note legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." class MAIN_WINDOW inherit WEL_FRAME_WINDOW redefine class_icon, on_menu_command, on_control_id_command, on_size, default_process_message end APPLICATION_IDS export {NONE} all end WEL_TTN_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_CF_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_IDB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_STANDARD_TOOL_BAR_BITMAP_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make local bitmap_index1, bitmap_index2: INTEGER l_tool_bar_bitmap: like tool_bar_bitmap l_tool_bar: like tool_bar do create tool_bar_buttons.make (18) make_top (Title) set_menu (main_menu) resize (400, 350) -- Create a rich edit control create rich_edit.make (Current, "", 0, 35, 200, 200, -1) -- Create a toolbar and buttons create l_tool_bar.make (Current, -1) tool_bar := l_tool_bar create l_tool_bar_bitmap.make_by_predefined_id (Idb_std_small_color) -- For GC reference standard_tool_bar_bitmap := l_tool_bar_bitmap l_tool_bar.add_bitmaps (l_tool_bar_bitmap, 1) bitmap_index1 := l_tool_bar.last_bitmap_index create l_tool_bar_bitmap.make (Bmp_toolbar) -- For GC reference tool_bar_bitmap := l_tool_bar_bitmap l_tool_bar.add_bitmaps (l_tool_bar_bitmap, 1) bitmap_index2 := l_tool_bar.last_bitmap_index tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_button (bitmap_index1 + Std_filenew, Cmd_new)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_button (bitmap_index1 + Std_fileopen, Cmd_open)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_button (bitmap_index1 + Std_filesave, Cmd_save)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_separator) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_button (bitmap_index1 + Std_print, Cmd_print)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_separator) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_check (bitmap_index2 + 0, Cmd_bold)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_check (bitmap_index2 + 1, Cmd_italic)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_check (bitmap_index2 + 2, Cmd_underline)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_separator) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_button (bitmap_index2 + 3, Cmd_font)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_button (bitmap_index2 + 4, Cmd_color)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_separator) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_check_group (bitmap_index2 + 5, Cmd_left)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_check_group (bitmap_index2 + 6, Cmd_center)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_check_group (bitmap_index2 + 7, Cmd_right)) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_separator) tool_bar_buttons.extend (create {WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON}.make_check (bitmap_index2 + 8, Cmd_bullet)) l_tool_bar.add_buttons (tool_bar_buttons.to_array) on_menu_command (Cmd_new) ensure tool_bar_attached: tool_bar /= Void rich_edit_attached: rich_edit /= Void end feature -- Access file_name: detachable PATH -- File name of the active document tool_bar: detachable WEL_TOOL_BAR -- Window's tool bar tool_bar_bitmap, standard_tool_bar_bitmap: detachable WEL_TOOL_BAR_BITMAP -- Tool bar Bitmaps tool_bar_buttons: ARRAYED_LIST [WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON] -- Tool bar buttons rich_edit: detachable WEL_RICH_EDIT -- Rich edit control feature {NONE} -- Implementation default_process_message (msg: INTEGER; wparam, lparam: POINTER) -- Draw the tooltips. local tt: WEL_TOOLTIP_TEXT do if msg = Wm_notify then create tt.make_by_pointer (lparam) if tt.hdr.code = Ttn_needtext then -- Set resource string id. tt.set_text_id (tt.hdr.id_from) end end end on_menu_command (menu_id: INTEGER) -- Execute the command identified by `menu_id'. local file: RAW_FILE l_file_name: like file_name char_format: WEL_CHARACTER_FORMAT para_format: WEL_PARAGRAPH_FORMAT l_tool_bar: like tool_bar l_rich_edit: like rich_edit do l_tool_bar := tool_bar l_rich_edit := rich_edit -- Per creation procedure postcondition and the fact we never reset it to Void. check l_tool_bar_attached: l_tool_bar /= Void l_rich_edit_attached: l_rich_edit /= Void end inspect menu_id when Cmd_exit then destroy when Cmd_new then l_rich_edit.clear file_name := Void set_window_title create char_format.make char_format.set_face_name ("Arial") char_format.set_height_in_points (10) char_format.unset_bold l_rich_edit.set_character_format_selection (char_format) when Cmd_open then open_file_dialog.activate (Current) if open_file_dialog.selected then l_file_name := open_file_dialog.file_path file_name := l_file_name create file.make_with_path (l_file_name) file.open_read if l_file_name.has_extension ("txt") then l_rich_edit.load_text_file (file) else l_rich_edit.load_rtf_file (file) end set_window_title l_rich_edit.set_text_limit ((l_rich_edit.text_length * 2).max (32000)) end when Cmd_save then l_file_name := file_name if l_file_name /= Void then create file.make_with_path (l_file_name) file.create_read_write if l_file_name.has_extension ("txt") then l_rich_edit.save_text_file (file) else l_rich_edit.save_rtf_file (file) end else on_menu_command (Cmd_save_as) end when Cmd_save_as then save_file_dialog.activate (Current) if save_file_dialog.selected then l_file_name := save_file_dialog.file_path file_name := l_file_name set_window_title create file.make_with_path (l_file_name) file.create_read_write if l_file_name.has_extension ("txt") then l_rich_edit.save_text_file (file) else l_rich_edit.save_rtf_file (file) end end when Cmd_print then print_dialog.activate (Current) if print_dialog.selected then l_rich_edit.print_all (print_dialog.dc, "Rich edit example") end when Cmd_bold then create char_format.make if l_tool_bar.button_checked (Cmd_bold) then char_format.set_bold else char_format.unset_bold end l_rich_edit.set_character_format_selection (char_format) when Cmd_italic then create char_format.make if l_tool_bar.button_checked (Cmd_italic) then char_format.set_italic else char_format.unset_italic end l_rich_edit.set_character_format_selection (char_format) when Cmd_underline then create char_format.make if l_tool_bar.button_checked (Cmd_underline) then char_format.set_underline else char_format.unset_underline end l_rich_edit.set_character_format_selection (char_format) when Cmd_font then choose_font.activate (Current) choose_font.add_flag (Cf_ttonly) if choose_font.selected then create char_format.make char_format.set_face_name (choose_font.log_font.face_name) char_format.set_height_in_points (choose_font.log_font.height_in_points) char_format.set_char_set (choose_font.log_font.char_set) char_format.set_pitch_and_family (choose_font.log_font.pitch_and_family) char_format.set_text_color (choose_font.color) if choose_font.log_font.italic then char_format.set_italic l_tool_bar.check_button (Cmd_italic) else char_format.unset_italic l_tool_bar.uncheck_button (Cmd_italic) end if choose_font.log_font.weight > 500 then char_format.set_bold l_tool_bar.check_button (Cmd_bold) else char_format.unset_bold l_tool_bar.uncheck_button (Cmd_bold) end l_rich_edit.set_character_format_selection (char_format) end when Cmd_color then choose_color.activate (Current) if choose_color.selected then create char_format.make char_format.set_text_color (choose_color.rgb_result) l_rich_edit.set_character_format_selection (char_format) end when Cmd_left then create para_format.make para_format.set_left_alignment l_rich_edit.set_paragraph_format (para_format) when Cmd_center then create para_format.make para_format.set_center_alignment l_rich_edit.set_paragraph_format (para_format) when Cmd_right then create para_format.make para_format.set_right_alignment l_rich_edit.set_paragraph_format (para_format) when Cmd_bullet then create para_format.make if l_tool_bar.button_checked (Cmd_bullet) then para_format.bullet_numbering else para_format.no_numbering end l_rich_edit.set_paragraph_format (para_format) else end end on_control_id_command (control_id: INTEGER) do on_menu_command (control_id) end on_size (size_type: INTEGER; a_width: INTEGER; a_height: INTEGER) -- Reposition the status window and the tool bar when -- the window has been resized. do if attached tool_bar as l_tool_bar then l_tool_bar.reposition end if attached rich_edit as l_rich_edit then l_rich_edit.resize (a_width, a_height - 40) end end choose_color: WEL_CHOOSE_COLOR_DIALOG -- Dialog box to choose a text color. once create Result.make ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end choose_font: WEL_CHOOSE_FONT_DIALOG -- Dialog box to choose a text font. once create Result.make ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end open_file_dialog: WEL_OPEN_FILE_DIALOG -- Dialog box to open a file. local ofn: WEL_OFN_CONSTANTS once create ofn create Result.make Result.set_default_extension ("txt") Result.set_filter (<<"Rich Text file (*.rtf)", "Text file (*.txt)">>, <<"*.rtf", "*.txt">>) Result.add_flag (ofn.Ofn_filemustexist) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end save_file_dialog: WEL_SAVE_FILE_DIALOG -- Dialog box to save a file. once create Result.make Result.set_default_extension ("txt") Result.set_filter (<<"Rich Text file (*.rtf)", "Text file (*.txt)">>, <<"*.rtf", "*.txt">>) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end print_dialog: WEL_PRINT_DIALOG -- Dialog box to select the printer. once create Result.make ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end set_window_title -- Set the window's title with `file_name'. local s: STRING_32 do s := Title.twin s.append_string_general (" - ") if attached file_name as l_file_name then s.append ( else s.append_string_general ("Untitled") end set_text (s) end class_icon: WEL_ICON -- Window's icon once create Result.make_by_id (Id_ico_application) end main_menu: WEL_MENU -- Window's menu once create Result.make_by_id (Id_main_menu) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end Title: STRING_32 = "WEL Rich edit"; -- Window's title note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class MAIN_WINDOW