note description: "Main window for the Eiffel Graph example" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "Benno Baumgartner" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class GRAPH_MAIN_WINDOW inherit MAIN_WINDOW redefine create_interface_objects end create default_create feature {NONE} -- Initialization create_interface_objects -- do Precursor {MAIN_WINDOW} create file_menu.make_with_text (Menu_file_item) create standard_toolbar -- Create the menu bar. create standard_menu_bar create_main_container_objects create_statistic_objects ensure then main_container_created: main_container /= Void end create_main_container_objects -- Create main container related objects do create graph create world.make_with_model_and_factory (graph, create {ELLIPSE_FACTORY}) create small_world.make_with_model (graph) create physics_layout.make_with_world (small_world) create model_cell.make_with_world (world) create circle_layout.make_with_world (world) create grid_layout.make_with_world (world) create timer.make_with_interval (40) create main_container create statistic_frame.make_with_text ("Statistics") create view_cell.make_with_world (small_world) end build_main_container -- Create and populate `main_container'. local vbox: EV_VERTICAL_BOX hbox: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX frame: EV_FRAME do build_extended_menu_bar world.drop_actions.extend (agent drop_new_node) small_world.disable_multiple_selection physics_layout.set_center (200, 200) physics_layout.set_move_threshold (20) timer.actions.extend (agent on_time_out) create hbox create vbox vbox.extend (standard_toolbar) vbox.disable_item_expand (standard_toolbar) create frame frame.extend (model_cell) vbox.extend (frame) hbox.extend (vbox) create vbox statistic_frame.set_minimum_height (150) build_statistic vbox.extend (statistic_frame) vbox.disable_item_expand (statistic_frame) create frame.default_create view_cell.disable_scrollbars view_cell.set_world_border (5) view_cell.set_autoscroll_border (0) frame.extend (view_cell) vbox.extend (frame) vbox.set_minimum_width (400) hbox.extend (vbox) hbox.disable_item_expand (vbox) main_container.extend (hbox) end build_extended_menu_bar -- Add menu item new node. local toolbar_item: EV_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON toolbar_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP do create toolbar_item create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("new_node.png") toolbar_item.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) standard_toolbar.extend (toolbar_item) toolbar_item.select_actions.extend (agent explain) toolbar_item.set_pebble (create {NEW_NODE_STONE}) toolbar_item.set_accept_cursor (accept_node) toolbar_item.set_tooltip (add_one_node) toolbar_item.set_deny_cursor (deny_node) create toolbar_item create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("new_node.png") toolbar_item.set_text ("+10") toolbar_item.select_actions.extend (agent add_random_nodes (10)) toolbar_item.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) toolbar_item.set_tooltip (add_ten_nodes) standard_toolbar.extend (toolbar_item) create toolbar_item create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("new_node.png") toolbar_item.set_text ("+100") toolbar_item.select_actions.extend (agent add_random_nodes (100)) toolbar_item.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) toolbar_item.set_tooltip (add_hundred_nodes) standard_toolbar.extend (toolbar_item) create toolbar_item create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("new_node.png") toolbar_item.set_text ("+1000") toolbar_item.select_actions.extend (agent add_random_nodes (1000)) toolbar_item.