#define ID_ICO_APPLICATION 1 #define BMP_TOOLBAR 1 #define ID_MAIN_MENU 1 #define CMD_NEW 1001 #define CMD_OPEN 1002 #define CMD_SAVE 1003 #define CMD_SAVE_AS 1004 #define CMD_PRINT 1005 #define CMD_EXIT 1006 #define CMD_BOLD 1007 #define CMD_ITALIC 1008 #define CMD_UNDERLINE 1009 #define CMD_FONT 1010 #define CMD_COLOR 1011 #define CMD_LEFT 1012 #define CMD_CENTER 1013 #define CMD_RIGHT 1014 #define CMD_BULLET 1015 ID_ICO_APPLICATION ICON "richedit_demo.ico" BMP_TOOLBAR BITMAP "toolbar.bmp" ID_MAIN_MENU MENU { POPUP "&File" { MENUITEM "&New", CMD_NEW MENUITEM "&Open...", CMD_OPEN MENUITEM "&Save", CMD_SAVE MENUITEM "Save &as...", CMD_SAVE_AS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Print...", CMD_PRINT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xit", CMD_EXIT } } STRINGTABLE { CMD_NEW, "Creates a new document" CMD_OPEN, "Opens an existing document" CMD_SAVE, "Saves the active document" CMD_SAVE_AS, "Saves the active document with a new name" CMD_PRINT, "Prints the active document" CMD_BOLD, "Bold" CMD_ITALIC, "Italic" CMD_UNDERLINE, "Underline" CMD_FONT, "Font" CMD_COLOR, "Color" CMD_LEFT, "Align left" CMD_CENTER, "Center" CMD_RIGHT, "Align right" CMD_BULLET, "Bullets" CMD_EXIT, "Quits the application" }