note description: "Objects that lets user manipulate a figure." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MANIPULATION_HANDLER inherit MATH_CONST EV_MODEL_DOUBLE_MATH create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_figure: like figure) -- Create a MANIPULATION_HANDLER manipulating `a_figure'. require a_figure_not_void: a_figure /= Void do figure := a_figure create parent_group build_rotation_handle parent_group.extend (rotation_handle) build_scale_x_handle parent_group.extend (scale_x_handle) build_scale_y_handle parent_group.extend (scale_y_handle) build_scale_handle parent_group.extend (scale_handle) build_move_handle parent_group.extend (move_handle) build_center_handle parent_group.extend (center_handle) center_handle.disable_moving center_handle.disable_rotating center_handle.disable_scaling if figure.is_scalable then scale_x_handle.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_start_scale_x) scale_x_handle.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent on_scale_x) scale_x_handle.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent on_end_scale_x) scale_y_handle.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_start_scale_y) scale_y_handle.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent on_scale_y) scale_y_handle.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent on_end_scale_y) scale_handle.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_start_scale) scale_handle.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent on_scale_x) scale_handle.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent on_scale_y) scale_handle.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent on_end_scale) end if figure.is_rotatable then rotation_handle.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_start_rotating) rotation_handle.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent on_rotating) rotation_handle.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent on_end_rotating) center_handle.enable_moving center_handle.pointer_double_press_actions.extend (agent on_recenter_center) end move_handle.pointer_button_press_actions.extend (agent on_start_move) move_handle.pointer_motion_actions.extend (agent on_move) move_handle.pointer_button_release_actions.extend (agent on_end_move) end feature -- Access parent_group: EV_MODEL_GROUP -- Group for Current figure figure: EV_MODEL -- Figure `Current' manipulates. world: detachable EV_MODEL_WORLD do Result := end feature {NONE} -- Implementation scale_y_handle: EV_MODEL_GROUP -- Handle to scale to y direction. scale_x_handle: EV_MODEL_GROUP -- Handle to scale to x direction. scale_handle: EV_MODEL_GROUP -- Handle to scale to x and y direction. rotation_handle: EV_MODEL_GROUP -- Handle for rotation. move_handle: EV_MODEL_GROUP -- Handle for moving. center_handle: EV_MODEL_MOVE_HANDLE -- Handle to select center for rotation. angle_indicator: EV_MODEL_PIE_SLICE -- Figure showing the rotation angle. default_colors: EV_STOCK_COLORS -- Quick access to stock colors once create Result end build_scale_y_handle -- Build `scale_y_handle'. local polygone: EV_MODEL_POLYGON do create scale_y_handle polygone := new_arrow polygone.rotate (-pi/2) polygone.set_x_y (0, -33) scale_y_handle.extend (polygone) end build_scale_x_handle -- Build `scale_x_handle'. local polygone: EV_MODEL_POLYGON do create scale_x_handle polygone := new_arrow scale_x_handle.extend (polygone) end build_scale_handle -- Build `scale_handle'. local polygone: EV_MODEL_POLYGON do create scale_handle polygone := new_arrow polygone.rotate (-pi/4 - 0.01) polygone.set_x_y (28, -28) polygone.set_point_count (polygone.point_count + 1) polygone.set_i_th_point_position (polygone.point_count, 5, -5) scale_handle.extend (polygone) end new_arrow: EV_MODEL_POLYGON -- Build a scale arrow do create Result if figure.is_scalable then Result.set_background_color ( else Result.set_background_color (default_colors.gray) end Result.set_point_count (7) Result.set_i_th_point_position (1, 5, 5) Result.set_i_th_point_position (2, 40, 8) Result.set_i_th_point_position (3, 40, 14) Result.set_i_th_point_position (4, 60, 0) Result.set_i_th_point_position (5, 40, -14) Result.set_i_th_point_position (6, 40, -8) Result.set_i_th_point_position (7, 5, -5) end build_rotation_handle -- Build `rotation_handle'. local pie: EV_MODEL_PIE_SLICE circ: EV_MODEL_ELLIPSE arrow: EV_MODEL_POLYGON line: EV_MODEL_POLYLINE do create rotation_handle create pie.make_with_positions (-40, -40, 40, 40) pie.set_start_angle (0) pie.set_aperture (3.4*pi/2) if figure.is_rotatable then pie.set_background_color ( else pie.set_background_color (default_colors.gray) end rotation_handle.extend (pie) create circ.make_with_positions (-25, -25, 25, 25) circ.set_background_color (default_colors.white) rotation_handle.extend (circ) create angle_indicator.make_with_positions (-25, -25, 25, 25) if figure.is_rotatable then angle_indicator.set_background_color ( else angle_indicator.set_background_color (default_colors.gray) end angle_indicator.set_start_angle (modulo (2 * pi - figure.angle, 2 *pi)) angle_indicator.set_aperture (0.2) rotation_handle.extend (angle_indicator) create arrow arrow.set_point_count (3) arrow.set_line_width (0) if figure.is_rotatable then arrow.set_background_color ( else arrow.set_background_color (default_colors.gray) end arrow.set_i_th_point_position (1, 28, 37) arrow.set_i_th_point_position (2, 29, 14) arrow.set_i_th_point_position (3, 8, 15) rotation_handle.extend (arrow) create line line.set_point_count (5) line.set_i_th_point_position (1, 24, 33) line.set_i_th_point_position (2, 28, 37) line.set_i_th_point_position (3, 29, 14) line.set_i_th_point_position (4, 8, 15) line.set_i_th_point_position (5, 13, 20) rotation_handle.extend (line) end build_move_handle -- Build `move_handle'. local move_arrow: EV_MODEL_POLYGON do create move_handle move_arrow := new_move_arrow move_arrow.set_background_color (default_colors.yellow) move_handle.extend (move_arrow) end new_move_arrow: EV_MODEL_POLYGON -- Build a move to all directions arrow. do create Result Result.set_point_count (24) Result.set_i_th_point_position (1, 5, -5) Result.set_i_th_point_position (2, 5, -10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (3, 10, -10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (4, 