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) toolbar_item.set_tooltip (add_thousand_nodes) standard_toolbar.extend (toolbar_item) create toolbar_item create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("circle_layout.png") toolbar_item.select_actions.extend (agent layout_circle) toolbar_item.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) toolbar_item.set_tooltip (apply_circle_layout) standard_toolbar.extend (toolbar_item) create toolbar_item create toolbar_pixmap toolbar_pixmap.set_with_named_file ("grid_layout.png") toolbar_item.select_actions.extend (agent layout_grid) toolbar_item.set_pixmap (toolbar_pixmap) toolbar_item.set_tooltip (apply_grid_layout) standard_toolbar.extend (toolbar_item) end create_statistic_objects -- Create statistic related objects do create node_label.make_with_text ("0") create link_label.make_with_text ("0") create draw_label.make_with_text ("?") create physics_label.make_with_text ("?") create iteration_label.make_with_text ("0") create theta_label.make_with_text ("0.0") create theta_selector.make_with_value_range (create {INTEGER_INTERVAL}.make (0, 100)) end build_statistic -- Populate `statistic_frame'. require statistic_frame_not_void: statistic_frame /= Void local table: EV_TABLE label: EV_LABEL do physics_count := 0 draw_count := 0 create table table.resize (2, 7) create label.make_with_text ("Number of Nodes:") table.add (label, 1, 1, 1, 1) create label.make_with_text ("Number of Links:") table.add (label, 1, 2, 1, 1) create label.make_with_text ("Draw time (ms):") table.add (label, 1, 3, 1, 1) create label.make_with_text ("Physics time (ms):") table.add (label, 1, 4, 1, 1) create label.make_with_text ("Iterations:") table.add (label, 1, 5, 1, 1) create label.make_with_text ("Theta average:") table.add (label, 1, 6, 1, 1) create label.make_with_text ("Theta: ") table.add (label, 1, 7, 1, 1) node_label.align_text_left table.add (node_label, 2, 1, 1, 1) link_label.align_text_left table.add (link_label, 2, 2, 1, 1) draw_label.align_text_left table.add (draw_label, 2, 3, 1, 1) physics_label.align_text_left table.add (physics_label, 2, 4, 1, 1) iteration_label.align_text_left table.add (iteration_label, 2, 5, 1, 1) theta_label.align_text_left table.add (theta_label, 2, 6, 1, 1) theta_selector.set_value (25) theta_selector.change_actions.extend (agent on_theta_change) table.add (theta_selector, 2, 7, 1, 1) statistic_frame.extend (table) end feature -- Access world: EG_FIGURE_WORLD -- The world allowing to manipulate the graph. small_world: EG_FIGURE_WORLD -- The small world with force directed physic. graph: EG_GRAPH -- The graph showen in both `world' and `small_world'. physics_layout: EG_FORCE_DIRECTED_LAYOUT -- Force directed layout circle_layout: EG_CIRCLE_LAYOUT -- Layout to arrange nodes in a circle. grid_layout: EG_GRID_LAYOUT -- Layout to arrange nodes in a grid. node_counter: INTEGER -- Number of nodes in the graph. feature {NONE} -- Implementation model_cell: WORLD_CELL -- The cell allowing to edit the graph. view_cell: WORLD_CELL -- The cell with the force directed graph. feature {NONE} -- Add nodes add_node (ax, ay: INTEGER) -- Add a new node to `graph' position it at (`ax', `ay') in `world'. local new_node: EG_NODE do node_counter := node_counter + 1 -- Create the node create new_node new_node.set_name ("NODE_" + node_counter.out) -- Add it to the graph graph.add_node (new_node) -- Place the new figure at (`ax', `ay') in `world'. if attached world.figure_from_model (new_node) as fig then fig.set_point_position (ax, ay) -- Make new node figure a drop target fig.set_accept_cursor (accept_node) fig.set_deny_cursor (deny_node) fig.drop_actions.extend (agent on_link_drop (?, new_node)) -- Make new node figure pickable fig.set_pebble (create {NODE_STONE}.make (new_node)) end -- Hide label of simple nodes if attached small_world.figure_from_model (new_node) as fig then fig.hide_label -- Position the simple node