note description: "LISTVIEW class of the WEL example : List_view." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "" revision: "" class LISTVIEW inherit WEL_LIST_VIEW redefine make, on_lvn_begindrag, on_lvn_beginlabeledit, on_lvn_beginrdrag, on_lvn_columnclick, on_lvn_deleteallitems, on_lvn_deleteitem, on_lvn_endlabeledit, on_lvn_getdispinfo, on_lvn_insertitem, on_lvn_itemchanged, on_lvn_itemchanging, on_lvn_keydown, on_lvn_setdispinfo, on_left_button_up, on_left_button_double_click, on_left_button_down end APPLICATION_IDS export {NONE} all end WEL_ILC_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_parent: WEL_WINDOW; a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height, an_id: INTEGER) -- Create the tree and some items in it. local column: WEL_LIST_VIEW_COLUMN litem: WEL_LIST_VIEW_ITEM image_list: WEL_IMAGE_LIST small_image_list: WEL_IMAGE_LIST an_icon: WEL_ICON image_red: INTEGER image_blue: INTEGER image_green: INTEGER image_magenta: INTEGER background_color: WEL_COLOR_REF do Precursor {WEL_LIST_VIEW} (a_parent, a_x, a_y, a_width, a_height, an_id) -- create the image list create image_list.make (Large_image_width, Large_image_height, Ilc_color4, True) create small_image_list.make (Small_image_width, Small_image_height, Ilc_color4, True) -- First match the background color of the imagelist with -- the background color of the list view. create background_color.make_system (Color_window) image_list.set_background_color (background_color) small_image_list.set_background_color (background_color) -- Add icons to the image list. create an_icon.make_by_id (Idi_red) image_list.add_icon (an_icon) small_image_list.add_icon (an_icon) -- ensure that the small and the large icons are -- at the same index. check image_list.last_position = small_image_list.last_position end image_red := image_list.last_position create an_icon.make_by_id (Idi_blue) image_list.add_icon (an_icon) small_image_list.add_icon (an_icon) check image_list.last_position = small_image_list.last_position end image_blue := image_list.last_position create an_icon.make_by_id (Idi_green) image_list.add_icon (an_icon) small_image_list.add_icon (an_icon) check image_list.last_position = small_image_list.last_position end image_green := image_list.last_position create an_icon.make_by_id (Idi_magenta) image_list.add_icon (an_icon) small_image_list.add_icon (an_icon) check image_list.last_position = small_image_list.last_position end image_magenta := image_list.last_position -- set the image list set_small_image_list (small_image_list) set_image_list (image_list) -- We add the columns create column.make column.set_width (80) column.set_alignment (Lvcfmt_left) column.set_text ("Left") append_column (column) create column.make column.set_width (80) column.set_alignment (Lvcfmt_center) column.set_text ("Center") append_column (column) create column.make column.set_width (80) column.set_alignment (Lvcfmt_right) column.set_text ("Right") append_column (column) create column.make column.set_width (80) column.set_alignment (Lvcfmt_justifymask) column.set_text ("Justify") append_column (column) -- We add the items in the first row create litem.make litem.set_text ("Item 1 : 0,0") litem.set_image (image_red) insert_item (litem) set_cell_text (1, 0, "1,0") set_cell_text (2, 0, "2,0") set_cell_text (3, 0, "3,0") -- We add the items in the second row create litem.make litem.set_text ("Item 2 : 0,1") litem.set_image (image_blue) litem.set_iitem (1) insert_item (litem) set_cell_text (1, 1, "1,1") set_cell_text (2, 1, "2,1") set_cell_text (3, 1, "3,1") -- We add the items in the third row create litem.make litem.set_text ("Item 3 : 0,2") litem.set_image (image_green) litem.set_iitem (2) insert_item (litem) set_cell_text (1, 2, "1,2") set_cell_text (2, 2, "2,2") set_cell_text (3, 2, "3,2") -- We add the items in the forth row create litem.make litem.set_iitem (3) litem.set_text ("Item 4 : 0,3") litem.set_image (image_magenta) insert_item (litem) set_cell_text (1, 3, "1,3") set_cell_text (2, 3, "2,3") set_cell_text (3, 3, "3,3") end feature -- Access item_output: detachable WEL_STATIC mess_output: detachable