note legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." class MAIN_WINDOW inherit WEL_FRAME_WINDOW redefine class_background, on_menu_command, notify end APPLICATION_IDS export {NONE} all end WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES export {NONE} all end WEL_RICH_EDIT_STYLE_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_LANGUAGE_IDENTIFIERS export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make do create input_locales.make_filled (({POINTER}).default ,1, 0) create log_font.make (12, "Courrier New") make_top (Title) resize (800, 680) set_menu (main_menu) -- Labels create input_locale_text.make(Current, "Input locale", 35, 45, 200, 20, -1) create change_font_text.make(Current, "Font Type", 270, 45, 200, 20, -1) create ime_name_text.make (Current, "Name", 50, 130, 200, 20, -1) create ime_description_text.make (Current, "Description", 50, 170, 200, 20, -1) create ime_property_text.make (Current, "Property", 50, 210, 200, 20, -1) create ime_conversion_text.make (Current, "Conversion Mode", 250, 130, 200, 20, -1) create ime_title_text_info.make (Current, "", 55, 145, 200, 20, -1) create ime_name_text_info.make (Current, "", 55, 145, 200, 20, -1) create ime_description_text_info.make (Current, "", 55, 185, 200, 20, -1) create ime_property_text_info.make (Current, "", 55, 225, 200, 75, -1) create ime_conversion_text_info.make(Current, "", 255, 145, 160, 80, -1) -- IME Controls create ime_group_box.make (Current, "Input Method Editor (IME)", 15, 15, 700, 320, -1) create ime_display_group_box.make (Current, "Input Method Editor", 35, 105, 385, 200, -1) create avail_input_locales_combo.make(Current, 35, 65, 200, 250, -1) create font_list.make (Current, 270, 65, 150, 170, -1) create lang_edit.make (Current, "", 450, 65, 220, 200, -1) create configure_ime_button.make (Current, "Configure IME..", 250, 230, 100, 30, -1) create control_button.make (Current, "Apply to all controls", 450, 275, 150, 30, -1) -- Controls create group_box.make (Current, "Controls", 15, 365, 700, 220, -1) create button.make (Current, "Button", 35, 400, 75, 30, -1) create check_box.make (Current, "Check box", 35, 450, 100, 15, -1) create radio_button.make (Current, "Radio Button", 35, 490, 120, 15, -1) create drop_down_combo_box.make(Current, 35, 530, 150, 50, -1) create single_selection_list_box.make (Current, 225, 400, 180, 80, -1) create multi_selection_list_box.make (Current, 225, 500, 180, 80, -1) create tree_view.make (Current, 435, 400, 150, 155, -1) create imm.make init_display ensure imm_attached: imm /= Void avail_input_locales_combo_attached: avail_input_locales_combo /= Void end feature -- Access --IMM imm: detachable WEL_INPUT_METHOD_MANAGER input_locale: POINTER input_locales: ARRAY[POINTER] --Font log_font: WEL_LOG_FONT wel_font: detachable WEL_FONT --IME Controls lang_edit: detachable WEL_RICH_EDIT font_list: detachable WEL_DROP_DOWN_LIST_COMBO_BOX avail_input_locales_combo: detachable WEL_DROP_DOWN_LIST_COMBO_BOX configure_ime_button: detachable WEL_PUSH_BUTTON ime_group_box: detachable WEL_GROUP_BOX ime_display_group_box: detachable WEL_GROUP_BOX --Wel controls button: detachable WEL_PUSH_BUTTON control_button: detachable WEL_PUSH_BUTTON check_box: detachable WEL_CHECK_BOX group_box: detachable WEL_GROUP_BOX radio_button: detachable WEL_RADIO_BUTTON drop_down_combo_box: detachable WEL_DROP_DOWN_LIST_COMBO_BOX single_selection_list_box: detachable WEL_SINGLE_SELECTION_LIST_BOX multi_selection_list_box: detachable WEL_MULTIPLE_SELECTION_LIST_BOX tree_view: detachable WEL_TREE_VIEW --Labels input_locale_text, change_font_text: detachable DISPLAY_TEXT ime_name_text, ime_description_text, ime_property_text, ime_conversion_text: detachable DISPLAY_TEXT ime_title_text_info, ime_name_text_info, ime_description_text_info, ime_property_text_info, ime_conversion_text_info: detachable DISPLAY_TEXT main_menu: WEL_MENU -- Windows main menu created from resource once create Result.make_by_id (Idr_menu1_constant) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation on_menu_command (menu_id: INTEGER) -- Perform menu command actions local conv_mode, wel_const: INTEGER l_imm: like imm l_lang_edit: like lang_edit l_input_editor: detachable WEL_INPUT_METHOD_EDITOR do l_imm := imm l_lang_edit := lang_edit check l_imm_attached: l_imm /= Void l_lang_edit_attached: l_lang_edit /= Void end l_imm.get_input_context (l_lang_edit.item) l_input_editor := l_imm.input_method_editor check l_input_editor_not_void: l_input_editor /= Void end l_input_editor.get_conversion_status conv_mode := l_input_editor.conversion_mode inspect menu_id when Idsoftkeyboard_constant then wel_const := {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_softkbd