at some random position fig.set_point_position (300 - random.next_item_in_range (0, 200), 300 - random.next_item_in_range (0, 200) ) -- Make sure physics is restarted when a simple node is moved fig.move_actions.extend (agent on_small_move) end physics_layout.reset end add_link (n1, n2: EG_LINKABLE) -- Add a link to `graph' connecting `n1' with `n2'. require n1_not_void: n1 /= Void n2_not_void: n2 /= Void local link: EG_LINK do create link.make_directed_with_source_and_target (n1, n2) graph.add_link (link) if attached {EG_SIMPLE_LINK} small_world.figure_from_model (link) as simple_link then simple_link.set_arrow_size (4) else check is_simple_link: False end end end add_random_nodes (nb: INTEGER) -- Add `nb' nodes to the graph. local i: INTEGER l_nodes: LIST [EG_LINKABLE] n1, n2: EG_LINKABLE do from i := 1 until i > nb loop add_node (random.next_item_in_range (0, model_cell.width), random.next_item_in_range (0, model_cell.height)) i := i + 1 end from i := 1 l_nodes := graph.flat_nodes until i > nb * 2 loop n1 := l_nodes.i_th (random.next_item_in_range (1, l_nodes.count)) n2 := l_nodes.i_th (random.next_item_in_range (1, l_nodes.count)) add_link (n1, n2) i := i + 1 end from l_nodes := graph.flat_nodes l_nodes.start until l_nodes.after loop n1 := l_nodes.item if n1.links.is_empty then n2 := l_nodes.i_th (random.next_item_in_range (1, l_nodes.count)) add_link (n1, n2) end l_nodes.forth end draw_count := 1 draw_time := 0 physics_count := 1 physics_time := 0 iterations := 0 end random: RANGED_RANDOM once create Result.make end feature {NONE} -- Animation timer: EV_TIMEOUT -- Timer for `on_time_out'. on_time_out -- Timeout: layout physics and calculate time for statistics. local l_cpu: INTEGER do if not physics_layout.is_stopped then if physics_count >= max_count then physics_count := 0 physics_time := 0 end l_cpu := cpu_ticks physics_layout.layout physics_time := physics_time + (cpu_ticks - l_cpu) physics_count := physics_count + 1 iterations := iterations + 1 end if not graph.is_empty and then not physics_layout.is_stopped then view_cell.fit_to_screen end if draw_count >= max_count then draw_count := 0 draw_time := 0 end l_cpu := cpu_ticks view_cell.projector.full_project draw_time := draw_time + (cpu_ticks - l_cpu) draw_count := draw_count + 1 update_statistic end feature {NONE} -- Pick and drop new node explain -- Explain how the new node button works. local dialog: EV_INFORMATION_DIALOG do create dialog.make_with_text ("Pick and drop this button to add a new node") dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) end drop_new_node (stone: NEW_NODE_STONE) -- A new node stone was droped on `Current'. local drop_x, drop_y: INTEGER do drop_x := model_cell.pointer_position.x drop_y := model_cell.pointer_position.y add_node (drop_x, drop_y) iterations := 0 end on_link_drop (a_stone: NODE_STONE; a_node: EG_NODE) -- `a_stone' was droped on `a_node'. local other: EG_NODE do other := a_stone.node graph.add_link (create {EG_LINK}.make_directed_with_source_and_target (other, a_node)) if physics_layout.is_stopped then physics_layout.reset iterations := 0 end end on_small_move (ax, ay: INTEGER; x_tilt, y_tilt, pressure: DOUBLE; ascreen_x, ascreen_y: INTEGER) -- A small figure node was moved. do if physics_layout.is_stopped then physics_layout.reset iterations := 0 end end feature {NONE} -- Statistic statistic_frame: EV_FRAME -- Frame showing the statistic informations. update_statistic -- Update `statistic_frame'. do node_label.set_text (node_counter.out) link_label.set_text (graph.flat_links.count.out) if draw_count /= 0 then draw_label.set_text ((draw_time / draw_count).rounded.out) end if not physics_layout.is_stopped then if physics_count /= 0 then physics_label.set_text ((physics_time / physics_count).rounded.out) end theta_label.set_text (physics_layout.last_theta_average.out) else physics_label.set_text ("Stopped") end iteration_label.set_text (iterations.out) end draw_count, physics_count: INTEGER max_count: INTEGER = 10 draw_time, physics_time: INTEGER link_label, node_label, draw_label, physics_label, iteration_label, theta_label: EV_LABEL iterations: INTEGER theta_selector: EV_HORIZONTAL_RANGE on_theta_change (a_value: INTEGER) -- User changed theta. do physics_layout.set_theta (a_value) physics_layout.reset end feature {NONE} -- Save/retrive on_save -- User selected save. do if attached last_file_name as l_name then save (l_name) else on_save_as end end on_save_as -- Save as was selected. local dialog: EV_FILE_SAVE_DIALOG file_name, ext: STRING do create dialog dialog.filters.extend (["*.xml", "XML File"]) dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) file_name := dialog.file_name if file_name.count > 4 then ext := file_name.substring (file_name.count - 3, file_name.count) ext.to_lower if not ext.is_equal (".xml") then file_name := file_name + ".xml" end elseif file_name.count > 0 then file_name := file_name + ".xml" end if file_name.count > 0 then last_file_name := file_name save (file_name) end end last_file_name: detachable STRING -- last used file name. save (file_name: STRING) -- Save `buffer' to `file'. require file_name_exists: file_name /= Void local ptf: RAW_FILE do create ptf.make_open_write (file_name) (ptf) end on_open -- User selected open. local dialog: EV_FILE_OPEN_DIALOG l_nodes: LIST [EG_LINKABLE_FIGURE] l_item: EG_LINKABLE_FIGURE do create dialog dialog.filters.extend (["*.xml", "XML File"]) dialog.show_modal_to_window (Current) if attached dialog.file_name as l_dialog_file_name then last_file_name := l_dialog_file_name load (l_dialog_file_name) from l_nodes := small_world.flat_nodes l_nodes.start until l_nodes.after loop l_item := l_nodes.item if l_item.is_label_shown then l_item.hide_label end l_item.move_actions.extend (agent on_small_move) l_item.set_point_position (300 - random.next_item_in_range (0, 200), 300 - random.next_item_in_range (0, 200)) l_nodes.forth end if physics_layout.is_stopped then physics_layout.reset iterations := 0 end end end load (file_name: STRING) -- Load file with `file_name'. require file_name_exists: file_name /= Void local ptf: RAW_FILE do create ptf.make_open_read (file_name) graph.wipe_out world.retrieve (ptf) world.full_redraw small_world.full_redraw node_counter := graph.flat_nodes.count end feature {NONE} -- New on_new -- New was selected by user. do last_file_name := Void node_counter := 0 graph.wipe_out world.full_redraw small_world.full_redraw end feature {NONE} -- Layouts layout_circle -- Layout nodes in `world' in a circle. do circle_layout.set_center (model_cell.width // 2, model_cell.height // 2) circle_layout.set_radius ((model_cell.width // 2 - 50).min (model_cell.height // 2 - 50)) circle_layout.layout end layout_grid -- Layout nodes in `world' in a grid. local math: DOUBLE_MATH noc: INTEGER do create math noc := math.sqrt(node_counter).ceiling grid_layout.set_number_of_columns (noc) grid_layout.set_point_a_position (50, 50) grid_layout.set_point_b_position (model_cell.width - 50, model_cell.height - 50) grid_layout.layout end feature {NONE} -- Implementation time: C_DATE -- Time to messure the speed. once create Result end cpu_ticks: INTEGER do time.update Result := time.millisecond_now + time.second_now * 1000 + time.minute_now * 60000 end accept_node: EV_POINTER_STYLE local pix: EV_PIXMAP once create pix pix.set_with_named_file ("node.png") create Result.make_with_pixmap (pix, 8, 8) end deny_node: EV_POINTER_STYLE local pix: EV_PIXMAP once create pix pix.set_with_named_file ("Xnode.png") create Result.make_with_pixmap (pix, 8, 8) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class GRAPH_MAIN_WINDOW