button ("text") add_radio_button ("picture") standard_toolbar.extend (create {EV_TOOL_BAR_SEPARATOR}) create toolbar_button create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("./toolbar/group.png") toolbar_button.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) standard_toolbar.extend (toolbar_button) toolbar_button.select_actions.extend (agent on_group) create toolbar_button create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("./toolbar/ungroup.png") toolbar_button.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) standard_toolbar.extend (toolbar_button) toolbar_button.select_actions.extend (agent on_ungroup) create toolbar_button create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("./toolbar/tofront.png") toolbar_button.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) standard_toolbar.extend (toolbar_button) toolbar_button.select_actions.extend (agent on_tofront) create toolbar_button create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("./toolbar/toback.png") toolbar_button.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) standard_toolbar.extend (toolbar_button) toolbar_button.select_actions.extend (agent on_toback) standard_toolbar.extend (create {EV_TOOL_BAR_SEPARATOR}) create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("./toolbar/magnet.png") grid_enabled.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) standard_toolbar.extend (grid_enabled) grid_enabled.select_actions.extend (agent on_grid_enable_select) world.disable_grid create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("./toolbar/grid.png") grid_visible.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) standard_toolbar.extend (grid_visible) grid_visible.select_actions.extend (agent on_grid_visible_select) world.hide_grid world.set_grid_x (10) world.set_grid_y (10) fg_color_chooser.set_color (create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_8_bit_rgb (0, 0, 0)) is_dashed_line_style := False line_width := 1 end radio_buttons: HASH_TABLE [EV_TOOL_BAR_RADIO_BUTTON, STRING] -- All radio buttons to draw or manipulate figures. add_radio_button (name: STRING) -- Add a radio button to `radio_buttons' with `name' require radio_buttons_exitst: radio_buttons /= Void local toolbar_item: EV_TOOL_BAR_RADIO_BUTTON toolbar_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP do create toolbar_item create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("./toolbar/" + name + ".png") toolbar_item.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) standard_toolbar.extend (toolbar_item) radio_buttons.extend (toolbar_item, name) toolbar_item.select_actions.extend (agent on_radio_button_select) ensure added: old radio_buttons.count + 1 = radio_buttons.count end on_radio_button_select -- Called after a radio button in `radio_buttons' was selected. do standard_status_label.set_text ("") if is_select_mode then world.enable_selection else world.disable_selection end from radio_buttons.start until radio_buttons.after loop if radio_buttons.item_for_iteration.is_selected then world_cell.set_drawing_mode (radio_buttons.key_for_iteration) end radio_buttons.forth end world_cell.stop_drawing end grid_enabled: EV_TOOL_BAR_TOGGLE_BUTTON -- Grid enable button. on_grid_enable_select -- Grid enabled was pressed. do if is_grid_enabled then world.enable_grid else world.disable_grid end world.full_redraw projector.project end grid_visible: EV_TOOL_BAR_TOGGLE_BUTTON -- Grid visible button. on_grid_visible_select -- Grid visible was pressed. do if is_grid_visible then world.show_grid else world.hide_grid end world.full_redraw projector.project end feature {NONE} -- Menu Implementation build_extended_menu_bar -- Build menus other then file and help. do standard_menu_bar.extend (edit_menu) end edit_menu: EV_MENU -- Build edit menu. local menu_item: EV_MENU_ITEM do create Result.make_with_text (menu_edit) create menu_item.make_with_text (menu_edit_select_all) menu_item.select_actions.extend (agent on_select_all) Result.extend (menu_item) create menu_item.make_with_text (menu_edit_deselect_all) menu_item.select_actions.extend (agent on_deselect_all) Result.extend (menu_item) create menu_item.make_with_text (menu_edit_invert_selection) menu_item.select_actions.extend (agent on_invert_selection) Result.extend (menu_item) Result.extend (create {EV_MENU_SEPARATOR}) create menu_item.make_with_text (menu_edit_delete_selected) menu_item.select_actions.extend (agent on_delete_selected) Result.extend (menu_item) ensure file_menu_created: file_menu /= Void and then not file_menu.is_empty end feature {NONE} -- Application state is_grid_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is snapp to grid enabled? do Result := grid_enabled.is_selected end is_grid_visible: BOOLEAN -- Is grid visible? do Result := grid_visible.is_selected end is_select_mode: BOOLEAN -- Is current mode select? local l_item: detachable EV_TOOL_BAR_RADIO_BUTTON do l_item := radio_buttons.item ("select") check l_item /= Void end Result := l_item.is_selected end feature {NONE} -- Order and group change on_group -- Group button was pressed. do standard_status_label.set_text ("") if world.selected_figures.count > 1 then world.group_selection projector.project else if world.selected_figures.is_empty then standard_status_label.set_text (select_a_figure_text) else standard_status_label.set_text (select_more_then_one_figure_text) end end end on_ungroup -- Ungroup button was pressed. do standard_status_label.set_text ("") if world.selected_figures.count = 1 then world.ungroup_selection projector.project else if world.selected_figures.is_empty then standard_status_label.set_text (select_a_figure_text) else standard_status_label.set_text (select_only_one_figure_text) end end end on_tofront -- tofront button was pressed. local l_group: detachable EV_MODEL do standard_status_label.set_text ("") if world.selected_figures.count = 1 then l_group := check l_group /= Void end world.bring_to_front (l_group) projector.project else if world.selected_figures.is_empty then standard_status_label.set_text (select_a_figure_text) else standard_status_label.set_text (select_only_one_figure_text) end end end on_toback -- toback button was pressed. local l_group: detachable EV_MODEL do standard_status_label.set_text ("") if world.selected_figures.count = 1 then l_group := check l_group /= Void end world.send_to_back (l_group) projector.project else if world.selected_figures.is_empty then standard_status_label.set_text (select_a_figure_text) else standard_status_label.set_text (select_only_one_figure_text) end end end feature {NONE} -- Color bg_color_chooser: COLOR_CHOOSER -- Color chooser for background color. bg_color_changed -- Background color was changed to `color' local color: detachable EV_COLOR do color := bg_color_chooser.color world_cell.set_new_figure_background_color (color) from world.selected_figures.start until world.selected_figures.after loop set_bg_color (world.selected_figures.item) world.selected_figures.forth end projector.project end fg_color_chooser: COLOR_CHOOSER -- Color chooser for forground color. fg_color_changed -- Forground color was changed to `color' local color: detachable EV_COLOR do color := fg_color_chooser.color check color /= Void end world_cell.set_new_figure_foreground_color (color) from world.selected_figures.start until world.selected_figures.after loop set_fg_color (world.selected_figures.item) world.selected_figures.forth end projector.project end feature {NONE} -- Line Style line_style_chooser: LINE_STYLE_CHOOSER -- The box to choose the line style from. line_style_selected -- A line style was selected do line_width := line_style_chooser.line_width is_dashed_line_style := line_style_chooser.is_dashed_line_style world_cell.set_new_figure_line_width (line_width) if is_dashed_line_style then world_cell.new_figure_enable_dashed_line_style else world_cell.new_figure_disable_dashed_line_style end from world.selected_figures.start until world.selected_figures.after loop set_line_style (world.selected_figures.item) world.selected_figures.forth end projector.project end is_dashed_line_style: BOOLEAN -- Is current line style dashed? -- Default: False line_width: INTEGER -- Current line width. -- Default: 1 feature {NONE} -- File menu Events on_save_as -- Save as was selected. local dialog: EV_FILE_SAVE_DIALOG file_name, ext: STRING do create dialog dialog.filters.extend (["*.png", "PNG File"]) dialog.filters.extend (["*.ps", "Postscript File"]) dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) file_name := dialog.file_name if file_name.count > 4 then ext := file_name.substring (file_name.count - 3, file_name.count) ext.to_lower if dialog.selected_filter_index = 1 and not ext.is_equal (".png") then file_name := file_name + ".png" end if dialog.selected_filter_index = 2 and not ext.substring (2, ext.count).is_equal (".ps") then file_name := file_name + ".ps" end elseif file_name.count > 0 then if dialog.selected_filter_index = 1 then file_name := file_name + ".png" else file_name := file_name + ".ps" end end if file_name.count > 0 then if dialog.selected_filter_index = 1 then last_file_type := 1 else last_file_type := 2 end last_file_name := file_name save (create {PATH}.make_from_string (file_name), last_file_type) end end last_file_name: detachable STRING -- last used file name. last_file_type: INTEGER -- 1 png, 2 ps on_save -- Save using last_file_name or call save_as if last_file_name