WEL_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST_BOX feature -- Element change set_item_output (static: WEL_STATIC) -- Make `static' the new output. do item_output := static end set_mess_output (list: WEL_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST_BOX) -- Make `static' the new output. do mess_output := list end add_mess_output (str: STRING) -- Add a message to the output. do if attached mess_output as l_mess_output then l_mess_output.add_string (str) l_mess_output.set_top_index (l_mess_output.count - 1) end end feature -- Notifications on_lvn_begindrag (info: WEL_NM_LIST_VIEW) -- A drag-and-drop operation involving the left mouse -- button is being initiated. do add_mess_output ("Begin dragging") end on_lvn_beginlabeledit (info: WEL_LIST_VIEW_ITEM) -- A label editing for an item has started. do add_mess_output ("Begin editing label") end on_lvn_beginrdrag (info: WEL_NM_LIST_VIEW) -- A drag-and-drop operation involving the right mouse -- button is being initiated. do add_mess_output ("Begin right dragging") end on_lvn_columnclick (info: WEL_NM_LIST_VIEW) -- A column was tapped. do add_mess_output ("Column clicked") end on_lvn_deleteallitems (info: WEL_NM_LIST_VIEW) -- All the items were deleted. do add_mess_output ("All items deleted") end on_lvn_deleteitem (info: WEL_NM_LIST_VIEW) -- An item was deleted. do add_mess_output ("One item deleted") end on_lvn_endlabeledit (info: WEL_LIST_VIEW_ITEM) -- A label editing for an item has ended. do add_mess_output ("End editing label") end on_lvn_getdispinfo (info: WEL_LIST_VIEW_ITEM) -- It is a request for the parent window to -- provide information needed to display or -- sort a list view item. do add_mess_output ("Get disp info") end on_lvn_insertitem (info: WEL_NM_LIST_VIEW) -- A new item was inserted. do add_mess_output ("Insert item") end on_lvn_itemchanged (info: WEL_NM_LIST_VIEW) -- An item has changed. local lvitem: WEL_LIST_VIEW_ITEM do add_mess_output ("Item changed") if flag_set (info.unewstate, Lvis_selected) and not flag_set (info.uoldstate, Lvis_selected) then lvitem := get_item (info.iitem, info.isubitem) if attached item_output as l_item_output then l_item_output.set_text (lvitem.text) end end end on_lvn_itemchanging (info: WEL_NM_LIST_VIEW) -- An item is changing do add_mess_output ("Item changing") end on_lvn_keydown (virtual_key: INTEGER) -- A key has been pressed. do add_mess_output ("Key pressed :") if attached item_output as l_item_output then l_item_output.set_text (virtual_key.out) end end on_lvn_setdispinfo (info: WEL_LIST_VIEW_ITEM) -- The list must update the information it maintains -- for an item. do add_mess_output ("Set disp info") end on_left_button_up (keys, x_pos, y_pos: INTEGER) -- Wm_lbuttonup message -- See class WEL_MK_CONSTANTS for `keys' value do add_mess_output ("Left button up") end on_left_button_double_click (keys, x_pos, y_pos: INTEGER) -- Wm_lbuttonup message -- See class WEL_MK_CONSTANTS for `keys' value do add_mess_output ("Left button double click") end on_left_button_down (keys, x_pos, y_pos: INTEGER) -- Wm_lbuttonup message -- See class WEL_MK_CONSTANTS for `keys' value do add_mess_output ("Left button down") end feature -- Changing the style current_type: INTEGER -- Current style of the list. change_style -- Change the style of the listview. local value: INTEGER do value := Ws_visible + Ws_child + Ws_group + Ws_tabstop + Ws_border + Ws_clipchildren + Lvs_showselalways inspect current_type when 0 then set_style (value + Lvs_list) current_type := current_type + 1 when 1 then set_style (value + Lvs_icon) current_type := current_type + 1 when 2 then set_style (value + Lvs_smallicon) current_type := current_type + 1 when 3 then set_style (value + Lvs_report) current_type := 0 end end feature {NONE} -- Private Constants Small_image_width, Small_image_height : INTEGER = 16 -- Size of small icons, as displayed in the list view, the -- details view and the small icon view Large_image_width, Large_image_height : INTEGER = 32; -- Size of large icons, as displayed in the large -- icon view note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class LISTVIEW