if (conv_mode.bit_and (wel_const) = wel_const) then l_input_editor.set_conversion_status (conv_mode.bit_and (wel_const.bit_not)) else l_input_editor.set_conversion_status (conv_mode.bit_or (wel_const)) end when Idshapefull_constant then wel_const := {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_fullshape if not (conv_mode.bit_and (wel_const) = wel_const) then l_input_editor.set_conversion_status (conv_mode.bit_or (wel_const)) end when Idshapehalf_constant then wel_const := {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_fullshape if (conv_mode.bit_and (wel_const) = wel_const) then l_input_editor.set_conversion_status (conv_mode.bit_and (wel_const.bit_not)) end when Idnative_constant then wel_const := {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_native if not (conv_mode.bit_and (wel_const) = wel_const) then l_input_editor.set_conversion_status (conv_mode.bit_or (wel_const)) end when Idalphanumeric_constant then wel_const := {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_native if (conv_mode.bit_and (wel_const) = wel_const) then l_input_editor.set_conversion_status (conv_mode.bit_and (wel_const.bit_not)) end end l_imm.release_input_context (l_lang_edit.item) refresh end notify (control: WEL_CONTROL; notify_code: INTEGER) -- Notification loop local tmp_str: STRING_32 cnt: INTEGER l_avail_input_locales_combo: like avail_input_locales_combo do if control = font_list then if attached font_list as l_font_list then create log_font.make (14, l_font_list.selected_string) change_font (log_font) end elseif control = avail_input_locales_combo then l_avail_input_locales_combo := avail_input_locales_combo -- Per creation routine postcondition and stable attribute property. check l_avail_input_locales_combo_attached: l_avail_input_locales_combo /= Void end from cnt := 0 until cnt = input_locales.count loop if l_avail_input_locales_combo.selected_item = cnt then input_locale := input_locales.item (cnt + 1) cnt := input_locales.count else cnt := cnt + 1 end end refresh elseif control = control_button then if attached lang_edit as l_lang_edit then if l_lang_edit.text.is_equal ("") then create tmp_str.make_from_string ("") else l_lang_edit.select_all tmp_str := l_lang_edit.selected_text end change_controls (tmp_str) end elseif control = configure_ime_button then if attached imm as l_imm and then l_imm.enabled and then l_imm.has_ime (l_imm.input_locale) then l_imm.ime_dialog_configure (item) else (create {WEL_MSG_BOX}.make).error_message_box (Void, "No Input Editor available", "IME not available") end end end class_background: WEL_BRUSH -- Standard window background color used to create the -- window class. -- Can be redefined to return a user-defined brush. once create Result.make_by_sys_color (Color_btnface + 1) end Title: STRING_32 -- Window's title do create Result.make_from_string ("Unicode Example") end init_display -- Initialise display do if attached font_list as l_font_list then l_font_list.add_string("MS Shell Dlg") l_font_list.add_string("Arial") l_font_list.add_string("Georgia") l_font_list.add_string("Narkisim") l_font_list.add_string("MS UI Gothic") l_font_list.add_string("Gulim") l_font_list.add_string("Bauhaus 93") l_font_list.select_item (0) create log_font.make (14, l_font_list.selected_string) change_font (log_font) init_controls end end init_menu -- Initialize the main menu do if attached imm as l_imm and then l_imm.has_ime (l_imm.input_locale) then main_menu.enable_item (Idalphanumeric_constant) main_menu.enable_item (Idsoftkeyboard_constant) main_menu.enable_item (Idshapehalf_constant) main_menu.enable_item (Idnative_constant) main_menu.enable_item (Idshapefull_constant) else main_menu.disable_item (Idalphanumeric_constant) main_menu.disable_item (Idsoftkeyboard_constant) main_menu.disable_item (Idshapehalf_constant) main_menu.disable_item (Idnative_constant) main_menu.disable_item (Idshapefull_constant) end end init_controls -- Initialize controls do init_menu init_locale_list init_tree_view if attached lang_edit as l_lang_edit then l_lang_edit.set_text ("Rich Edit control") l_lang_edit.hide_vertical_scroll_bar l_lang_edit.hide_horizontal_scroll_bar end if attached drop_down_combo_box as l_drop_down_combo_box then l_drop_down_combo_box.insert_string_at ("Drop down combo", 0) l_drop_down_combo_box.select_item (0) end if attached single_selection_list_box as l_single_selection_list_box then l_single_selection_list_box.insert_string_at ("Single Selection List Box", 0) end if attached multi_selection_list_box as l_multi_selection_list_box then l_multi_selection_list_box.insert_string_at ("Multiple Selection List Box", 0) l_multi_selection_list_box.insert_string_at ("Multiple Selection