0, -20) Result.set_i_th_point_position (5, -10, -10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (6, -5, -10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (7, -5, -5) Result.set_i_th_point_position (8, -10, -5) Result.set_i_th_point_position (9, -10, -10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (10, -20, 0) Result.set_i_th_point_position (11, -10, 10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (12, -10, 5) Result.set_i_th_point_position (13, -5, 5) Result.set_i_th_point_position (14, -5, 10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (15, -10, 10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (16, 0, 20) Result.set_i_th_point_position (17, 10, 10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (18, 5, 10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (19, 5, 5) Result.set_i_th_point_position (20, 10, 5) Result.set_i_th_point_position (21, 10, 10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (22, 20, 0) Result.set_i_th_point_position (23, 10, -10) Result.set_i_th_point_position (24, 10, -5) end build_center_handle -- Build `center_handle'. local circl: EV_MODEL_ELLIPSE do create circl.make_with_positions (-6, -6, 7, 7) if figure.is_rotatable then circl.set_background_color ( else circl.set_background_color (default_colors.gray) end create center_handle center_handle.extend (circl) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation interaction start_x, start_y: INTEGER -- Position when pointer button down. do_scale_x: BOOLEAN -- Is scale_x mode? do_scale_y: BOOLEAN -- Is scale_y mode? do_rotate: BOOLEAN -- Is rotation mode? do_move: BOOLEAN -- Is move mode? on_start_scale_x (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Start scaling to x. do if button = 1 and then attached world as l_world and then not attached l_world.capture_figure then start_x := ax start_y := ay do_scale_x := True scale_x_handle.enable_capture end end on_scale_x (ax, ay: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Scale to x. local dist: INTEGER new_scale_x: DOUBLE do if do_scale_x then dist := ax - start_x start_x := ax new_scale_x := (dist / 200 + 1).abs figure.scale_x_abs (new_scale_x) end end on_end_scale_x (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- End scale to x. do if do_scale_x then do_scale_x := False scale_x_handle.disable_capture end end on_start_scale_y (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Start scaling to y. do if button = 1 and then attached world as l_world and then not attached l_world.capture_figure then start_x := ax start_y := ay do_scale_y := True scale_y_handle.enable_capture end end on_scale_y (ax, ay: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Scale to y. local dist: INTEGER new_scale_y: DOUBLE do if do_scale_y then dist := ay - start_y start_y := ay new_scale_y := (-dist / 200 + 1).abs figure.scale_y_abs (new_scale_y) end end on_end_scale_y (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- End scale to y. do if do_scale_y then do_scale_y := False scale_y_handle.disable_capture end end on_start_scale (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Start scale to x and y. do if button = 1 and then attached world as l_world and then not attached l_world.capture_figure then start_x := ax start_y := ay do_scale_y := True do_scale_x := True scale_handle.enable_capture end end on_end_scale (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- End scale to x and y. do if do_scale_y and do_scale_x then do_scale_y := False do_scale_x := False scale_handle.disable_capture end end on_start_rotating (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Start rotation. do if button = 1 and then attached world as l_world and then not attached l_world.capture_figure then start_x := ax start_y := ay do_rotate := True rotation_handle.enable_capture end end on_rotating (ax, ay: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Rotate. local new_angle: DOUBLE cx, cy: INTEGER do if do_rotate then cx := center_handle.x cy := center_handle.y new_angle := line_angle (parent_group.point_x, parent_group.point_y, ax, ay) - line_angle (parent_group.point_x, parent_group.point_y, start_x, start_y) figure.rotate_around (new_angle, cx, cy) angle_indicator.set_start_angle (modulo (2 * pi - figure.angle, 2 *pi)) start_x := ax start_y := ay end end on_end_rotating (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- End rotation. do if do_rotate then do_rotate := False rotation_handle.disable_capture end end on_start_move (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Start moving. do if button = 1 and then attached world as l_world and then not attached l_world.capture_figure and then attached as l_group then start_x := ax - l_group.point_x start_y := ay - l_group.point_y do_move := True move_handle.enable_capture end end on_move (ax, ay: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Move. local nx, ny: INTEGER do if do_move then if attached world as l_world and then attached as l_group then nx := ax - start_x ny := ay - start_y if l_world.grid_enabled then nx := snapped_x (nx) ny := snapped_y (ny) end l_group.set_point_position (nx, ny) end end end on_end_move (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- End moving. do if do_move then do_move := False move_handle.disable_capture end end snapped_x (ax: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Nearest point on horizontal grid to `ax'. require world_attached: world /= Void local l_world: like world do l_world := world check l_world /= Void end if ax \\ l_world.grid_x < l_world.grid_x // 2 then Result := ax - ax \\ l_world.grid_x else Result := ax - ax \\ l_world.grid_x + l_world.grid_x end end snapped_y (ay: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Nearest point on vertical grid to `ay'. require world_attached: world /= Void local l_world: like world do l_world := world check l_world /= Void end if ay \\ l_world.grid_y < l_world.grid_y // 2 then Result := ay - ay \\ l_world.grid_y else Result := ay - ay \\ l_world.grid_y + l_world.grid_y end end on_recenter_center (ax, ay, button: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; screen_x, screen_y: INTEGER) -- Set `center_handle' to center of `figure'. do center_handle.set_x_y (parent_group.point_x, parent_group.point_y) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class MANIPULATION_HANDLER