is void. do if attached last_file_name as file_name then save (create {PATH}.make_from_string (file_name), last_file_type) else on_save_as end end save (file: PATH; type: INTEGER) -- Save `buffer' to `file'. -- type = 1 -> png -- type = 2 -> ps require file_exists: file /= Void local postscript_projector: EV_MODEL_POSTSCRIPT_PROJECTOR l_selected_figures: LIST [EV_MODEL] pixmap: EV_PIXMAP dialog: EV_WARNING_DIALOG do l_selected_figures := world.selected_figures.twin world.deselect_all if type = 1 and then attached {EV_MODEL_BUFFER_PROJECTOR} projector as l_buffer_projector then pixmap := l_buffer_projector.world_as_pixmap (5) if l_buffer_projector.is_world_too_large then create dialog.make_with_text ("Image is too large, not enough video memory") dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) else pixmap.save_to_named_path (create {EV_PNG_FORMAT}, file) end elseif type = 2 then create postscript_projector.make_with_path (world, file) world.full_redraw postscript_projector.project end from l_selected_figures.start until l_selected_figures.after loop world.select_figure (l_selected_figures.item) l_selected_figures.forth end end on_new -- New was selected. do world.wipe_out projector.project end feature {NONE} -- Edit menu events on_select_all -- Select all figures. do world.select_all world.full_redraw projector.project end on_deselect_all -- Deselect all figures. do world.deselect_all world.full_redraw projector.project end on_delete_selected -- Delete all selected figures. do world.delete_selected world.full_redraw projector.project end on_invert_selection -- Invert the selection. do world.invert_selection world.full_redraw projector.project end feature {NONE} -- Implementation set_bg_color (figure: EV_MODEL) -- Set background color. do if attached {EV_MODEL_GROUP} figure as group then from group.start until group.after loop set_bg_color (group.item) group.forth end elseif attached {EV_MODEL_CLOSED} figure as cf then if attached bg_color_chooser.color as l_color then cf.set_background_color (l_color) else cf.remove_background_color end end end set_fg_color (figure: EV_MODEL) -- Set foreground color. do if attached {EV_MODEL_GROUP} figure as group then from group.start until group.after loop set_fg_color (group.item) group.forth end elseif attached {EV_MODEL_ATOMIC} figure as af and attached fg_color_chooser.color as l_color then af.set_foreground_color (l_color) end end set_line_style (figure: EV_MODEL) -- Set line width, is_dashed and color for all figures in figure. do if attached {EV_MODEL_GROUP} figure as group then from group.start until group.after loop set_line_style (group.item) group.forth end elseif attached {EV_MODEL_ATOMIC} figure as af then af.set_line_width (line_width) if is_dashed_line_style then af.enable_dashed_line_style else af.disable_dashed_line_style end end end snapped_x (ax: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Nearest point on horizontal grid to `ax'. do if ax \\ world.grid_x < world.grid_x // 2 then Result := ax - ax \\ world.grid_x else Result := ax - ax \\ world.grid_x + world.grid_x end end snapped_y (ay: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Nearest point on vertical grid to `ay'. do if ay \\ world.grid_y < world.grid_y // 2 then Result := ay - ay \\ world.grid_y else Result := ay - ay \\ world.grid_y + world.grid_y end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation print on_print -- Print was selected. local print_dialog: EV_PRINT_DIALOG do create print_dialog.make_with_title ("Print") print_dialog.print_actions.extend (agent do_print (print_dialog)) print_dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) end do_print (print_dialog: EV_PRINT_DIALOG) -- Print local pc: EV_PRINT_CONTEXT pp: EV_MODEL_PRINT_PROJECTOR l_selected_figures: LIST [EV_MODEL] do pc := print_dialog.print_context create pp.make_with_context (world, pc) l_selected_figures := world.selected_figures.twin world.deselect_all pp.project from l_selected_figures.start until l_selected_figures.after loop world.select_figure (l_selected_figures.item) l_selected_figures.forth end end feature {NONE} -- Text constants select_a_figure_text: STRING = "Select a figure first." select_only_one_figure_text: STRING = "Select only one figure." select_more_then_one_figure_text: STRING = "Select more then one figure." press_two_times_return: STRING = "To end text enter mode press two times return." menu_edit: STRING = "&Edit" menu_edit_select_all: STRING = "&Select all" menu_edit_deselect_all: STRING = "&Deselect all" menu_edit_invert_selection: STRING = "&Invert selection" menu_edit_delete_selected: STRING = "Del&ete selected"; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class DRAWER_MAIN_WINDOW