List Box", 1) end end init_locale_list -- Add the available input locales to the list local cnt, langid: INTEGER lang_string: detachable STRING_32 l_avail_input_locales_combo: like avail_input_locales_combo do if attached imm as l_imm then input_locales := l_imm.input_locales l_avail_input_locales_combo := avail_input_locales_combo -- Per creation routine postcondition and stable attribute property. check l_avail_input_locales_combo_attached: l_avail_input_locales_combo /= Void end from cnt := 1 until cnt = input_locales.count + 1 loop langid := l_imm.get_language_identifier (input_locales.item (cnt)) lang_string := identifiers.item (langid) if lang_string = Void then l_avail_input_locales_combo.add_string ("Unknown Language") else l_avail_input_locales_combo.add_string (lang_string) end cnt := cnt + 1 end l_avail_input_locales_combo.select_item (0) end end init_tree_view -- Initialise tree view control local l_tree_view: like tree_view handle, root_h: POINTER tree_view_insert_struct1, tree_view_insert_struct2, tree_view_insert_struct3: WEL_TREE_VIEW_INSERT_STRUCT tree_view_item1, tree_view_item2, tree_view_item3: WEL_TREE_VIEW_ITEM do l_tree_view := tree_view check l_tree_view_attached: l_tree_view /= Void end create tree_view_insert_struct1.make tree_view_insert_struct1.set_root create tree_view_item1.make tree_view_item1.set_text ("Tree View Control") tree_view_insert_struct1.set_tree_view_item (tree_view_item1) l_tree_view.insert_item (tree_view_insert_struct1) root_h := l_tree_view.last_item create tree_view_insert_struct2.make tree_view_insert_struct2.set_last tree_view_insert_struct2.set_parent (root_h) create tree_view_item2.make tree_view_item2.set_text ("Subtree 1") tree_view_insert_struct2.set_tree_view_item (tree_view_item2) l_tree_view.insert_item (tree_view_insert_struct2) handle := l_tree_view.last_item create tree_view_insert_struct3.make tree_view_insert_struct3.set_last tree_view_insert_struct3.set_parent (handle) create tree_view_item3.make tree_view_item3.set_text ("Item 1") tree_view_insert_struct3.set_tree_view_item (tree_view_item3) l_tree_view.insert_item (tree_view_insert_struct3) create tree_view_insert_struct3.make tree_view_insert_struct3.set_last tree_view_insert_struct3.set_parent (handle) create tree_view_item3.make tree_view_item3.set_text ("Item 2") tree_view_insert_struct3.set_tree_view_item (tree_view_item3) l_tree_view.insert_item (tree_view_insert_struct3) l_tree_view.select_item (tree_view_item1) end change_controls (str: STRING_32) -- Change the controls text to that of rich edit local tvitem: WEL_TREE_VIEW_ITEM do if attached button as l_button then l_button.set_text (str) end if attached check_box as l_check_box then l_check_box.set_text (str) end if attached radio_button as l_radio_button then l_radio_button.set_text (str) end if attached drop_down_combo_box as l_drop_down_combo_box then l_drop_down_combo_box.select_item (0) l_drop_down_combo_box.delete_string (0) l_drop_down_combo_box.insert_string_at (str, 0) l_drop_down_combo_box.select_item (0) end if attached single_selection_list_box as l_single_selection_list_box then l_single_selection_list_box.delete_string (0) l_single_selection_list_box.insert_string_at (str, 0) end if attached multi_selection_list_box as l_multi_selection_list_box then l_multi_selection_list_box.delete_string (0) l_multi_selection_list_box.insert_string_at (str, 0) l_multi_selection_list_box.delete_string (1) l_multi_selection_list_box.insert_string_at (str, 1) end if attached tree_view as l_tree_view then tvitem := l_tree_view.selected_item tvitem.set_text (str) l_tree_view.set_tree_item (tvitem) end end change_font (new_font: WEL_LOG_FONT) -- Change the font used by the application controls to 'new_font' local char_format: WEL_CHARACTER_FORMAT l_wel_font: like wel_font do if attached font_list as l_font_list then create char_format.make char_format.set_face_name (l_font_list.selected_string) create l_wel_font.make_indirect (new_font) wel_font := l_wel_font l_wel_font.set_indirect (new_font) if attached lang_edit as l_lang_edit and then l_lang_edit.text_length > 0 then l_lang_edit.select_all l_lang_edit.set_character_format_selection (char_format) end setup_ime_display end end setup_ime_display -- Initialise the display for the IME display information local l_imm: like imm l_wel_font: like wel_font do l_imm := imm l_wel_font := wel_font check l_wel_font_attached: l_wel_font /= Void end l_wel_font.set_indirect (log_font) if l_imm = Void or else not l_imm.has_ime (l_imm.input_locale) then --hide IME info since no IME loaded if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_name_text as w1 then w1.hide end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_description_text as w2 then w2.hide end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_property_text as w3 then w3.hide end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_conversion_text as w4 then w4.hide end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_name_text_info as w5 then w5.hide end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_description_text_info as w6 then w6.hide end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_property_text_info as w7 then w7.hide end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_conversion_text_info as w8 then w8.hide end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} configure_ime_button as w9 then w9.hide end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_title_text_info as w10 then w10.set_font (l_wel_font) w10.set_text ("- " + "No IME loaded") end else if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_title_text_info as w11 then w11.hide w11.set_font (l_wel_font) w11.clear end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_name_text as w12 then w12.set_font (l_wel_font) end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_name_text_info as w13 then w13.set_font (l_wel_font) w13.set_text ("- " + l_imm.ime_filename) end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_description_text as w14 then w14.set_font (l_wel_font) end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_description_text_info as w15 then w15.set_font (l_wel_font) w15.set_text ("- " + l_imm.ime_description) end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_property_text as w16 then w16.set_font (l_wel_font) end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_property_text_info as w17 then w17.set_font (l_wel_font) w17.set_text (ime_properties) end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_conversion_text as w18 then w18.set_font (l_wel_font) end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} ime_conversion_text_info as w19 then w19.set_font (l_wel_font) w19.set_text (ime_conversion_status) end if attached {DISPLAY_TEXT} configure_ime_button as w20 then w20.set_font (l_wel_font) end end if attached button as l_button then l_button.set_font (l_wel_font) end if attached check_box as l_check_box then l_check_box.set_font (l_wel_font) end if attached radio_button as l_radio_button then l_radio_button.set_font (l_wel_font) end if attached drop_down_combo_box as l_drop_down_combo_box then l_drop_down_combo_box.set_font (l_wel_font) end if attached single_selection_list_box as l_single_selection_list_box then l_single_selection_list_box.set_font (l_wel_font) end if attached multi_selection_list_box as l_multi_selection_list_box then l_multi_selection_list_box.set_font (l_wel_font) end if attached tree_view as l_tree_view then l_tree_view.set_font (l_wel_font) end end ime_properties: STRING_32 -- Parse the properties of the current IME into string format local tmp_prop: INTEGER tmp_string: STRING_32 l_imm: like imm do l_imm := imm check l_imm_attached: l_imm /= Void end create tmp_string.make (0) tmp_prop := l_imm.ime_property ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Igp_property) if (tmp_prop.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_prop_unicode) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_prop_unicode) then tmp_string.append ("- Unicode IME%N") else tmp_string.append ("- ANSI IME%N") end tmp_prop := l_imm.ime_property ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Igp_getimeversion) if (tmp_prop.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Imever_0310) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Imever_0310) then tmp_string.append ("- Windows 3.1 IME%N") else tmp_string.append ("- Windows 9x/Me IME%N") end tmp_prop := l_imm.ime_property ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Igp_setcompstr) if (tmp_prop.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Scs_cap_compstr) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Scs_cap_compstr) then tmp_string.append ("- Can set composition string%N") else tmp_string.append ("- Cannot set composition string%N") end tmp_prop := l_imm.ime_property ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Scs_cap_makeread) if (tmp_prop.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Scs_cap_makeread) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Scs_cap_makeread) then tmp_string.append ("- Can create reading string%N") else tmp_string.append ("- Cannot create reading string%N") end tmp_prop := l_imm.ime_property ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Scs_cap_setreconvertstring) if (tmp_prop.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Scs_cap_setreconvertstring) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Scs_cap_setreconvertstring) then tmp_string.append ("- Supports reconversion%N") else tmp_string.append ("- Does not support reconversion%N") end create Result.make_from_string (tmp_string) end ime_conversion_status: STRING_32 -- Parse the properties of the current IME conversion mode into string format local tmp_string: STRING_32 conv_mode, sent_mode: INTEGER l_imm: like imm l_lang_edit: like lang_edit l_input_editor: detachable WEL_INPUT_METHOD_EDITOR do l_imm := imm l_lang_edit := lang_edit check l_imm_attached: l_imm /= Void l_lang_edit_attached: l_lang_edit /= Void end create tmp_string.make (0) l_imm.get_input_context (l_lang_edit.item) l_input_editor := l_imm.input_method_editor check l_input_editor_not_void: l_input_editor /= Void end l_input_editor.get_conversion_status conv_mode := l_input_editor.conversion_mode sent_mode := l_input_editor.sentence_mode if (conv_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_eudc) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_eudc ) then tmp_string.append ("- EUDC Conversion%N") end if (conv_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_fixed) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_fixed ) then tmp_string.append ("- Fixed Conversion%N") end if (conv_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_fullshape) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_fullshape ) then tmp_string.append ("- Full shape mode%N") main_menu.check_item (Idshapefull_constant) main_menu.uncheck_item (Idshapehalf_constant) else tmp_string.append ("- Half shape mode%N") main_menu.check_item (Idshapehalf_constant) main_menu.uncheck_item (Idshapefull_constant) end if (conv_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_hanjaconvert) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_hanjaconvert ) then tmp_string.append ("- Hanja convert%N") end if (conv_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_katakana) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_katakana ) then tmp_string.append ("- Katakana%N") else tmp_string.append ("- Hiragana%N") end if (conv_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_native) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_native ) then tmp_string.append ("- Native mode%N") main_menu.check_item (Idnative_constant) main_menu.uncheck_item (Idalphanumeric_constant) else tmp_string.append ("- Alphanumeric Mode%N") main_menu.check_item (Idalphanumeric_constant) main_menu.uncheck_item (Idnative_constant) end if (conv_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_noconversion) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_noconversion ) then tmp_string.append ("- No conversion%N") end if (conv_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_roman) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_roman ) then tmp_string.append ("- Roman%N") end if (conv_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_softkbd) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_softkbd ) then tmp_string.append ("- Soft Keyboard%N") main_menu.check_item (Idsoftkeyboard_constant) else main_menu.uncheck_item (Idsoftkeyboard_constant) end if (conv_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_symbol) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_cmode_symbol ) then tmp_string.append ("- Symbol conversion%N") end if (sent_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_smode_automatic) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_smode_automatic ) then tmp_string.append ("- Automatic conversion%N") end if (sent_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_smode_none) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_smode_none ) then tmp_string.append ("- Using phrase information%N") end if (sent_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_smode_pluralclause) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_smode_pluralclause ) then tmp_string.append ("- Using plural clause information%N") end if (sent_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_smode_singleconvert) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_smode_singleconvert ) then tmp_string.append ("- Single-character conversion%N") end if (sent_mode.bit_and ({WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_smode_conversation) = {WEL_IME_CONSTANTS}.Ime_smode_conversation ) then tmp_string.append ("- Conversation mode%N") end l_imm.release_input_context (l_lang_edit.item) create Result.make_from_string (tmp_string) end refresh -- Refresh display do if attached imm as l_imm then l_imm.switch_input_locale (input_locale) end setup_ime_display init_menu end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class MAIN_WINDOW